
By varchie4you

61.3K 1.7K 507

Veronica loved Archie more than ever and she already saw herself getting married to him some day in the futur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

1.4K 44 5
By varchie4you

~1 month later~

Valerie lies on the rug in the living room, starring at the ceiling. She's extremely bored and doesn't know what to do. She already did her homework and practiced reading. Veronica walks around the house, rocking little Freddie. It's nap time but he doesn't want to nap and has been crying for a while now.
Valerie gets up and walks to her mom.

"Mommy can we play?"

"Sweetheart can't you see that I'm busy right now?" Veronica sighs while she rocks Freddie in her arms and tries to make him stop crying.

"You're my mommy. I want to play with you!"

"Valerie I can't!" Veronica says louder than she intended to. She's stressed and exhausted.

Tears form in the little girl's eyes. She clenches her little hands into fists and takes a deep breath. "I HATE YOU" she yells and runs into her room.

Veronica rolls her eyes and continues to rock her baby. She's sorry that Frederick gets more attention than Valerie but when Archie is at work, she doesn't have a choice. She needs to focus on him. She'll talk to Valerie later. And besides her daughter is a little drama queen. There is a lot of Lodge in her.

Meanwhile Valerie grabbed a backpack. She stuffs clothes, her toothbrush and of course her favorite stuffed animal, Fred the bunny into it. She wipes her tears away before she opens her bedroom slowly. She looks outside and watches her mom. When she walks into the kitchen, Valerie runs to the front door and then outside. She sniffs while walking across the street to Betty's house and knocks but no one opens the door.
New tears form in her eyes. She walks around the house to the backyard and climbs over the fence.

Betty and Jughead built a swing set in their backyard for Valerie and their future children. Valerie loves to swing so she drops her backpack on the patio and runs to the swings.


It's been almost two hours since Valerie run away and Veronica didn't even notice yet. She's too busy with the baby and the household.
She sits down on the couch with a now sleeping Freddie in her arms.
Just as she closes her eyes Archie comes home.

He walks towards her and kisses the top of her head.
"Hi baby, you look exhausted"

"I am" she sighs.

Archie chuckles and sits down next to her. She leans into his chest and enjoy his little kisses on her head. "Where's Val"

"We had a little argument earlier. After that she disappeared into her room"

"Don't worry Ronnie. She still has to get used to our new situation"

"I know" Veronica sighs.

Archie caresses her son's cheek while he keeps kissing Veronica's head. "I missed you and the kids today"

"We missed you too"

"Let me talk to Val" he whispers.

Veronica nods. She turns her head to Archie so he can kiss her lips. Then he walks to his daughter's bedroom. He frowns when he sees the door slightly open.
He walks inside and gets a weird feeling when his daughter is not in her room. He checks Freddie's nursery, his and Veronica's bedroom, the bathroom and the backyard before he walks back to Veronica. His face is pale.
"Baby? Val isn't here"

"What? What do you mean?"

"She's not here. I checked everywhere. I think she ran away"

"Oh my god" Veronica breaths out. Tears form in her eyes. "This is my fault"

"No it's not"

"Yes it is. I yelled at her earlier. I didn't even check on her. It's my fault"

"Baby don't blame yourself" he sits down next to her and wipes her tears away "try to keep calm. I'll call some people. Don't worry I'm sure she's fine"
Veronica nods. Archie kisses her cheek before he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

The first person he calls is Betty. She picks up almost immediately and speaks before Archie even has the chance to. "Before you say anything, Valerie is here. Jug and I just got home and found her in our backyard. She's alright and enjoying some ice cream with Jug right now"

"Oh thank god. Ronnie and I are coming over now. Thank you Betty" He hangs up and places his phone on the coffee table.

"She's at Betty's"

Veronica nods. She ties to keep her tears from falling but she can't. Archie takes the baby into his arms and then Veronica. He kisses her head and strokes her back. "It's okay Ronnie, she's fine"


Valerie hides behind Betty's legs as she opens the door for Archie and Veronica. Valerie is mad at her mom and doesn't want to talk to her but she changes her mind quickly when he sees the tears in Veronica's eyes.

"Mommy" she mumbles and walk to her. Veronica wraps her arms tightly around her daughter.
"Don't ever run away again sweetheart. Yell at me, slam doors but please don't run away"

"I'm sorry mommy"

"It's okay my love"

Valerie pulls back and grabs Veronica's hand. She looks up to Betty. "Auntie Betty you said I can come over when ever I want"

"Yes honey but you have to ask mommy and daddy first and me. Uncle Jug and I weren't even home"

"Okay, I'm sorry"

"It's okay" Betty smiles. She hands Valerie her backpack and kisses her head.

"Thanks Betty" Archie says.

"No problem guys"


"Go to your room sweetheart, I'll be there in a second to talk" Veronica smiles while she strokes her daughter's hair. She nods and runs to her room.

Veronica turns to Archie who still holds Frederick in his arms. "I'm a horrible mother. I didn't even notice she was gone"

"You're an amazing mother Ronnie. You were busy. You can't have your eyes everywhere. Look at this little baby. This perfect, happy and healthy little baby. He's perfect and so is Valerie. She adores you. You're the best mommy in the world"

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so Ronnie" he whispers. He kisses her cheek and wipes a single tear away. He sits down on the couch while Veronica walks to her daughter's bedroom.

When Veronica walks into the room Valerie lies in bed. She has her face buried in a pile of pillows.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? Why did you run away?" Veronica asks. She sits down on her daughter's bed and runs her fingers through her raven curls.

"Do you and daddy still love me?" she mumbles.


Valerie sits up. She grabs Fred the bunny and look into Veronica's eyes.

"Do you and daddy still love me?"

"Of course we love you sweetheart. We love you so so much. What makes you think otherwise?"

"You and daddy only spend time with Freddie and every time I want to play with you, you either have to feed Freddie or change his diapers or he's crying or he's asleep and I have to be quiet. This is unfair you were my mommy first"

"Oh honey" Veronica sighs. She pulls Valerie onto her lap and kisses her head. "That's only because he's still a baby. You're a big girl.
I have to feed Freddie because he can't eat on his own yet. You can do that. I have to change him because he doesn't know how to do it, you do. He has to sleep a lot because he's still so tiny. You're older so you don't have to sleep so much anymore. You're his big sister, mi amor. He looks up to you. You can teach him things"
Veronica explains. She plays with her daughter's hair and slowly rocks her from side to side.

"Does Freddie even like me?"

"Of course he does honey. He loves you"

"How do you know?" Valerie asks and wipes her tears away.

"He told me"

Valerie laughs "Freddie can't talk mommy"

"Okay you're right" Veronica giggles "but I know he does just like I know that you love him too"

"I do"

"See, mommy knows everything"

Valerie giggles. She snuggles further into Veronica's chest. "I don't hate you" she whispers.


"Earlier I said that I hate you but I don't. I love you mommy"

"I love you too baby"

"Can we go back? I want to hold Freddie"

"Of course my love"

Valerie crawls out of Veronica's lap and then out of her bed. She runs into the living room. Veronica giggles before she follows her daughter.
She sees how Valerie sits down on the couch next to Archie. He carefully lays the little boy into her sister's arms.
"Hello little Freddie, I love you" Valerie giggles. She leans down and places a soft kiss on his forehead.

Archie smiles. He looks up to Veronica and gestures her over. As soon as she's close enough, he grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap. He kisses her jaw and then whispers: "thank you"

"For what?"

"For everything. Giving me another chance, saying yes to becoming my wife, for giving me children, for being so amazing, for making my life perfect. I love you so much"

"I love you too Archiekins" she giggles and kisses him lovingly.

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