lie again || hoshi ff

By httpseudonym

11.9K 359 168

"if there is nothing more painful than a painful love.. then go back before even more painful memories remain... More

1: going home
2: catching up
3: unexpected sleepover
4: celeb 5 is back
5: lotte world
6: secret's out
7: lost hope
8: mingyu knows
9: jeju-do
10: rumors
11: what did he do
12: guess who's jealous
13: tired
14: coming home
15: planning
17: TTT (day 2)
18: TTT (day 3)
19: bright after rain
20: getting used to
21: the beginning of an end
22: the morning after
23: it's okay not to be okay
24: slowly but surely
25: getting by
26: 3rd wheel
27: what now?
28: you don't need to fight on your own
29: let's tell your appa
ending scene

16: TTT (day 1)

340 9 12
By httpseudonym

woke up feeling cold, so you turned off the fan. you slowly opened your eyes and reached for your phone by the table beside you and looked at the time and it was 8 in the morning. you still have about 3 more hours before meeting everything at Soonyoung's place.

since you weren't that sleepy anymore, you got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. after taking a bath, you headed back to your room. as you were standing in front of the cabinet wondering what to wear, you scanned through your clothes that were hanged and this white dress caught your eye. 

before taking it off the hanger, you fixed the bed. 

then, you placed the dress by the bed then got your green sweater as an outerwear. and also took out this pink coat.

as you were just getting your converse out of the shoe rack, your phone chimed. 

it was a text from Soonyoung.

you were supposed to go grab your things, then you felt your phone buzz. someone texted you. when you opened your phone it was Woozi.

: look at him. you could even see the peach fuzz on his cheeks when you zoom in. /you chuckled, cute.

after texting Woozi, you went to the living room, picked up your backpack and headed downstairs.

after driving for quite some time, you arrived at Soonyoung's. you parked in front of his apartment, got off the car, headed towards the door and rang the bell.

Hoshi: hey you're here 30 minutes earlier.

: yeah~ i hope you don't mind i came earlier than expected.

Hoshi: no it's fine. /he smiled, come inside.

: by the way... /he then turned to you, you went to my place yesterday, but suddenly left. do you have something to say?

Hoshi: actually— yes..

: and that is?

Hoshi: i actually want to apologize for what happened at the hospital.

: that's been bothering you? /you coughed, it's fine. really. /you smiled

Hoshi: i really am sorry.

: i swear Soonyoung. it really is fine. you didn't do anything wrong to begin with. anyway, so how are you? how's work?

Hoshi: i'm having the best time of my life. /he smiled, i'm happy whenever i get to go perform.

: i'm happy that you feel that way. /you smiled, by the way, do you mind me asking?

Hoshi: sure. what's that?

: you don't have to answer if you don't want to./he chuckled, what you said when we were at the hospital.. what did you mean by that?

Hoshi: that we weren't even dating?

: yeah... that one.

Hoshi: well, we were friends. then she suddenly confessed her feelings for me. i mean, why not give it a shot, right?

: right.

Hoshi: so i did. we hang out for a couple of times but it wasn't really clicking. so i stopped seeing her. that's why i was shocked when Coups hyung returned to your apartment that day with her.

: ohh.. so that's why.

Hoshi: then what she did to you on the hospital was too much.

: i mean, yeah.. what she did was a little bit overboard. /you yawned

Hoshi: are you sleepy?

: a little..

Hoshi: you should take a nap. let's go upstairs

you both went upstairs, towards the bedroom.

: /you jumped towards the bed, i swear Soonyoung-ah, when i slept here the other time i slept like a baby. it's so comfy. /you buried your face on the pillow

your comment and gesture made him laugh.

Hoshi: you could take a nap if you want to.

: i definitely would. ㅋㅋㅋ

Hoshi: well then, i should head downstairs.

: wae?

Hoshi: what do you mean why? /he laughed

: just why. /you laughed

Hoshi: i'll wake you up when they're almost here. i swear. /he chuckled

: arasso~ i'll just sleep for awhile Soonyoung.

Hoshi: jal jayo~

and off to dreamland you go. 30 mins have passed and you woke up with the sound of people talking and walking up and down the stairs. you slowly opened you eyes there's this silhouette.

Dino: jagiya?

: jagiya... /while sitting up and rubbing your eye, jagiya?

Dino and the others laughed.

: (°ー°〃) am i dreaming or...

Vernon: she just carelessly said she was single.. /he chuckled

Jeonghan: the look on her face... and she just woke up..

Joshua: her eyes just shut open. ㅋㅋㅋ

: asdfghjkl—

Joshua: just so you know, we can't understand a word you just said. ㅋㅋㅋ

Dino: you aren't. /he chuckled, sorry for waking you up Aera but we'll get going in 30 mins.

: andwae. /you lied down then shut your eyes close

Dino: arasso let's just sleep here. /he lied beside you

Jeonghan: ohhh~ uri Chan, that's so manly.

Dino: hyung..

: /you laughed, that surely woke me up. let's head down?

so you all headed downstairs and hang out for awhile at the living room.

Jeonghan: and you didn't even say "hi"...

: oppa mianhe. ㅠㅠ i'm still half asleep as you can see.. /you chuckled, then hugged him

Jeonghan: /he hugged you back, i was just playing with you. /he laughed

Dino: jagiya!!!

you suddenly flinched because Dino startled you. which made the others laugh.

: why do i have an immediate response..

Dino: sorry for scaring you. /he laughed, didn't know you were that "jumpy"

: /you giggled, it's fine jagiya~

Seungkwan: Aeraaaaa!!

: oppa!

DK: Aera-ah!

: another oppa!!

Vernon: she said "another oppa"... /he chuckled

: wae Hansol oppa?

Seungkwan: daebak... she just calls Vernon as Hansol. /he laughed

both Seungkwan and DK hugged you;

: i've missed you~

DK: i can't wait for the trip~

Seungkwan: me too!! we're gonna have so much fun~

Cheol: is everyone here?

Mingyu: noona's still not here.

Cheol: let's wait for her. anyway, so there would be 3 cars. meaning there would be 3 drivers. since there's 15 of us, 5 people in 1 car. so who would like to drive?

: me~

Dino: ohhh jagiya's driving! i wanna ride with you!

Joshua: no. i would.

Jeonghan: you both meant it would be me that would ride inside Aera's car.

Cheol: it's too early for this...

you glanced at Cheol and he was rubbing his temples which made you giggle.

: how about you get to choose the car that you would want to ride along, then the drivers would pick a random car key?

Dino: call!

Cheol: i'll drive the other car. anyone else?

Myungho: i'll drive.

Cheol: so me, Myungho, and Aera would drive.

Jieun: and i'm here~

: unnie~

Jieun: annyeong yeorobun~ let's hit the road!

and while the others picked the car they want to ride with, the 3 drivers picked a random car key.

Cheol: Aera are you sure you want to drive?

you then nodded.

Myungho: here, give me your phone. i'll put the address. /he smiled

Cheol: remember, drive safe arasso?

Myungho: contact each other if we need anything, okay?

: ne oppa. gaja~

1st car: Cheol, Jieun, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Vernon
2nd car: Myungho, Dino, Jeonghan, Jun, Joshua
3rd car: Aera, Seungkwan, Dokyeom, Woozi, Hoshi

Seungkwan: i hope Aera's our driver~

DK: there they are! /pointing towards your direction

Woozi: do you guys realize something?

Hoshi: what's that? 

then, the three of them glanced at each other.

DK: ladies and gentlemen, they call us...

Seungkwan: Boo!

DK: Seok!

Soonyoung: Soon!

Woozi: this is gonna be a long ride... /the trio laughed

Seungkwan: she's approaching our car!

: /you opened the car door, YEOROBUN~

DK: you really are our driver???

: yeees! lezgo~ but wait... i can't believe BooSeokSoon's in one car. ㅇㅁㅇ

Hoshi: she even knows BSS... daebak.

Woozi: the look on your face Aera.. /he chuckled

: and even Uji's here~

Seungkwan: Uji..

DK: Uji..

Hoshi: Uji..

Woozi: stop.

you all laughed.

DK: yeorobun~ please buckle up.

Seungkwan: gaja!!

and off to the rest house you go~

(inside the car)
DK: so, where are we headed?

: that i do not know.

they all looked confused;

Seungkwan: what do you mean you do not know??

: what i meant by that is, i don't know the place but i already have the route on GPS don't worry. /you laughed

Soonyoung: for a minute there you scared us.

: by the way does anyone want to make a stop over at a convenient store?

Seungkwan: yes please!

after 15 mins of driving, Seungkwan spotted a convenient store.

Seungkwan: Aera there's a convenient store up ahead.

: just tell me when to stop oppa.

Seungkwan: there. /pointing at the convenient store at your right

: please look out for cars before opening the door~

DK: do you want anything Aera?

: just some water thank you.

DK: Woozi hyung?

: same. i'll just have water.

DK: arasso~

Seungkwan: Hoshi hyung~ let's go inside the convenient store with Deokyeom-ie hyung.

Hoshi: arasso let's go. Woozi, Aera, we'll be back.

Woozi: arasso.

so, the three of them went to buy something at the convenient store. you were left with Woozi.

Woozi: Aera— /he looked at you

: Uji... /you laughed, what's with the long pause?

Woozi: /he giggled, nothing. aren't you tired? do you want me to drive instead?

: nope~ it's fine.

Woozi: /he chuckled, arasso.

: by the way, i still remember we were supposed to hang at your studio.. but i forgot.. ㅠㅠ

Woozi: /he laughed, stop making that face Aera. and it's fine. we could go some other time. /he smiled, plus, it's not like we don't really see each other most of the time. /he chuckled, just hit me up when you're free.

your conversation was cut short because someone was knocking. it was the others. you opened the door, buckled your seat-belts and then drove off.

Hoshi: anyway, here's your water. /passing the water to Woozi

DK: Aera~

: ne oppa?

DK: turn on some music please.

: Uji.

Woozi: yes?

: could you get my phone? it's just there. somewhere.

Woozi: /he chuckled, it's here.

: just press play. it's on shuffle though.

Woozi then clicked the play button then love letter played.

: i swear i didn't do that on purpose..

Seungkwan: you listen to our songs!!

: /you laughed, well of course i do! if you guys want to change the song, you can change—

DK: why would we want to change it? /he giggled

: kinda embarrassed that out of all the songs on my playlist, yours played. it's like i've been caught or something. /they all laughed

then DK started to sing.

: oppa...

DK: ne? /he looked at you through the mirror

: can't you see?

DK: /he chuckled, see what?

: i think i'm falling for you.

you were referring to it as if you're "in-love" in a jokingly matter, when Dokyeom just started to casually sing along with the song.

DK: pabo. 

he laughed, then the others started laughing as well.

: waaaae? i'm serious.

DK: Aera-ssi. eyes on the road. ㅋㅋㅋ

: /you laughed, arasso Dokyeom-ssi.

Seungkwan: "Dokyeom-ssi"... ㅋㅋㅋ

soon enough you arrived at the rest house.

Hoshi: are we here?

: yup~ you could go out of the car now.

Woozi: where are the others?

: that i do not know.

Seungkwan: when in fact we even made a stop over and still we're the first to arrive.

: why does it seem like you're telling me that i drive too fast... ㅋㅋㅋ

Hoshi: /he chuckled, let's just say faster than the others.

: /you laughed, i'll just take that as a compliment. 

Woozi: there's Coups hyung and Myungho. /pointing at the cars that were just arriving

they all arrived and parked the car beside yours.

Cheol: i can't believe you arrived here first.

Mingyu: it's because you drive too fast.

: what do you mean i drive too fast? i don't Kim Min Gyu.

Cheol: and the bickering starts...

Mingyu: yes you do Lee Aera.

Jieun: YAH!

: aND WHA—

you didn't get to finish your sentence because Jieun yelled. when she yelled, you flinched. which made everyone burst out of laughter.

Mingyu: noona...

Jieun: quit bickering. i swear if you don't stop i'll put you and Gyu in one room.

Mingyu: my worst nightmare...

: I SWEAR KIM MIN GYU I— /before continuing your sentence, you glanced at Jieun, he started it unnie...ㅠㅠ

Jieun: not another word.

then Jieun went inside the house. then Mingyu laughed.

Mingyu: /he scoffed, ha ha.

: /you hit Mingyu on the shoulder, ha ha. /annoyingly imitating Gyu

Mingyu: NOONA!

Jeonghan: this is quite a sight.

Joshua: it's like we have 2 kids with us...

Shua's comment made everyone laugh

: Jeonghan-ie oppa!(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

Jeonghan: omo wae? /he opened his arms, come here.

: /you leaned in for a hug, Mingyu keeps on fighting me. (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') /fake crying

Jeonghan: /he giggled then pat your head, you're so cute. don't mind him, he won't bother you. right Mingyu?

Mingyu: aish.. ne, hyung.

you looked at Gyu with a smirk on your face.

Chan: jagiya!! Mingyu hyung keeps on bothering you?

: jagiya...

Dino: /he snagged you off of Jeonghan, let's go inside the house instead.

Joshua: he just took Aera. just like that. then run off. like they're off to their wedding or something.

they all laughed, then followed you and Chan inside the house.

: wah... this place is so pretty..

Dino: hyung did a great job at finding a place!

Jieun: /she popped out of nowhere, YEOROBUN WHERE YOU AT?

Dino: noona..

Jieun: yes Chan-ah?

Dino: Aera just flinched.. look at how tight her grip to my hands are.

Jieun: /she burst out of laughter, mianhe Aera. i won't shout anymore.

: look at how fast my heart is beating.. /you placed Jieun's hand to your chest

Jieun: oh shit— you're right. /she chuckled, mianhe.

Dino: jagiya are you fine?

: /you smiled, it's fine unnie. just don't do it again. please... ㅠㅠ , ne jagiya i'm fine don't worry~ anyway, everyone's here.

Cheol: so how are we gonna split the bedrooms? so there's 3 bedrooms, the 2 rooms have 2 queen beds, then the largest room has 1 queen bed and the rest sleeps at the floor.

Jeonghan: i think Jieun and Aera should take 1 of the 2 bedrooms that has a bed.

Jieun: that's boring Jeonghan-ssi!

Jun: "Jeonghan-ssi" /he laughed

Jeonghan: /he laughed, so are you girls fine with whatever?

Myungho: even though you might end up sharing a room with one of us?

Jieun: why are you guys making it sound like it's a bad thing? /you laughed, "you might end up with one of us" /she said mimicking Myungho, it's not a big deal Myungho~ /she smiled at him, it's fine by me. what about you Aera-ah?

you all laughed

: yup. it's fine by me also. /you smiled

Cheol: so the 2 bedrooms with a bed, 4 person on each room. then the rest, stays at the larger room. call?

you all agreed. then played a game to have a fair try.

in the end, here's the list of people who are roommates for the rest of the trip:

1st bedroom: Woozi, Dokyeom, Aera, Wonwoo
2nd bedroom: Jieun, Mingyu, Cheol, Jeonghan
3rd bedroom: Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Myungho, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino

Jieun: since that is settled, who wants to cook with me?

: how about we play rock, paper, scissors?

long story short, the one who's gonna cook is Jieun, Mingyu, Jun, Dino, and Seungkwan.

Jieun: the 5 of us is gonna prepare the food, then the rest can explore the house~

: unnie if you need something just tell me okay?

Jieun: arasso~

while the 5 of them cooks, the rest of you explored the house. some of you went upstairs, while the others went by the pool. 

you and DK went upstairs with his luggage to pick and check out the bedrooms.

DK: do you want to stay here or the other room?

: how about the other room oppa? it has a balcony~ /you clapped

DK: /he chuckled, arasso let's stay there. i'll just call over Uji hyung and Wonu hyung.

: you can unpack you things oppa. i'll go call them. /you smiled then went downstairs, Ujiii!

Woozi: Aera-ah. you called?

: you could take your bag upstairs! me and Dokyeom oppa picked a room. it's the one on the left side.

Woozi: arasso~

: Wonu oppa!

Wonwoo: Aera!

: oppa, you could take your bag upstairs, we already have a room picked out.

Wonwoo: i wish it's the one with the balcony...

: it actually is~

Wonwoo: yesss! oh by the way, i'll carry your bag.

: nope i'm good. thank you. /you smiled

Wonwoo: i wasn't asking. /he smiled, then took your bag

: /you chuckled, arasso oppa. thank you.

Wonwoo: you could go up now, i'll be right behind you. /he smiled

then you both entered the room. Woozi and DK were already sitting on the bed.

Woozi: since the 4 of us are here, who's sleeping with who and which bed?

Wonwoo: how about Aera sleeps on the bed alone and the 3 of us sleeps on the other bed?

DK: we should probably do that. /he smiled

: what? no. that's unfair.

Woozi: it's fine Aera-ah. /he smiled

Wonwoo: yeah it really is fine.

: no.

DK: why?ㅠㅠ

: because that's unfair. you 3 sharing 1 bed.

Woozi: then how about 1 of the 3 sleeps on the floor?

: no. ㅠㅠ

Wonwoo: that look on her face will always make me feel guilty over something i didn't even do..

DK: So are you fine with sleeping with 1 of us?

: of course i am, oppa. /you smiled

Woozi: so how are we gonna settle this?

: let's call Chan then let's randomly pick a bed?

DK: call!

Woozi: Dino!!!

Dino: wae hyung?

Woozi: could you please come up here for a second?

Dino: i'm here what's up?

Wonwoo: so the 4 of us are gonna pic a bed randomly, then if the vote is even, tell us.

Dino: arasso. Who's first?

Wonwoo: Aera.

Dino:  Aera's sharing a bed with Woozi hyung, while DK hyung and Wonu hyung shares the other.

Wonwoo: thanks Dino. you're free to go~

DK: i hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable Aera. just tell us if it does.

: i mean.. technically, this wouldn't be the 1st time that me and Uji has slept together.

both Dokyeom and Wonwoo's eyes got big.

: /you burst out laughing, okay. don't misunderstand what i said. the look on your faces.

Woozi: long story short, me and Coups hyung went to Aera's place and i suddenly fell asleep.

: we all took a nap. that's what i'm basically trying to say. /you laughed

DK: oh okay. for a minute i thought you and Woozi—

before he could even finish the sentence, Woozi cut DK off.

Woozi: okay let's not even go there. that's enough. 

he turned pink-ish. which you all thought was funny.

Jieun: /knocking on the door, it's time to eat~

you all headed downstairs;

/all of you said in unison, 잘 먹겠습니다! (jal meokgesseumnida)

after eating you volunteered to do the dishes.

: unnie i'll do the dishes. you could go relax now~

Jieun: are you sure? i could help you.

Hoshi: i could help yo—

before Soonyoung could finish what he's saying, Woozi seemed to not hear that Soonyoung was talking so he unintentionally cut him off.

Woozi: i'll help her instead Jieun-ah. /he smiled

Jieun: /she smiled, arasso i'll just head upstairs and unpack my things~

: arasso unnie~

while you were doing the dishes, you can't help but feel like someone's watching... you turned your back and saw Soonyoung staring at you.

when your eyes met, he suddenly turned his gaze to another direction and went outside.

: /you whispered, what's up with that..

Woozi: did you say anything Aera?

: /you snapped back to your conscience and looked at Woozi, nothing. /you smiled

after finishing the dishes you hear a bunch of people on the living room so you decided to hang out with them. you looked at the time and it was 1 in the morning.

"no wonder i'm sleepy..", you thought.

: yeorobun~ i'll head off first. see you tomorrow~

they all said their goodnight's and you headed upstairs.

later on, you suddenly woke up because you don't feel like someone's beside you. you took out your phone to check the time, it was 4 in the morning. it was quiet in the house which made you think that everyone has gone to bed.

you were looking for Woozi and to your surprise, he was sleeping on the floor.

: /you got out of bed and tapped Woozi's shoulder, Jihoon oppa...

he wasn't budging;

: Uji..

Woozi: hmm? /he was half a sleep

: why are you there?

Woozi: Aera?

: it's me.

Woozi: /he suddenly sit up straight with his eyes still closed, oh it's you. do you need anything?

: sorry for waking you up.. it's just that— i was looking for you and you weren't beside me..

Woozi: /he caressed your hair, it's fine Aera. i could sleep here. /he smiled

: no... sleep here. /you were tapping the bed

Woozi: it really is fine Aera.

: if you won't sleep here i'll sleep downstairs on the sofa instead.

Woozi: no.

: then come sleep beside me.

Woozi: no.

: alright. then i'll go downstairs now.

you were supposed to stand up but Woozi held your wrist

Woozi: arasso i give in.

he got up and lied down on the bed. he put some pillows between you and him then turned to you.

Woozi: jal jayo Aera-ah. /he smiled

: /you looked at him and smiled, goodnight.

and off to dreamland you go... that's how you basically spent day 1. you all played, shared some stories, and a bunch of other things.

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