Spiderkook【ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ ɪɴ ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴠ...

By Dippy08

351K 20.5K 8.7K

A story in which Jungkook is the Spider-Man and Taehyung as his boyfriend and both are ready to risk it all f... More

🕸️• Introduction •🕸️
•01• Arachnidism (Prequel)
•02• Scrutiny
•03• Disguise
•04• Mundane
•05• Dilemma
•06• Misery
•07• Fallacy
•08• Surmise
•09• Espial
•10• Confession
•11• Divulge
•12• Evocation
•13• Vulnerable
•14• Amorous (M)
•15• Reminiscence
•16• Malevolent
•17• Pandemonium
•18• Anguish
•19• Envious
•20• Devastation
•21• Inevitable
•22• Rendezvous
•23• Ecstasy (M)
•24• Felicity
•25• Vindication
•26• Conquer
•27• Mettle
•28• Elation
•29• Enamored
•30• Forfeiture
•31• Apology
•32• Euphoria (Epilogue)
🕷️• SEQUEL •🕷️
•33• Anew (Sequel)
•34• L'amour (M)
•35• Insecurities
•36• Estranged
•37• Culpability
•38• Despair
•39• Discern
•40• Asunder
•41• Resolution
•42• Permitted
•43• Douce (M)
•44• Succour
•45• Reawakening
•46• Encounter
•47• Plea
•48• Complicated
•49• Revealed
•50• Elucidate
•52• Contentment
•53• Serendipity (Epilogue 2.0)

•51• Sacrifice

3.7K 212 46
By Dippy08

Yugyeom was on the couch, gaze unfocused. Automatically, after thinking of all that he had gone through, the tears wouldn't stop.

Thankfully, Tzuyu was there beside him to comfort him, easing his pain through her touch and words.

"I, I won't f-forgive my-myself... I..." He cried, hiccupping through his sentence like a small boy. Tzuyu pulled him closer, allowing his head to rest on her lap.

She too couldn't help but cry, guilt flowing in her heart to see him in such a condition.

"I'm sorry, Yug... I'm so sorry..."

"No... it's my fault, it's all my fault." He let out his pain finally and having Tzuyu by his side helped Yugyeom a lot too.

"M-my Dad, he was here... and h-he talked to me and then..." He whispered, now sitting up and she cupped his face, wiping all his tears away.

"Yug... Breathe, it's okay... Just breathe." She whispered, trying to console him the best, her heart aching for him.

Yugyeom took deep breaths as he stared into space, the events of last night rushing to his head.

Jungkook was Spider-man and he had no idea. Jungkook was the one who killed his father yet how was he the one who helped Yugyeom many times?

"Jungkook...He killed my father..." Yugyeom whispered, face blank as the thought registered in his head.

"Yug..." Tzuyu called out, patting on his shoulder to get his attention.

The silent room echoed with approaching footsteps to them, finding Jungkook, Taehyung and Felix walking to their side.

"Yug... we need to talk." Jungkook stated, bringing Yugyeom back from his haze of thoughts.

The latter stood up quickly, taking heavy steps towards Jungkook's side, grabbing him by his collar in a burning rage.

Taehyung gasped in shock, and Felix immediately stepped in , trying to get Yugyeom away from his Hyung but Jungkook gestured to him not to.

Yugyeom's eyes were filled with hate, jaws tightening as he stared at Jungkook deadly.

"WHY? YOU KNEW EVERYTHING! Y-You knew everything and you took him away! YOU TOOK MY DAD AWAY FROM ME!" Yugyeom screamed, shaking Jungkook in his hold angrily.

"I had to..."


Receiving only silence from Jungkook only enraged Yugyeom more. The images of his father and Jungkook killing him brewed the blind anger and Yugyeom punched Jungkook right on his face, stumbling the superhero back by the impact.

"YUGYEOM!" Taehyung screamed surprised, helping Jungkook up who hissed in pain.

Taehyung noticed how Jungkook's mouth dripped out blood. His boyfriend was already injured, not even a day from recovering and Yugyeom decided to punch him? After all that Jungkook did for him?

Oh boy, Taehyung was so furious, so ready to murder someone.

"Who do you think you are?" Taehyung asked, pushing Yugyeom back from Jungkook.

Yugyeom's eyes widened, realizing what he just did and he looked at his trembling hands, scared.

"You wanna know why he did it? YOU WANNA KNOW YUGYEOM?" Taehyung lost his cool completely, his patience fully tested.

"TAEHYUNG, DON'T!" Jungkook intervened but Taehyung was not going to listen to anyone today, not even Jungkook.

"YOUR FATHER KILLED HIS UNCLE, YUGYEOM! He killed Mr. Song because he knew how obsessed your father was with that fluid. He is the reason why we all are suffering, why this city is suffering. He created Goblin and that's why Spider-man, my Jungkook had to end him."

"Taehyung, enough. Please..." Jungkook tried to stop Taehyung because he saw how Yugyeom stumbled back in disbelief, completely astounded by what Taehyung was saying.

"Not just Mr. Song but Felix here too. Your father took away Mr. Lee's life and you know what happened because of that? His mother killed herself and her son was rotting in jail! ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR FATHER!..."

Felix turned away, unable to control his tears and Jungkook let his tears fall too. The words pierced into all of their hearts because this was the inevitable truth.

The truth that someday Yugyeom had to know.

Tzuyu clasped her mouth from sobbing out loud as she knelt down broken, guilt rushing into her. She couldn't believe she helped a man like Hoki.

"....As if, this wasn't all enough, your father kidnapped me! I too would have been dead today if not for Jungkook and Felix!" Taehyung shouted, his eyes pooling with tears when he forced his mind to remember the things he desperately tried to forget.

"Yet your father wanted to hide everything from you! He made Jungkook promise to not tell you anything... I guess my boyfriend was just too foolish to help someone like you, even after all that happened..."

Jungkook leaned onto his boyfriend, holding him silently. Taehyung indeed was Jungkook's safe place wasn't he?

"....Jungkook is the reason why you are alive today, Yugyeom. Ask him and Felix, ask them how it feels like when your loved ones are taken away. Just like that, in a day they lost everything too! I bet you'd know the pain clearly now." Taehyung finished, wiping away his own tears.

Like a bolt out of the blue, it was as if Yugyeom's soul left his body. The truth hit him hard like a sledgehammer and his legs gave up on him. He stumbled to the floor weakly beside Tzuyu.

He didn't deserve to suffer this way, it was not his fault at all. He was suffering for what his father did. All Yugyeom ever wanted was a family and someone to love.

"I, I h-hate myself... I HATE MYSELF!" Yugyeom screamed and Tzuyu reached for him, trying to comfort him but this was out of control, the guilt and pain was too much to take.

The poor boy sobbed, holding his aching head in his hands and Jungkook couldn't help but walk to him. This was his buddy, Yugyeom. Jungkook knelt down in front of him and pulled him into a hug now.

"Yug...I'm so sorry. I, I knew everything but I, I couldn't tell you. I'm sorry that all this happened... Please, forgive me-"

Yugyeom cried on his shoulder, hugging his best buddy back. Yugyeom should have been the one apologizing but there was Jungkook, the selfless man holding him and asking for his pardon.

Yugyeom repeatedly mumbled sorry and Jungkook held him, patting his back, comforting him.

"Kook, I... I don't deserve your f-forgiveness..."

"Yug, you did nothing wrong. I am sorry that you had to go through all of this but this time, it's the last time. I swear." Jungkook said sincerely, breaking the hug now.

"I, I'm sorry too Yug... I couldn't just keep my mouth shut after all this..." Taehyung trailed.

"We can't change what happened but we can definitely change what is about to happen. I need your help Yug... Will you help me?" Jungkook asked and Yugyeom nodded.

"Y-Yes. Let's end this together."


Yugyeom confessed about how he ended up as Venom and how the fluid used him as a host, sabotaging his weakness. He apologized multiple times, the guilt and regret in his heart increasing as he confessed.

Nobody in the room judged him for his mistakes and were on good terms quickly.

They were now in the lab, gathered as a team to join the dots and discuss everything that they had to tell each other.

"It happened right here." Yugyeom stated, his voice resonating in the lab.

Jungkook turned to face Yugyeom and then Taehyung and Tzuyu, faced with worries but Felix seemed to wonder about something.

"Like you said Hyung, the fluid came back to its place didn't it? There might have been another way for it to enter back then. Do you know any other possible way Hyung?" Felix asked suspiciously, his eyes wandering everywhere around.

"I don't know, I just know the way through the bar tunnel...." Yugyeom answered.

"You are right, Felix. It used another way and I know that way too." Jungkook said, catching everyone's attention.

"The fluid should have slipped in through this... This lid, it connects to the garage." Jungkook said, pointing to the lid above them.

"But then... Why isn't it back again?" Taehyung asked curiously, walking to Jungkook's side.

"Venom needs a host to function. Now that Yug's body has tried to fight against it, the symbiote won't show up soon." Tzuyu spoke, all eyes falling on her.

"Does that mean it's looking for another host now?" Felix asked curiously and she nodded.

"How do we fight it? There must be something it is scared of or a weakness?" Taehyung added curiously.

"Fire. It hates fire." Yugyeom whispered, thinking of the incident in his father's room.

The lab was silent as everyone dwelled in their own thoughts, wondering what would be happening in the city. Taehyung's phone buzzed in his pocket and he quickly picked it up to see his brother's number.

"Yes Yeonie? WHAT?" As Taehyung shouted, all of them turned to face him, wondering what went wrong.

"N-news.... NOW!"

Something was definitely wrong from Taehyung's tone and they all rushed to the living room, turning the news channel on.

"Following the absence for a while, the monster, acclaimed to be 'Venom' has surfaced back in the city..."

All of them gasped collectively in the hall as the reporter continued talking.

"... Reports claimed to have citizens, especially teenagers injured heavily after a disturbing damage near school premises. Police forces are trying their best to take control of the situation and Spider-man is yet to make his appearance. We request all citizens-"

Taehyung switched the TV off and looked at Jungkook. Venom was back in the city and this time it had taken someone else as a host, building doubts in who the newfound host was.


The city was in chaos and fortunately not too much of a crowd was formed because they were already informed to stay indoors.

The monster growled on the road, the host assuming to be not as strong as Venom wanted, unable to handle the symbiote's power.

Spider-man watched how the fluid was ruining everything. Jungkook stood there astonished, trying to analyze the situation, thinking of a better way to get rid of the monster.

Yugyeom and the others followed Spidey in his car, a few meters away. The four of them quickly rushed out of the car, standing beside the police force.

"Jung-" Taehyung shut his own mouth quickly, his mind forgetting that his boyfie was Spider-man for now.

"I WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS! ALL OF YOU STAY AWAY!" Jungkook turned around and screamed, warning them to not follow him.

The armed forces shot at the monster but his slime like skin engulfed everything, not much of a disturbance to it.

"Officer! Make sure you evacuate all the people from here." Jungkook informed the officer in a rush as he jumped forward, shooting webs on the monster, to knock him down.

The sirens and the dreadful growls of the monster echoed in the air and Jungkook knew he had to take it away from the city.

As soon as the monster freed himself from the webs, Spidey shot the web onto the top of a building and flew away, knowing pretty well that Venom would follow him blindly.

The monster followed Spider-man to where he led him, under the gigantic bridge, near the bank of the river.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Jungkook screamed and Venom widened his mouth, smiling slyly at Spider-man.

"You're not Yugyeom, so who are you?"

Venom swirled his tongue around, opening his huge mouth wide, slowly revealing a face beneath the ugly mouth.

Innocent doe eyes that were teary, pretty, young and delicate face terrified to its extent. It was a young, poor boy who had no clue of what he was pulled into.

"S-Spidey... Save me..." The boy pleaded, eyes tearing up, bearing hope as he saw his superhero in front of him.

"S-Soobin?" Jungkook was taken back to see the familiar guy he knew, as Yeonjun's friend.

Before Spider-man could step forward, instinctively Venom swallowed the boy up, growling and screaming.

Jungkook couldn't believe how utterly greedy the symbiote was despite knowing how weak the young boy was.

Jungkook lost his will to fight back because he would be hurting an innocent boy if he would do. The superhero was blown away from the train of thoughts when a punch landed on his stomach, flying him back to the ground.

"Spiderman! Give me Spider-man!" Venom growled, jumping on Spider-man, trying to unmask him but Spider-man was not easy to conquer.

He caged the monster in his web and hit him on the concrete wall. The wall broke from the impact, creating a hole as the monster fell in.

"Why are you hurting this innocent boy? Leave his body."


"What do you want from me?!"

"Your strength.... Your power.... Like the spiders." The monster answered, clutching Jungkook's waist, carrying him up.

A part of the fluid began crawling on Jungkook's body but before it could devour him, Jungkook shot the web on his eyes.

Venom was surely going to misuse his powers and Jungkook would never let that happen.


Yugyeom drove away following Spidey, taking the four of them now under the bridge. The car stopped a few meters away from where Spider-Man and Venom were fighting.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung tried to run to his side but Felix held him back.

"Hyung, you can't." Felix said and Taehyung's heart paced as he watched how Jungkook was trying his best to fight against the creepy monster.

"W-who could it be?" Yugyeom asked in shock, finding Venom in another host. The image sent shivers to his body.

The forces after tracing the location, aimed the machine guns at Venom with choppers flying around.

"DON'T OPEN FIRE! THERE'S A BOY INSIDE!" Spider-man screamed and immediately the forces held their guns, focused fully on the super villain.

Jungkook honestly had no idea how to get rid of this monster. How was he suppose to fight, without hurting the innocent boy beneath?

"Fire. It fears fire."

Jungkook remembered what Yugyeom said back in the lab, the blazing fire was indeed Venom's weakness. Jungkook looked around, finding his friends standing far away.

"EVERYBODY GET AWAY!" Spider-man screamed and they all moved back as Jungkook jumped on Yugyeom's car, tumbling the car upside down, the fuel dripping out like he wanted.

"J-Jungkook....what are you doing?" Taehyung asked and Venom jumped behind them now, startling the four. Jungkook quickly shot webs on the monster who picked up Tzuyu, holding her by her waist.

They all gasped, Yugyeom stepping in but Jungkook stopped him from doing so.

"Burn this car, and leave everything to me." Jungkook said and Yugyeom gave a quick nod, understanding what he meant. He fiddled in his pockets, searching for a lighter.

Jungkook shot webs on Venom continuously until he released Tzuyu and Venom fell down defeated by it, completely caged by the numbers of web strands.

"FELIX, TAKE THEM AWAY!" Jungkook screamed and Felix quickly held both Tzuyu and Taehyung's hands, taking them away from the scene.

"Jungkook! We can't do it this way! The boy in him will be hurt. Venom won't escape that easily. He needs a host to hold him in. We have to do something else."

"B-but what do we.... I'll let it engulf me then." Jungkook stated hurriedly but Yugyeom held his hand, stopping him from doing so.

"No! I will handle this. I've been in it and I know. Take the boy away somewhere and leave. It's gonna blast heavily."

"N-no... No Yug, you can't. I'm not gonna risk-"

"Please... just go Kook. Trust me, I got this." Yugyeom said, eyes holding sincerity but Jungkook only shook his head.

Venom growled behind them, breaking through the web, alerting the two.

"We don't have much time. Do as I say. Save the boy and take all of them away from here. Right now!"

"Yug.... Don't! Listen to me...."

"Just go!"

"No! Yugyeom!"

Yugyeom pushed Jungkook away as Venom tried to attack him.

Yugyeom stretched his hand to the monster, his other hand lighting the lighter behind his back, quickly throwing it to the ground.

Venom crawled onto Yugyeom's body, devouring him and finally letting go of the poor boy that collapsed on the ground weakly.

"LEAVE!" Yugyeom screamed for the last time as the fluid engulfed his face.

Spider-man gasped but quickly carried Soobin up as he found fire burning on the ground, slowly crawling to the car now.

Jungkook closed his eyes, tears rushing down but he had no other choice. He took Soobin away to where Felix, Taehyung and Tzuyu stood.

"WAIT NO! YUGYEOM!" Tzuyu screamed but Jungkook held her and took all of them away to the top of the bridge.

The monster growled because Yugyeom couldn't let it move from there, trying to make him stay in his body until the car burns.

This was it, the monster was going to end today.

"YUGYEOM! YUGYEOM!" Tzuyu cried, leaning over the bridge.

"NO!" Taehyung cried, not believing what was about to happen.

"I can't let this happen to him." Jungkook said to himself.

Spider-Man jumped down, right to where Yugyeom was and boom, the car blasted.

The fire touched the sky and they all gasped in shock, unable to believe the reality that just occurred.

"JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung screamed and in the deafening loudness, he fell onto the ground.

Taehyung will not believe this, not his Jungkookie. No, he can't be gone. He promised Taehyung that he will stay.

The forces rushed to the scene below the bridge shutting the fire instantly. The surroundings were fully burned out but the car was still in fire with the smoke eluting up. It was definitely a huge damage.

The forces down the bank signaled the officer up on the bridge who hung his head low, taking his cap out.

"Sir, we are very sorry...."

Taehyung was sure that he just lost his will to live.


Well, with this guys the Venom has came to its end and this also brings the end of the story too.

Still there's a lot to conclude and it will be concluded in the next chapter.

Yes, just like 'Still With You' this book is also ending and next chapter is the Epilogue.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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