An Unexpected Miracle....or T...

By MochiMama18

5K 319 32

A one night stand with BTS' maknae line during the American leg of their Love Yourself Speak Yourself tour ta... More

An Unexpected Meeting and A Night with the Maknae Line
The Morning After and Concert Day 2
A Shocking Secret & A New Beginning
The Truth Unfolds
Old Friends, Good Food, and New.....Relationships
Weathering the Storm
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 1 (With Tae)
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 2 (With Guk)
Lyssah's Birthday
An American Thanksgiving for BTS
A Surprise Visit and the MAMA Awards
What's Going on With Taehyung...?
An Upset and Worried JK
A Bangtan Christmas and Two Early Christmas Gifts
The Fight for Baby Kim and Baby Jeon
A Long-Awaited Homecoming
Repaired Relationships & Heartfelt Thank Yous
ARMY Meets the Bangtan Twins
EPILOGUE: The Future Life of Bangtan

(It was just the) Calm Before the Storm

162 14 1
By MochiMama18

Packing was going well for both Lyssah's family and Charity's. It was time-consuming and very tiring but they all knew that in the end, it would be worth it. The lawyer sent them both photos of the house and yard to make sure they were happy with it and that they wanted it. Both women approved and the lawyer moved forward with the paperwork.

Lyssah spent her days packing, cleaning, and cooking. She made sure to take breaks and rest when she needed to and let the kids handle things on the days she was too tired to do anything. She talked to Taehyung and Jeongguk daily when they called after practice. They always made sure she wasn't overdoing it since they couldn't be there to help like they wanted to.

It was in the middle of the night at the beginning of September when Lyssah was woken up by her phone ringing. She would have ignored it but she recognized the ringtone as the one she had set for Taehyung. If he was calling this late at night for her then it had to be important.

She grabbed her phone, fumbling to answer it. "Tae? Why are you calling so late?" She asked groggily.

"I'm sorry to wake you, baby. But we have a problem." He answered.

"What kind of problem?" She asked, sitting up.

"Well...A.R.M.Y. knows....about us....about you and the babies." He says nervously.

"What? How did they find out? I don't understand. We were so careful." She said.

"Apparently a fan saw us together when we took you to the ER in Chicago. None of us noticed them so we couldn't stop them from taking pictures and selling them to Dispatch." He explains.

"What kind of pictures?" She asks.

"Pictures of you, me, and Guk in the ER room waiting for the doctor. One of each of us holding your hands. One of Guk kissing your belly. Me kissing your cheek. The three of us walking out of the ER hand in hand." Taehyung replied with a sigh.

"How bad is it? How angry are A.R.M.Y? What are we going to do now that they know?" Lyssah asked.

"We're getting ready to go into a meeting with our boss about it as soon as we all get to the BigHit building. He wants you to be on a video call with us while we all discuss it. He said since it involves you that you need to be there. So, I was thinking once we get there we can do a video call." Taehyung said.

"Okay. That sounds fine. How long before the meeting starts?" Lyssah asked.

"About fifteen minutes. That should give you enough time to wake up completely and get yourself some water since it'll probably be a long meeting." He answered.

"Alright. I'll do that while I wait for you to call me back." She agrees.

They say goodbye and hang up so she can do what she needs to before the meeting. Lyssah changes out of her pajamas into something more suited to a meeting with their boss. She then goes to the bathroom to brush her hair and use the bathroom before going to grab a couple of bottles of water and some sliced fruit and vegetables to snack on, Not knowing how long this meeting will take she makes sure she has everything before grabbing her laptop and sitting on her bed waiting for Taehyung to call her.

While she waits she decides to send her friends a message in their group chat. "Hey, I know you all will see the news online when you wake up but the world knows about me and TaeKook. I just wanted to let you all know that I am fine so please don't worry. I'm getting ready to do a video meeting with BTS and Hitman Bang to decide where we go from here and what our best move is going forward. I'll let you all know later."

Just as she hits send Taehyung calls her. She puts her phone down and answers the Skype call, making sure the video and audio are on and of good quality. Once they have that figured out the camera is turned so that it faces the table in such a way that Lyssah can see everyone to some extent and they can all see her as well.

The meeting takes almost three hours but in the end, they decide to make a statement explaining Lyssah's relationship with the maknaes. They don't want to deny it and have it backfire on them later. The twins will also be mentioned in the statement. As much as none of them wanted their babies to be in the public eye so soon now they don't have a choice. Hitman Bang also bans the three of them from social media. He makes sure they know that includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, VLive, and Lyssah's fan blog. Lyssah will also be required to wear a mask whenever she goes out in public from now on. There is a discussion of security being sent over to keep her and her kids safe just in case. But she doesn't think she needs it since none of them know where she lives. Should that information get leaked then she will take Hitman Bang up on his offer for security. Right now she just wants to live her life as normal as possible while keeping herself hidden from A.R.M.Y.

Before ending the video call, Lyssah lets them watch her make all her social media profiles private and turn her DMs off on the ones that she can. She then logs out of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. She leaves her Facebook messenger logged in so she can message her friends later to explain everything to them before logging out. Hitman Bang agrees to allow that as long as she promises to log out afterward. After that everyone leaves to give TaeKook a few minutes to talk to her and say goodbye. They try to reassure her as much as they can before saying goodbye.

They say goodbye once again before hanging up. Lyssah then goes into her Facebook messenger and leaves a message in the group chat explaining everything and telling her friends they can text her if they want to talk to her or check on her since they all have her phone number anyway. She then logs out of messenger, puts her phone on her bedside table, sets her laptop on her desk, and tries to get some more sleep before her kids wake up for the day.

Alex lets her sleep in and makes breakfast for everyone before going back to packing and cleaning. When Lyssah wakes up its almost 11 A.M. which surprises her since she hasn't slept that late in quite a while. She gets up, eats breakfast, then texts Taehyung and Jeongguk to tell them goodnight since she knows they'll be going to bed soon. She then goes through the texts from her friends, responding to each of them before starting her day. She's too tired from her sleep schedule being messed with to do too much but she does manage to get some cleaning done. She tells Alex what happened and what is being done about it so he knows to be careful when he goes out just in case. She also makes sure to order extra masks because she only has one and it would be nice to have extras plus some for her kids as well.

In the evening Charity calls her to see how she's doing and how much process she has made with packing and cleaning. She is nearly done, only really having the stuff they use and their clothes left as well as a few odds and ends that they can't really pack until moving day. They talk for a while about what is going on and how it is being handled. Charity also tells her about BigHits statement on it and the fans and netizen's reactions to it. Fans are angry and going off with a lot of hate toward her. Most are saying she seduced the maknaes or that she is just using them. There are threats made towards her and the babies which she makes sure Sejin knows about immediately. There are netizens wanting Taehyung and Jeongguk to leave BTS. But everyone had already agreed that this was not an option. BTS wasn't BTS without them. It was a lot to take in but Lyssah had known when she started dating them that if the public found out there would be a shit storm. All she could do was keep her head down and try not to get noticed or recognized when she went out. She wasn't going to stop living her life because of this. She was just going to be more careful while doing so.

One week later...

The whole world was still talking about her and the maknaes. Not that she was surprised. She knew the fans and netizens weren't going to let it go that quickly. The threats and hate had died down after BigHit had made a statement saying they were adding any hate and threats made towards Lyssah and the twins to the list of things they would press charges for. They had already proven that they didn't take threats and hate toward BTS lightly so everyone knew they were serious about this as well. This did not mean that there weren't any of them made toward her or the babies or even Taekook. It just meant the people making them were more careful about when and where they said them.

Not being allowed on any social media was hard for Lyssah because she communicated with a lot of her friends and family that way. But knowing she had to do what was best for herself and her kids, all six of them (A/N: remember she has 4 already and two on the way), she found other ways to distract herself. This resulted in her finishing the packing and cleaning, trying out new recipes, reading a couple of new books, and the only social media she was allowed to do which was her pregnancy blog. The only reason this blog was allowed was because her identity was a secret on it and so were TaeKook's. It was a blog about being pregnant with twins at her age and how it affects her body. She updated it weekly with pictures of her belly, discussing how she felt, what the doctor said if she saw them that week, and what her belly was measuring at since Alex helped her measure it the morning she would be posting about it. Sometimes she would add in a new recipe she tried that week for the moms who might be having a hard time with how their tummies handled certain foods during pregnancy. She actually had a substantial amount of followers on the blog. Many first time moms and moms of multiples followed her. It was really nice because the moms who had experience with multiples were helpful when Lyssah herself had questions. They didn't hesitate to comment on her blog with advice when she needed it. This also helped her not feel so isolated when she wasn't allowed on any other social media and very few people took the time to text her aside from Jimin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jeongguk, and Charity. Jimin texted almost as much as the maknaes did. He considered her his friend and liked to check in on her frequently. Namjoon, as the leader, felt it was his job to check on her but also did it as a concerned friend.

It had been a long day since it had been the first time Lyssah and her kids had really been out in public since this whole thing happened a week ago, so all of them went to bed early. Lyssah talked to Taehyung and Jeongguk before going to bed like she did every night, assuring them that she was okay and she was safe. She went to bed soon after. It was around 3 A.M that she was woken up. At first, she didn't know what had woken her up but then she heard a noise. She turned over in bed just in time to see a girl standing over her who was much too big to be Audrey. Lyssah managed to scream for Alex before the girl lunged at her plunging a knife into her side. She got a few more strikes in before Alex came rushing in and tackled her to the ground, making sure to knock the knife out of her hand in the process.

Vinyl had followed him and when he saw his mother bleeding he immediately called 911. While waiting for the police and ambulance to arrive Vinyl tried to help Lyssah stop the bleeding and Alex continued to hold the girl who had attacked her on the ground. The police arrived rather quickly and the ambulance wasn't far behind. The police arrested the girl while the paramedics loaded Lyssah into the ambulance. Lyssah told Alex to call her best friend and see if he could take his siblings there then to meet her at the hospital. He did so immediately then packed up some stuff for all of them before taking his siblings and dropping them off. Once they were settled in and calmed down, Alex left for the hospital. During this time he repeatedly tried to call the maknaes but got no answer. Finally, he tried Yoongi who picked up on the third ring.

"Oh thank god! I have been trying to call Tae and Guk for the last twenty minutes." He said.

"Is everything okay? Why are you calling so late? It's the middle of the night there." Yoongi asked.

"I can't get a hold of the others. It's about my mom..." He says breathlessly from running to his car.

"What happened to noona? Is she okay? Are the twins okay?" Yoongi asked, worry evident in his voice.

"She was attacked by a...what's the word you guys use...a sasaeng. The girl broke into our home and attacked her. She...she stabbed her, Yoongi! She stabbed my mother!" Alex says his voice breaking from how hard he's now crying.

"Oh my god! Is she okay? How bad is it? Are you and your siblings okay?" Yoongi asked.

"We're fine. A bit shaken up but okay. My mom is at the hospital. I don't know how she is doing. Had to drop my siblings at her best friend's house and I'm getting ready to drive to the hospital now." Alex explain.

"Whoa, slow down. You're crying too hard to drive. Take some deep breaths and try to calm down first. We don't want you getting into an accident trying to get to her." Yoongi said as he got up and left his studio in search of the others.

Alex took some deep breaths and Yoongi talked to him to help calm him down. They hung up and Alex drove to the hospital.

In Korea...

It didn't take Yoongi long to find the others. He texted them and told them all to gather in the practice room. Once he got there he told everyone to sit down that he had something important to tell them. As soon as they were seated he turned to the maknaes.

"Lyssah was attacked by a sasaeng. I just got off the phone with Alex. She's in the hospital. He doesn't know how bad it is. All he could tell me was that she was stabbed." Yoongi explains as quickly as he can.

"WHAT?!" Jeongguk says.

"Did they catch her?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes. Alex tackled her and held her down until the police got there. She's been arrested." Yoongi replied.

"Was....was she conscious when they took her to the hospital?" Taehyung asks, his voice breaking.

"I don't know, Tae. Alex was so distraught and crying so hard I only understood the part about her being stabbed by a sasaeng. And I didn't think to ask about that" Yoongi said.

"What do we do?" Jimin asked.

"We start by telling Sejin so he can inform Hitman Bang," Namjoon says as he grabs his phone.

"We have to wait for Alex to get an update. He said he'd call me once he has more information about Lyssah's condition and the condition of the twins." Yoongi replied.

"We need to book a flight as soon as possible," Jeongguk stated.

"Guk, slow down. We don't know how badly she is hurt. It would be a waste of time and money to book a flight only to get there 14 plus hours from now and find out she's fine." Namjoon said.

"But, hyung!" Jeongguk said.

"Jeongguk, let's wait to hear from Alex first. If it's bad we'll leave as soon as we can. You know Lyssah wouldn't want us to rush over there if she's not badly injured." Jimin reassures him.

"He's much as I hate not going to her right now, Jimin and Joon hyung are right." Taehyung agrees.

The maknae is curled in on himself crying so Taehyung sits next to him and pulls him into his arms, hugging him as he too cries. Jimin joins them and hugs them both, trying to reassure them that everything will be okay. Namjoon gets a hold of Sejin who adds Hitman Bang to the call and once everything is explained to him he tells them both that Lyssah is to press charges and to have their lawyer let the court know that there will be no deals of any kind. And that the girl should face the maximum penalty for what she has done. Knowing that the news of this attack will probably get out somehow he wants to make an example of the sasaeng as well as punish her. He lets them know he will be calling their lawyer and tells Namjoon to let him know as soon as he hears anything about Lyssah and the twins.

It's the hardest thing they've ever done. Sitting and waiting for Alex to call and let them know if Lyssah and the twins are alright. They end practice early and go home where they all sit together in the living room and wait for the phone to ring. Although it's late afternoon there, none of them are thinking about dinner. None of them have an appetite anyway since they are all so worried. 

All they can think about it will Lyssah be okay? Will the twins be okay? Will they all survive? How bad is it? What will they do if they lose them?  

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