Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock...

By Song_Wolf_Lover69

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Months have passed since Peter, Celena, and Roman dealt with the evil Vargulf. But the mystery of their grea... More

Prologue: The Search Continues...
Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist
Chapter 2: To Try in Vain
Chapter 3: Desperate Times
Chapter 4: When a Stranger Comes...
Chapter 5: Nightmare in Hemlock Grove
Chapter 6: Becoming a Reality
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests
Chapter 8: In the Shadows
Chapter 9: Bad Day
Chapter 11: Hunger Out of Control
Chapter 12: Hold me
Chapter 13: Finding the Cure
Chapter 14: The Search of Shelley Godfrey
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Stopping the Dream
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Reunite
Chapter 19: Peter and the Wolf
Chapter 20: All Monsters
Chapter 21: Hungry Ghost
Chapter 22: Taken
Surprise!!! Bonus Chapter

Chapter 10: Secret's Out

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By Song_Wolf_Lover69

After hearing about the discovery of proof that Shelley could still be alive out there and Viktor is with her, Norman had to find a way to contact her.  Ever since she disappeared, he's been emailing her; telling her how much he misses her and how much he loves her.  How much it hurts him to not see her anymore.  How afraid he was for her.  He needed to know if she was ok.  

As usual, to help himself, he emails her that night.  

"I don't know if you're a live or dead, but they're hunting you again.  You and Viktor.  I know you're not responsible.  If others could see your heart, they would know, too.  I'm not sure why I keep writing to you, but I believe it helps me.  It keeps you alive for me." 

Tears begin to form in his eyes. He needed to know if she was alive.  Alive and safe.  

"Shelly, if you're out there, please respond.  I can protect you and Viktor.  I miss you so damn much.  For now, I hope and pray that Viktor is with you and he's keeping you safe from harm for me."

Norman sighs heavily and leans back in his chair.  He prays as hard as he could for her safety and for her to be alive.  He prays she'll answer his email and come home soon.  


"I'm magic." Jason says as he begins to perform a magic trick for Shelley and Viktor.  

He pretends to cut his finger off and uses hit thumb to make it look like he could remove his finger.  

Shelley pretends to gasp in wonder.  Her eyes widen in shock.  

"Don't be scared, it's right here." Jason says as he holds up his finger.  

Viktor and Shelley both applaud for him, "You know, I'm magic, too." Viktor gives him a coy smile. 

"I knew it!  The way you healed was magic. What else can you do?" Jason exclaims excitedly. 

Viktor looks around and finds some debris pieces.  He scoops them up to forma pile and concentrates.  With the movement of his hands, he calls the power of the light to move the debris.  Rumbling begins and all the pieces begin to float into the air.  

"Wow!" Jason whispers.  

Viktor chuckles and continues to make the debris float.  One debris moves and flies around Jason's body.  Making him giggle.  

Shelley laughs and looks at Viktor as he plays with Jason.  Viktor chuckles at Jason's glee.  Shelley couldn't help but think of how great of a father Viktor could be.  Could it be possible for her to be a mother and give Viktor what deserves?  That worries her.  

The debris falls out of the air and Viktor wipes away the blood from his nose.  

"My grandpa taught me my magic trick.  I miss him." Jason says.  "Who taught you that trick?"

Viktor sighs, "It was given to me as a gift.  I'm not sure who it was.  Maybe angels." He shrugs.

"Awesome gift." Jason laughs.  "Do you have a grandpa?" He asks Shelley and Viktor.

Shelley shakes her head, "Mine passed when I was young." Viktor says. 

"A daddy?" 

Shelley shakes her head, but Viktor was quiet.

"A mommy?"

Shelley was hesitant, but shakes her head.  

"I haven't seen my parents in a while." Viktor says sadly. 

"Do you have anybody?" Jason asks. 

Shelley's heart became heavy as she thinks about her family.  Her brother.  Celena. 

Viktor takes her her hand in his, "We have each other."

Shelley sniffles as tears fall from her eyes.  Viktor wipes it away and strokes her cheek.  

Suddenly, the door bangs from above and Viktor quickly shushes them all quietly and they begin to hear people talking and moving around.  It turns out two junkies broke into the house and getting high.  After a while, they finally left.  

Shelley sighs in relief, happy they weren't caught, but soon, they jump at the sound of a loud angry voice. 

"Where the hell are you?! Jason, get your ass in here! Your mom's had dinner on the table for ten ***damn minutes!" Jason's dad yells out, clutching his beer bottle.   

Shelley sighs in disappointment, but Jason gives her a look of reassurance, "I'll save half my supper for you." 

That brought a smile on her face.  Together, Viktor and Shelley walks him to the window.  Shelley picks him up and sets him on the dryer.  Jason strokes her cheek,  where her deformity lies.  But Jason wasn't bothered, he was fascinated.  He kisses her forehead, making her smile.  

"See you later, big man." Viktor says as they fist pound.

"Later." Jason says and gets out to head home.  

Viktor frowns when he hears Jason's dad angrily talks to him.  He hears a hand slapping flesh.

"Get in there, you little shit.  You better wipe that look off your face." 

"Poor kid." Viktor sighs. Shelley gives him a sad look as she slowly shuts the window.


While Norman was visiting Olivia, listening her lie her ass and getting his d**k sucked, Miranda was freaking out over her boobs that continue to lactate.  When she squeezes one boob, milk came dripping out!

"What the fuck?!" She gasps and cleans herself up.  "Fuck this guy.  I can find another rich guy." She mutters.  This was getting too weird for her to handle.  She packed up her stuff and begins to head out the door but stops when she sees Anna exiting the secret  room and heading towards the laundry room.  Miranda sighs and decided enough is enough.  She walks up the stairs, dropping her stuff as she walks up and heads towards the secret room.  She begins to type the numbers a few times and checked the door.  After a few failures, she finally got the door to open.  

She slowly opens the door and walks inside.  When she opens the second door, she's welcomed by the sound of a baby crying. She gasps softly when she sees the baby in the crib.  The baby suddenly stops crying and begins to giggle and she stays frozen in shock.  



(Celena's change of clothes) 

Celena sighs as she lies on her bed, bored.  She frowns when she hears movement behind her door.  

"Anna, I'm going out tonight.  Please watch over Celena for me." Roman whispers.  "And please, make sure she doesn't..." His voice drops lower.  Celena moves softly to the door and presses her ear on the door.

"Yes, sir." Anna says and walks away as Roman walks the other way.  

Celena slowly opens the door and peeks, watching Roman grab his coat and head out the door.  She walks out of her room and frowns.  Where was he going?

"So hungry.  Must feed.  Must feed." Roman's voice echoes in her mind and a flash of the homeless man's face pops in her mind.

"Oh, shit." She gasps and grabs her coat and runs out the door as Roman takes off out of the driveway.  She rushes out of the house and gasps when Roman was gone.  She jumps and takes off into the air with a loud sonic boom and follows Roman.  She lost him for a moment, but finally finds his car.  

She lands close to it and looks inside.  He left his keys in the car.  She commands the car to open and grabs the keys.  She drives around and tries to search for him.  

"Come on, come on." She whispers, praying she'll find him.  She rolls the windows down and looks everywhere, till she hears shouting and screaming.  

She steps on the gas and drives where the shouting and screams were coming from.  She skids her tires and gasps when she sees Roman holding a man by his neck, while feasting on the homeless man's neck.  He grunts as he rips his mouth away from the man's neck, blood pouring from his lips and staining his face and neck.  People begin to crowd around him.  

Honking her horn, Roman snaps towards the noise and Celena opens the door for him, "Get in!" She screams. 

Roman turns to the crowd and takes a wad of cash, tossing it into the air and runs for it while everyone was fighting over money.  Roman races towards the car, unaware of Michael parked close by and watches Roman running to a car, wiping his mouth.  He frowns and wonders what he was up to, but his frown deepens when he sees Celena in the car.  

Once Roman gets into the car, he shuts the door fast and she takes off.  

"What did you do?" She gasps.  

"I couldn't help it.  I can't stop." Roman sobs.  

Celena sighs and looks at him as he cleans himself up, "We'll find a way.  I know it." She takes his hand and holds it tight.  He shifts his hand to intertwine his fingers with hers.   He needed this.  Her touch.  It always calms him.  


Peter was stuck in jail, no phone call allowed and he will be released within 24 hours.  He sits in irritation as the drunk next to him continues his slurring howls of a song.  He taps his legs anxiously, dying to get out of there as soon as possible and that horrible singing was not helping at all.

"For God's sakes, can you shut the fuck up?!" Peter yells at the drunk.

The drunk scoffs and begins to sing louder.  Causing Peter's irritation to grow.  He growls lowly and covers his ears. 

Suddenly, Peter is thrown into another vision.  Blood, snakes, a hotel room, dogs barking, a billboard.  The white masks!  They were after another victim.  He quickly gets up once the vision is over and rushes to the bars and calls out for anyone to free him, but no one would listen.  

Celena walks Roman inside his house carefully.  He felt stronger after that feast.  He felt satisfied, but how long will it last? 

"I didn't want to kill him.  You know that, right?" Roman looks at the Celena with a pleading look.

"I know." She whispers.  

He sighs and turns to look in the mirror to recheck himself, blood spills from the corner of his lips and spill on the floor.  He cleans himself up and sighs.  He turns to Celena and reaches to stroke her cheek.  But he frowns when he sees her eyeing his shirt.  He looks down and sees the blood staining his clothes.  Tears form into his eyes as fear fills his soul.  

She quickly takes his hand and holds it close, "We'll find a way to fight this.  I know." She states strongly.  

Roman sniffles and nods, tears fall gently down his cheek, but he frowns when he looks over her shoulder and sees Miranda's stuff on the stairs. 

Celena looks and sees what he sees, "Where's Miranda?" She asks. 

Roman didn't answer her and heads for the stairs.  He walks upstairs and gasps, afraid of the possibility where she was.  He buttons up his coat to hide the blood and heads for the secret door.  It was open!

"Oh, dear god." Roman gasps and moves inside.

"Roman?" She frowns and follows him and shuts the door.  The other secret door was wide open as well.  

Roman walks to the door and opens it, glaring at Miranda's bareback as she holds his baby in her arms.  

Celena walks up behind him and looks inside. 

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He demands. 

Miranda slowly turns around and Roman's eyes widen in shock when he sees she was half naked, but that wasn't what made his eyes widen and his heart drop.  The baby was sucking on her nipple.  She was breastfeeding the baby!

Celena frowns in confusion. And looks around the room.  It was a baby's room, but...who's baby was that?


"You son of a bitch!" Celena yells as Roman held her by shoulders and shoves her into his room and shushes her as he shuts the door.  He didn't want Miranda to hear them fight.  After discovering the baby and hearing about how Miranda's been lactating out of the blue, Roman had no choice but to tell Celena about the baby.  Miranda was in too much shock, she passed out when she handed Anna the baby.  

"I cannot believe you kept this from me!  ME! So this is why you were such an asshole to me these past three months?!" Celena exclaims in fury.

"I had to do it!  I had to." He says.

"Why?  Why are you keeping Letha's baby here and hidden away?"

"Cause of Olivia!" Roman yells. 

"What?" Celena frowns at him. 

Tears form in Roman's eyes, "Olivia knew the baby was alive.  She had Pryce to hide her from Letha.  She..." He trembles in fear and whispering fills her mind.  

"Roman, what did she do?" She asks as the whispering grows louder.  

Roman begins to feel the invaliding stabs in his mind and grips his head in pain, "Get out of my head.  Get out of my head." He grits his teeth.

"I...I can't." She shudders as the powers come forth against her will. "I can't stop it." Her eyes dilate.  "Just tell me what did she do."

"Get out of my head!" Roman backs away and continues to grip his head.  

"Tell me!" Celena begs.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Roman yells.

Shuddering, pictures flash into her mind.  Roman's birthday when Olivia called him up to the Attic.  The black crib. 


Images of Olivia giving the voodoo glare at Roman and Letha.  Celena flinches when she sees Letha screaming and Roman was on top of her, grunting as he hovers over her.  Gasping in horror, Celena couldn't believe what she was seeing.  

"Take her.  Fill her with your seed.  Carry on our bloodline." Olivia's voice echoes her command.  

When Roman was done, he was crying with Letha.  Olivia gets up from where she watched and strokes Roman's face.  

"You will not remember being here.  You will not remember anything of tonight.  Go home and dream of being a warrior." She commands.  

Roman calms down, but tears continue to fall from his eyes as he gets up and dresses and walks out of the room like a zombie.  Olivia turns to Letha and watches her curl up into a ball and sob her heart out.  Olivia sits on the edge of the bed and forces Letha to look at her. 

"No one was here.  You will not remember this.  You were visited..." Olivia turns and sees a book about Angels. "...by an Angel." She smirks.  

"Make your heart steel! Make your heart steel!" Roman's voice echoes furiously as he looks at himself in the mirror, his nose bleeding, "Make your heart steel.  Thrive on Celena's light." He calms.

"Clever boy.  You're a warrior." Olivia's voice echoes. 

Celena cries out as she watches Roman slit his own wrists, "You don't win." 

"To rise, a victim of your own hand.  It is the way of our kind." Olivia's voice echoes around her.  Then Roman took a breath.  

"You're a dragon." 

Roman roars as fangs erupt from his mouth and attacks Olivia.

Celena flinches as the powers back down, she sobs softly and looks at Roman who was on the floor, crying as he clutches his head as the pain dies down.  

"Oh, my god.  What did she do to you?" She sobs.  

Roman sobs harder and hugs himself.  Celena kneels close to him and reaches out to touch him.  He flinches and backs away, "Don't touch me." 

"Baby." She sobs.  

Roman gets up and yanks her to her feet and shoves her out of the room. 

"Roman!  Roman!" Celena begs him and cries when he slams the door in her face.  'He needs time'. she tells herself.  Crying softly, she walks to her bedroom and lies on the bed, curling up to a ball.  


(Celena's outfit) 

The next morning, Roman wakes up hungry again.  When he walks by Celena's room, he lifts his hand to knock, but stops.  He sighs softly.  He didn't mean to push her away.  He couldn't stand it if she hated him for what he did.  He was just ashamed of himself.  To keep this secret.  Hiding his daughter.  

He walks downstairs and heads to the fridge.  He sees a pack of sausages and tears it open.  Chomping down on the links.  Celena walks down the stairs and heads for the kitchen.  She slows her steps as she sees Roman with his head in the fridge and gobbling noises.  She sighs as her heart continues to crack.  

Miranda comes out of her room soon and spies Celena and then sees Roman.  Roman finally stands up straight after wiping his mouth and covering the bites on the links.

"Sausages?" He holds them up.  

"Vegan." Miranda mutters. 

"Not hungry." Celena shakes her head and heads for the coffee machine.  

She pretty much ignored Miranda and Roman as they talked.  But Roman was feeling the hunger again as he eyes Miranda's neck and body.  He needed blood.  Bad.  He looks over to Celena, eyeing her as well.  His hunger was growing too powerful for him to contain it.  He can't stand it anymore!

Before he knew it, Roman knocks Miranda out and grabs Celena roughly and chomps on her neck.  He rips the flesh off her neck and feels his jaw expanding.  He goes back to her neck and rips through till he tears open the jugular.  When he moves away, her blood basically bathes him and her screams echoes around him.

Roman yells as he sits up in his bed as the nightmare fades away.  Panting, he sobs heavily as it continues to replay in his mind.  He didn't want to kill her.  He wanted to protect her.  To love her.  Roman curls up in his bed and cries in fear.  He can't take this anymore.  

(Celena's outfit for the day) 

Morning finally has risen, for real this time, he walks through the kitchen and Celena and Miranda were there.  

Roman tries to keep his distance from the both of them.  He turns around and heads upstairs to call Pryce.  Roman hopes that whatever Pryce is working on in his lab, maybe it can help his upir hunger.  To his annoyance, Pryce wasn't answering his calls so he left a message.  

When he walks back downstairs, first thing Miranda asks is about the baby.  

"It's a very..." Roman clears his throat. "It's a very complicated situation. " He tries to explain.  

Celena was sitting a few chairs away as she watches him explain this to Miranda. 

"How complicated can it be?" Miranda scoffs. "Everyone comes from somewhere.  You did.  I did.  Where did the baby come from?  I mean, if you don't want to tell me, find, but...since I seem to be the kid's major source of nourishment these days, I thought I'd ask." She says sarcastically.

"The father's not in the picture and her mother..."Roman tries to think of something.  

"Uh, the mom...she's going through a tough time right now.  Mentally.  Until she gets better, Roman is taking care of her." Celena speaks up.  Roman silently sighs in relief, thankful for her help.  

Miranda frowns at them both, "Then why the baby bunker?" She scoffs. 

"Look, Miranda, it's really not something you need to worry about, ok?  Now Celena and I really need to get going.  I'm taking you back to Destiny's." Roman says as he turns to Celena. 

Celena wanted to protest, but Miranda speaks up.  

Miranda looks at him in disbelief, "Well, I'm fucking lactating.  Who fucking lactates?" She asks, demanding answers as she follows Roman.

"Mammals, mostly." Roman shrugs.

"Who have been pregnant and had offsprings.  I have not been pregnant.  I have not had offspring." Miranda was freaking out.  "I...I do not even like children.  Children are sticky.  They smell funny.  This town is giving me the creeps.  I have got to get out of here." 

Roman was fixing his tie, he didn't have time to figure this out, he had to figure out how to stop this...this disease he carried.  

"I am sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what you're going through." Roman tries to reassure her, but Miranda seriously freaked out.  

Celena went upstairs and packed one bag and left the other.  She wasn't leaving, she can't.  But she will stay with Peter for a small time.  She was worried for both of them and needed to help them both.  

"There is something wrong here.  Very wrong! My aunt Margo died at a young age..." Miranda continues to beg Roman that she needed help, but Roman snaps at her. 

"This isn't fatal!  I promise.  Maybe a little messy." He turns to walk to the door and grabs Celena's bag for her.  

"And uncomfortable, and..." Miranda continues to express her fear. 

"You're not gonna die!"

"My aunt Margo did cause she carried the death gene...and if I do, too..." 

"If you're that worried, we'll get you to a doctor, ok?" Roman says.  

"One who specializes in spontaneous freak lactation?" She scoffs. 

"Arnold Spivak. He's good.  The family doctor.  Dr. Arnold's been in Hemlock Grove as long as anyone  can remember.  Conway will drive you.  Have the bill sent to me. Ok?" He states.

"But what if..." Roman cuts her off. 

"Everything's gonna be ok, Miranda." Roman says, clearly irritated with her.  

Miranda scoffs and storms off.  Celena sighs softly and looks at him.  He was shaking and sweaty a little, but tried as hard to hold his ground.  

"Come on." He mutters and takes off out the door, waiting for her to follow.  

During the car ride, he was pretty quiet.  Celena hated the silence. "Roman, please, talk to me." She whispers.  

"What's there to say?  You know now." He says.

"Don't shut me out.  Yeah, I know now, but I want to talk about it.  I don't want to invade your mind.  I want you to say it." 

Tears begins to form, "That dear old mom forced me to rape my own cousin for a baby?  And that she tried to get me to kill her?  Just to get me to turn into this?" He grits his teeth angrily as he grips his coat and yanks it.

"She forced you.  That's the point. It was against your will.  And I'm not mad at you.  I mean, I'm mad that you kept this a secret from me.  And I'm mad you kicked me out cause of this...genetic issue you share with that...that bitch of a mother you're cursed with.  But I'm not mad at you." 

Roman sighs and sniffles, looking away from her and trying to focus on the road, "I have a feeling Peter won't be so forgiving.  If he knew what I did..." 

"It wasn't you.  It was her.  Once he knows that, he'll..."

"No!  Do NOT tell him.  Don't you dare tell him anything." Roman's voice cracks.  

Celena sighs heavily, "I'm not.  Cause it's not up to me to tell.  It's up to you.  You gotta tell him.  And Letha.  She needs her daughter.  Miranda shouldn't be breast feeding her, Letha should." She cuts him off as he begins to protest, "You don't have to say everything.  But...you gotta tell them something and give her back."

Roman finally makes it to Destiny's and pulls over in the front, "Let me know when you want to come back." He sighs.  

She reaches and takes his hand, intertwining it with his.  He sighs softly at her touch, "You know I'm always here for you, Roman.  Always.  No matter what, I'm not going anywhere.  You can't get rid of me that easily." She wanted to kiss his lips so badly so she settled for the next best thing...His hand.  Roman shivers at the feel of her lips on his skin.  "I love you."  

Roman looks into her eyes and reaches out to brush her hair out of her face, "I love you." He whispers.  

She gives him a small smile and gets out of the car, "Call me later.  I want to know if you're ok 24/7." 

Roman nods, "Yes, Mom." he scoffs and laughs. 

"Don't make me punish you." She sends him a teasing scorn.  "I'll spank you." She giggles and gets out of the car.  

Roman laughs and smiles.  He sighs, relieved in a way that everything was out in the open with her.  It killed him keeping that terrible secret.  Now...now, he needs to figure out how he can control his hunger.  He drives off and heads back to Godfrey's Industries to talk to Pryce.  

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