There Is More To Love - Choni

By rwraven

51.1K 971 1K

(1:15) - Unknown Number- Hey, what's your name? (1:18)- Cheryl Blossom- Not happening. (1:18) - Unknown Numbe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Chpater 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

2.1K 37 10
By rwraven

Monday AM

(10:25) -Toni-
Remember when I called Sweetpea a blabbermouth?

(10:28) -Cheryl-
Apparently I didn't remember it the first time, but I got it the second time around.

(10:30) -Toni-
My history class has just been informed that I got arrested on the weekend.

(10:32) -Cheryl-
Ah. Not good?

(10:34) -Toni-
It's kinda funny, actually. It's not unusual for anyone of us to face run-ins with the law but

(10:34) -Toni-
He told them I ran over an old lady.

(10:36) -Cheryl-
That's not funny, TT, that's manslaughter.

(10:38) -Toni-
People believe it, though.

(10:38) -Toni-
Ha, a new game has started.

(10:39) -Cheryl-
I don't like the sound of this.

(10:40) -Toni-
Who can tell the most outlandish lie for my arrest and have people believe it?

(10:42) -Cheryl-
I'm betting Jughead will win.

(10:43) -Toni-
Why Jug?

(10:43) -Cheryl-
His artistic flair.

(10:44) -Toni-
Haha, he'll be happy to hear that.

(10:45) -Toni-
But it's also maybe not good.

(10:46) -Cheryl-
Won't it add to your punk rock cred?

(10:48) -Toni-
Yeah, but it'll also reach some big ears.

(10:51) -Cheryl-

(10:55) -Toni-

(10:55) -Toni-
I don't think my brother will do anything now after that shit he pulled on the weekend but...

(10:56) -Toni-
Still better if he didn't know.

(10:57) -Toni-
Mm. I guess we'll see how it goes.

(10:58) -Cheryl-
You've got people to bail you out if you need it, Toni.

(10:59) -Toni-
Thanks Bombshell.

(10:59) -Toni-
Was that a jail joke?

(11:02) -Cheryl-
Oops. Wasn't meant to be.

(11:03) -Toni-
You're ridiculous. Subconsciously punning.

(11:05) -Cheryl-
Punning is a skill I have mastered, apparently, that I don't even require thinking about it.

(11:06) -Toni-
I don't think I'd call it a skill.

(11:07) -Cheryl-
It's an expuntise.

(11:08) -Toni-
That was awful. Truly and Godly awful.

(11:10) -Cheryl-
I was put on the spot, I'll do better next time.

(11:11) -Toni-
Please, no, let this reign of terror end!

(11:15) -Cheryl-
Never. It'll strike you when you least expect it.

(11:18) -Toni-
How did we get here? How do we get back?

(11:20) -Cheryl-
There's no turning back now. You have your little game over there, and now I've got my own.

(11:23) -Toni-
I've unleashed a beast.

(11:25) -Cheryl-
Can't tame me now.

(11:26) -Toni-
I wouldn't dare try. I might get pun-ished.

(11:28) -Cheryl-
Hey! Hands off my game!

(11:30) -Toni-
I can play multiple games at one time, Bombshell. Don't underestimate me.

(11:33) -Cheryl-
May the best punner win, then.

(11:34) -Toni-
I plun to.

(11:35) -Cheryl-
That was a reach.

(11:36) -Toni-
Punt up.


Monday PM

(3:12) -Cheryl-

(3:14) -Toni-

(3:14) -Cheryl-

(3:15) -Toni-
I'm gonna need a visual, commander.

(3:16) -Cheryl-
*1 image attached*

(3:17) -Toni-
Oh! They got there earlier than I thought. Cool.

(3:18) -Cheryl-
TT, why have you done this.

(3:19) -Toni-
Thank you! For bailing me out of jail! Also, sorry! That you had to bail me out of jail and ruined our night!

(3:20) -Cheryl-
I told you, you didn't.

(3:21) -Toni-
Now, I'm gonna need a visual on how bright your cheeks are right now.

(3:23) -Cheryl-
You're mean! I'm pretty sure I've said this before!

(3:23) -Toni-
It's also Spring, Bombshell! The season of flowers!

(3:25) -Cheryl-
My mother has put them in a vase.

(3:27) -Toni-
Good. They'd look nice on your desk, next to Sheba. Liven up their environment.

(3:30) -Cheryl-
Ok, there. That's where I've put them.

(3:31) -Toni-
Good. Hope the chocolates were to your liking, too.

(3:33) -Cheryl-
I can't believe – yes, TT.

(3:33) -Cheryl-
Thank you.

(3:33) -Cheryl-
Even though it wasn't necessary.

(3:35) -Toni-
It was absolutely necessary.

(3:36) -Toni-
The mental image of you burying your face in your hands is all I ever need in life, to be honest with you Moons.

(3:36) -Cheryl-
You're so gross.

(3:37) -Toni-
So are you.

(3:38) -Cheryl-
Dad is very intrigued by these flowers.

(3:40) -Toni-
A fan of roses, is he?

(3:41) -Cheryl-
I didn't even notice. You sent me roses? My family crest is literally a rose. In spring. After blooming:.

(3:45) -Toni-
That's the point. We don't ever buy any other kinds of flowers now. Just to annoy you

(3:46) -Cheryl-
You definitely are a bitch.

(3:47) -Toni-
A bitch who sent you roses and chocolate!

(3:50) -Cheryl-
No, if asked, these flowers and chocolates came from a distant relative on my mum's side.

(3:53) -Toni-
Oo, I can do that.

(3:53) -Toni-
I can play the role of distant relative.

(3:54) -Toni-
What should my name be? I have a distant relative named Alphard, maybe I could go by that.

(3:55) -Cheryl-
That's not necessary.

(3:58) -Toni-
What's my backstory? Why haven't I made contact until now?

(3:58) -Toni-
Oh shit, look at the time. Fangs is gonna kill me. Crunch time for training again, I'll talk to later, my distant nephew!

(4:00) -Cheryl-
Send me money next time, uncle.


(6:32) -Cheryl-
So your name is Alphard, you're my second-great-uncle thrice removed who only just discovered that I existed. You have no spouse, no children, nor a telephone. You like your privacy and the sentimentality of hand written letters. You farm sheep and in your spare time and you like to knit from their wool. Next time, you're going to send me a sweater.


(7:26) -Toni-
Cher, I know for a fact that you don't need any more sweaters.


(8:03) -Cheryl-
One can never have too many sweaters.

(8:03) -Cheryl-
Also, I'm glad that was your only issue with the back story.

(8:06) -Toni-
Sheep sound cool. I'll have to brush up on my sheep farming knowledge, though.

(8:09) -Cheryl-
Only if you decide I'm going to inherit the business when you die.

(8:11) -Toni-
I'll remember to write it into my will.

(8:13) -Cheryl-
We only just discovered each other and you're already writing me into your will?

(8:15) -Toni-
What can I say, you have a strong influence.

(8:15) -Toni-
You seem like a reliable enough young man to take over my farm.

(8:16) -Cheryl-
I don't know the first thing about farming.

(8:19) -Toni-
I'll teach you, nephew, don't worry.

(8:23) -Cheryl-
I'm telling my mum about your new role.

(8:23) -Cheryl-
She likes your commitment. Thinks it's very amusing.

(8:25) -Toni-
She just needs to wait and see what else I can do.

(8:28) -Cheryl-
I'm a little scared to ask what you mean.

(8:29) -Toni-

(8:30) -Cheryl-
I told you, no emojis.

(8:33) -Toni-
But it keeps me mysterious.

(8:34) -Cheryl-
You're already my estranged uncle, how much more mystery do you need.

(8:35) -Toni-
More. More mystery.

(8:37) -Toni-
Why aren't I married?

(8:39) -Cheryl-
To stay dedicated to the farm, of course.

(8:40) -Toni-
Wow, I must really love these sheep.

(8:41) -Cheryl-
And knitting. Don't forget your knitting.

(8:45) -Toni-
Don't worry, Cheryl, you'll get your damn sweater.

(8:47) -Cheryl-
Just making sure.

(8:50) -Toni-
I gotta help Pea with his History essay. He's almost crying.

(8:51) -Cheryl-
History makes me cry too, only for different reasons.

(8:54) -Toni-

(8:55) -Cheryl-
You're doing French revolution, right? Marie Antoinette didn't deserve this.

(8:56) -Toni-
Can I quote that in Sweets' essay? I'll source you.

(8:58) -Cheryl-
If it helps his argument, go right ahead.

(8:59) -Toni-
Thanks, Bombshell. I'll talk to you later.

(9:00) -Cheryl-
Have fun essay writing.


(10:03) -Cheryl-
Good night, Toni.


(11:43) -Toni-
Good night, Cheryl.


Tuesday AM

(8:03) -Cheryl-
Did you honestly to go bed at midnight?

(8:05) -Toni-
Essay writing is hard work. Especially when it's due the next day.

(8:06) -Cheryl-
Wasn't even your essay.

(8:09) -Toni-
What are friends for.

(8:10) -Toni-
That's a lie, he owes me now.

(8:11) -Cheryl-
Once again, I fear for Jordan.

(8:13) -Toni-
Ill make an oath here for you, then.

(8:14) -Toni-
I won't make Sweets do anything life threatening.

(8:15) -Cheryl-
That's... all the reassurance you're going to give me?

(8:17) -Toni-
Sometimes, you just ask for too much.

(8:20) -Cheryl-
I'm going to do hourly check ups on Jordan to make sure he's doing ok.

(8:21) -Toni-
That's so unnecessary.


(8:22) -Cheryl-
Jordan, how are you faring?

(8:23) -Sweetpea-
I'm doing okay! Toni  just gave me the rest of her juice box , and now she's patting me on the head.

(8:26) -Cheryl-
Is she threatening you to write these messages?

(8:29) -Sweetpea-
Not yet.

(8:30) -Sweetpea-
Gotta go, thank you Guardian Angel Moony.

(8:31) -Cheryl-
Best of luck.


(8:34) -Toni-
I literally just had to remind Sweetpea that you're MY girlfriend. And that your bestie Veronica is HIS.

(8:34) -Toni-
Honestly, the little fucker.


(9:12) -Cheryl-
Are you still alive?

(9:13) -Sweetpea-
Yeah, but really, I think if you keep messaging me I might not be.

(9:14) -Cheryl-
You just have to be more subtle. This is for your benefit, after all.

(9:17) -Sweetpea-
Haha, stupid bitch got in trouble trying to chew me out.

(9:17) -Cheryl-
Changed my mind, this is fun.


(9:19) -Toni-
Taaaalk to meeeee

(9:20) -Cheryl-
Can you confirm Jordan's status of being alive?

(9:21) -Toni-
Yeah, the little rat's breathing. For now.

(9:22) -Cheryl-
If anything happens to him, you have me to answer to.

(9:24) -Toni-


(10:34) -Cheryl-

(10:35) -Toni-
Smiling smugly.

(10:36) -Cheryl-
Good, good.


(10:36) -Toni-
Get a room, you two.


Tuesday MIDDAY

(11:45) -Toni-
I got ambushed.

(11:46) -Cheryl-
It's about time Sweetpea fought back.

(11:46) -Toni-
Not Sweetpea...

(11:46) -Toni-
Malachai cornered me.

(11:47) -Cheryl-
Oh. About what happened on Sunday?

(11:47) -Toni-

(11:48) -Toni-
He looked, idk, like he was worried?

(11:48) -Toni-
About me? Which is weird.

(11:48) -Toni-
Why does he give a shit.

(11:50) -Cheryl-
Because he cares about you, still?

(11:50) -Toni-
Yeah, yeah. Maybe.

(11:51) -Toni-
He said he won't tell Satan's Bitches, but he can't guarantee the cousins won't.

(11:52) -Cheryl-
Toni, it sounds like he still wants to be apart of your life.

(11:53) -Goni-
I know, but we'll see if I want him there or not. He did try and kill my friends,Saturday.

(11:53) -Cheryl-
Well, no, he didn't actually do any of the punching. What else did he say?

(11:55) -Toni-
He says thanks, for looking after me.

(11:58) -Cheryl-
Um, he's welcome?

(11:59) -Toni-
We're meeting up on Saturday.

(11:59) -Toni-
I agreed if he paid for lunch.

(12:02) -Cheryl-
Why are you so cheap?

(12:03) -Toni-
I think it's a small price he's paying.

(12:04) -Cheryl-

(12:04) -Cheryl-
Are you ok going out with him? If you need support, or anything, I can come.

(12:06) -Toni-

(12:06) -Cheryl-

(12:07) -Toni-

(12:07) -Cheryl-
You're exaggerating! Shut up!

(12:08) -Toni-
You're such a gentlewoman, my heart is melting!

(12:09) -Cheryl-
I'm retracting my offer.

(12:11) -Toni-
It'll be alright, Moony. Thank you.

(12:12) -Cheryl-

(12:12) -Cheryl-
I have to get back to work. Are you alright, really?

(12:15) -Toni-
I am, Cheryl. I have a slight migraine that I'm naming Malachai but I'm alright.

(12:16) -Cheryl-
Do tell me if you're not. Let me help.

(12:17) -Toni-
I will, babe.

(12:17) -Toni-
Just... promise you'll kiss above my right eye next time we see each other.

(12:17) -Cheryl-
That sounds manageable.

(12:17) -Toni-
Ok. Go get some work done.

(12:18) -Cheryl-
Hey, you too!

(12:19) -Toni-
Psh, sure.


(12:20) -Sweetpea-
I'm ALSO ok, thanks for checking up!!!!!

(12:20) -Cheryl-
Oh right, you.

(12:20) -Cheryl-
Yeah, good.

(12:21) -Sweetpea-
You suck at your job.


(1:02) -Toni-
I had to leave class because my head hurts so bad.

(1:03) -Toni-
Ugh, the screen is too bright.

(1:03) -Toni-
I'm going to nap.

(1:04) -Cheryl-
I'll be here when you wake up, love.

(1:04) -Cheryl-
Sleep well.


(10:12) -Cheryl-
I'm going to bed, but call me if you need to.

(10:12) -Cheryl-
Good night.

(10:12) -Cheryl-


Wednesday AM

[Answer: Toni]


"Did I wake you up?"

"Yes. Just give me two seconds."

"Good morning."

"Good morning. How are you?"

"Yeah, fine."


"Really, Moony. I am fine. Yesterday was just... I don't know, it just stirred up old emotions, I guess."

"How's your head?"

"Doped up on sleep and painkillers. Should be alright."

"Good. Good, ok."

"It still needs kisses, though."

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten."

"Text kisses don't count, just so you know."

"Hm? Text kisses?"

"You sent x's in your text last night."

"Oh, right. Well. That was just-"

"The cutest."

"Too early for this nonsense!"

"Yeah, I should get ready for breakfast."

"Mkay. Eat well. Hugs and kisses."

"X and O to you too, love."

[Call Disconnected]


(11:34) -Betty-
You're gonna help me move them, right?

(11:35) -Cheryl-
No, sorry. Apparently my touch is 'not delicate enough'.

(11:37) -Betty-
You're really upset but that, huh.

(11:40) -Cheryl-
Well, no actually. Because it meant that I didn't have to bake with you.

(11:41) -Betty-
But now you're using it as an excuse to not help me.

(11:41) -Cheryl-

(11:45) -Betty-
Cheryl Blossom you are obliged by the best-friend-cousin-code to help me transport the delicious and fluffy desserts I made.

(11:48) -Cheryl-
Fine, when?

(11:48) -Cheryl-
I'm busy today.

(11:50) -Betty-
It starts at two. Come over at one?

(11:51) -Cheryl-
Fine, fine. I have to go to the library  at three to return some books though, and babysit June and Dag.

(11:52) -Betty-
You'll be done by then. But then you're mine again at 4:30

(11:55) -Cheryl-
Yes, I know, I know.

(11:56) -Cheryl-
Will you release me for my last one hour of freedom now?

(11:57) -Betty-
Hm... I'll allow it. This time.


Wednesday PM

(3:34) -Cheryl-
I hate animals.

(3:36) -Toni-
You don't mean that, for sure.

(3:37) -Cheryl-
This goat has been trying to eat my pants for ten minutes. Relentlessly.

(3:39) -Toni-
Um. When did you get a goat? And where can I get one?!(for research purposes Ofc)

(3:40) -Cheryl-

(3:40) -Cheryl-
I'm at Betty's school fair.

(3:45) -Toni-
School fair! That's so cool!

(3:47) -Cheryl-
Sure, but right now I'm in charge of two ginger children and a goat.

(3:49) -Toni-
I can't imagine which one is harder to handle.

(3:51) -Cheryl-
I can't tell either. Both are trying my patience.

(3:53) -Cheryl-
Ok! Juniper  just tried to ride the cow! We're going!

(3:54) -Toni-
Are you kidding?! Let the kid go! That's so cool!

(3:56) -Cheryl-
She would take off with it. Shes an animal person. The cow was very willing to let her on.

(3:57) -Cheryl-
We're getting hotdogs now.

(3:58) -Cheryl-
At 4:30 I promised Betty I'd help man her stall.

(3:59) -Toni-
What's she doing?

(4:00) -Toni-
It's not a kissing booth, is it?

(4:01) -Cheryl-
Yes, it's a kissing booth, that I have very voluntarily agreed to take part in. Because I love kissing strangers. For money.

(4:02) -Toni-
You didn't make me pay.

(4:03) -Cheryl-
Don't imply you were a stranger!

(4:03) -Cheryl-
It's cupcakes. Thankfully, she didn't make me bake them with her this time.

(4:04) -Cheryl-
The children insist on playing games, I'll talk to you later.

(4:05) -Toni-
Win me a teddy bear!


(4:46) -Cheryl-
That stuff is only romantic if you're here too.

(4:47) -Toni-
You're just saying that because you didn't win.

(4:47) -Cheryl-
The games are surprisingly hard.

(4:48) -Toni-
Suuuuuuuure, Moony. That's ok, I'll win you something next time.

(4:49) -Cheryl-
There's a raffle here for a car. Win me that.

(4:50) -Toni-
I dunno, you're driving abstract is less than satisfactory.

(4:51) -Cheryl-
Love, you're not one to talk.

(4:51) -Toni-
Shut up!

(4:51) -Toni-
Alright, break is over. Back to football.

(4:52) -Cheryl-
Oh no, don't leave me here! I have to do customer service!

(4:53) -Cheryl-

(5:01) -Cheryl-
Someone just insisted that I take off all the sprinkles! I can't do this!


(5:33) -Cheryl-
I hate animals, and people.

(5:35) -Cheryl-
This guy just bought a cupcake and smashed it in his fist?! And then walked away? So glad Betty wasn't here, she'd be livid.


(5:50) -Cheryl-
So Betty's concept is that certain cupcakes will give you certain luck.

(5:50) -Cheryl-
Like, this cupcake with lemon flavouring will bring you good health.

(5:53) -Cheryl-
Except this is a high school fair, and teenagers are dickheads.

(5:54) -Cheryl-
This guy bought one of every kind of cupcake and ate them all in one mouthful, claiming he will now be invincible.

(5:55) -Cheryl-
No, sorry, his words were, "Now I'm fucking immortal."

(6:03) -Toni-
I told ya Moons, you really didn't miss out on not going to high school.

(6:03) -Cheryl-
I can clearly see that now. I'm pretty sure there are some intoxicated students here.

(6:05) -Toni-
Still wanna be a teacher?

(6:06) -Cheryl-
Yes, so I can knock some sense into them.

(6:07) -Toni-
Such a wet blanket.

(6:08) -Cheryl-
Am not! There's a difference between fun and being a tool.

(6:08) -Toni-
Not that you would know.

(6:09) -Cheryl-
Ouch! How rude!

(6:15) -Cheryl-
This little boy just bought a fairy cupcake in the hopes that it would turn him into a fairy.

(6:15) -Toni-
Bet you wanted to knock some sense into him, too.

(6:16) -Toni-
Fairies aren't real, little boy.

(6:17) -Cheryl-
I would not! I wouldn't crush children.

(6:18) -Toni-
Wait, if you were a teacher, what grade would you teach?

(6:19) -Cheryl-
Not primary. Too exhausting.

(6:20) -Cheryl-
My small stint with Juniper and Dagwood has left me exhausted, and that was only an hour and a bit.

(6:22) -Toni-
I don't know what the fuck a Juniper or Dagwood is, but Jellybean is a handful. Love her, but God, if I have to babysit her one more time I might actually cry

(6:24) -Toni-
She's an adorable, gentle girl. Besides being a little....excitable about electronic devices.

(6:25) -Cheryl-
Electronic devices?

(6:27) -Toni-
Breaking apart toasters to see how they work. It's a small hobby of her's.

(6:29) -Cheryl-
Just don't let her stick a fork in there.

(6:29) -Toni-
I... honestly wouldn't put it past her.

(6:32) -Cheryl-
Betty is back, I have company.

(6:33) -Toni-
Oh, so you don't need me anymore?

(6:35) -Cheryl-
Precisely. Go away.

(6:36) -Toni-
Do you even like me?


(7:24) -Cheryl-
You're ok.

(7:30) -Toni-
You took way too long to reply.

(7:31) -Cheryl-
I was busy. Going back to Betty's now.

(7:32) -Toni-
I've been sulking.

(7:32) -Cheryl-
That doesn't surprise me.

(7:35) -Toni-

(7:36) -Cheryl-
Stop! With the faces!

(7:36) -Cheryl-
Fine, I'm sorry, I like you a lot.

(7:37) -Toni-
Good, thanks Bombshell!


(8:02) -Cheryl-
Hang on, you never said it back!

(8:03) -Toni-
Ughhhhh, do I haaaave to?

(8:04) -Cheryl-
It's only fair.

(8:05) -Toni-
I like you a lot, too.

(8:06) -Cheryl-
Good, thanks TT.


(11:42) -Toni-
Hey, hey, are you awake?

(11:43) -Cheryl-
I am now.

(11:43) -Toni-
I really like you.

(11:44) -Cheryl-
I really like you too.

(11:45) -Toni-
Good night, Moony.

(11:46) -Cheryl-
Night, Cha-Cha.


Thursday AM

(7:03) -Cheryl-
It's so satisfying watching someone get ready for school, while I'm still laying in bed.

(7:04) -Toni-
You're like Fangs when he's sick. Just sits in bed and brags about how he's going to have such a long day bundled in blankets.

(7:05) -Cheryl-
It's a good feeling.

(7:05) -Cheryl-
Even though socks are being thrown at me.

(7:07) -Toni-
You deserve it.

(7:08) -Cheryl-
Probably, but they're dirty socks. That's too far, in my humble opinion.

(7:08) -Toni-
Be thankful she's not throwing shoes.

(7:10) -Cheryl-
She's making me have breakfast with her.

(7:11) -Cheryl-
We're not allowed to eat in the bedroom.

(7:11) -Toni-
Just get up like the rest of us, Moony.

(7:12) -Cheryl-
But I'm tiiiiiiired.

(7:13) -Cheryl-
Ah! I mentioned that at least she wasn't throwing shoes at me and now she is! I made a mistake.

(7:13) -Cheryl-
I'm getting up.

(7:14) -Toni-
Good! You say she lives with her parents, right? How great of a breakfast must that be! Married suburban people seem... like the pancake and OJ type people

(7:14) -Cheryl-
Actually, they only have cereal here.

(7:15) -Cheryl-
I was disappointed the first time, too.

(7:16) -Toni-
Can't always be what people expect of you, I guess.

(7:16) -Cheryl-
Unfortunately not. I'm getting death stares for texting.

(7:17) -Toni-
Ok, I'll leave you to your... cereal.

(7:18) -Cheryl-
Gee, thank you for your enthusiasm.

(7:18) -Toni-
Enjoy your cereal, I'm going to have eggs and bacon now.

(7:18) -Cheryl-
What did I do to upset you.

(7:20) -Toni-
Yum yum, eggies and bacon.

(7:20) -Cheryl-
Leave me alone now.


(8:01) -Toni-
Maaaaaaan those eggs and bacon were good.

(8:03) -Cheryl-
I'm ignoring you.


Thursday PM

Dearest Nephew,

I hope you are well. I, myself, in all of my bachelor glory, am doing splendidly. My sheep, also, are doing super swell. We're just constantly on a rollercoaster of partying, sheep are such wild animals, but they're also shivering. They miss their wool, but I just love knitting so much. Knitting fuels me with a fire that burns hotter than any man, woman, neither, both, or combination of the four, can ignite.

I used to be lonely, all on my bachelor own, but then I saw the light. Sheep are my true companions.

Shit, wait, don't get the wrong idea, Nephew Of Mine. I'm not... me and the sheep, we're just friends, I swear. Nothing weird going on here. Not at all.

Despite this fire knitting brings me, technically, literally, it's goddamn cold. I keep making all of these sweaters and then giving them away to nephews! Please send firewood. We're so cold. There's no heating up here in the

(we didn't previously decide where Alphard lived, so I'm just gonna make it up now)

In the Scottish Highlands.

(seems like the kind of place Alphy the sheep-fuckerlover would hang out, right? secluded and all that)

Anyway, hope you're doing well. Like I totally am. And my sheep. My sheep, Malachai, is doing wonderfully. I gave him a stupid haircut. He looks like a dick. Anyway, anyway, anyway.

Have a good day, Dearest Nephew. Please write soon. I need something to burn.

Your Uncle Alphard
The Hottest Scottish Bachelor


(3:41) -Cheryl-
I get the vague feeling that you didn't like that Alphard wasn't married.

(3:44) -Toni-
Am I not a hot stud, Bombshell? Why wouldn't I be married.

(3:46) -Cheryl-
Because you're not actually Alphard.

(3:49) -Toni-
I feel like I embodied the character well!

(3:50) -Toni-
Did the sweater arrive, too?

(3:57) -Cheryl-
It did. This is not a new sweater.

(4:01) -Toni-
No, I admit, its not.

(4:02) -Cheryl-
It's also not likely to be hand made.

(4:04) -Toni-
You overestimate my skill set.

(4:06) -Cheryl-
This most likely belonged to you.

(4:09) -Toni-
Most likely? Sheesh, I wouldn't send you Jugs' sweater. That's just weird.

(4:11) -Cheryl-
Do you have a thing for me in your clothes?

(4:15) -Toni-

(4:15) -Toni-
If you don't like the sweater, then send it back!

(4:17) -Cheryl-
You totally do!

(4:18) -Toni-
That's it, give it back.

(4:20) -Cheryl-

(4:21) -Toni-
Give me the sweater.

(4:26) -Cheryl-
No, you can't have it back.

(4:26) -Cheryl-
It was sent to me by my dear estranged uncle.

(4:30) -Toni-
Your uncle is creepy.

(4:34) -Cheryl-
He has questionable relationships with sheep, I admit. But his sweater is big and warm.

(4:36) -Toni-
So you'll complain about the sweater, but you'll still wear it?!

(4:40) -Cheryl-
Who ever said I was complaining? I was just asking a question.

(4:45) -Toni-
Ok, but I'm pleading the fifth.

(4:46) -Cheryl-
Saying nothing is just as well as saying yes.

(4:47) -Toni-
Interpret it however you want! The fact is that I haven't given you an answer!

(4:50) -Cheryl-
You're a mushy sentimentalist who likes me in your clothes!

(4:51) -Toni-
Im saying nothing!

(4:54) -Cheryl-
You're cute.

(4:56) -Toni-
You're giving me an early death.

(4:58) -Cheryl-
This is better. Usually I'm the one being tormented.

(5:04) -Toni-
I'm plotting payback as we speak.

(5:05) -Cheryl-
I suddenly have to go! Good-bye Toni!

(5:06) -Toni-


(9:02) -Cheryl-
Can I call you?

(9:03) -Toni-
Of course.

[Calling: Toni]

"Hey. Everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. Just... wanted to talk to you."

"Ok. Hang on, let me go somewhere devoid of eavesdropping friends."

"I can hear their indignation in the background."

"They promise they won't tease, but I don't trust them."

"Such little faith in your friends."

"It's because I know them like the back of my hand. I won't be tricked."

"It sounds like fun. I've probably said, but it's like having a sleepover with your friends every day."

"It is, until you learn all of their gross habits."

"Like spitting phlegm into a bucket?"

"Uh... Can't say they do that regularly. I was more thinking clipping their toenails in each other's trailers."

"Alright, that is gross. So I guess, in comparison, phlegm is nothing?"

"Phlegm means nothing to me. I will fight all phlegm."

"Ok, but can you wait for it to exit my body before you fight it? You might cause me damage otherwise."

"Of course, Moony. Do you really think I'd be that cruel, to hurt an innocent bystander?"

"Well, your driving skills seem to suggest-"

"When are you going to drop that?"

"Never, I think. My last words will probably be a critique of your driving abilities."

"Not how much I've meant to you and how much you'll miss me in the afterlife?"

"No, no. Just how shit you are at driving."

"This is honestly so heartbreaking, Moony. It's like you don't even care."

"Hmm... I'm wearing your sweater right now. Does that count as caring?"

"What was the phrase you used? Mushy sentimentalist?"

"Yes, but I am willing to admit that."

"Are you really? I'll remember that."

"I'm having regrets."

"If you hadn't had any regrets by now Moony, I would have been worried."

"You expected my regrets from agreeing to this arrangement?"

"Yea – hang on, did you just call our relationship an arrangement?"

"I did, but I see now that it was the wrong word. Arrangement suggests I'm getting something out of it."

"You're getting clothes. A lot of clothes, actually."

"Hm, that is true."

"It's me that's lacking."

"I'd send you clothes, but there would be a high chance that I would just get them back."

"Why won't you let this go?"

"Two things I won't let go, TT. Your driving and your clothes sharing."

"Not the fact that I literally killed your goldfish?"

"I thought we were pinning that on Jordan?"

"I'm pretty much an accomplice after the fact. I mean, I tried to cover it up."

"Well, at least it shows that in the event that I accidentally kill someone, you'll be there to back me up."

"That's... Actually probably true."

"You're either a natural liar or loyal."

"Or, a murderer living vicariously."

"You don't strike me as the murder type."


"No, not unless it was for revenge."

"Are you writing up a criminal profile on me?"

"If you ever wrong me, then I'll have something to give to the police."



"Such a loving person you are."

"Mm, you know me."

"You sound tired."

"Don't I always?"

"Ok, you sound more tired than usual."

"Might be... because 'm falling..."

"F-falling? Like, what, exactly?"


"Oh. Right. Yeah."

"You ok?"

"Yeah, duh. Go to sleep, Moony."

"Already am, TT."

"Good night."

[Call Disconnected]


Friday AM

(9:27) -Toni-
So, Sweetpea got a passing mark for his history essay.

(9:28) -Cheryl-
I feel like there should be a 'but' here.

(9:29) -Toni-
BUT he does have to have a meeting with the teacher after class to discuss appropriate references.

(9:30) -Cheryl-
What on earth did you two reference?

(9:30) -Cheryl-
Horrible Histories?

(9:31) -Toni-
You, of course!

(9:31) -Cheryl-

(9:31) -Cheryl-
Oh, no, you didn't honestly...

(9:33) -Toni-
"According to historians, Marie-Antoinette 'didn't deserve this,' as she was executed in 1793 for treason."

(9:34) -Cheryl-
I don't want to know what the bibliography said.

(9:35) -Toni-
Are you sure? It was properly formatted.

(9:35) -Toni-
Blossom, CH 2014, 'Texts to Toni', iPhone, Network CA.

(9:38) -Cheryl-
Oh, God. And Sweetpea still passed?

(9:38) -Toni-
Hey, the rest of the essay was good!

(9:40) -Cheryl-
Well, forgive me for being skeptical!

(9:41) -Toni-
You have no faith, Bombshell.

(9:42) -Toni-
Oh! Speaking of faith!

(9:42) -Cheryl-
I don't like where this is going.

(9:42) -Toni-
Are you busy this evening?

(9:45) -Cheryl-
... Define busy.

(9:46) -Toni-
Are you leaving your house for some super important engagement?

(9:47) -Cheryl-
No, not currently, but I get the feeling I'm going to suddenly make up an excuse saying I am.

(9:48) -Toni-
Why don't you want to see your girlfriend, Bombshell?

(9:50) -Cheryl-
It's not that I don't want to see her, it's just that I'm always wary of her plans.

(9:51) -Toni-
It's nothing insane, you can trust her.

(9:54) -Cheryl-
Can I? There's no law-breaking, is there?

(9:55) -Toni-
No law-breaking. Uh, maybe some blasphemy, though.

(9:57) -Cheryl-
... What the hell, TT?

(9:58) -Toni-
Well, by traditional standards it might not be the done thing. But we owe it to them.

(9:59) -Cheryl-
I am very confused now. You're not propositioning me?

(10:02) -Toni-

(10:02) -Toni-

(10:03) -Cheryl-
It is the only time anyone ever uses the word 'blasphemy,' ok?

(10:04) -Toni-
Sure, sure. Get your mind out of the gutter.

(10:05) -Cheryl-
That's what I usually say to you.

(10:06) -Toni-
And look how the tables have turned. So, anyway, you available tonight?

(10:07) -Cheryl-
Sure, I guess. Tell me then, what are we doing?

(10:08) -Toni-
We're going to hold a memorial service.

(10:08) -Cheryl-
For my sanity?

(10:10) -Toni-
For Sheba!

(10:11) -Cheryl-
I just checked the fish bowl, wondering what you had done now, until I realised you meant the first one.

(10:11) -Toni-
Yes, I meant the first one! We haven't done anything to commemorate them.

(10:13) -Cheryl-
That's because... they're a fish. Were a fish.

(10:14) -Toni-
They may be in a kitty's belly, Moony, but they will always be a fish.

(10:15) -Cheryl-
And they will forever swim in your heart, I know.

(10:16) -Toni-
Hey, that was actually pretty good. I'm adding it.

(10:17) -Cheryl-
Adding it to what?

(10:17) -Toni-
The eulogy I'm going to give.

(10:19) -Cheryl-
This can't be serious

(10:19) -Cheryl-
This isn't real.

(10:21) -Toni-
Guess you could say it was sea-real

(10:22) -Toni-
Get it? Sea-real, surreal?!!

(10:23) -Cheryl-
Stop this immediately.

(10:26) -Toni-
Wait until you hear the eulogy, Moons.

(10:27) -Cheryl-
This is how I'm going to spend my Friday night?

(10:27) -Cheryl-
Don't you have training?

(10:28) -Toni-
Oh, come on. What do you usually do on a Friday night?

(10:29) -Toni-
And Fangs is letting us rest today.

(10:30) -Cheryl-
I'd usually be watching a very nice movie that isn't about dead fish.

(10:31) -Toni-
Don't like Finding Nemo then, huh?

(10:32) -Cheryl-
Let's not go there. It's a cry-fest.

(10:35) -Toni-
So meet me at the Hogsmeade Botanical gardens, 4pm?

(10:36) -Cheryl-
Fine, ok.

(10:37) -Toni-
Yes! Perfect!

(10:39) -Cheryl-
This isn't going to be counted as a date, is it?

(10:39) -Toni-
Why not?

(10:40) -Cheryl-
It's a bit depressing. Second date at a funeral.

(10:41) -Toni-
Not even a funeral. We have no body. A memorial.

(10:42) -Toni-
Grief can bring us closer.

(10:43) -Cheryl-
You're hitting on me through the death of a goldfish? That's low.

(10:44) -Toni-
We don't want to be like those parents who divorce after the death of a kid! We need to come together.

(10:45) -Toni-
A nice stroll through the botanical gardens while commemorating a dear friend will help with that.

(10:46) -Cheryl-
This is incredible.

(10:46) -Toni-
But you're not saying no.

(10:48) -Cheryl-
No, I'm not. I'll be there.

(10:49) -Toni-
Good. Don't forget to wear black!

(10:50) -Cheryl-
Good grief.


Friday PM

(3:58) -Toni-
I'm waiting!

(3:58) -Cheryl-
You're early.

(3:58) -Toni-
By two minutes. You here yet?

(3:59) -Cheryl-
Just about. Main gate?

(3:59) -Toni-
Yeah – haha, I see youuuuu


"Nice outfit," Toni said as soon as Cheryl was within earshot, a smirk on her face and arms wrapped tightly around her torso

It looked like Cheryl had trouble finding anything suitably black, her jeans looking well worn and rolled up at the cuff, which Toni suspected was because they were too short for her long legs. Her jacket, on the other hand, looked far too big for her for it to even be fashionable, hanging off her frame like a heavy burden.

"Shut up," Cheryl replied with no real bite. "Had to borrow one of my dad's jackets. And these jeans are way too short."

Toni, in her all-black outfit that she picked from whatever was lying on the floor, frowned at her. "You mean you don't own black clothes?"

Cheryl rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were twitching into a smile and Toni didn't stop herself from holding out her hand. Cheryl took it easily.

"You know me, I live in neon colours. Though I do love..." the redhead motioned flippantly to the serpent's outfit "Leather and mesh aesthetic."

Toni beamed, tugging at the black shirt clinging to her body with little resistance.

Their walk through the gardens was quiet. Every now and then Toni would feel a light touch on her head, Cheryl's hand retracting to flick away a fallen leaf.

"Did you prepare a speech?" Toni asked her as they passed under a willow, it's reaching branches caressing their faces, swinging their joint hands and spinning the redhead, eliciting a soft giggle from her

Cheryl screwed up her face. "No," she said. "I was thinking I should wing it. Makes it more from the heart, that way."

Toni snorted. "I don't believe you're taking this as sincerely as you should."

Cheryl gasped, holding a hand over her chest and grasping at the metal tags. "Are you implying that I'm not taking this fish funeral, dare I say, seriously?"

"You dare not say it!" Toni commanded, albeit with a grin on her face. "Your happy demeanor and flippant attitude suggests that you do not care one bit for our fallen soldier."

Toni tugged on her hand, pulling Cheryl off the man-made path and onto the grass. The ground was still slightly wet from earlier rain, dew clinging to the blades fruitlessly as Toni's feet sent the drops falling into the air again.

"Fallen soldier?" Cheryl snorted. "What war did they fight in?"

Toni took a beat, seemingly deep in thought. "Did you really think you won the sheep wars without a little back up?"

"And just where are Sheba's dog tags?"

"Lost in the battlefield," Toni said quickly. "It was tragic, we all cried."

Cheryl raised an eyebrow, a smile fighting on her face as she struggled to keep up with Toni's pace. "Now who's being flippant?"

The ground started to dip downhill. Toni slowed her steps, keeping a firm grip on the pale hand so the clumsy girl didn't go stumbling all the way to the bottom. Their feet slip slightly on the wet grass, but they make it to the edge of the lake safe.

"I'm allowed to be flippant right now," Toni told her. "For I have a heartfelt speech ready."

"Really," Cheryl said blandly. "I suppose we're doing it here, then?"

The lake wasn't anything special to look at, a murky grey of polluted water edged with dying reeds. The ducks waddling by the bank don't even flinch at their arrival, continuing on their path as if they weren't there. They look old, and as grey as the lake itself, but Toni figured it was the next best place to hold the memorial, keeping in mind the traumatic event at the larger body of water a few minutes away.

"Look," Toni said, disentangling her hand from Cheryl's to shuffle through her jean pockets. She pulled out a small paper-made boat, puffing it out for it to take on a three dimensional shape, holding it up on her palm proudly. On the inside of the boat is a little drawn fish, it's eyes replaced with x's.

Cheryl took the boat gingerly, trying to suppress a smile as she sternly said, "This is morbid."

Toni faked offense. "It's art!"

She took back the boat, resting it on the bank so only the lips of the lake could kiss the bow, and then took out another piece of paper from her pocket.

The writing on the paper was a messy scrawl, hurriedly written in between periods and work assignments, with parts crossed out angrily and some unhelpful commentary from Jughead.

She cleared her throat theatrically, shaking out the paper in front of her and glancing over at Cheryl. She was still trying to keep in his laughter, and Toni appreciated her level of commitment to playing along.

"Dearly beloved," Toni bellowed. "We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Sheba the goldfish."

Cheryl moved up to stand right beside her, their shoulders pressing into each other. Toni could feel Cheryl's shoulder shake as she tried to hold in her giggles.

"We'll greatly miss Sheba," Toni continued, "And all of the koi that they brought us. Especially to dear Cheryl, who I passed Sheba to as she would have been drowning in the feel-ing of loneliness without their company. It's a real tragedy what happened to them, with no one sole to blame except the ever-present rivalry between Carassius auratus and Felis catus." Toni paused at her effortless pronunciation, turning to Cheryl for praise.

"You practiced the speech," she said in disbelief.

"Duh," Toni drawled, and then started reading again. "Except maybe Jordan. Jordan is also to blame. And maybe one of the strays, and the government, for allowing homelessness in cats to exist in the first place. What if there's pregnant cats who need somewhere to sleep? Anyway, Sheba will be greatly missed. They are irreplaceable –"

"You literally replaced them," Cheryl cut in.

"They are irreplaceable," Toni repeated sternly, "And will forever continue to swim in the ocean of our hearts, eternally unburdened by the constraints of a tiny fish bowl."

"Goldfish are fresh water," Cheryl mumbled. "Can't swim in the sea."

Toni sighed exasperatedly, turning a doleful eye on Cheryl. "Like your speech is better."

"What speech?" Cheryl asked innocently, looking to the sky like it would be written in the clouds


Toni folded up the paper, slipping it back into her pocket and pulling out a lighter. She crouched in front of the tiny paper boat, ready to flick the spark wheel before craning his neck to look over at Cheryl.

"Any last words?"

"Rest in peace, Sheba," Cheryl said solemnly, folding her hands in front of him and hanging her head.

"Rest in fucking pieces," Toni whispered as she lit the boat on fire, making sure the flames were spreading out before pushing it into the lake. The boat swirled in the light current made by the wind, not going far from the bank. She prodded it with a stick, sending it further in until the paper gave out from the pressure of the fire above it and the water soaking below it.

Not long after, the boat was gone.

Toni rose, turning to Cheryl with a jovial smile that instantly fell as soon as she saw her. Cheryl had her hands on her face, her whole body shaking with strange, muffled cries coming from her mouth.

"Moony?" Toni said, voice soft. "Hey, are you actually crying? I'm sorry about Sheba, Cher –"

Cheryl's hands fell from her face, the first thing Toni taking note of was the streaks of mascara tears down her cheeks, but then she hunched over, hands on her knees, as she laughed, until it turned into coughing.

Toni smacked her lightly on the shoulder. "You scared me! I thought I really traumatised you!"

"N-no," Cheryl said, swiping tears away from under her eyes. "This is so absurd. You're weird!"

Toni was about to take offense before Cheryl leaned against her, linking their hands with her head on the shorter girl's shoulder. She was still giggling, slightly breathless and clearing her throat constantly, and Toni couldn't help but rub her cheek against the Rose scented locks.

"I haven't laughed like this in years," Cheryl said quietly. Toni stilled, her grip on Cheryl's hand tightening slightly,placing a kiss to the head resting against her.

"I haven't wanted to make someone laugh like this," Toni said as the realization hit her "Ever."

Cheryl turned her  head, looking at Toni with tear-shiny eyes, reminding her of the gently rippling lake water that swallowed Sheba's memorial. Toni wouldn't mind being swallowed up in Cheryl's eyes, full of mirth and kindness.

Toni tugged at their linked hands, begging Cheryl to follow her through the gardens for their next destination. Toni  knew it would be getting dark soon, the chill breeze washing through them a strong indication, not that she minded. Cheryl pulled in closer to her after each wave of cold air, until Toni  unlinked their hands and wrapped the taller girl into her side

"Will you be alright in the cold?" Toni asked as they walked.

"Oh, I'm fine," Cheryl replied easily, and Toni believed her

"So you're just using it as an excuse to get close," Toni confirmed. She laughed when Cheryl ducked her head shyly, poking her in the cheek and cooing. "Can't say I'm not impressed, though."

They stopped when they reached the foot of the hill. Toni turned to the redhead, a sly smirk on her face.

"Want me to carry you again?"

Cheryl shook her head profusely. "I can do it this time," and then poked her tongue out at Toni.

They walked slowly up the hill, not in any rush to reach the top, and although the serpent would usually declare a race she figured Cheryl wouldn't appreciate the challenge.

She almost changed her mind when Cheryl asked her if she even knew any other date destinations.

"I'd like to see you pick a place!" Toni exclaimed, throwing her hands wildly. "I'm the one carrying this relationship."

"I went to one of your football games. I'll come to this one too, then."

Toni  waved her off. "Nah, it's an away game. Not worth it."

If Toni didn't know any better, she would have thought that Cheryl looked genuinely disappointed.

They finally reached the top, even after Cheryl declared that 'here was close enough' not even half way up, and Toni spread her  jacket on the grass for them to sit on.

The sun would be setting over the town soon, giving them a different view from Saturday, and when Cheryl realized what they were doing she gave a derisive snort.
"This is so cliché,"

"It's romantic," Toni countered. "Just shut up and swoon."

"I'm swooning, I'm swooning," Cheryl mumbled, letting her head fall onto Toni's shoulder again. Toni let a smile break out on her face, placing a kiss to the crown of her head

They didn't speak as they watched the sun set, the rooftops of Riverdale painted in a gentle hue of orange. The town seemed to glow, and even Toni's face was alight in marigold that Cheryl couldn't help leaning over and kissing her cheek.

Toni dropped her head, but instead of making a joke like Cheryl expected, she turned fully to face her.. Cheryl herself was fighting a smile back as the shorter girl came closer, stopping just short of connecting their lips.

"So cliché," she mumbled. Toni could feel her breath warm against her skin.

Toni closed the space, pecking Cheryl briefly before pulling back to say, "Just let me seduce you with the sunset."

Cheryl kissed her briefly in turn. "Did I say I was complaining?"

"I don't know, are you?" Toni settled her hand on Cheryl's neck, his thumb rubbing circles at the hinge of his jaw. "Sounded like you were."

Cheryl sighed heavily, "You talk too much," then closed the gap between them one final time.

Their lips became the central point of heat, blazing out to warm their cheeks and flush their necks, a trail creeping down their spines. Toni couldn't feel the cold breeze anymore, ignited from the outside in with a warmth in her chest she was sure wasn't purely physical.

Her heart beat faster as Cheryl opened her mouth, shyly flicking her tongue along Toni's bottom lip. Cheryl's hand had finally come up to tangle in orange painted locks.

Cheryl drew back slightly, pupils taking up the honey colour, mumbling something Toni didn't catch, and then she was trailing kisses from her chin along her jawline, lips pressed at Toni's temple and then hovering above her right eye, lips lingering longest there.

"For your migraine named Malachai," Cheryl whispered.

Then she continued, along Toni's forehead, down her nose and back up again, working on the left side of her face with feather1light kisses. It tickled all over her face, Toni unable to stop the giggles, unable to stop the welling feeling in her chest as the taller girl dragged her hand from Toni's hair to cup her cheek, thumb stroking the soft skin she found.

Toni was unable to stop the pinpricks of tears that stung her eyes, and she refused to look Cheryl in the face as she burrowed her head into the crook of Cheryl's neck.

Cheryl was quick to notice, tightening her grip on the serpent girl, "Are you ok?"

Toni just nodded, placing a small kiss on Cheryl's neck.
Cheryl returned her hand to orange painted locks, twirling strands around her fingers and back to scratch at her scalp soothingly. In the darkness of her hideaway, Toni thought about the last time she felt this safe, felt this adored, but it had been years ago, when the Serpents and Jones' had first welcomed her to her new home; a far bigger world then it was now, muddled with happy drunks and rickety trailers; and not even then had it felt like this. The warmth of Cheryl's entire body soaking into hers, the feel of her soft hands on Toni's heated skin and the way her lips felt all over Toni's face felt infinitely different.

She didn't know in what way, didn't think it mattered in what way just yet, but somehow she knew in that moment as she quietly wept against Cheryl that she loved this girl, would love her until the end of her days. Protecting her from even a crack in the road, and she knew, in the way Cheryl wiped away the tears from Toni's cheeks without a word, that Cheryl loved her too, and it didn't matter to her in what way, just that any way would be enough for her.

She would have said it then, if it didn't also completely terrify her, but then Cheryl was whispering into her ear, comforting words, words sounding like how Toni felt, soothing and sweet and one hundred percent honest.

Toni didn't need to say it. Cheryl probably knew. Anyone with eyes would know.

The sun dipped well below the horizon, completely forgotten by the two girls


Toni wasn't used to emotional vulnerability.
Growing up the runt of the litter assured her that. FP was kind, and nurturing in the way that if she fell and scraped her knees he would probably pat her on the back and tell her to walk it off. She was confident, by all means, and self assured but something about Cheryl threw her off every path she'd ever known.

Now that they had gotten up, and started walking back to Cheryl's house, Toni began to panic, looking over at the redhead every two seconds to see if she was disgusted yet.

She could see the dark stain on Cheryl's shirt, but the other girl didn't seem to notice, or care.

When it had started to get too cold, Cheryl pulled back, standing and offering a hand to Toni so they could walk home. She had gratefully accepted her hand, and they hadn't let go since.

That's got to mean something, right? They had hardly spoken, only a short argument where Toni insisted he walk Cheryl home, and Cheryl didn't look like she was eager to get back home, to get away from Toni. If anything, she looked a little dazed, a small smile permanently stuck on her face every time Toni took a glance at her.

When they paused at Cheryl's neighbours, Cheryl herself looking more than reluctant to leave, Toni assured herself that her emotional outburst hadn't fucked it up, and that Cheryl didn't care. Repeating it over and over like a mantra until she believed it. That's how she learned to count, so surely it would work for this too.

"My stop," Cheryl cut thru her inner monologue, voice murky with regret.

"Yeah," Toni said, just as reluctant to let Cheryl go, briefly squeezing their still interlaced hands.

"Thanks for the... memorial." Cheryl said, but it sounded more like a question. She smiled shyly, scuffing her shoes on the sidewalk. "Ok, no, thank you for the sunset."

"Thank you for the kissing," Toni teased, and Cheryl sighed, trying to pull away from her

Toni tugged her back and kissed her firmly, about to pull away when Cheryl's hands came up to hold her face still, kissing back with a fervor that in any other circumstance probably would have passed out from.

When Cheryl drew back her breath was coming out short, throwing a few small coughs into the crook of her elbow while Toni kissed the top of her head reassuringly. Then she started shuffling away, walking backwards as long as she could so she could keep looking at the serpent, finally turning around to walk up the cobblestone drive. Toni watched her until her front door was firmly shut. And maybe even until the light in her bedroom flickered on.

Toni danced to a song in her head that was Cheryl's voice the entire walk back to the Southside.


Saturday AM

(10:34) -Cheryl-
It's your Malachai thing today, isn't it?

(10:35) -Toni-
Yup, and he insists on meeting on Serpent ground and walking there together. Talk about awkward.

(10:37) -Cheryl-
You're gonna let him leave alive, right?

(10:38) -Toni-
I thought you said I wasn't the murdering type.

(10:40) -Cheryl-
Unless it was for revenge, I said.

(10:44) -Toni-
I wouldn't exact revenge for myself, though.

(10:49) -Cheryl-

(10:50) -Toni-
Nah. It's one of the boys' job. Maybe I'd get you to.

(10:51) -Cheryl-
Oh, marvellous.

(10:51) -Cheryl-
I think I'll leave it to Cole.

(10:55) -Toni-
Yeah, you should. He'd be the most competent.

(10:58) -Cheryl-
I'm trying not to be offended.

(11:01) -Toni-
You have too much of a conscience.

(11:04) -Cheryl-
I laughed at a memorial.

(11:05) -Toni-
Ok, you have a WEIRD conscience, but you've got one.

(11:06) -Cheryl-
And Jughead doesn't? He struck me as the mercy type.

(11:07) -Toni-
Oh, boy. No way. That guy is all justice.

(11:08) -Cheryl-
Justice Jones.

(11:10) -Toni-
Exactly. He told me he'll kick Malachai's ass if he does anything funny today. Maybe bring his knife too.

(11:14) -Cheryl-
Oh good, so I don't have to try and make that promise now.

(11:15) -Toni-
Nah, it's been covered for you. You got lucky.

(11:16) -Cheryl-
I'll send Cole flowers and a thank you card.

(11:17) -Toni-
How are my flowers?

(11:20) -Cheryl-
Good. New Sheba likes to look at them. I think.

(11:25) -Toni-
Alright, I'm meeting Chai now.

(11:25) -Cheryl-
Good luck. I'm right here.

(11:26) -Toni-
Thanks, Bombshell. Send me kisses again, that was funny.

(11:27) -Cheryl-
xx fuck you xx

(11:27) -Toni-


Saturday MIDDAY

(12:35) -Cheryl-
How is it going?

(12:35) -Cheryl-


(12:55) -Toni-
Ok, he's gone to the bathroom so short summary:

(12:56) -Toni-
Making sure im not acting out against the family by driving recklessly, not acting out against the family by dating a girl, not acting out against the family by  'swearing my life away to a gang' in a tattoo (idk how he found out about that one), asking if my arm is ok, asked if I stopped 'smoking or whatever', asked if im doing drugs, asked if I was generally ok

(12:58) -Cheryl-
So... you're having lunch with your therapist?

(12:59) -Toni-
Pretty much. But he's

(12:59) -Toni-
Back, I'll tell you later.


Saturday PM

(2:08) -Toni-
I have been released.

(2:09) -Cheryl-
Any scars?

(2:10) -Toni-
Surprisingly not. Ghoulies will be disappointed for having a Serpent a few feet away and not skinning me alive.

(2:10) -Toni-
He apologized for what he said weeks ago and just wanted to know if I was actually happier being away from the family or if I was being a little shit.

(2:11) -Cheryl-
You're always a little shit, though.

(2:15) -Toni-
Thanks, Bombshell. I know.

(2:16) -Toni-
ANYWAY he said he can't promise that they don't know about the bike thing but they haven't said anything to him yet.

(2:17) -Cheryl-
Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

(2:19) -Toni-
A good sign. Not that it really makes a different. Usually when I mess up they love to turn it into a learning experience for Chai. 'Don't end up like Toni, the miserable gang-banging jailbird who got arrested.'

(2:20) -Cheryl-
Maybe they're waiting to use it for when Malachai messes up.

(2:21) -Toni-
Malachai doesn't mess up! He's a careful kid. Well, also a leader of the most violent gang in Riverdale but. Yknow. Putting the gangs aside.

(2:22) -Toni-
So, it wasn't that bad. He asked if we could do it again and I said ok. I know he's just doing what he needs to so it's easier.

(2:25) -Cheryl-
As long as it makes you happy.

(2:26) -Toni-
I'm all about the happiness, Moony.

(2:26) -Toni-
Not that it was all shit before but... Things just seem better now. Recently.

(2:27) -Cheryl-
I think I know what you mean.

(2:30) -Toni-
I have to get going. Practice. Talk to you later?

(2:30) -Cheryl-
I have a check up this afternoon and then going to Betty's. Maybe not so much.

(2:32) -Toni-
That's okay, have fun!

(2:32) -Cheryl-
Have fun with a flying ball of leather going at a fast velocity :)

(2:33) -Toni-
Well... you know... okay? You're a weirdo.

(2:34) - Cheryl-
You love it.

(2:34) - Cheryl-
*Like it.


(7:42) -Toni-
I keep forgetting to mention!

(7:42) -Toni-
Juggy's birthday on Thursday, party at the Jones'. Can you make it?

(7:45) -Cheryl-

(7:45) -Cheryl-
But I'd have to get him a present.

(7:46) -Cheryl-
Oh, God, what do I get him?

(7:46) -Toni-
He's partial to edible g-strings.

(7:47) -Cheryl-
Uh, no, I don't think so.

(7:49) -Toni-
Don't get him anything, he's not asking for it.

(7:50) -Cheryl-
I think having a birthday and then having a party is asking for it.

(7:53) -Toni-
Just bring yourself. That's the present. And Betty, obviously.

(7:54) -Cheryl-
For you, maybe.

(7:55) -Toni-
And isn't that all that matters? Me?

(7:56) -Cheryl-
I'll get him a watch.

(7:59) -Toni-
A watch?

(7:59) -Cheryl-
It's an adult thing to have.

(8:01) -Toni-
That's fair enough reasoning. I like it.

(8:04) -Cheryl-
Ok, we're starting Imagine Me and You. Can't talk, crying.

(8:05) -Toni-
(so gay)


(11:35) -Toni-
Good night, Cheryl.

(11:39) -Cheryl-
Good night, Toni.


Sunday AM

(9:42) -Toni-
I love away games. I love being on a bus, exploring new schools, intimidating different sets of students.

(9:50) -Cheryl-
I can't tell if this is sarcastic.

(9:50) -Toni-
Definitely not!

(9:52) -Toni-
It's always fun being in new places.

(9:55) -Toni-
Ok, we're warming up.

(9:58) -Cheryl-
Good luck!

(9:58) -Cheryl-
Win this game!

(9:59) -Toni-
That's the plan, Bombshell! And if I don't well...

(10:00) -Toni-
Fangs is the murderer and my body is probably hidden.


(11:03) -Cheryl-
This is awkward. Moody has come over to visit.

(11:03) -Cheryl-
You and your stupid bike have broken me. I can't look at him. I keep laughing.

(11:04) -Cheryl-
And he's noticed, too!

(11:05) -Cheryl-
Oh God no, he's telling the story.


(12:32) -Toni-
We lost, which is a bummer, and Fangs is crying, but at least it wasn't Pea's fault so we're all alive.

(12:35) -Toni-
Wait, Moody is telling who about what?!

(12:36) -Toni-
What happened to confidentiality.


(1:00) -Cheryl-
He told my parents about our weekend, which would have been ok, if he hadn't called you my girlfriend while my dad was right there.

(1:01) -Toni-
Oh, God.

(1:02) -Toni-
Are you ok?! What's your dad saying?

(1:02) -Cheryl-
We're going through a series of lectures atm

(1:03) -Cheryl-
Started with the girlfriend thing, why didn't I tell him, was I sure, is it a phase

(1:04) -Cheryl-
Then I was acting out, spending too much time with Betty and Archie, watching too many rom coms.

(1:05) -Cheryl-
Then I was bored and trying to find something exciting and 'unnatural' because of my illness

(1:06) -Cheryl-
THEN he finally realised what Moody said and lost it over the fact that you're a criminal.
And you're a Serpent.
And you're a Topaz.

(1:07) -Cheryl-
Now he's just yelling about going behind his back and putting myself in danger. Sorry, he said 'more danger.'

(1:08) -Toni-
Your dad's an idiot.

(1:09) -Cheryl-
I know, and it's nothing I hadn't expected. He's finally let me go and I'm hiding in my room while he talks about me to mum. I think he's threatening to send me to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.

(1:11) -Toni-
I'm... sorry what?

(1:13) -Cheryl-
Conversion camp but with nuns.
I'm actually quite relieved he knows now... He's going to be weird about it and probably awful but mum won't let him make into a big deal and send me away. And my Nana would knock him on his ass if he tried.

(1:14) -Toni-
Well that's good then. Then at least your Nana and mom arent completely crazy.

(1:15) -Cheryl-
Yeah. Ok, I'm being summoned again.

(1:15) -Toni-
Good luck.

(1:15) -Cheryl-
Send me kisses.

(1:16) -Toni-

(1:16) -Cheryl-
Alsoooo my dad might find you and try and kill you.
Anywayyy bye TT!!!

(1:17) - Toni-


You Have (1) New Friend Request: Betty Cooper


Betty Cooper > Toni Topaz

Hey Toni,

Sorry if this is weird. Cheryl got her phone, laptop and probably any paper too in case she tries to reach out via carrier pigeon.
don't know when she'll get it back. Didn't want you to worry so she called me on the landline, asking me to message you about it.

Basically, she's fine, her dad is just a... let's go with 'little ticked off' and that now she's getting the usual teenager treatment of being grounded, instead of some crazy camp out in the Swiss Alps where she'll be forced to like make cheese or some shit.

Oh, and sorry that you lost your game. Jughead sent me some of the shots of you guys today and they're really awesome.

I don't know how you guys usually end your messages so I'm going to improvise.

xoxo love u lots babe xoxo

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