Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock...

By Song_Wolf_Lover69

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Months have passed since Peter, Celena, and Roman dealt with the evil Vargulf. But the mystery of their grea... More

Prologue: The Search Continues...
Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist
Chapter 2: To Try in Vain
Chapter 3: Desperate Times
Chapter 4: When a Stranger Comes...
Chapter 5: Nightmare in Hemlock Grove
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests
Chapter 8: In the Shadows
Chapter 9: Bad Day
Chapter 10: Secret's Out
Chapter 11: Hunger Out of Control
Chapter 12: Hold me
Chapter 13: Finding the Cure
Chapter 14: The Search of Shelley Godfrey
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Stopping the Dream
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Reunite
Chapter 19: Peter and the Wolf
Chapter 20: All Monsters
Chapter 21: Hungry Ghost
Chapter 22: Taken
Surprise!!! Bonus Chapter

Chapter 6: Becoming a Reality

259 5 0
By Song_Wolf_Lover69

Growling and snarling, screaming for freedom, Christina Wendall claws through the dirt and grass to escape her earthly grave.  She rips through the wooden casket and digs her way out, ignoring the pain as her nails rip off her fingers.  She finally burst through the ground, her hands reaching out for the fresh air.  She tightens her fists as the Vargulf comes forth to take over her body once more.  

She sets off to hunt through the woods and finds two people.  The man grabs the woman's hand and helps her run for survival.  The girl pants as she runs to keep up.  The vargulf growls and catches up with them.  The couple turns fast as Christina pounces them. 

The man throws his hands out and a loud rumble explodes around them.  Christina yelps as she's thrown across the woods by the power wave the man threw at her. 

Throwing his hood back, Viktor pants and wipes the blood away from his nose.  His face was covered with a growing beard and his hair was longer and dirty.  He turns to the girl and strokes her cheek.  It was Shelley!

(Viktor's outfit but more dirty and torn a little bit.  No sunglasses of course and he's wearing another coat to keep warm with a black hood)

"Run!" Viktor pants and grabs her hand to rush up a hill.  Helping her follow him and making sure she didn't trip.  Christina continues through the night to stay hot on their trail.


Meanwhile, Celena and Peter make their way through the Oasis Trailer park that Andreas told them about.  He was right.  The sign did say 'Gone Sis'.  

Celena holds on to Peter's hand as they walk through the park.  

"Doesn't really look like what Andreas described it." She mutters.  

Peter guides her past some of the mobile homes and trailers, looking around.  

"What should we be looking for?" Celena whispers.

"Anything that feels out of place or something from the dreams.  We might know it when we see it." He whispers.

They jump when they hear a distant clattering.  Celena holds on to his arm and they continue to look through the yards till they reached a small play area for kids.  

Peter sighs and rubs his face, then jumps with Celena as they hear a gun cocking behind them.  They turn fast and Celena holds her hands up in surrender when Peter stutters in fear at the woman who pointed a gun at them.

"Ok, I-I-I, uh..."

"Whatever you two heard about this place isn't true anymore." She glares at them. 

"No, no, no, we're not here for that." Celena shakes her head.  

"Well, what you two sulking around at this hour for, huh?" the woman asks them, eyeing them with suspicion.  

Celena hits Peter's arm as she sees a child walking out of the trailer, standing by her mother.  The sleepy child rubs her eyes as her mother takes her hand and holds her back in protection.  Celena frowns when she sees the gun better in that woman's hand. 

"You better watch yourselves.  People don't know you.  They'll shoot you as soon as look at you." The woman warns them. 

"Point taken." Peter mutters.

Celena slowly lowers her hands and looks at Peter, "Peter, that's the same gun from the dreams."  She says telepathically.

Peter frowns as he eyes the gun and watches the woman lowering it, "We should go." He says softly to Celena and pulls her away from harm.  

Celena turns but stops and looks back at the woman, "You take care of yourself too, ok?  Please.  Lock your door." She warns the woman, but the woman continues to point the gun at them. 

Neither of them noticed the dark figure watching them from the woods, wearing a silver mask to hide his face.

Peter pulls Celena away and walks with her away from the mobile home.  Celena sighs in relief as they moved away from harm.  But once they turn a corner, both jump when they nearly run into...

"Roman?!" Celena exclaims in confusion.

Roman looks at them both in confusion, but scoffs as he glares at Peter in realization.

"Motherfucker." He mutters bitterly and turns to leave.  

"Roman, wait." 

"Hey!" Peter calls out as they both follow him to his car.  

Roman starts his car and begins to slowly drive off as Peter begs him as he follows Roman.  

"You don't think this is worth stopping for five minutes to talk about?"

"Five minutes, maybe...stopping, no." Roman remarks sarcastically and keeps driving slow just to spite Peter. 

Celena scoffs and continues to walk with Peter as she wraps her arms around herself, it was getting colder by the minute, "At least this proves that we're experiencing the same shit as we did last year.  We're having the same dreams again.  You can't deny it, Rome." Celena says. 

Roman sighs and grits his teeth.  

"Look, the guy from the other dream, his name was Robert Dexter." Peter says. 

"Fascinating." Roman mutters, not caring.  

"He fell into a gorge a few days ago.  He was carrying his baby.  They both died after we dreamed it!" Peter states strongly.

But Roman refuses to listen.  Celena takes a deep breath and stops the car by force.  Roman grunts in surprise and shouts when the car lifts a few inches off the ground. Peter gasps as he looks over to Celena.  His eyes widen when spies the dilation again in her eyes.

"Celena, let me go!" Roman states.

"Look at her eyes." Peter gasps.  

Roman looks out the window and frowns when he sees her dilated eyes and exclaims when he realizes how high his car was and still rising.

Peter rushes to her and grabs her arms, "Celena!" he shakes her.

Celena gasps and pulls her powers back, making the car drop with a loud thud.  Roman grunts at the impact.  Peter looks at her eyes, they were back to normal.  

"I was just trying to get him to stop." She scoffs and folds her arms over her chests.  Not even realizing how far she went with her powers.  

Roman frowns at her, "You're not bleeding anymore." He points out. 

Peter snaps his eyes to her nose, he was right.  No blood.  Celena sighs and looks away.  

"Look, Roman, please we need to figure these dreams out." Celena says, dropping the subject.  

Roman sighs and looks directly at Peter, "Look, I got my own shit to deal with, and so do you, seeing how you were just at my house days ago, whining about your mom." 

"Listen, if you don't give a shit, then why are you here?" Peter points out. 

"Look, I had a fucked-up nightmare about something really bad happening near the mobile homes and railroad tracks.  Next thing I know, I'm on the road.  Why, I couldn't tell you.  I just want this shit out of my head." Roman says furiously as his voice was full of irritation.  

"You didn't dream about the sign?" Celena asks.

"What sign?" 

"'Gone Sis'." Peter says. 

Roman sighs deeply and rubs his eyes, "How about when I get home I'll send you my copy of The Interpretation of Dreams?" He says sarcastically.  

"I just don't feel right about running off and abandoning these people." Peter states.

Roman laughs humorlessly, "You're so good at it, though." 

Peter glares at Roman, "Have you ever done anything for anyone else, ever?" He scoffs at him, "You weren't the only person that nearly lost someone who's family." He means Letha. "You weren't the only one who almost lost someone they love more themselves." He furiously points at Celena and continues to glare at Roman.  "I was ready to accept this connection we have, move in and live together as we discover more about each other and this bond no matter how fucked up we all are!" Peter shouts as Roman takes off in the middle of the argument. His tires squeal and screech as he drives away.

Peter sighs and scoffs and turns to Celena as she stands there, shivering from the cold.  He walks up to her and wraps his arms around her, trying to help warm her up.  

"He'll come through.  I know it." She says.  

"We'll see." He scoffs and keeps one arm around her, "Come on.  Let's go home." Together they walk down the path, back to the car.  


As morning broke, deep in the woods, Viktor and Shelley continue to run from the Vargulf.  Viktor could tell Shelley was becoming exhausted and won't last long.  He needed to protect her.  Panting, he stops to let Shelley take a breath. 

"You ok?" He asks as he holds on to her shoulders.  

She nods, "Yes.  Just tired." She says in her mind.  It was becoming easier for Viktor to read her mind.  After months of being in the woods together, practicing and growing stronger. 

He kisses her head, "I know, baby." 

She kneels over as she pants heavily, then gasps as they both jump at the sound of wood crackling.  As if someone stepped on a twig or a branch.  They look around and see nothing.  The sound happens again and when they look up, the vargulf stood not too far from them, glaring at them with its cold yellow eyes. 

"Come on!" Viktor shouts and pulls her towards a storm drain.  "Go! Go!" He shouts as he rushes her inside, running behind her.  

Shelley runs as fast as she could and makes it out of the drain.  Viktor was right behind her, but shouts as he's thrown forward.  The vargulf pounces him and chomps down on his shoulder.   Viktor shouts in pain as the Vargulf bites hard till its teeth touched his bone.  

Shelley grabs a rock and uses it to slam it over the Vargulf's head.  The Vargulf whimpers as its jaws were yanked away from Viktor's shoulder.  But Shelley didn't stop.  She kept bringing the rock down on it's head.  Blood spraying everywhere and all over her.  She grunts and slams it. 

"For Brooke!  For Lisa!  For Alexa and Alyssa!  For JENNY!" Shelley screams in her head as she keeps hitting the Vargulf.  

Panting, she drops the rock and reaches to slowly pull the Vargulf's head off from it's body and grips the jaw, tearing it's head in half. 

"For Christina."  She adds.  

Viktor groans in pain as he slowly gets up.  Shelley gasps as she helps him sit up.  Viktor yells when she pushes him gently to exam his wound.  She gasps and whimpers at the sight.  Large bite wounds covered his shoulder, his flesh was torn and blood fell heavily.  

Panting heavily, Viktor grits his teeth and looks up at her, "I'm fine, baby.  I'm fine." Sweat coats his face.  She rips her coat and uses the cloth to tie it around the wounds.  He grits his teeth as she puts pressure over it.  

She helps him get to his feet, wincing in guilt when he groans in pain.  


Celena rests her heard on Peter's shoulder as they both drive home to Destiny's.  Peter rubs his tired eyes as he continues his path.  

"Want me to drive?" Celena asks, sleepily.

"No, I'm ok, baby.  Why don't you try and get some sleep.  I'll wake you up when we get home." He pats her side and holds her close.  

Celena sighs and begins to close her eyes, but jumps in alert when police cars and an ambulance zooms past them.  They were heading to the trailer park!

She gasps as Peter begins to make a U-turn, following the cops.  He pulls up and sees the police swarming with paramedics around the mobile homes.  People were gathering around to see what was going on.  Peter and Celena quickly get out and walks over to the group of people watching.  

"What happened?" Peter asks a man in a mobile wheelchair.

"Looks like a murder-suicide." 

They watch the paramedics begin to bring out a body.  They could see it was the mother from last night.  She carried a gunshot wound to the head.  She was bandaged up.  

Celena flinches as she begins to feel the dream stabbing into her brain.  She winches and watches Peter experience the same thing.  

He grips his head, "Oh, Jesus Christ!" 

Celena grabs his hand and yanks him away, "Peter, we need to go." She says and together they rush back to the truck and head back home.  

As they made it back to the apartment, Celena walks in first with Peter following her, "I need a beer." She states. 

"Me, too." He mutters and they walk into the kitchen.  

Celena drops into a chair as Peter gets two beers, opening them both.  She covers her face in distraught and sighs as Peter slides her a beer, "Thanks." 

Peter gulps down some as Destiny walks in and scoffs at them both, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't know.  Maybe you can use your special powers of augury to figure it out." Peter says sarcastically.

Destiny scoffs, "Celena, you need to keep your man on a leash." She says as she walks into the kitchen to join them.  "I told you it would fuck you up." She warns him.  

"What?" Peter frowns at her. 

"Turning against the moon." Destiny states. 

Peter rolls his eyes, "Come on, that was days ago."

"And you've been a dick ever since." Destiny says strongly.  

Peter frowns, he thinks back how rough he's been with Celena since.  The bruises on her skin.  

"Pull up your shirt." Destiny demands. 


"Because you've been walking around all stiff.  I want to see how bad it is." Destiny says. 

Celena frowns, she couldn't believe she didn't noticed that.  She stands up to watch. 

Peter sighs and sets his beer down to show them.  He pulls up his shirt and around his diaphragm, there was a huge ugly bruise.  Celena gasps and covers her mouth with Destiny. 

"Oh, shit." Destiny gasps. 

"It's pretty much gone." He lets go of his shirt, letting it fall.  

Destiny stands up straight, "Remember when you were 11, you drew on one of Nicolae's grimoires and he was so pissed he punched you?"

Peter chuckles at the memories and reaches for his beer, "Yeah, it's hard to forget since he broke my nose."

Celena frowns when Destiny wasn't laughing, "What does that have to do with this?" She asks. 

Peter waves it off, "He was just a drunk." 

"He wasn't drunk.  He turned on the Luna rea one too many times.  Every time, it gets harder to turn back.  Your body and your mind don't know what phase they're in.  You fall apart mentally and physically.  You've already started.  It's the distrugere.  That's what killed him.  And it's gonna kill you too." 

Celena's heart drops to her stomach in fear.  But Peter sighs in irritation.

"Well, there's not a lot I can do about it now." He scoffs. 

"You can promise that you won't turn on a bad moon again." Destiny says.  

"I already said it was one time." Peter states. 

Destiny grips his chin to make her look at him, "Swear on Celena's life that you won't turn ever again.  Cause remember...you become a Vargulf, she dies.  Remember she's the Luna lunii.  The Vargulf inside you is gonna crave for her.  Bad."

Peter's heart pounds in fear, he can't lose her.  Ever.  He gently pushes her hand away and takes her face in his hands, "I promise.  On Celena's life, I swear." 

Destiny sighs, "We'll see." She grabs his beer and walks off with it, "Cheers." 


(Celena's outfit for the day...)

Meanwhile, Norman was working still on the lawsuit with Marie.  When he arrives to pay a visit with Olivia, Marie was waiting for him outside.  Unknowingly that Olivia was watching from inside as she waters her plants.  She did not like seeing Norman socializing with his ex-wife nor hugging her and smiling with her.  After paying her a visit, Norman was concerned with how Roman has been treating Olivia so he decides to talk to him, but sadly, he wasn't gonna get anywhere with him.  

Peter calls Miranda as she was doodling the butler.  But before the call, she watches in curiosity as he heads to the room with a keypad.  She wonders what was hidden in that room.  Why was the butler looking at her with such caution and worry.  Peter informs her that he found a cheaper brake light for her and she begs him to take her with him.  After being deeply disturbed by Andreas who comes in and massages his shoulders, he grimaces and walks away from him. Finally, he agrees to drive her.  

"Was that the girl who's staying with Roman?" Celena asks as she walks in.  She remembers Peter telling her about her.  

Peter sighs, his hair dripping wet from the shower her just took, "Yeah.  I'm a little worried to be honest, but I'm surprised he's been keeping her alive this long." 

"You don't think he would...?" She asks as a worried look forms on her face.  

"Eat her?"

"Depends on how." She mutters bitterly.

Peter scoffs, "I doubt he's in the mood for sex, baby.  The hunger is gonna get to him.  I fear it'll be a matter of time before he rips her throat out.  I need to keep her out of that house as much as I can." 

She sighs and moves to sit on his lap, "I trust you.  You know that, right?  So you better make sure she keeps her legs close or I'll rip them open like she's a wishbone." She glares at him and pats his cheek before kissing him softly.  She pulls away and looks into his eyes with a serious look, "You know damn well I can do that." 

When she gets up, he lets out a loud gulp as Andreas laughs, "Ah, women, always full of fire, eh?" He was about to put donut in his mouth till it flies out of his hand and into hers.

"Be careful or you'll get burned, Andreas." She giggles and chews on the donut.  Andreas already knew about her powers since they were living together.  He took it quite well.  Being with a woman like Destiny, nothing surprises him anymore.  

"Since Destiny will be at work, you will be salvaging for spare parts and Andreas will be doing his thing.  I'll go see Roman.  I don't really want to stay here and bore myself to death." She states.  

Peter snaps his head to her with worry but she rolls her eyes, "I'll be fine.  I promise.  Besides he's keeping his distance." She mutters. 

He sighs, "Ok, but be safe and keep your phone on and on you." He demands.

She walks up to him and kisses him softly, smiling against his lips, "I promise, daddy." She giggles when he growls lowly and slaps her ass as she walks by.  She squeals and laughs as she walks out the door.  

Andreas smirk and laughs, "'Daddy'." He laughs harder. 

"Shut up, Andreas." Peter holds up a warning finger and gets up to dry his hair. 


At Godfrey Industries, Roman was chowing down on his lunch as he watches a surgery video on the huge wall screen.  He had to watch it to keep up with the procedures being done in this place.  But watching the blood flowing from the organs was sending his bloodlust sky high.  He sucks on the bone marrow of his steak to distract himself, but it was barely working.

Celena hums as she walks out of the elevator and whistles lowly in awe.  She scoffs, "Offices and their color egos." She buzzes her lips and walks up to Roman's office and sees a man reading a book.

"'The Story of O'." Celena laughs as the man jumps in fright.  "Awesome." She smiles. 

The man frowns and stutters, "May I help you, Miss?" 

"Well, I'm here to see Roman." She says. 

"I'm sorry, Miss, Mr. Godfrey is a busy man, but if you would like to make an appointment..." 

Celena waves him off, "He's my boyfriend.  It's cool." She turns to the door and peeks inside, watching Roman as he watches a bloody video.  

She presses herself against the glass and blows on it to make her mouth expand as she knocks on the door.  Roman jumps at the knock and sees Celena crossing her eyes and making a funny face.  Roman wipes the sweat off his face and gets up.

"Miss, please! I'm gonna lose my job if I let you in." The assistant says with fear in his voice, obviously not believe Celena being Roman's girlfriend.  His eyes widen when Roman opens the door.  "Sir, I'm sorry, I'll see the woman out."

Roman frowns at her, "What are you doing here?"

"Bored again." She shrugs.

Roman sighs and opens the door for her to walk in, "Go mind your business." He glares at the assistant and closes the door behind him.  

Roman moves and shuts the video off and moves his food away, "Are you hungry?  I can ask someone to bring you something." He offers. 

Celena waves it off, "Nah, I'm good." She chuckles and looks at the view.  "Holy shit.  So how does it feel to be king?" She smiles. 

Roman scoffs, "Been waiting so long to be here, but if I knew how much stress was gonna be waiting for me, I would beg you to shoot me." 

Celena scoffs, "Great power comes great responsibilities." 

Roman laughs, "Why are you really here, Cell?"

Celena sighs, "I missed you.  And maybe..." She rolls her eyes, "I might be a little jealous of your houseguest I've been hearing about." 

Roman frowns, wondering how did she know about Miranda, "Nothing happened and nothing is going to happen." He promises.

"I know.  I trust you, I do.  I just don't trust others." She pouts.  "Did she try anything?" 

Roman chuckles, "Well...after harshly shooting her down, yeah." He smirks.

Celena smiles and laughs, "Good.  You're mine." She grins. 

Roman's eyes her body with lust as she looks out again at the view.  Her sexy legs showing off as she wears that skirt.  She reminded him of a school girl.  He licks his lips as he thinks about fucking her over the desk.  But he forces his hard on to go down.  He can't do that to her.  If he tries anything, he could hurt her or kill her.  

"So, is Pryce being a good boy to you?" She asks as she leans on the glass.  

Roman's face drops to irritation.

"Uh-oh, I'm sensing 'no'.  What's going on?" She asks. 

"I found out that Pryce is doing a lot more than Project Ouroboros.  He's been skimming out millions of dollars of my family's money.  My mother knows about it and she's supporting him, but neither will tell me what it is." Roman states. 

Celena frowns and thinks, "This sounds like another job for snooping." She smirks.  

Roman and Celena walk out of the office and startles the assistant again as he was trying to continue his book. 

"There weren't any phone calls, so I thought I could..." The assistant stutters.

Roman waves him off, "It's fine.  I watched the video, as well.  I want the walkthrough of Pryce's lab." 

The assistant nods and grabs the phone, "I'll try his office again." But Celena grabs his hand and gently makes him hang up. 

"Mr. Godfrey prefers the element of surprise." She smiles and pats his hand.

Together, they walk to the elevator and ride it down to the floor where Pryce's private lab was.  Roman smirks over at Celena.

"How would you like to work here?" He asks. 

She turns to him and gasps dramatically, "Work for a living? Me?" 

Roman laughs and shrugs, "Why not?  I can have more than one assistant." 

Celena opens her mouth, but shuts it as she thinks, "Hmm, you know what...that might not be a bad idea.  Would help my boredom and we could keep an eye on Pryce." She smirks.  "When can we have the interview?"

"Ms. Whitmore, welcome to Godfrey Industries." Roman smiles.  "Better bring that sexy ass of yours tomorrow.  I'll have a desk ready for you." 

"What am I gonna be exactly?" She asks.  

"My arm candy." He grins.  

She scoffs and laughs, "Can I get a raise?"

"Already got one." He winks.  

She looks down at his pants and scoffs, "Perv."

Finally, the doors ding and open as they reach the floor.  Together, they walk down the hallways to search for the lab.  They stop and find one and see people working, dressed in protective wear from head to toe.  One man was studying an limb donor and watches the machines work the nerves and muscles to test the movements. 

"Ew." Celena grimaces.  "I'm having second thoughts about working here." 

"Too late." Roman grins.

Suddenly, voices were made at the end of the hallway and Celena and Roman spies Pryce walking with a woman scientist with a heavy Russian accent.

"The retro-viral lottery, this is adverse state to the polypeptide..." Their voices fade as they move past the hallway. 

"Yes, doctor." Pryce says. 

Celena and Roman rush towards them to follow.  

"We will need time to run more tests." 

Their voices cut off as a door shuts.  Roman and Celena run to catch up and stops when they just see a door that leads to the stairs.  Roman peeks inside, but sees no one going up or down.  Celena turns and sees a door ajar next to them.

"Roman." She whispers.

Roman moves and opens it wider, all there was were circuit breakers.  

"This doesn't make sense.  Where did they go?" She asks. 

"I don't know." He lightly punches a wall in frustration.  "I'm sick and tired of these fucking secrets." He grits his teeth and move to walk back to the elevator with Celena.

Sighing heavily, he rubs his eyes and clears his throat before making  a call.  "Get me HR." He demands the person on the other line.  "Just do it." He sighs heavily as he waits.  "I need you to send the new employee package form to my office immediately and I would like to request a desk to be set up as well." 

Celena snaps her head up, "Wait, you were serious?"

"Yeah.  If you want the job, pay will be worth it." He smirks.  "And you can be my sexy little spy/secretary." He grins.

Celena laughs in disbelief, "Better be worth it." 

"No, I don't want my desk replaced, you fucking idiot.  I would like to have a desk set up in my office.  For my new secretary, Ms. Banks." He smiles at Celena as he gives orders on the phone.  "No, no one is fired.  But if you don't do as I say, someone will be." He grits his teeth and shuts his phone off.  

"Easy, tiger.  You know, it wouldn't hurt to be a tad bit nicer to people." She squints her fingers.  

"Would be nicer if I didn't have fucktards for employees." He mutters.

"You're lucky I'm not an employee yet or my foot would be going to your balls again." She glares at him and arches a brow, "Remember?"

Roman crosses his legs as bitter memories fills his mind and cups himself.  

*I REALLY CANNOT STAND MIRANDA IN THIS SEASON.  She won't be in my story much unless she has to be.  Hope you guys are liking this so far.  Don't forget to vote and leave me comments*  Lots of love! ~Song~

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