Best FrEnemies (GirlxGirl)

By ReesaBabz

552K 15.8K 3.5K

When Taylor meets up with her EX-best friend after several years, they immediately spark off. Abby realizes t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Define... "Us"
Chapter 14
Chapter 16 - Big Moves
Chapter 17- A month and two Millionaires
Chapter 18 - Three Months and A Felony?
Chapter 19 - See you around.
Chapter 20 - Old me, Fake you.
Chapter 21- Groceries
Chapter 22- 'Posed to be.

Chapter 15 - Decisions, Decisions.

21.3K 562 144
By ReesaBabz




I grabbed the suitcase beside my bed and rolled it outside my room into the hallway.

“Do you have everything?” Abby wrapped her arms around me and asked.

I nodded and grabbed my macbook and packed it into the laptop bag before swinging it over my shoulder. I was definitely going to miss this room. I’ve lived in this house and this neighborhood all my life and I’ll be leaving for somewhere new in just a few minutes.

Abby and I have been spending lots of time together over the summer. Of course there were times when they were filming crucial scenes and I wouldn’t see her for an entire week and a half but we still skyped and I called her all the time. I would go visit her lots of times during the week when I had time but I’ve been really busy the days leading up to this big move.

Its like I’m transferring my entire life to Vancouver. I didn’t want to leave my mother home alone, but she’s recently started dating and it made me feel a little better about it. Ethan would be doing an extra course this year so that he has enough credits to come to the university next year.

I took one last glance around the bedroom before picking up my bags and leaving with Abby close behind me.

“Call me as soon as you settle into the dorm.” My mother said sniffling.

“Jeez mom, I’m only going to be a few hours away.” I rolled my eyes at her dramatics.

“Well you wont be here anymore so stop sassing me and give me a hug.” She wrapped her arms around me and I sighed. “You’ll miss my cooking.” She whispered evilly.

I groaned and dragged the suitcase outside packing it into the trunk. God. I had to be in Vancouver in time for orientation and traffic is going to be tight, I can feel it.

“Abby can we gooooo?” I rolled my eyes as she and my mother had a tearful goodbye, as if we wouldn’t be visiting soon. I waved at Ethan and got into the driver side of the car.

Abby joined me in the car and I drove off towards the highway.

“You know you’ll miss them. You were such a mommas girl,” Abigail giggled from her seat.

I ignored her and carried on driving but I knew it was true. My mother was the most important person in my life and she’s done such a good job raising me on her own. She gave me things that money could never buy and I would miss her. However, we both accepted the fact that it was time for me to make something of myself.

After about two hours we were finally nearing the university. Thank god too, because Abby hooked her phone up to the stereo in the car and has been singing off-key to Beyonce’s album the entire drive here. I drove into the student parking lot for the dorms and claimed a spot, finally cutting the car off.

Phew, no more singing.

“Yonce all on his mouth like liquor!” Abby continued singing even after the radio shut off.

I rolled my eyes and frowned. “PLEAAAASE.”

She giggled.

“I knew it was getting on your nerves,” she leaned over the seat and pecked my lips.

“You just love torturing me,” I licked her lips smirking when she shivered.

“Let’s go get you settled in.” she jumped out of the car quickly taking a bag with her.

I chuckled, she should know better. There’s no escaping me.

I grabbed the suitcase from the trunk and rolled it towards the building. Literally all the girls were gaping at me—and Abby—but mainly me or maybe it was just Abby.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

There was lots of whispering and flirty eyes but I quickly hurried into the elevator and grabbed Abigail with me just incase anyone pounced at us. I had gotten my hair trimmed yesterday and was wearing skinny jeans and one of my famous plaid shirts with the sleeves rolled up. My room was the second to last floor so we would be in the elevator for a while.

“I love these,” Abby whispered trailing her fingers over the tattoos on my arm.

I smirked, “I love when you touch them..” I lean over and kiss her, swiping my tongue across her lips.

Right when I was about to slip in, the elevator doors opened on my floor. Fuck.

We made our way down the hall and to my dorm. I swiped the key and allowed Abby to walk in first. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The place was huge, it literally looked like a high class apartment. I don’t know how much this thing costs but my dad is the one paying for it.

There were two rooms, that meant that I had a roommate.

I walked over to the room that wasn’t occupied and placed my things down. It was about half the size of my room back home but I still loved it.

“This is nice and cozy,” Abby said as she glanced around. “Your roommate is a girl I think.”

I rolled my eyes, “Well duh, they wouldn’t room me with a guy.”


“Awws are you jealous already? Don’t worry babe I’m sure whoever it is looks beastly compared to you.”

I pulled on the hem of her shirt and she saddled me on the bed. “How about we christen my new room?” I smirked, kissing on her neck.

She moaned, giggling. “No, we had a deal. None until after orientation.”

 I groaned at my sexual frustration before lifting us both off the bed. “Well lets get this over with, so I can get some.”

She smacked me upside my head frowning. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were only with me for the sex.”

“That’s true but as a bonus you’re really cute.”

“Taylor I’m going to kill you!” she began chasing me around the room. I dashed outside and ran into someone…a wet someone.

“Sorry about that,” I looked away from the girl who was naked under me.

She grinned, “Its no problem.”

Abby cleared her throat and I pulled myself up quickly. The girl wrapped her caramel skin with a towel before stretching out a hand to me.

“Bethany, but you can call me Beth.”

“Taylor.” I shook her hand, feeling Abigail’s eyes boring into me.

Whoever this girl was she was hot as fuck. I felt like I would be sharing a dorm with Zoe Saldana and I don’t know how I’m going to pull it off. I mean Abby and I are dating of course and are happy—for now—but this girl smelled like daisies and trouble.

“Abigail,” she greeted Beth.

“I know, you’re from that show. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

“Well we gotta get going now, nice meeting you too.” Abby dragged me away to orientation.

After sitting in the confrence room for about an hour, orientation was about wrapped up. We got a long tour of the campus and our schedules would have been sent to our school email addresses.

I took Abby for a bite to eat at this pizza place on campus then we headed back to the dorm. Let me just tell you, we received a lot of unwanted attention because of Abigail. I almost had to punch someone in the neck for trying to grab her ass.

“If you’re gonna be visiting me on campus often, you’re gonna need to stop looking so damn sexy.” I grumbled in the elevator like a child with my arms folded and my lips pouting.

Abby giggled, “Stop being such a baby. I have no interest in those hormonal teens.”

I rolled my eyes as we walked down the hall and I swiped the door open. “I’m a hormonal teen.”

Beth glanced up from the desk in the corner of the apartment/dorm and smirked at me. She was wearing pajama shorts and a cutoff top.

“I swear if you don’t stop looking at your roommate like a piece of BBQ chicken, im gonna smack the hormones right off you.” Abby pushed past me and walked into my room.

“Better be careful, your girl’s feisty.” Beth chuckled.

I smiled awkwardly and quickly stepped into the bedroom. Abby frowned at me, “Is she going to be a problem Taylor?”

“No. Im with you arent i?”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pecked her lips. “There’s only me and you.” I whispered.

She ran a hand through my curls and kissed me, deeply.

“I kinda love you.” She said softly.

“I kinda love you too. But im tired as shit from all this travelling and whatnot, lets take a nap.”

She snuggled into me in bed and it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep in my arms, with me falling right after.


A phone ringing dragged me out of my deep sleep. I rolled over and swiped the screen on my phone. It was literally about 12am. We slept all day.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey Abigail,” it was my manager. I stood from the bed and made my way to the bathroom so that I didn’t wake Taylor. “A producer came to me a few days ago with a movie script but I only just got a chance to read it. Let me tell you, this movie is gold. It’s action/adventure, and you’ll be acting alongside Bruce Willis.”

My breath hitched. It wasn’t the first movie deal I got offered, but it’s the first one with such a well known actor. This was great because I hadnt told Taylor that we were filming the last season of my show; it was cancelled. Now, I’d have a job after we finished filming.

“That’s great!” I told him excitedly, trying to whisper in the bathroom.

He continued telling me the synopsis of the movie and it got me even more riled up.

“You start filming in a month, right after you wrap up the show.”

I nodded,even though he couldn’t see me. “God, this is great Adam. Where is the location? California?”

“Actually…” he trailed off, “Its in Taiwan.”

. . . . .

The next morning I woke up with hives, I always did when I was panicking. I just wanted to get the hell out of that dorm as soon as possible so I could go home and weep in peace.

The best job ever in the worst possible place ever. I was just starting to enjoy Taylor, and she was just warming up to the idea of a relationship. After Adam told me about Taiwan I told him I’d need a bit of time to decide, so he gave me three weeks.

I ran a hand through my hair and stared at myself in the mirror. There was no way I could have gone back to sleep last night.

“You okay Abby?” Taylor wrapped her arms around my waist and stared at me in the mirror.

I opened my mouth to tell her about the job offer but nothing came out. After a few seconds I responded, “Yea im okay.”

Then she started kissing on my neck and I swear I almost came there and then. She knows all the spots that made me tingly. Taylor shifted my hair to the side, making sure to let her fingers brush my skin and I shivered.

“You like that?” she whispered in my ear, smirking.

I spun in her arms and bit down on my lip, moaning. “Mhmm…”

She all but lifted me and dragged me to the bedroom, and sat on the bed eyeing me with hunger in her dark eyes. I knew what she wanted.

I smirked and swayed my hips to imaginary music as I pulled my shirt off, slowly and sensually.

She chomped down on her lower lip, leaning back to get a better view of my chest. I turned around, staring at her through the mirror on her bedroom wall as I shimmied out of my jeans. It literally looked as if she was fighting with her damn self, deciding whether to enjoy the rest of the show or to fuck me now.

Grinning, I unclasped my bra and put it on her head then that was it. Taylor grabbed my hips and placed me on the bed, hovering over me.

“” she whispered against my lips, capturing them.

I moaned, tangling my fingers in her short curls as she almost tore the panties right off me.

My back arched at the feel of her warm lips on my breast, toying with the pink tips. Everything felt so intense, I could barely catch my breath before she was kissing down my thighs. I didn’t want to think about all the practice she’s probably had because it would piss me off; what I did know was, she knew exactly what to do to push me to the edge.

Taylor pulled me to the edge of the bed and kissed my core—which probably felt like the atlantic ocean by now. I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply as she worked her tongue at my center. Soon she had two fingers inside me, switching up the pace as she rode me.

It literally felt like everything was happening at once, and It wasn’t long before my toes curled and my walls clenched as I climaxed.

Taylor peeked up from between my thighs, licking her lips.

“Yummy.” She smirked at my red face.

“You’re so cocky.” I pulled her head up for a kiss.

. . . .


Abby and I hadnt really made any arrangements as to when we’d see each other, considering we were both really busy since my classes started a few days ago, but this was getting out of hand.

Since orientation week, she hasn’t visited me at the dorm. The only time I would see her is when I showed up at her place, or when I only had morning classs and decided to show up at the set to take her to lunch.

And even then, it felt like she was witdrawing herself from me. I wasn’t sure if I did anything wrong, but I’d need to know. I was planning to go see her tonight so she could tell me exactly what was going on.

In other news, I’ve been settling in quite well at the university. I’ve made a few aquaintences—two or three guys—that I hang out with. One study group because lemme tell you, university work is no joke.

     A few girls have tried to get up under me but of course, regardless of the position my relationship was in, I didn’t want to fuck it up.

My roommate Beth is really cool—sexy—but she’s a real nerd on the inside. I swear we spent all day yesterday playing world of warcraft. And also, we went on a jobhunt.

Its Sunday and that meant that Abby wouldn’t be at work as late as she usually is. I was planning to buy takeout and head over to her apartment to surprise her later.

 I didn’t know why I was going out of my way to make this work, but I knew for a fact that what Abby and I have is one of the main reasons I’ve had such a big personality change ovoer the last few months.

 “Shitface, stop daydreaming!” Beth barged into my room, sitting at my desk. “Let’s go do something damn it! It’s the last day of the weekened.”

 “I told you I’m heading over to Abby’s soon.” I chuckled at her pouty face.

 “Youre soooo whipped.” She smiled, letting her dark hair fall from the ponytail.

I have to admit I stared at her a little longer than I’d initially planned to and it was making me uncomfortable. How weird was that?

I got up from the bed quickly and grabbed my wallet on dresser, stuffing it into my pants pocket.

“I gotta run!” I left the dorm and rode the elevator down to the lobby.

I drove over to Abby’s takeout place and get her favorite things before heading over to her apartment. I had a key of course, I wasn’t planning to sit in my car all night waiting for her. It was close as shit out here.

After parking in the lot, I headed up to Abby’s apartment and keyed the door. The apartment was bare, and dark. I turned the lights on and set the table. She should be home in half an hour, at least that’s what she told me.

I’ve been texting Sarah and Ethan as frequently as possible, just so they know I havennt forgotten them. We’re planning a big trip for the first vacation we get from UNI.

After about an hour and a half, I could feel how aggitated I’ve become. It was almost 10pm and Abby still wasn’t home. I began rolling up a joint.

I don’t know where she could possibly be, or why she hasn’t answered my texts and it was driving me crazy. For the first time I was dealing with something that I had no control over. I inhaled the joint sharply and laid back in the couch.

I immediately felt like a weight has been lifted all my shoulders. Like I literally couldn’t give a fuck anymore, about anything.

 Grabbing one of the takeout boxes, I popped the top and began devouring the chinese. I used my free hand to take up my car keys but I heard voices as I approached the door.

“Thanks for the ride, I don’t know what I’d do if you werent there.” Abby said.

I stepped back just in time for her to push the front door open.

“Taylor?” she asked surprised with Ben close behind her.

“Hey, I was just leaving.” I said walking past them.

“Why? I just got here?” She followed me down the hall.

“That is exactly why. I’ve been waiting for you here all fucking night Abigail. You didn’t even have the decency to throw a call at me.”


“I’m over it.”

I left her in the hallway and rode the elevator down. It was probably the weed that was telling me whatever she had to say couldn’t have been that important if she kept me waiting for so long.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I dialed a number that’s kinda grown on me. “Hey, do you still wanna do something tonight?”


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