Welcome to Crystal Lake (ENG)

By itachiuchihaforever

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A girl, her parents, her dog, and a new home. A lake, a forest, and an unfortunate campsite. Some teens, a sm... More

Chapter 1 - The arrival
Chapter 2 - Dinning together and unexpected visits
Chapter 3 - New information
Chapter 4 - Sightings
Chapter 5 - Night thoughts
Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills
Chapter 7 - Spared again
Chapter 8 - The paper plane
Chapter 9 - Nightmares and fears
Chapter 10 - Concerns and doubts
Chapter 11 - Buying ingredients
Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding
Chapter 12 (Part Two) - Preparations
Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th
Chapter 14 - Drunk
Chapter 15 (Part One) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 16 - New friends
Chapter 17 - A little Father-Daughter chitchat
Chapter 18 - Introspection
Chapter 19 - Area under video surveillance
Chapter 20 - Choices
Chapter 21 - Decisions
Chapter 22 - Confession

Chapter 15 (Part Two) - Slaughter Party

145 10 6
By itachiuchihaforever

Jason was still there, lurking behind the bushes, ready to sprint to grab his next victim. The ax ready in one hand and the fist of the other tight, slightly shaking from the agitation - a positive agitation - that the hunt was giving him that night. Nobody would survive, not this time. The three remaining teens were so shocked by the scene that they did not breathe, indeed it seemed they were holding their breaths, then one of the two females, the girlfriend of the dead one, began to tremble more and more, until she burst into tears, a desperate cry mixed with screams, calling the name of the beheaded boy. Her female friend hugged her tight, trying to console her but unable to say anything. She and her boyfriend could only stare at the red puddle getting bigger and bigger.

It was at that moment that Jason came out of his hiding place, when the girl's screams were getting a little too loud for his tastes. The guy found back his speaking ability and urged his friends to flee.

"Go! Go!" He turned and started to run away, took his girlfriend by the arm and pulled her away, while she lost her grip on her friend, who remained behind and motionless, at the mercy of the killer.

But he had no regard for her, except that he kill her quickly. He stood in front of her for a few moments, while she was kneeling on the asphalt, looking into her eyes, only long enough to decide which method to use for that execution. He chose quickly, pulling his machete out of the sheath and decapitating her too, like her boyfriend. Then he chased the other couple, who had headed for the back door. Fortunately he had taken precaution to block that too.

Tyler was trying with all his might to get the door to open, while Sophie tried to pull him away, looking compulsively around.

"Please let's go away! It's closed, we will never be able to break through it! We have to t in from the main entrance! "

"Goddamnit!" Tyler kicked the door one last time, cursing immediately afterwards for the pain he had caused himself. "Okay, let's go ther from the other sid-RUN!" He pushed her away suddenly, having seen Jason turn the corner while sheathing the machete.

The girl let out a scream and started running away, followed by him behind her.

"Don't turn around! Run!" He spurred her on, and it was he who got caught first.

Jason grabbed him by his shirt, yanking him back. He spun him around like a doll and took his head in his hands, starting to put pressure on his skull. Again, the young man's screams of pain were worthless. Eventually the bones gave way to the inhuman strength of the most famous killer of the state.

He let go, pushing the body away from himself as if it was something extremely disgusting, and went back to chasing the last girl. He had to hurry, he didn't want anyone to wake up. He knew that the police would soon find out what had happened, but before that he wanted to finish the job without being disturbed.

He reached the young woman, who was calling for help while trying to break the glass of the front door. Did she want to come in? Jason was more than happy to help her out.

Grabbing her by the neck and one leg, he threw her against one of the large windows, which immediately ended up shattered together with the frame.

Despite the pain caused by the fall and the various cuts just procured, Sophie tried to get up on her feet as soon as possible, continuing to cry out for help as hard as she could, regardless of the splinters that pressed into the flesh of her hands and legs.

She realized, however, that she was unable to run, not even to walk decently, as soon as she managed to regain her upright position, due to a glass blade that had penetrated deeply into her leg. Now that she had noticed it, that was the wound that most caused her pain, preventing her from even taking a step. She had no time to get her out and certainly could not stay there, since Jason was climbing over what remained of the window, completely unmindful of the sharp pieces of wood and glass.

She took a deep breath, trying with all her might to ignore the excruciating pangs and not to fall. The only place where she could find someone who could help her was upstairs, so she headed, trudging as fast as possible, up the stairs.

She couldn't get to the top of the first ramp that she stumbled, slamming her knees on the steps. The pain was so big that even the screams could no longer get out of her mouth. She continued her ascent in that position, dragging herself up only a couple of steps, since something, or rather someone, took her by the ankle, pulling her down again.

With a final rush of adrenaline she tried to let his assailant release his grip, kicking and forgetting the pain for a moment. But to no avail.

She was dragged a little further down and, when she was left, the last thing she saw was the sole of a boot that crushed her head against one of the steps.

Jason was very satisfied with his work and heard his mother's voice congratulating him. "That's my good boy. Mom is very proud of you. Now go, you've not finished yet." He nodded, one person was still missing and he would have made this last job a masterpiece.

He went to the more central area of the city, passing through alleys and secondary streets, making sure that no one saw him. When he got to the fake guide shop, he went to the back. He wanted to take it a little more slowly with him, so he had to be even more careful not to alarm anyone.

In the back street, completely dark, it was not difficult for him to find the door he needed. He forced the lock with ease, since it was pretty old, and he found himself in front of the flight of stairs that led to the shopkeeper's house and the door, much newer than the previous one, for his workplace.

Upstairs, the access to the apartment had been left open, so Jason had no problem getting to the man's bedroom. From what he saw, it didn't matter if he started screaming. This was a commercial area and the only buildings with houses were far enough away not to notice any requests for help.

Jason was disgusted by the man who slept in front of him, completely naked except for a pair of boxers. Anger flooded him and he immediately knew what to do. That man had to suffer, he would made him pay tremendously for the years he had spent bringing people into his territory, not to mention the fact that he also took them to his mother's grave. Jason was furious to say the least, an rage quite different from the usual.

He grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him off the bed, making his head hit the floor.

He did not use weapons that time, neither the machete nor the ax. He did it all by himself. And he had a lot of fun doing it.

When he finished, and after admiring everything, he recovered the ax, which he had momentarily leaned to the side, and headed for the girl's house. By then he had already made his decision.

Jasmine woke up just in time to have breakfast with her parents, thanks to a strangely agitated Finn who licked her face and made her get up.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake," she stroked him on the head, then he headed for the open window, barking only once in that direction.

Something that shone in the sun, resting on the windowsill, blinded her for a moment. She got out of bed to go and examine it and suddenly she was delighted by her furry alarm clock.

She picked up the shiny object, nothing less than the necklace with the hockey mask she had lost. She smiled and hold it to her chest, hopping around the room like only a fangirl could do. If the necklace was there, it was certainly thanks to Jason, there was no doubt. And if she and her family were still there alive and well, it was certainly because Jason had been happy with his gift. She looked out the window, almost expecting to see him, but found no one. Much of the happiness of the moment disappeared, however, when she saw a red spot, which she had not noticed before, on the white wood beside the window. She leaned a little further to get a better look, and confirmed her suspicion: it was the print of a hand, a rather large one, and it was certainly left by a bloody one.

Her heart skipped a beat, even though she knew exactly what she was going to face when she decided to give him an ax. She should have expected it, indeed she expected it, but now that it was all real and no longer just a possibility, it seemed much more worrying to her. Someone had lost their life that night, and she felt responsible. She didn't like people, but that didn't mean she wanted to see them all dead.

The flow of guilty thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. She squeezed the windowsill until her knuckles whitened. She had to stay calm, she could not let her parents finding out anything.

Her father peeked through the door.

"Look who decided to be and early bird. Are you enjoying the view, sleepyhead?"

She turned around, smiling. "It's a beautiful day, it's a shame to waste it sleeping."

"And your mother made waffles, so it's even more beautiful! Hurry down, let's have breakfast together before we go to work. "

"I'll be right there, need to go to the bathroom for a moment." She said, putting on a pair of flip flops.

When she was sure that her father could not see her, she dropped her mask, returning worried. She looked at the necklace she had hidden in her hand, surprised that it had no red trace, and then left it on the bedside table.

She took a deep breath, regaining a bit of courage and went down to the kitchen, apparently happy again.

The mere smell of her mother's waffles was enough to reassure her, so she was able, despite everything, to enjoy that nice family breakfast.

It was soon time for her parents to go to work, so she accompanied them to the door to wave them goodbye.

"Be careful!" Se finally said, catching her parents' strange looks. "Today is Friday the 13th, remember?" she had to explain, as not to worry them.

But the looks of the two became more nervous.

"Then come to town with us! I don't want to leave you home alone!" Her mother said protectivly.

Jasmine smiled again, reassuring. "Don't worry, just the time to get ready and then I thought I'd go for a bike ride in town. I haven't seen it all yet, maybe today I will explore another area. "

Anna heaved a sigh of relief "Okay, hurry up then, okay? Come to lunch at the diner with me, today we make Bolognese pasta. As soon as the owner learned that I am Italian, he asked me to prepare it in the traditional way. "

"Then I can't refuse!" Jasmine said, loving all the foods her mom prepared, feeling proud that everyone in town will soon know that she's the best.

"If I can I'll also come during the break. I wouldn't want to miss such an opportunity! " Robert added, kissing his wife on the cheek. "But now let's go or we'll be late."

So they said goodbye, and Jasmine watched the car go away and disappear into the trees. At that point, she went to check the railing of the porch, in the same point that she had used to go up into her room the night before.

She was not surprised to find two footprints of boots, also with red, on the wood. She ran inside to get a towel, moistening it. She really hoped the blood wasn't too dry, or she should have got some paint to cover it. Fortunately there was still some left over from the works in the basement.

It was not necessary, however, with a little elbow work, degreaser and water from the irrigation hose, she managed to thoroughly clean both the railing and the window and then, for safety, also disinfected the necklace.

With renewed energy she decided it was a good time to go out and head for the city. When she arrived at the fountain of the last time to let Finn have drink, who as always had followed her running behind the bike, she did not expect to see three police cars, an ambulance, and an incredible crowd in front of the shop of that subspecies of guide.

She put the leash on Finn and headed for the mass of people, sneaking in among them.

"He went looking for it." She heard a male voice saying it.

"Nobody deserves an end like that, it's horrible!" A female replied.

"Mum mum! Who's dead? Was it Jason that did it? " Asked a child.

"I heard one of the agents said he was completely torn to pieces!"

The voices were overlapped, but Jasmine was hearing it all too well.

"I was here with the one that called the police! The man's head was skewered on a pitchfork in front of the door! "

"Oh God! Really?!"

"Yes! They took it away as soon as they arrived, but that thing could no longer be called a head! There were no eyes and itgot crushed like a can! "

"Stop now!" An agent intervened "Go away, there is nothing to see here!"

Jasmine had meanwhile managed to get to the yellow tape that enclosed the crime area.

"It's disaster at the hotel too, a lot of people died, many kids."

"Tue! Two have been beheaded!"

Then an old man next to her spoke to her. "It's not a nice show for a girl your age. Trust me, go home and give an hug to your parents."

A tall one then added "True, in there they found more blood than paint on the walls."

She could not believe her eyes or her ears. All she could do was widen her eyes and turn pale at that sight.

As far as she knew it was only a very small part of everything that had happened.

The door had been knocked down and all the glass was shattered on the sidewalk.

There was a lot of blood outside the entrance, the same blood that she felt on her hands.


Hello everyone!

I was able to update after an almost decent period of time. Nah, that's not true. Sorry. I wanted to update along with the Italian version on June 13th, Jason's birthday, but I was unable to translate everything in time due to very heavy exams. But hey, at least I passed them!

Happy birthday to Jason! It may not be Friday, June 13th in real life, but in the fic it is!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that I managed to make it all right. Jason was apparently very inspired, as well as angry.

But it's his special day, so we can forgive him everything, can't we? XD

Jasmine instead seems to have finally realized what she has done. How are things going to go from now?

I also leave you another of the aesthetics that I did, I hope you like it!

The moment of the face to mask meeting is getting closer!

Stay tuned!

See you next time! <3

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