broken home||c.h.

By 5SOSQuarantea

2.9K 222 472

"There was life, there was love, like a light and it's fading out" - In which a young girl is on a path to ge... More

1: Its always a good time
Part 2: You've got a friend in me
3: Beautiful Soul
4: Home Sweet Hotel
5: Falling all in you
7: I'm here alone inside of this broken home
8: Make it like your birthday everyday
9: You can count on me
10: You need to calm down
11: Close, ooh, oh so close, ooh
12: You make me feel like we're living a teenage dream
13: Best duo in LA since Kobe-Shaq
14: I'm just a teenage dirtbag
15: Two in a million, can't even begin to to find where I found you
16: We're living higher than high
17: Cause girls like you run around with guys like me
18: You're in New York, I'm in LA
19: I'm a sucker for you
20: That I can take away your hurt
21: I just can't take my eyes off you
22: California girls we're unforgetable
23: There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
24: Little bit of humble, little bit of cautious
25: I'm stuck with you
26: Everything comes naturally
27: You light me up inside like the 4th of july
28: We're looking for something dumb to do
29: Too rad, to get mad
30: Now the day bleeds into nightfall
31: Dancing through our house
32: With the Ghost of You
33: We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
34: Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages
35: Still Have Me
36: Found the nerve to say that
37: Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
38: But I won't forget the good times
39: Sometimes you don't know how bad it hurts...until it keeps you up at night
40: You look perfect tonight
41: Acting like I'm alright with someone new
42: I will remember how you kissed me
43: Passed love burned out like a cigarette
44: So I drown it out
45: Fight so dirty but you love so sweet
46:I promise darling you won't regret the best years
47: I'll give you the best years

6: Hey mom, hey dad, when did this end?

104 6 44
By 5SOSQuarantea

Molly's P.O.V

We finally reach Cal's house. At this point, I'm ready to crack open a beer.

These last few days have been hectic and stressful. However, I made it and that's all that matters.

Once we all get into the garage, the first thing we do is we all plop on the couches and let out a sigh.

"Damn, it's been a minute since I've been in here." I say.

"Huh, it has, hasn't it." Cal says.

"Guys, we may need a grocery trip." Luke says.

"Why is that the first thing you say as soon as we get on the couch?" I say annoyingly.

"Just saying it just to annoy you." Luke says and I do the usual. Throw the pillow. Damn, that's fun to do.

"How about we have ourselves a game night? There's a ton of board games in here, so, why not we have some fun." Cal says.

"But then we have to make that trip to the store." Michael, Ashton, and I say.

"Do you wanna have fun or not?" Cal says.

"Give us a few minutes." I say and we all end up falling asleep.

In our defense, it's been a long day for us all.

*A couple hours later*

So, it was about 6 something. The sun had set and I was the only one up.

So I decided to go walk around for a bit.

I headed upstairs to the living room.

It was the exact same before I stormed out of here 4-ish years ago.

The pictures in the frames in their aesthetic setting.

The rooms do look more in this aesthetic vibe. The living room has got a nice calm tone while the kitchen has a very vibrant pop to it.

It feels good after not being here for so many years.

I guess I owe Lyss. Her spirits kinda made this happen.

I feel like the 5-year-old when I'd come over to play after school in the backyard. Then the 11-year-old when we'd do the dumbest shit ever like science experiments that left marks on the table. Then the 14-year-old who came to hang out to just chill and get work done, and then the 17-year-old who hung around the garage with the guys when 5SOS came to be. Now I'm the 21-year-old where I haven't been here since I stormed off after defending my childhood friend about his future career.

So, I headed up to the room where I'd be in when we were in our middle school days.

Once I went in, it was like it never changed.

The poster of his favorite soccer player still above his bed frame.

The dresser which sat all of his trophies from his soccer league. But the most important part, there were 2 frames.

One was with him and the guys from probably when they first started with Ash. God, they were so young. Then the second frame was us two. The last photo we took before we both went our own ways.

It's crazy to think that much time has passed and yet here we are.

Calum's P.O.V

It was around 6 something and Molls wasn't here.

The others were still asleep, so I headed upstairs to get something. I went into the fridge and looks like Luke was right. We really do need to do that grocery trip.

I headed up to my room to get something, and then I start to hear someone. None other than Molls and her beautiful voice singing One Direction's Half a Heart.

I decided to stand where she wouldn't see me and I just listened to her voice.

"Though I try to get you out of my head

The truth is I got lost without you
And since then I've been waking up to

Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you

Without you, without you, half a heart without you
Without you, without you, I'm half a heart without you." She sings.

I peeked in the room to see where she was. She was on the chair, holding the frame with us two.

Wait a damn minute. I just had a lightbulb moment.

If Molls has this beautiful voice, she can open for us on tour. Why get someone somewhat famous when we have new blood.

So, I decided to startle her just to see her reaction.

"Whatcha doin?" I say and she jumps. Like she always does.

"Shit Cal. Why you gotta do that?" She says. Why do I like it when she swears.

"Wanted to see your reaction." I say.

"Rude. You could've knocked." She says and I let out a laugh.

"Do you remember who's room this is?" I asl and then she looks back at the frame.

"You know, I think we should take a more updated photo." I say.

"Which one? The one Michael took a week ago?" She says and we both laugh.

"If it helps me sleep at night then sure." I say as we both start to blush.

"Cal look up." She says.

"Huh?" I say and she takes a photo.

"There you go. Here's your new photo." She says.

"Nooooo! Take another." I say.

One photo leads to probably a ton more.

Luke's P.O.V

So, I ended up getting afterward, but both Molls and Cal are gone.

I hope they went to get something, cause it's empty up there.

I headed to the living room, but then I started to hear laughing and singing.

I guess they didn't leave.

But that leaves the paparazzi...aka me, to take some bts of the two of them.

I headed upstairs quietly so they wouldn't hear me. Next thing you know, Michael and Ash came up as well.

"Luke whatcha-" I say then I hush Ash and pointed up.

They knew exactly what I meant and followed.

I tried my best to get an angle where you can see them.

"When can they get together already?" Ash says.

"Who knows. But one thing's for sure, they are a perfect match." Michael says.

"A match made before they existed. Who knew that could happen?" I say.

Once I tried to get a better shot, they see me through their camera and they looked back.

"Guys...RUN!" I yell. That ended up with the 3 of us on top of each other while I saved everyone's fall.

Cal and Molls run but it's muffled cause I've got fat arses on top of me.

"Guys, you good?" Molls says.

"Yea." Both Mikey and Ash say while I'm here laying on the ground and can barely get up.

"Earth to Luke? You there buddy?" Cal says.

The only thing I could do was raise a hand.

Ash and Mikey help me up and then I end up feeling bruised. So, I took over the couch.

Molls threw a bag of frozen peas at my head. We may be the same age, yet she seems like the sassier one.

"Molls!" I say once she sits on my back

"You're the one who took the whole couch. What am I supposed to do?" She says.

"Why don't you start by getting offfff!" I say and then get louder.

"Will you two hush for one moment?" Ash says.

"Damn, since when did Ash become the sass master?" Molls says.

"I told you he was hiding it." I say.

"I said quiet!" Ash says.

"Damn." Molls and I say.

"Wait, lemme get my phone, and then we all take a picture of all of us on Luke!" She says as she runs back to her phone.

"No one's sitting on me!" I scream.

Molly's P.O.V

So, I head back to the room where I left my phone on the chair. I picked up the frame, but then I saw a note at the back.

'Till next time' it said.

Then once again, Cal comes up, and then we just stare for some odd reason.

"Were you looking back at how young you were?" He says.

"Maybe. But one thing, when did I write this?" I say.

"I think after I put the picture in the frame. Maybe that's what got us to take hundreds of photos on snap." He says.

"Has it really been that long?" I say.

"Been long since what?" He says.

"Since we've done this? Hung out like old times." I say.

"I mean. Yea. But remember, I was out, you were here. But then when I came, I never bothered to find you." He says in a disappointing tone.

"Nonono. Don't blame yourself for me hiding from reality. If I had the guts to face my parents after my first sem of the yea, I probably would've been with you in the last 3 years." I say.

"But you were alone." He says.

"Cal, don't blame yourself. We still talked. I mean, I still have your sweater from senior year. The day we were at the soccer game and I ended up getting cold. I guess that was my way of....having you." I say.

Damn, we really getting deep.

"You still have it?!" He says and gets somewhat excited.

"Yea, I can bring it back if you want?" I say.

"Nono, you keep it. It looks good on you." He says.

Some of the times when I'd call him, I'd end up wearing his sweater as if he was with me. But I only wore it just for those times he'd call. Otherwise, that bitch would've figured out the secret and acted all nice just to get closer with them.

Calum's P.O.V

Should I say it?

I mean, the guys were right, if I don't do anything, nothing will happen.

"Molls, there's something I need to tell you." I say.

"What's up?" She says.

"I-I" I say but, I can't say the words.

"I-I think we need to go to the grocery store. Luke was right about not having anything." I say.

I guess it wasn't my time.

"I mean, we can go now if you want." She says.

"Yea, I'll meet you downstairs." I say and she heads out.

"Oh wait, here, let me get the car started." She says so I handed her the keys.

Michael's P.O.V

Good job to Calum for keeping the door open.

I got the guys to come with me. Luke got up as soon as I said Molls and Cal.

We quietly headed upstairs and hid in the bathroom next to his room.

They were getting into some deep shit.

"She still has the sweater from the game?" Luke whispers.

"I guess so." I say.

"What is this sweater they're talking about?" Ash asks.

"We went to this soccer game. Molls felt cold and he gave her his sweater." Luke says.

"Aww. Such a gentleman." Ash says.

The room goes quiet, and then he was about to say the words we all wanted him to say.

All of us started getting excited like little girls, but then the excitement went down as soon as he mentions the groceries.

We waited till Molls went downstairs to the car and then we headed into his room.

"Can we come in?" I ask as Cal kept his face covered with his hands.

"Why couldn't I say it. I had the words right then and there. As soon as she looks right at me, I freeze." He says.

"Bud, it's okay. There are other chances." Ash says.

"Think about it, it may not be the Christmas miracle you were hoping for, but you tried. Just try again until you think it's the right moment." Luke says.

"Remember one thing though, we got her back. Maybe that's the only thing that matters right now. Just focus on now, and do it when the time is right." I say.

"Yea...I guess." He says.

Then the 3 of us start to sing 'She Looks So Perfect' in a country tone to make him laugh, and it worked.

"Now, go and have a good time at the grocery store. Don't be mopey around the aisles." I say and we send him off.

*A couple of hours later*

Molly's P.O.V

We get back from the store, and then we put the groceries away.

Then Cal took me into his car and we started driving around the block.

"Cal, why are we driving around the block?" I ask.

"Molls, it's been 4 years. I think you should go see them." I say.

"First Lyss, now them. Cal, can't we do this another day?" She says.

"Molls, c'mon. If you got the guts to go to Lyss's grave, I think you can face your parents.

"One thing though, can you come?" She asks.

"Of course." I tell her.

So, we drove to her parents' house for her to confront them.

She looks nervous as hell, so I did the same thing she did to me 4 years ago.

She took my hand and she opened the door with her keys.

We walk in and the house is just like how it was when she moved out.

"Mom. Dad." She says blankly.

We both saw suitcases at the front, and then both of the parents are standing on the opposite side of the room.

"Guys, what's going on. We're you guys planning on leaving for the holidays?" She says.

"Oh, so looks who decided to show up after 4 years." Her dad says.

"First off, calm down. Second off, just get your things and get out of here." Her mom says with a wine glass in her hand.

"G-G-Guys, w-w-what's going on?" Molls asks. She's shaking. Just like....4 years ago.

The room was silent until Molls speaks again.

"I asked...what's going on?" She says clearly as she raises her voice.

"Your dad and I weren't on good terms. So as of today, we're divorced." Her mom says and she just stands still.

Once again, someone just had to break her.

She runs out and just heads into the car.

"Haven't you guys hurt her enough?!" I say to them and then I follow her.

There she was. Hands over her face, tears streaming down. It makes me shed a tear cause I hate seeing her like this.

All I did was I went into the car and just held her into a hug and just held that hug for a few minutes.

Afterwards, we drove back to my place. She couldn't get out. She felt still like a rock.

I somehow got her up to my room and went downstairs to get her a glass of water.

The guys stayed over since they would stay over during Friday nights like these. Well, now it was Saturday since it was past midnight.

"Cal, what happened?" Mikey asks.

"She just found out her parents split." I say and then all of them went quiet.

"Lemme just see what's goin on and then I'll come down here with you guys." I say.

"No, out of all people, she needs you right now." Ash says.

"Stay with her tonight. We'll figure out what to do in the morning." Luke says.

"Okay." I say and headed upstairs.

I can't believe it's happening to her...........again.

(June 12, 2020)
Damn, so tons of stuff happening. All in the span of 4 years.

Let's just hope things get better.


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And I'll see ya on the next one

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