The College Roommates || A Bu...

By BugheadsMemequeen

26.3K 516 263

Betty, Veronica and Cheryl, run away from Riverdale by going to UCLA for college. On the plane ride they meet... More



2.8K 45 45
By BugheadsMemequeen

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

Betty's POV

I am finally leaving this cursed town with Veronica and my cousin Cheryl, I'm finally able to leave my ex Archie Andrews, I just broke up with him.

We are right now at the airport and we're going to UCLA.

'I am so excited'; I said. 'Yes, me too, maybe we will finally find a good boyfriend for you'; V said and I rolled my eyes. 'After all the trauma I don't have the energy for another boyfriend'; I said and they sighed.

We sat in the airplane and I sat at the window seat with two seats free next to me. Then I saw two boys who were yelling walk into the plane. God I hope they don't sit near me.

'Dude how did it end with that girl'; one with black hair asked. He also had brown eyes and I saw V drool over him already.

'She was like 'I thought that this wasn't a one time thing''; the boy with blue eyes and black hair said and I became so angry, how could they treat women like objects.

'Hey, she's still a human being and has emotions you pig'; I said and the whole plane looked at me.

'B, relax, your making a scene'; V said. 'I know I'm sorry, they remind me of Archie that's all'; I said and sat down.

The boy smirked and sat down next to me and his friend as well, the girl with pink hair who was behind them sat next to Cheryl. I sighed annoyed and started reading again.

'So blondie, where are you going'; he asked. I rolled my eyes and said: 'with the plane to California I am going to Texas'. 'You've got some sass don't you'; he asked and I rolled my eyes again.

'Cousin, has Polly said anything yet about Alice and Archie'; Cheryl asked concerned. 'No, but I don't know how long that will last and can we please not talk about that'; I asked. 'Of course I'm sorry Betty'; Cheryl said.

'So your name is Betty'; the guy next to me said. 'It's Betty to my friends, for you it will be Elizabeth'; I said annoyed.

'I'm Jughead, as my friends call me, but the real deal is worse'; he said. 'Did I ask Jug-head'; I said annoyed.

'Who's Archie and Alice'; he asked. 'Is Archie your boyfriend or something'; he asked. 'That is non of your damn business'; I said as I was trying to fight the tears. 'Hey hobo, knock it off'; Cheryl said and I chucked.

'You can see that you guys are related'; he muttered and I shot up.

'Listen beanie boy, you can insult me as much as you want, but stay the hell away from my cousin, capeesh'; I said. 'Sure whatever'; he said and I rolled my eyes and started reading again.

When we left the plane I saw the other boy who's name is Reggie apparently changing numbers with Veronica and Toni doing the same with Cheryl. I smiled as they were finding people for them-self. 'Girls enough flirting lets go'; I said and dragged them away.

We arrived at college and they said we needed to share the dorm with two boys and a girl, it was kinda like a house because there weren't any dorms left.

We were extra thrilled and we walked to our house. When I walked in I saw beanie boy sitting on the couch.

'You've got to be kidding me'; I said and they all looked up. 'Just order my tombstone already'; I said and everyone laughed.

V ran to Reggie and Cheryl and Toni started talking. 'What a coincidence Elizabeth, we keep meeting, can I call you betty since we are roommates'; he asked.

'Fine, but only because I hate my full name'; I said and he chuckled. I went to a empty room and claimed it as my own. I sat on the bed and heard my phone ring.

'Hey polls what's up'; I asked. 'Betty, they found out, mom keeps grilling me and I don't know how long I can keep up with her slapping me'; she said and my eyes widened.

'Polly, tell her, I don't care if she drags me away from here, I don't want you getting hurt because of me'; I said as I started crying.

Then she hang up meaning my mom came in.

I ran through the dorm, getting confused glances from Jughead and Reggie and ran to Cheryl's room. 'I'm sorry to interrupt, but Cheryl you need to call Jason ASAP'; I said and she saw my face expression.

'Cousin, what's wrong'; she asked. 'It's Polly, she's getting grilled by mom, Jason needs to get her out of that house immediately'; I said. 'Of course I'll call him'; Cheryl said. Toni looked confused and said: 'who are Polly and Jason and why does he needs to save her from your mom'. 'I'll explain later'; I said.

I walked out of the room and saw Jughead in front of me. 'Move beanie boy'; I said annoyed.

'Betty, can't you try to be nice'; Veronica asked. 'V I love you, but we have an issue right now, mom is grilling Polly'; I said and her eyes widened. 'I know, I already asked Cheryl to call Jason and get her out of the house'; I continued and she sighed in relieve.

'Well B, I have some good news, Kevin is coming next week'; she said and my eyes lit up. 'Really'; I asked. 'Yeah, he had time so he wants to surprise you'; she said and the door opened.

'The man you love most has arrived'; Kevin yelled as he walked in.

'Kev'; I yelled and hugged him. 'Hey Betts, how you doing'; he asked. 'Could be better'; I said.

'Care to introduce us Elizabeth'; Jughead said and I sighed in annoyance.

'Kevin this is beanie boy aka Jughead, the most annoying dude on the campus, Reggie, soon to be V's guy and Cheryl is with a nice girl named Toni in her room probably making out'; I said and he smirked.

'Beanie boy and Reggie, this is Kevin our bestie and the best, sorry V'; I said. 'No problem, I would say the same'; she said. 'Kev, you will sleep with me because we don't have extra rooms and I missed my sleepover buddy'; I said and he smiled. I looked at Jughead and he looked, jealous?

*in the night*

'Come on Elizabeth, coopers don't cry. You will spent the weekend in the basement you useless piece of trash'; mom said

Jughead's POV

Since that Kevin dude came I was extremely annoyed because he was with Betty all the time, I was sleeping when I heard someone yell. I jumped out of bed and saw everyone in Betty's room.

She was panting and crying and I saw that Kevin dude sitting in front of her calming her down. 'Shhh, Betty calm down, it was just a dream, she's on the other side of the country and won't hurt you, it was all a dream'; he said and I looked at her confused.

'S-she was d-doing i-it a-again'; she said, I looked at Reggie he also seemed confused but it was like Toni understood. Toni walked towards Betty and said: 'hey, Betty, I know we just met, but I can help you, I was also abused, so I can help, if you will let me, but you need to explain everything'; Toni said and my eyes widened.

She was abused.

'Okay, let's g-go to t-the living room'; she said. We just nodded.

So this is part one, I hope you guys like it. Sorry for grammar/ spelling mistakes

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