Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock...

By Song_Wolf_Lover69

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Months have passed since Peter, Celena, and Roman dealt with the evil Vargulf. But the mystery of their grea... More

Prologue: The Search Continues...
Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist
Chapter 2: To Try in Vain
Chapter 3: Desperate Times
Chapter 4: When a Stranger Comes...
Chapter 5: Nightmare in Hemlock Grove
Chapter 6: Becoming a Reality
Chapter 8: In the Shadows
Chapter 9: Bad Day
Chapter 10: Secret's Out
Chapter 11: Hunger Out of Control
Chapter 12: Hold me
Chapter 13: Finding the Cure
Chapter 14: The Search of Shelley Godfrey
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Stopping the Dream
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Reunite
Chapter 19: Peter and the Wolf
Chapter 20: All Monsters
Chapter 21: Hungry Ghost
Chapter 22: Taken
Surprise!!! Bonus Chapter

Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests

244 4 0
By Song_Wolf_Lover69

On the road, Peter drives Miranda out to pick up the part she needs for her car.  Peter decides to get some info from her, asking if she's been hanging around with Roman.  

"Meaning?" She asks, curious with his tone.  

"Meaning 'hanging out'.  What else do I mean?" Peter shrugs.

She frowns at him, "Why are you so interested in Roman?"

"I'm not." 

"Then why are you so 'not' interested in him?" She laughs.  

"I was just making conversations." Peter says simply.

"Did you two date the same girl?  Or each other?" She giggles.  "Or did you two fight over...um...what's her name?" She frowns, then snaps her fingers, "Celena?"

Peter quickly looks at her in shock, "He told you about Celena?"

Miranda smirks, "I knew it!  You two fought over her and he won her over, didn't he?"

Peter looks back at the road and sighs, "It's complicated.  We...we were friends.  But we all had a falling out.  Things are ok with Celena and I, but Roman...he's still got me on his shit list."

"Why did you guys 'break up'?" She holds up air quotes.  

"He's just not someone you should trust, ok?" 

"Sorry, you brought it up." She mutters, looking at him weirdly.  

Peter sighs, how can he warn her without telling her that Roman's an Upir and he was a werewolf?  She would call the cops on his ass and he'll be off to the loony bin or a lab.  

Suddenly, his phone begins to ring, "Yeah?" He answers.

"You have received a collect call from the Hemlock County  Department of Corrections."  An operator speaks over the other line. 

Peter sits up straight in alert.  He couldn't believe it, Lynda was calling him!

"Please press 1 to accept the charges." 

Peter looks over to Miranda, "Just...just give me a sec, ok?" He says as he watches out for any coming cars and pulls the truck over.  He gets out and gets back on the phone.  "Hi!  Oh, it's so good to hear your voice." He smiles, but it drops as he walks further away from the truck, but Miranda could hear everything he says.  "What?  No, no, Lynda.  Lynda.  Lynda." He tries to calm his mom down.  "Everything's gonna be ok. Yeah, and she's the best lawyer in the state." He laughs at what his mom says, "Then I'll find the best lawyer in the whole country, ok?" He looks up and watches Miranda giving him a sexy smile.  He looks away, frowning.  "Wherever you are, I'm with you." He sighs.  "Yeah, I'll tell her.  I miss you.  We both do.  I love you." He says.  

He cuts the call and tucks the phone back into his jacket and walks back to the truck.  

"Everything ok?" Miranda asks. 

"Yeah, just dealing with some bullshit." He scoffs and drives off to the salvage yard to pick up the parts. 


Panting softly, Shelley helps a injured Viktor walk through the woods.  Together, they stopped and lean on an old rusted VW and watch out for anyone around them.  Viktor looks up and sees a building with a foreclosure sign.  He grunts in pain and Shelley holds on to him gently. 

"It's bleeding again." She says in her mind and tightens the strap, making him yelp. "I'm sorry."

Viktor shakes his head, "It's fine.  I'll be ok.  But you need to rest.  You're exhausted.  I just need to heal." He pants, sweat dripping from his face.  

Shelley looks at him with such worry.  She strokes his face gently.  Her bandages were filthy, but what can she do?  He gently takes her hand and sighs deeply, "Come on.  Let's get inside and get warm." He says as they make their way towards an open fence and walk through the yard.  

Shelley pushes a tarp out of the way and helps Viktor makes his way down the basement and she follows.  She helps him all the way to pile of blankets and helps him lie down on his good shoulder.  He grunts in pain as she helps him take off his coat so she could look at his wound.  

"How does it look?" He coughs.  

Shelley peels back the bloody bandage she fixed and gasps softly.  His shoulder was a mess.  She needed to clean it fast.

"Let me see." He says as he picks up a mirror so she could show him.  He carefully looks over at the reflection and grunts in despair. 

"We need to clean it before it gets infected." 

"We can't risk being seen." He argues.

Suddenly, a noise at the window startles them and they both turn to see a little boy in dirty clothes shutting the window and watching them.  Shelley trembles, afraid he was going to scream and alert people about their presence.  But the little boy simply looks at them in curiosity.

"Are you ok?" He asks them. 

Viktor shudders in pain, he could barely talk much and Shelley was silent as ever.  The boy jumps off the counters and an old washing machine and walks up to them.  He pulls an apple out of his pocket and hands it to Shelley.  She gives him a soft smile and takes it.  So touched that he gave her food.  The boy smiles at her and reaches out to gently touch her.  

Viktor smiles at the child, "Thank you."

The boy looks at his shoulder, "Cool! Did you get bit by a dog?" 

Viktor chuckles. "You could say that." 

"That looks really nasty.  I could get you some peroxide.  My mom uses that when I get hurt." The boy says.

Shelley nods while Viktor speaks, "Yes, please.  Thank you." He sighs relieved he's getting some help, even if it's from a child...it's help.


Later, Pryce was exiting the elevator and walks down the hall until a woman stops him.  Asking him to sign her book.  He asked how does she know his work, but when he sees what she wants him to sign, he frowns in realization that it was all a trick.  It was a subpoena.

At the same time, Olivia had a visit by Marie.  She decided to bury the hatchet and forgive Olivia, but Olivia snaps back into her Upir sarcasm and calls Marie out.  Marie storms into Olivia's place and yells at her and tells her how she has nothing, not even Roman who, in her own words, 'hates her fucking guts'. 

Back at Godfrey Industries, there was another meeting being called.  As everyone was being seated, Roman walks in with Celena in tow.  Wearing new clothes.  Roman decided to let her stay longer and sees how she can handle a practice day. So he had his assistant to order her a dress right away to look more professional.  Despite Celena's arguments. 

Pryce sits up in surprise, "Miss Banks.  What a pleasure to see you again.  What are you doing here?" He frowns.  

"I'm Mr. Godfrey's secretary.  In training, at least." She smirks.  

Pryce looks over to Roman, who sends him a cold look, "Well, welcome to Godfrey Industries." Pryce sends her a smile.  "But this is a private meeting.  Employers must wait outside." He points out as he drops his smile.

"She stays.  How else is she gonna learn if she doesn't know what goes on in here?" Roman shrugs, challenging Pryce.  

"And I believe since Mr. Godfrey is the CEO and rightful owner of Godfrey Industries, what he says goes.  Don't you agree, Dr. Pryce?" She arches her brows at him.  

Pryce chuckles, "Very well.  Please bring Miss Banks a chair." He says, keeping his eyes on her.  

Celena sits away from the table as they give a very boring meeting.  

"And if no one else has anything else to add, then I'm happy to say we're finishing up early for once." He smiles at the board.  

Everyone begin to gather their notes, till Roman speaks up.

"I have something to add." 

Pryce sighs, "Yes?"

"What have you got hidden in the basement?" Roman asks. 

Celena rolls her chair and scoots closer to listen, "I'm curious myself." She says.  

"Time machine?" Roman asks. 

"Meth lab?" Celena asks as she rest her chin on her knuckle. 

"Alien autopsy?" Roman laughs with Celena as he eyes everyone with mocking suspicion.  

"You're welcome to come down anytime and look around yourself.  You and your 'secretary'." Pryce states. 

Celena eyes him as listens to the whispers in his mind, "He must not find it.  He must not find it. He's not ready." Pryce's voice echoes in her mind.  

"Oh, we did.  A couple of hours ago." Roman says, watching Pryce's face fall.  "We got out of the elevator and we saw you and Miss Chernobyl walking down the hall.  You turned the corner, then..."

"Poof.  Gone." Celena opens her hand, making a magic gesture as if something disappeared in thin air.   

One of the board members look at Roman in disbelief, "You were spying on him?"

"How else is Mr. Godfrey going to know what goes on around here?" Celena shrugs.

"That's the only way of getting information out of this guy." Roman declares as he points at Pryce.  

Pryce sends Roman a small sneer, "Sidebar." he demands and gets up from his seat. 

He walks out first and Roman and Celena follow.  Pryce turns and glares at Roman. 

"You're flailing. If you came up with the votes to get rid of me, I would walk out with the entire research department.  All you'd own is 50% of an empty building in a bullshit town." Pryce states. 

Roman scoffs, "Bitchin' loft space." He looks around. 

"You could turn it into a hotel." Celena suggests.

 "You sure you want to talk about locked doors? Hidden rooms with their secret contents?  And this is from a man who literally lives in a glass house." Pryce threatens. 

Celena frowns at him, wondering what he was talking about.  Roman turns to her and places a hand on her shoulder, "Cell, could you meet me in my office for a minute, please?"

She scoffs at him, "If you wanted to be alone, all you gotta do is ask." she walks towards the around the corner towards the elevator, but stops to listen.

Pryce smirks, "She doesn't even know.  Does she?  And how do you think she will react when she finds out you..." Roman cuts him off. 

Roman smirks at Pryce, "You might want to remember who signed the baby's death certificate.  Now, I'm not lawyer, but that sounds kind of malpractice-y, no? A not-so-gray area as to its legality.  See you at the proxy fights." Roman moves to head towards the elevators.  

Celena moves quickly and presses the buttons to call the elevator and waits.  Roman walks up to her and stands a few feet away.

"Everything ok?" She asks. 

"Just taking care of business like always." Roman says.

Celena scoffs a laugh but she silently frowns when she thinks about what he just said to Pryce.  Why were they bringing up Letha's baby in the argument?  What was that about the death certificate?

Meanwhile,  Pryce made a phone call to contact the Order of the Dragon and begged the Bishop that Roman was not ready to find out what he's been doing.  The Bishop points out about the Pact he and Olivia made years ago and how grateful he was that she kept her bargain.  But Pryce had other ideas.  So he did a special meeting with 'Ms. Chernobyl' and asked her to create an enzyme inhibitor to knock out clotting factor nine.  He demanded it to be done as soon as possible and to be off the books.  But she warns him that the effect of the drug on an organism would be to induce acute hemophilia.  In Layman's terms, an atomic bomb going off in the bloodstream.  But Pryce ignores her concerns and demands her to stop asking questions and to finish the enzyme by the end of the week.  


After hours of spending time at the salvage yard, Peter finally got the part he needed to fix Miranda's car.  The ride was silent all the way back till they reached town.  Miranda couldn't help but wonder about Peter's phone call. 

"Who's Lynda?" 

Peter averts his eyes to her a few times and sighs, "It's my mom." He says.

She looks at him with a worried look, "Is she ok?" She asks. 

"She's in jail."

"What for?"

"Some stuff she didn't do.  Some stuff she did do.  All those years on the road, she did some things that weren't so smart.  But I did too, so..." He sighs and grits his teeth, "She doesn't deserve this. I'm gonna get her out."

Miranda shakes her hair out of her face and looks at him with a soft look, "Well, it sounds like you're doing everything you can."

He looks at her and watches her give him another seductive look, but he looks away, ignoring her seductions, "You know..." He drops the subject.  "You know what we should do when we get back?"


"A tarot reading.  Give us some guidance." He says.

She laughs, "What?" But stops laughing when he wasn't kidding.  "Oh, you're serious?"

Peter waves it off, "Oh, no, yeah...I know most card readers are idiots and crooks, but my cousin, Destiny, she actually knows what she's doing." 

Miranda laughs again and scoffs, "Destiny?"

Peter frowns at her, "What?"

Soon, they make it to Destiny's apartment, but when Peter looks around and calls out to her, he realizes she wasn't home still.  No one was.  He frowns and turns back to Miranda.

"So?" She giggles.

"Oh, I wasn't lying. This isn't sort of 'get the girl back to my place' thing." He states and frowns when she walks up to him, giving him the sexy eye-rape look.  

"Peter, did you really thing I came here for a tarot card reading?" She scoffs and moves closer.  She walks up to him and lifts her hand to the back of his neck and leans closer, but before she could touch his lips, he jumps out of the way. 

"Woah, woah! What are you doing?"

She scoffs at him, "Isn't it obvious?  We're all alone in this place and a bed is right over there.  I'm pretty sure sex is in the cards." She bites her bottom lip.  

"I got a girlfriend." He states.

She scoffs, "Yeah, I've heard that before.  Come on, Peter.  Why else did you bring me here if you weren't gonna fuck me?"

Peter was about to say something, but the door opens and Celena walks in.  She frowns when she sees Miranda and Peter.  

"Hey, Peter.  Who's this?" She asks. 

"Um, this is Miranda.  She's a friend of Roman's.  Miranda, this is..." 

Miranda holds up a hand and stops him, "Let me guess...Destiny?" She laughs.  

"I'm Celena." 

Miranda looks at her in surprise, "Oh, Roman told me about you.  It's nice to finally put a face to a name." Miranda holds a hand out.

Whispering fills Celena's mind and she begins to hear Miranda's thoughts, "This is Roman's girlfriend, huh? The one who Peter and him fought over? Huh.  Well, not much of a competition.  It's obvious I'm getting to these guys...right where I want them."

Celena glares at her and, suddenly, Miranda snatches her hand back in pain.  

"Ouch!" She yelps. 

"What happened?" Peter asks. 

"I think something bit me.  Might have been a spider." She shakes her hand.  

"Can't trust these old buildings.  There's always something lurking in the shadows." Celena states as she eyes Miranda.  

Miranda scoffs, "Yeah." She clears her throat. "So how do you know Peter?"

"I'm his girlfriend." Celena says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Miranda looks at her in surprise, "His girlfriend?  So you weren't kidding?" She looks over to Peter. 

Peter shakes his head and shrugs.  

"Heh, wait till Roman gets a load of this.  Once he finds out she's cheating on him, he'll come running into my arms and be my new cash cow."  Miranda's voice echoes in her mind.

"I know Roman told you about us.  We're in an Polyamory relationship, but monogamous." Celena smirks.

Miranda's jaw drop, "Oh! He didn't mention that." She says.  "Well, I'm gonna go.  I guess we'll get a rain check on that reading." She says to Peter.  

Peter waves, "Bye." 

Miranda takes off and Celena turns to  Peter with an arched brow at him and he holds his hands up in surrender, "Now, Cell, I stopped her in time.  We didn't do anything." 

Celena sighs in irritation, "I know.  But she pissed me off." She sneers and, suddenly, a few metal vases around her crumbled as one.

Peter jumps in shock and watches her in caution, "Where were you?" He asks, changing the subject.

Celena places a shopping bag on the table that carried the clothes she was wearing this morning, "I was at Godfrey's Industries.  Roman gave me a job." She laughs.

Peter looks at her in shock, "What?  Why?" He asks. 

She sits down and takes off the high heels and rubs her feet, "That Dr. Pryce is keeping secrets again.  Roman needs a spy.  At least, he'll pay me." She sighs and groans in pain.  "Whoever invented high heels need to have these things nailed to their feet." 

Peter happily sits down and brings her foot to his lap and begins to rub her feet.

"Ohhh my god." Celena moans.  "That feels so good." 

Peter smirks and continues his massage.

"But, Pryce isn't the only one keeping secrets.  Roman is hiding something." Celena says.

"What else is new?" Peter scoffs. 

"Oh, right there." She moans. "I think it has to do with what happened to Letha.  He mentioned something about the baby and the death certificate." She frowns. 

Peter scrunches his brows in concern, worried for Celena and what this could bring her.

"Promise me you'll be careful.  Pryce knows your secret." He warns. 

Celena nods, "I know.  I will." She sighs and removes her foot from his lap, "Thank you." All of the sudden, her stomach growls loudly.

"Hungry?" He laughs.

"Starving.  I was too round up to eat lunch." She gets up.

"Hey, I'll go get us some food.  You, woman, get up to the loft and take a nice hot relaxing bath.  I'll give you a full body massage when I get back." He grins and pulls her into his arms and kisses her passionately.  

"Mmm, that sounds so good." She kisses him back and moves to head upstairs.  She yelps when he slaps her ass again. 

"You look hot in that tight skirt." Peter growls. 

"Maybe I'll wear it another when we can roleplay." She purrs and heads upstairs.  

Peter chuckles and heads out to get take out.  


Michael Chasseur, brother of Clementine, moved to Hemlock grove to become the new Sheriff.  But, mostly, he was there to find his sister's killer.  Now the order blames Roman, but Michael had evidence that said different.  But he felt he needed to keep an eye on the Godfreys.

Roman was home and sees Miranda walk in carrying a defeated vibe, but didn't look like she was going to let it get to her.  Almost as if she lost the fight but there's still the war.

He looks up and sees Anna quickly walking into the nursey to keep the baby quiet.  

"Hey." Roman greets Miranda.

"Oh, hey." She smiles.

"You weren't here when I got home." He says, frowning. 

"Oh, I had to ride with the tow trucker to get a part for my car.  He says you know him.  Peter?" She asks.

Roman frowns at that name, "Oh." He scoffs. 

"I also ran into his girlfriend.  Celena.  Unless there's more than one girl named Celena in this town..." She scoffs.  "She says the three of you are in a polyamory monogamous relationship." She says as she sits on the couch. 

Roman sighs, "She's right." He gets up and heads to the bar.

"Oh!  Well.  I kinda sense a bad vibe between the three of you though." She frowns.

"Peter and I use to be friends till..." Roman stops himself, but Miranda was curious.


Roman turns with a drink in his hands and sits back on the couch, "Celena had an accident.  It was pretty bad.  She ended up in a coma for 6 weeks.  Peter left town around that time.  Just abandoned us with no word.  We were going through some...really bad shit during then before her accident." He chugs back his whiskey and suck on the ice cube.

"That's terrible.  How could he just leave after that?" She scoffs.

"It's complicated.  But after he left, I began hating him since.  Even more when I lost my sister." He scoffs. 

"Celena seems to have forgiven him." She points out.

Roman scoffs and laughs, "That's Celena.  She's forgiving...to some.  That is...if they deserve it." He eyes her.  Almost as if he was warning her.  But Miranda didn't seem she was the kind of girl who would back down when it comes to what she wants. 


(Celena's robe)

Celena begins to fill up her bathtub with hot water and she sits on the tub, wearing a purple robe.  She tests the water and was satisfied with the temperature.  

She gets up and moves to the mirror as the tub fills up.  She looks in the mirror and begins to tie her hair up at the top of her head.  She grabs some bath salts from the shelves and opens the jar, sniffing the perfume.  

"Mmm." She smiles and begins to spread salts in the hot water.  

The lien closet door begins to open without her knowing, soft breathing was made in the darkness as a figure in a silver white mask watches her.

She leans over and shuts the water off as it was full enough.  Sighing softly, she undoes her belt and slides the robe off her naked body.  She moves and hangs it near the tub and gets into the water.  She sighs in bliss as lies back against the tub and begins to wash and massage her achy muscles.  She scoops the water up and lets its it fall on her face.  This was long overdue, but she couldn't for Peter to join her.  

Without realizing, the lien closet door opens wider and the figure dressed in black from head to toe in his mask walks slowly towards Celena as she bathes.  When he was close enough, he quickly grips her hair and shoves her into the water.  

Celena gasps and gurgles as she's forced underwater.  She grunts and fights, but the man was too strong.  She screams, but all came out were gurgles.  The man grips her throat and keeps her down.  All she could do was scream in the water. 

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