Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock...

By Song_Wolf_Lover69

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Months have passed since Peter, Celena, and Roman dealt with the evil Vargulf. But the mystery of their grea... More

Prologue: The Search Continues...
Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist
Chapter 2: To Try in Vain
Chapter 3: Desperate Times
Chapter 4: When a Stranger Comes...
Chapter 6: Becoming a Reality
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests
Chapter 8: In the Shadows
Chapter 9: Bad Day
Chapter 10: Secret's Out
Chapter 11: Hunger Out of Control
Chapter 12: Hold me
Chapter 13: Finding the Cure
Chapter 14: The Search of Shelley Godfrey
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Stopping the Dream
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Reunite
Chapter 19: Peter and the Wolf
Chapter 20: All Monsters
Chapter 21: Hungry Ghost
Chapter 22: Taken
Surprise!!! Bonus Chapter

Chapter 5: Nightmare in Hemlock Grove

265 4 0
By Song_Wolf_Lover69

Norman sighs as he sips on his whiskey.  After these last few months, things have been pretty shitty for him.  He almost lost Letha, he lost the grandchild he finally accepted, he lost Marie.  He had Olivia...sort of, but he almost lost her when she had that seizure.  But, at least, Letha was alive and well.  In college, where she was safe.  

His phone rings and he smiles when he sees it was Letha calling, "Hi, sweetheart." He says happily.

"Hi, dad! How are you?" She asks.  

He chuckles, "I'm doing fine.  How about you?  You sound a lot better." 

Letha laughs, "Taking it one day at a time.  The therapy sessions are helping a lot."

Norman smiles, "How's Matt doing?  You guys are still together?" He asks. 

Letha scoffs and laughs, "Of course, Dad.  He's good.  Stressed with the exams the classes are throwing at him.  But we're hanging in there." 

"That's good." Norman laughs and looks up when he sees Marie walking into his office.  He gestures her to come in.  "You're mom just walked in.  You wanna talk to her?"

"Yes, please!" 

Marie gasps when she learns he was talking to Letha and takes the phone, "Letha? Hi, baby!  Oh, I just gotta talk to your dad about a few things.  How are you and Matt?" Marie laughs at whatever Letha says.  "That's good.  Letha, I'm so proud of you, baby." She laughs and rolls her eyes, "I'm proud of you, too, Matt.  I know you both can do it.  We'll see you during the holiday break.  Ok.  Bye baby." She kisses the phone and hands it to Norman.  

"Bye, Letha.  Love you, sweetie." Norman says.

"Bye, dad!" "Bye, Mr. Godfrey!" Norman chuckles as he hears Matt in the background and cuts the call. 

Marie sighs as she watches the phone hangs up and puts on a serious look on her face as she turns to Norman.  

"What do you want to talk about?" Norman asks. 

He listens to her in shock how she wants to sue the Godfrey's Industries for almost killing their daughter.  Meaning she wants to sue Olivia.  Norman tried to change her mind, but she put her foot down and kept it down.  She became even more mad at him for not doing anything about the fact that they almost lost their daughter because of their stupidity.

"If it wasn't for Matt's abilities and smarts, Letha wouldn't be in college right now, starting her life.  She would be in that urn with that baby." Marie furiously points out. 

Of course, Marie didn't know still about Matt and Celena's powers, that remained a secret.  His abilities she talks about was Matt's talent as a student doctor. 

He begs her and warns her not to go against the Godfreys.  But she stated she's not changing her mind until they pay for their mistakes. 


After their rough lovemaking, Peter and Celena ate their food and soaked in the bathtub together.  Mainly, Peter wanted to make up for how rough he was with her.  He caresses her and massage the achiness in her muscles.  He felt terrible for being so rough.  Sure, they've been rough before, but nothing like that.  He was glad Celena wasn't complaining.  But when he saw the bruises that his fingers left on her hips, he hated himself for that.  

"I'm sorry." He whispers as he holds her in the bath.

Celena strokes his arm, comforting him, "Don't be.  I loved it." She smirks.  

"Still, I don't like how I was to you." He says softly as he runs his fingers through her wet hair.  

She turns and sits on his lap, making the water in the tub move around and spill a little on the floor, "Peter, you better not say you'll promise never to be that rough again.  It happens.  Sex always gets wild and crazy, especially with us." She smirks and bites her bottom lip. "We love each other.  It's not like you forced yourself on me.  And you didn't hurt me." She says as she strokes his wet beard.  His hair was slicked back from the water and from when Celena washed it for him.  

Peter sighs and gives her a small smile before moving to kiss her.  He wraps his arms around her and kisses her with all the love he had for her.  All the passion.  

Soon, after the bath, they lie in bed together and snuggle till they finally fall asleep.  It wasn't long till another vision invaded their dreams.  Turning them into nightmares.   Celena twitches against Peter's chest when a silver mask flashes in her face.  A doll was being smashed.  A wagon neon sign that said 'Gone sis'.  More snakes.  Finally a gun goes off as if it was right by their heads. 

Celena and Peter both sit up fast, panting and breathing heavily.  Celena whimpers softly and looks over to Peter.  He takes her into his arms and rubs her back.  

"I know, baby.  I know.  I saw it, too." He whispers.  

At the same time, Roman was making sure Miranda had no clue about his baby.  He can't let his secret be exposed.  While Miranda was on the couch, calling hotels and finding out her credit cards don't work, he went to check on the baby.  For some reason, she was crying loudly.  Anna informed him that the baby has been doing this all day long.  He didn't understand why the baby was crying.  Anna tells him that she is refusing the formulas and he demands her to make the baby stop.  

When he goes down, Miranda is gathering her stuff.  He frowns in confusion and meets with her downstairs.  

She turns and sees him coming, "Oh, hi! I, uh, just booked a room at a hotel, and, um, cab's on its way. So, it's all good.  I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here while this all gets sorted out.  Um, I'll come get the rest of my stuff when my car's ready, if that's ok?"

Roman sighs in relief that she wasn't staying in his house, but that nagging feeling was back, "Sure." He says.

"And, um, I'll look you up if I ever become a rich and famous author and start collection art." She laughs. 

She holds a hand out and he takes it, shaking her hand, "Miranda?"


"Don't lie to me." 

She frowns in confusion, "I'm not lying." 

"You have no where to go." He states.

She snatches her hand out of his and glares at him, "Yes, I do." 

"Look, if you don't want to stay here, it's fine.  All you have to do is ask.  But, if you want, I can book you a room at one of the best hotels in town.  Room service and all." He eyes hers with a smile, "Can't beat that." 

"You're a weirdo." 

"Sorry, I'm not that great with hospitality.  But offer is still there.  What do you say?  Stay here or stay at the best Resort in Hemlock Grove." He states.

She eyes him, "What's the catch?"

He shakes his head, "No catch.  Just helping out." 

She thinks about it, "Hmm, stay at a lonely hotel, all by myself, or stay with a handsome mysterious man." She smirks and places her stuff down.  "So, what's a girl gotta do to get some food around here?"

Roman hides his irritations behind his smile.  He was hoping she would take the offer to stay a hotel.  Far away from him and his hunger.


(Celena's PJs)

Celena and Peter immediately went to talk to Destiny.  Andreas was running an errand, so it was just them in the apartment.  Celena rubs her head as she replays the vision.  

"The night when we came back to Hemlock Grove, I saw the first vision.  Celena saw it, too.  Our connection is making us see things.  These...dreams.  These...nightmares." Peter says.  "When I was at work, I saw a news report about a man and his son drowning.  It was at the exact same bridge we saw.  Then we saw another one last night.  It was different, but always came back down to snakes.  Ouroboros.  We saw a man in a silver mask, a doll shattering, a gun going off.  And some neon sign that said 'Gone Sis'." Peter sighs and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.  

"I bet you Roman is seeing the same things.  We shared dreams before, we're sharing them again.  Something is warning us about something." Celena says. 

Peter rubs his bottom lip as he thinks about the tribe he met in Washington.  Whispering fills Celena's head and she snaps her head to Peter's.  

"What did you find?  In...Washington?  You went to Washington?" She frowns. 

Destiny looks over to Peter for answers, "Peter, you never told us what you heard from the Sanskritic tribe. What did they say?" 

Peter takes a deep breath and begins to tell them what the Sanskritic family said to him.  

"It took me months to find that family.  They prefer to live the ways of our ancestors did.  No technology, no cars, no telephones.  They're completely off the grid.  I managed to find another gypsy who could lead me to their campgrounds.  They lived way up in the mountains.  Between worlds, they call it, but it was between the Canada borders.  We found an elder, he was probably older than the trees around him, but he knew more about myself than I do."  Peter says as he thinks back.

~Pasayten wilderness - 

Peter walks into an old fashioned cabin with his guide and Lynda walked next to him.  She hoped and prayed they will finally find some sort of answer to help Peter.  The guide leads them both to the back room where a old man sat by a fire place, smoking on a long wooden pipe.  The guide speaks in the old man's tongue as he introduces himself and Peter and Lynda.  

The old man puffs out a few clouds and slowly turns to Peter.  Peter could see the man was blind, but it felt like he was staring directly into his soul.  The man speaks in Sanskritic and gestures Peter to come closer.  

Peter moves and sits next to the man by the fire.  He reaches up and begins to feel Peter's face, as if he was studying every inch.  He says one word to Peter and looks over to the guide, speaking in Sanskritic.

"He says 'Welcome, Black wolf.  I was expecting you'." The guide translates.  

"You know who I am?" Peter asks and the guide translates.

The old man speaks Sanskritic and points at the ceilings, "Ancestors came to me in a dream and said I would be visited by the black wolf.  Guardian of the Moon herself." The guide says to Peter. 

"If you know who I am, then you know why I'm here." Peter says.

The man replies in Sanskritic and the guide translates, "You seek the answers of your destiny. To find the answers, you must understand it." The old man continues to speak as he makes hand gestures and uses a facial expression as if he was admiring beauty.  "The Moon has such an influential power on the Earth and every living thing on it...just as all the planets in our universe do." The old man turns to the guide and asks a question. "He wishes to know what phase is the moon in.  In your dreams."

Peter frowns at that, he couldn't believe he knew about the dreams, "Um, it's full.  Shining blue as if the ocean kissed her." 

The gypsy translates and watches the Old man's reaction.  The old man begins to laugh and nods, speaking Sanskritic, "The Full Moon is all about magnifying the energy of what the present holds.  The light of the Full Moon charges the energy of your venture and magnifies what needs to be seen.  She pulls out and amplifies emotion just as she pulls on the waves of the ocean." The man points  a finger at Peter, speaking Sanskritic and the guide continues to translate, "She is your source of power...as well as she is for the Upir.  Together...as one." The man holds up two fingers on one and a single finger on the other and hooks them. "Like the Trinity.  It is said, a woman with come to power and carries the name and strength of the Moon.  She will take the light into her soul.  The light will call for the wolf's song.  But...the light will also call for the Angel in disguise." 

Peter frowns in realization, "Roman."

"He will crave for her light as strongly as the Wolf.  Together, not alone.  Remember that." The guide translates as the Old man continues to smoke his pipe. 

"But he's a Upir.  He'll kill her!" Peter protests. 

The old man chuckles and shakes his head and wiggles a finger at Peter as he begins to speak English, "The light is not life.  But love.  A Upir with a soul is chosen for the light.  As well as the wolf is chosen for the moon." He bends down and draws an Ouroboros in the ashes.  "A lifeline unbroken." He turns to the guide and speaks Sanskritic again.

The guide turns to Peter, "He says, 'Upir is immune to the Moon's blood.  For the wolf and the Angel are her guardians." 

The old man grips the guides arm, suddenly, and frowns as he speaks Sanskritic worriedly.  

The guide turns to Peter with a worried look, "He says, 'Many will come for her light.  Her light is power.  Man's worse sin is greed.  Their greed...will be her death."

A growl rumbles in Peter's throat as anger builds.  

The old Man quickly points an angry finger at Peter, "And your anger will feed the Vargulf." He speaks in English.  

Peter flinches at the  word, but the old man continues, "I can see him growing inside you.  You turned on the wrong moon.  It may have been for a good cause, but the Vargulf doesn't care.  All he cares about is your soul and to control it.  If you continue to change during the wrong moon, the light will lose and the Angel will die with her." 

Peterswallows hard, he didn't want to lose Celena. He loves her more than his own life. He will do anything to make sure she lives.  He gets up to leave when the Old man turns away, but stops when the man speaks again.  

"Remember, Peter.  Even a light casts a shadow.  The Moon carries many shadows.  With the Black Wolf and the Demon connected to her...she will cast many shadows." The Old man states as he puffs out more clouds. 

~Present time~

Celena and Destiny both frown at Peter's story.  

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" Celena asks. 

Peter sighs, "Like I've said.  It was more questions than answers.  But one thing for sure, this connection is only going to get stronger.  And will keep getting stronger every day." 

"The old man warned you about turning on the wrong moon and you ignored it!" Destiny states. 

Celena glares at Peter for that, "He said if you keep doing that, you'll lose me.  If you become a Vargulf, that's signing my death certificate." She points at herself.  

"I know. Again, I'm sorry.  I wasn't thinking straight that day.  I haven't turned on the wrong moon since then and I don't plan to do that ever again." Peter says and looks at Destiny, "I have a strong belief we need to focus on the dreams.  Why are we getting them anyway?  What is trying to warn us?  Is there anyway we figure that out?" He asks. 

Destiny sighs and an idea came to her.  The three of them take off towards the bathroom and Destiny begins to fill up the tub.

"You want to know what your dream means, right?  So we're going to the source of all things." Destiny says as she stops the water and stands in front of Peter and Celena.  

Peter scratches his bears, "The human race is deeply fucked if 'the source of all things' is in your bathroom." He mutters sarcastically.

Destiny scoffs, "One of the images from your dream, the snake in a rushing torrent of water...gives us a place to start." 

"In a bathtub?" Celena frowns. 

"All water is connected." Destiny says and unscrews a jaw and holds the jar in front of Peter, "Spit, please.  Both of you." 

Peter jumps a little, "Seriously?"

"This is your consciousness we're exploring here.  Both of yours.  So...spit." Destiny commands. 

Peter swishes his mouth and spits out a large loogie.  Celena groans in disgust and spits into the jar as well. 

"Thank you." Destiny says and begins to shake the jar.  When it was good enough, she unscrews it and licks her lips and swallows everything in the jar.

"Ah! Ah! Ah, no!" Peter exclaims in disgust as Celena dry heaves and looks away. 

Destiny wipes her mouth and scoffs, "Relax.  We're cousins." 

"I'm not." Celena continues to have a disgusted look on her face.  

Destiny laughs and turns to place the jar down while Peter wonders in curiosity, "What is it?"

"A psychoactive smoothie I whipped up." Destiny says as she moves to the tub and takes off her shoes, "To stimulate my root chakra." She smirks as she points at her muff. 

Peter and Celena both rolls their eyes, "Ok, stepping away." Peter scoffs and sits on the toilet with Celena in his lap.  

Destiny closes her eyes and concentrates.  Hearing the water gently dripping from the faucet.  Celena sighs as she holds on to Peter as they watch.  

Suddenly, Destiny looks down at the water and her eyes widen when she sees the water turning black and a snake was swimming it in.  She moans softly as she feels the snake crawling up her leg.  It felt nice....at first.  

"Is she ok?" Celena asks.

Destiny continues to moan and stiffen as the snake makes its way up her dress.

"Oversharing there, coz." Peter chuckles.  

But, suddenly, Destiny becomes distressed as she watches hundreds of snakes crawling under her skin, making their way up her body.

"Destiny?" Celena watches in caution.

Destiny begins to scream as the snakes continue to slither up, making their way up to her mouth. 

"Shit!" Peter sits up fast and helps Celena get up as Destiny throws her head back in pain, then bends over as she vomits a huge puddle of black goo and collapses. 

"Destiny!" Celena shouts in alarm and Peter rushes to catch her. 

Peter drags her out of the tub and lays her down on the floor.  He checks her eyes.  He couldn't hear her heart anymore.

"She's not breathing!" Celena exclaims in fear. 

Peter moves and begins compressions, "Come on.  Come on." He gives her CPR, sending her breaths.  It wasn't working.  He does compressions again. "Come on, Destiny!" He shouts and moves to give her CPR again, but Destiny's eyes shot open wide as she gasps for air.  She pants as she could breathe again.  

"Oh, thank god!" Celena sighs in relief and helps Destiny sit up.  "Are you ok?" 

Destiny just looks at them both in dread and moves to hold on to Peter as she whimpers.  

"What the hell did she see?" Celena exhales out.  


Meanwhile, at Roman's place, he and Miranda were having dinner and bonded.  She told him she was escaping a break up by heading to California from Bangor.  And he told her most about his life and Shelley.  

"My girlfriend is from Bangor." Roman brings up.

"Oh, you have a girlfriend." She scoffs, "Of course.  A man as handsome as you had to have a girl." Miranda smirks as she drinks her wine.  "So where is she?  Since you live all by yourself in this huge house, 18 and all...I would assume you and her would be living together." 

Roman shifts in his seat, "It's, uh, kinda complicated.  We hit a rough patch a few months ago.  When my sister disappeared.  But we're slowly working things out." 

"That's good, at least.  How long have you two been together?" She asks. 

Roman sighs and smiles at the memories, "We met during our senior year of high school." He laughs.  "Celena...that's her name.  She moved here during the summer.  You could say...it was love at first sight.  For me." He chuckles with Miranda.  "We didn't hit it off till she started to befriend Shelley.  My sister.  Shelley was always misunderstood by everyone in town.  But Celena...she's one of the few who just went up to her and asked if she wanted a friend."

Miranda smiles, "She sounds like a great girl.  Why did you two hit a 'rough patch'?" 

Roman sighs, "My mother and I...we never see eye to eye.  She's a c***.  Always trying to control my life and even Shelley's.  God, she treated Shelley like a piece of shit." Roman's face twisted in disgust.  "After Shelley disappeared, you could say, uh, my mom and I had a big fight and that's when she got sick.  She had a seizure.  I drew Celena away out of anger.  I stopped talking to her for three months.  But we're reconnecting right now.  Just...taking it slow." 

Miranda smiles and takes his hand in hers, "She's lucky to have you and it sounds like you're lucky to have her." She traces all over his palm.  "If you love her, never let her go and never stop fighting." 

Roman watches her hand touch his, it made his skin crawl.  He moves his hand away from her and leans back in his chair, looking away from her, "I do love her.  Very much." He says.

Miranda smirks, she knew she was getting him, but his heart was made for Celena and she knew that.  But in her mind, all is fair in love and war.  Not that she was looking for love.  She just wanted everything else. 

"Well, thanks for dinner.  I do hope things will work out between you and this Celena.  I'll take a shower and retire.  Good night." Miranda sends him a flirty smile as she feels the wine making her feel horny.  He could smell it.  And he hated it. 

Without looking, he bids her a silent good night and gets up to head to the stables.  He was growing so hungry...and his only source...was Beautiful Dreemer. :'(



Back at The Godfrey Institute, Pryce was working late and after making a bathroom break, he walks back to his office and was surprised to see Norman waiting for him.  He wasn't surprised when Norman begins to demand for Letha's medical reports that caused her to nearly die from pulmonary embolism.  He stated they sent the records to Marie, but Norman declares she didn't get the tests that should have been ran during that day.  

"Matthew and Celena healed Letha miraculously.  Those tests seemed pointless at that time." Pryce states. "Surely, you remember..." 

"My daughter was brought here to die.  If it wasn't for Matthew and Celena, she would have died by your hands." Norman glares at him.  

Pryce sighs, "Look, this is an emotional topic."

Norman cuts Pryce off again with a frown, "Why did you cremate the baby's body before doing an autopsy?  Why not let Letha see her baby?"

"You authorized it.  And to let Letha see the child in her emotional state would set her off to a psychotic episode.  You signed everything..." Pryce states and Norman gets up as he continues to cut Pryce off. 

"I was out of my mind with grief.  In complete utter shock.  Even when we both witnessed two ordinary human beings placed their hands on my daughter and healed her and seeing that light form.  I'm surprised you weren't in shock as well, as if nothing surprises you.  I'm sure I would sign anything you stuck in front of me, but as the doctor in charge, it was your responsibility to, well...unless of course there was something you needed to cover up." Norman says with accusation at the end.

Pryce had enough, he walks up towards Norman, "I am sorry about what happened to Letha and her baby.  Her complications were rare and tragic. But they happen.  Be thankful at least that she survived." Pryce states. 

"Hm." Norman chuckles humorlessly and moves to grab his coat and begins to leave, but he stops at the door, "Oh, Marie and I, we're filing a malpractice suit and wrongful death for her child.  Thanks to my stock sale, I can match you lawyer to lawyer." He smirks as he walks up to Pryce and gives him a cold glare.  "So get ready for a subpoena shit storm." He pokes a finger at Pryce's chest, "You, Mr. Pryce, are gonna have to account for everything around here." He scoffs and turns to walk out the door, leaving a very, very angry Pryce.


(Celena's change of clothes^^^)

Peter nervously paces the living room and smoke a cigarette.  Celena helped Destiny clean up.  She was still so shaken up by what she saw in her vision quest.  Her whole body trembled with every movement she made.  Celena changed her clothes since some of the vomit managed to get on her pjs. 

"Ignore the dreams." That's all she told them. 

Celena sits on the couch as she watches Destiny make some sort of drink for herself.  Like serum to help her with the emotional pain and fear she was feeling.  

"I'm serious, Peter. You need to forget about these dreams." Destiny states. 

"How are suppose to forget about 'em?" Peter scoffs. 

"We're not really Dream Masters here, Des.  Can't just shut them off with a snap of a finger." Celena states as she hugs her knees.  

"Figure it out.  Somehow.  Just drop it.  Just...stay as far away from this as you can." Destiny states strongly as she slowly moves to sit down.  

"You still haven't told us what the hell happened in there." Peter says.  

Destiny sighs heavily, "I'm not sure.  But I felt some big...bad...shit that you do not want to be a part of." She warns them both.  

With trembling hands she brings her green drink to her lips and gulps some down.  

Peter moves to sit next to Celena and pulls her into his arms, exhaling a long cloud and looks over to Destiny, "How do you know? You always say you can't see into the future." 

Destiny swallows roughly, "I experienced it." She slowly looks over to both of them, "Whatever it is, it's out there and it's really fucking bad." 

Celena trembles in Peter's arms and he holds her close, rubbing shoulders gently in comfort, but even he was terrified. 

Destiny gets up and runs for the bathroom to vomit again.  She felt so sick from that experience.  It terrified her.  While Destiny was in the bathroom, Celena and Peter remained on the couch.  Neither of them could stop thinking about the dream.  It was burned in their minds.  

Celena plays with Peter's hair as he doodles while lying on her lap.  They barely heard Destiny walk back in the room and sees the picture.  Destiny stomps towards them and snatches the paper from Peter, balling it up.  

"Stop it!" Peter says. 

"No, Peter! I want you both to promise me to let this go!" 

"We can't help our dreams, Destiny." Celena scoff.

"Ignore it!" Destiny demanded.  "Banish it from your minds!" 

Before Celena could say anymore more, the door opens and Andreas walks in carrying a small box. 

Peter makes a grab for the picture, but Destiny grabs him by the throat and glares at him in such anger, "I almost died in there." She grits her teeth softly.  

Andreas closes the door and walks in at the same time when Destiny shoves Peter back into Celena's arms.  Peter's eyes widen when she said she almost died.  He didn't mean to endanger her, he just wanted answers.  Hell, so did Celena. 

"What's up, guys?" Andreas greets them all, but frowns at the tension in the atmosphere.

Destiny sighs, "Long story.  I gotta get a shower and get this snake smell off me." She roughly throws the picture back at Celena and Peter.  "I'm not done with you." She glares at them both and takes off towards the bathroom while brushing past Andreas as he gives her a calming stroke of his hand on her shoulder.  

Andreas moves into the kitchen as Peter picks up his drawing and straightens it out.  

"I had to run an errand in Kirkwood.  They got this bakery..." He opens the box and pulls out a pastry and begins eating it.  "Best blintzes you've ever put in your mouth around." Andreas pats Peter's back and slumps on the couch next to Celena.

"How are you, Celly?" He grins, but frowns when he looks over at Peter's drawing.  "Gone Sis?" Andreas laughs and rubs Peter's head, grinning at him, "You Gypsy dog, you two are even more daring than we are." 

"You know what this is?" Celena asks as she points at the picture.

Andreas takes the drawing and a pencil and begins to fill out the rest of the words for them, "The Wagoneer Oasis.  It's a...trailer park for horny truckers.  Letters on the sign burned out, so all it says is 'Gone Sis'.  The concrete blondes there were known as the 'Gone Sisters.'"

Peter and Celena couldn't believe they got a clue for the dream.

"Andreas, you beautiful asshole!" Celena grabs his head and kisses his cheek.  "Thank you." 

Andreas smirks and laughs, "Easy, sweetheart, I only put out for Destiny." 

Celena smacks his shoulder and turns to Peter, "Let's go."

"Thanks, man." Peter says as he gets up with Celena to head out. 

"Any time." 

"Oh, tell Destiny..." Peter stops himself and scoffs.  Destiny will be pissed either way.  "Never mind." 

Andreas nods with his mouth full, "'Never mind'. I'll giver her the message."

Celena and Peter managed to find directions to the Wagoneer Oasis and it wasn't all what Andreas described it.  It seemed like a normal trailer park.  But Celena could feel a cold vibe creeping up her neck.  As if something bad was gonna happen here.  

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