De alekssassy

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,,๐–๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐›๐จ๐ซ๐ง ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐š ๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ, ๐’Ž๐’๐’๐’”๐’•๐’†๐’“?", ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ž๐œ๐ญ ๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅ ๐š๐ฌ๏ฟฝ... Mai multe

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1.4K 56 97
De alekssassy


,,Darling do you like it?", Maria asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

Maria was my maid,
but I didn't really see her like that.

I didn't see her as a normal friend.

I didn't see her as the mother I always wanted.

She is close to me, but not close enough.

She knows about everything that goes on in this house.

I always think about that she could expose our family anytime, but she doesn't.

She could have said something about us to the publicity but she didn't, cause she isn't risking it.

Or maybe she likes the money she gets.

But If you push that away, she is a veryyyyy nice person and I like her a lot.

Hard to believe, right?

,,I love it, Mari", I smiled back.

,,Just so you know honey, you are gorgeous. I will assure you that everyone's eyes will be on you tonight. Oh god who am I kidding, you can wear a trash bag and still everyone's would be on you. They would probably make it into a new trend", she laughed at her own jokes.



,,I feel like I am going to a wedding, more like to my own wedding", I joked while looking in the mirror.

,,There is something missing, honey", Marli smiled while fixing my hair.

,,And what's that?", I questioned.

,,The husband, silly", she grinned at me.

,,Oh yea you need a husband for a wedding", I face palmed myself and rolled my eyes.

,,Hey hey don't destroy the make up",
she warned me.

,,Sorry, I guess I am never going to have my own wedding", I told the truth to her and also to myself bruh, so depressing.

,,Nono, what makes you think like that"

I noticed there are some snacks on the table.

,,I am obviously not getting married.
Fuck men, who needs them", I said with a mouth full of some snacks.

,,Of course you say this. You grew up with male human beings that weren't really the best-"

,,Just say that my dad is an psychopath and my brother is an asshole and I sadly had to grew up with them, so that's why I hate every male human being. But honestly my mom wasn't better"

,,Yes but let's not talk about that, darling. Andddd you are finished"

She started to celebrate like a baby.

It looked cute.

,,My God. Baby you look gorgeous", She said while hugging me.

,,And that's all thanks to you"

,,Nope, you are naturally gorgeous . I just played a little with make up on your face, that's it", she laughed.

In that moment I got a message from asshole.

You know Antonio.

Yo we are waiting. Come downstairs in five minutes.

Oki doki.

,,Mari, It's time for me to go. I am gonna tell you all the tea about this gala when I am back", I hugged her and started to go until her voice stopped me.

,,Who knows, maybe you are not going to your own wedding now but maybe you are gonna met your future husband at this gala", she winked at me.

,,That's funny"

,,Aponi. If someone asks you to dance, you don't say no. You accept the offer.", my father warned me.

,,And even if it's an ugly pervert old man", I complained.

,,You just dance with everyone if you are asked, now shut up", he said harshly.


Fucking nice.

,,Rosso Family, we arrived", the driver announced.

,,Finally", my mom groaned but put a smile before she went out of the limousine.

Then my dad and Antonio went out.

And then I went out.

And of course Paparazzi from every single corner.

,,Aponi you could never hide behind a mask. Everyone would recognise your beauty", a nice women said that was in the first row.

Well that's funny cause I pretty much always hide behind a mask, but bruh okey.

,,Aponi, you look gorgeous"

,,Aponi, you will win the best mask gala outfit for sure"

Wait that's a thing?

,,Aponi always must be a little more extra"

Ehh ya?


,,Aponi, this-"

,,Aponi, you-"

Well they talked into each other so I couldn't understand shit anymore.

But lucky me my brother pulled me from the paparazzi into a large ballroom.

What's the point of this mask if they all recognised me from the first second.

I guess no one can top my beauty.

,,Woah that looks-", was me admiring the big royalty like ballroom until I got interrupted.

,,Why the fuck are they all so obsessed with you, like you can't even breath dude", Antonio complained, also cursed and didn't have a fucking smile on his face.

Did he forgot that we are in a ballroom with thousand of people.

,,Antonio we aren't at home, there could be cameras everywhere and they would hear what you just said. You know damn well that our perfect family is known for not swearing", I whispered into his ear making sure no one could hear us.

And that's when he realised what he just did.

Wait didn't I curse a teacher some time ago?

As longs as they don't know, I shouldn't give a fuck.

,,Yea your right, won't happen again", after that he took me in a side hug and nodded to some known people that start to come in our direction.

Yeyy I am gonna have a headache.

I don't have a headache.

I have a fucking migraine.

Like who are we even talking to right now?

It's and old man with a young woman by his side.

At first I thought it was his daughter until they started to kiss.

I don't think that's what father and daughter do.

I can't-

,,Hey Aponi, would you like to dance with me", a boy came that I probably should know cause he called me by Aponi.

But nope no idea who he is.

My father gave me a slight push to say yes so that's what I did.

I mean I am happy that it is someone my age and not a grumpy old man.

He took my hand and then we started to slow dance.

His hands on my waist and my hands on his shoulders.

I don't like being touched.

I don't like being touched.

I don't like being touched.

Okey you can do it.

,,Aponi you look gorgeous as always", he smiled.

I already know, thank you.

,,Thanks", I smiled.

,,I never said thank you for helping me out in math last time"



,,You seem shocked, already forgot about me?"


,,No of course not, I just didn't recognise you immediately because of the mask", I played it off

That lie came quickly out of my mouth.

,,Sounds good then"

The math boy and I had a good conversation, until someone else asked for my hand.

After that someone else did.

After that someone else.

Someone else.

And oh again someone else.

Like my feet hurt, come on.

Do they think I am a switch on plastic ballerina or what, cause I am notttt.

But I just simply see the stare from my father, so I can't decline the offer.

,,Your eyes are really beautiful my lady", he winked at me.

Who tf is your lady.

,,And also-", then he just let go of me with a scared face expression and just went away, more like ran.

,,And what", I talked to myself but I still got an answer tough.

,,And now you are dancing with me, butterfly", a deep voice said that turned me around.

,,TEDDY, you here", I squealed and laughed.

,,Dang butterfly you even recognise me with a mask on", he said while putting my hands on his shoulder and then putting his own hands on my waist.

I could have done that myself.

,,No I recognised you because of the nickname, but that mask doesn't really cover anything up", I made it clear.

,,Those masks are dumb. Exactly like you said they don't hide your identity", he rolled his eyes.

,,Yea I think they should give more a princess and prince vibe than hiding your identity"

,,Sounds gross", I wanted to laugh until I noticed a red spot on his suit.

Doesn't seem like ketchup.

Or red paint.


,,Teddy Bear, did you do something bad?", I asked while looking into his eyes and giving him an innocent look.

,,Butterfly, I am known for doing bad things", he mocked me.

,,I know, but just to inform you there is some red paint on your suit", I winked at him and pointed at the red spot on his shirt.

He looked down and saw it.

,,Looks like I didn't clean myself up correctly"

Okey good he is gonna go and Imma just disappear into some corner before someone asks me to dance again.

Cause I swear to god I am gonna rip some heads-

,,You are gonna come with me
and help me clean this up"

Ok you know what I am just gonna rip of his head.

That's enough.

,,Aren't you able to do that yourself", came out of my mouth without thinking.

That didn't sound rude right?

,,Who knows", and then he pulled me into the bathroom.

Why always the bathroom.

,,So how can I help, Teddy?", I said after I jumped on some kind of drawer to sit on it.

God my feet hurt.

,,Just sit there and do nothing", he gave me an order.

I am fine with that.

After this shit I need to eat a whole ass cake cause I am going to get unconscious and then you are going to see my dead ass body on the gro-

Woah woah.

What is he-

He slowly takes his shirt off.


Omg his shirt is gone.


Those abs.

Okey wait no that's enough for my virgin eyes.




Just put your hands in front of your eyes.

You don't see anything.

Okey someone is coming closer, holy shit.

Dear heart please calm down if you want us both to still live.

Wait actually-

Iwan removed my hands from my eyes.


,,Can't handle this?",he winked.

shut your bitch ass mouth, who tf does he think he is, should I also strip myself or what.

,,Don't know what you mean", I tried to stand up for myself but I couldn't really look at him.

,,You don't?", he asked and came closer.

He is provoking me.

He took my face by my cheeks and turned it to his face, so I would look directly into his eyes.

Okey I can't handle this at all.

His facial expression changed from amusement to dead serious.

And he came closer.

And closer.

How tf can someone be this close.


Say something Aponi.

Push him awayyyyy.

,,Hey I got the T shirt- WOAHHHH YOU ALL DOING THE NASTY", Hody came to the rescue.

Iwan immediately backed away and I could breathe again.

So that's how you breath huh.

,,Give me the shirt and fuck off",
Iwan said in a scary tone.

,,Here you go. First Yuzi and now you too Aponi, you all are nasty", were his last words before he closed the door.

Okey just leave me alone here with this guy.

Wait did he just call me nasty?

,,Yo Teddy isn't Hody like doing Uhm whats it called, you know doing love every night", I asked but tried to stay innocent.

,,No he is fucking every night, not doing love, butterfly", he said and his shirt was already put on.

No shit.

And how can someone get dressed this easily.

,,Did you just dance with this one guy", he said while fixing his tie.

,,No", and then he tensed his whole body.

,,No?", he looked into my direction, also raising an eyebrow again.


,,How many",he started to walk into my direction.

Not again.

I really am not the right person for this, a little closer and I am going to have a heart attack.

,,I don't know, I didn't count. Maybe 5?", he tensed more up.

,,What were their names-", I interrupted his stupidity.

,,Are you serious? Did you forget that I didn't even knew the names of your two partners in crime. How am I supposed to know it from them"

,,Didn't they tell you?"

,,They probably thought I would know their name, so no they didn't. Not like I would remember them anyways", the last part I whispered more to myself.

,,Whatever, there are security cameras here anyways", he said while going away from me.

,,Whatcha gonna do?", I curiously asked.

,,Don't worry about it"

,,Okey, well from where did you get that red spot?", I asked again.

,,Don't worry about that either"

,,Okey Dang, then don't tell me anything", I whispered.

Not hurting my feelings, nooo.

,,Do your feet hurt?", he randomly asked.

,,Uh kinda. I mean I just danced non stop"

,,Why didn't you just say no"

,,Wouldn't be nice"

,,You don't have to be always nice"

,,It doesn't hurt anybody to be nice"

,,Yes it does. Looks like you are getting hurt"

I would get hurt anyways.

,,It's fine, let's go back into the ballroom", I said and jumped off the drawer.

,,Don't your feet hurt anymore?"

,,Not anymore. I just made a break didn't I?"

We went back to the ballroom.

Yes we.

He came with me and still didn't leave my side.

His reason was ,,If I stand next to you, no one would come to you anymore for asking you for a dance or annoy you in any kind of way"

I never told them they annoy me so no I didn't expose myself.

Also I don't want him near to me because my father is probably looking and I don't know what I should expect from that real monster to be honest.

Well we are going to see it at home, aren't we ?

So right now we just stand here.

Oh wait.

,,Why weren't you yesterday at school? I mean you were but like only for a second", I remembered and immediately asked him.

,,Missed me?", he smirked at me while I am just trying to eat this fucking pudding in my hand.

,,Don't think too highly of yourself"


Why do I control myself so badly when he is around that fucker is going to destroy everything if I am keeping this up.

That was not nice, that's not what a perfect girl would say.

His smirk started to get bigger.

Emotionless my ass.

,,Butterfly, looks like your bad side comes out", he whispered and came closer to my face.

Oh honey you should really see my bad side.

,,That side doesn't exist. Anyways come back to my question", I tried to avoid the conversation.

,,None of your business, butterfly", he said and backed off again, while putting his no emotion mode on again.

,,Seems like I don't get anything out of you, Teddy", I sulked.

,,Dear-", he was interrupted by his ringtone.

,,What do you want", he said into his phone.

Like come on you can be nicer.

,,I am in 10 minutes there", and he hung up.

That was fast.

,,So I guess till Monday?", I suggested.

,,Yes till Monday. Good night butterfly"

,,Good Night Teddy", I waved at him and he disappeared out of the ballroom.

I am alone-

,,I still don't know how you are not dead yet", Yuzi appeared from nowhere.

These people really need to stop, I swear they really want to put me in the hospital.

,,Yuzi where were you today", I said while hugging her.

,,Well someone is happy to see me", She laughed.

,,You left me alone", I fake sulked.

,,Aww I am gonna make it up to you by now being here, plus I overslept and it was too late for me to go to school anymore", she shrugged her shoulders.

,,Oh well that's fine"

And after that we had a long ass conversation and luckily me no one came to offer me a dance or to make small talks with me.

Until I got a message.

From a unknown number.

Get out of the ballroom in 15 minutes, butterfly.

ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴀʟʟʏ :)

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ʟᴏᴠᴇᴇ ᴜᴜᴜ ᴀʟʟʟʟ


Continuฤƒ lectura

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