Discontinue- The Dagger Hero...

By CaptainPluffer

8.6K 69 7

How did one little trip to the library turn into saving a whole new world from total destruction? Not only th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

460 2 0
By CaptainPluffer

It was early in the morning and the five of us soon found ourselves once again in the throne room in the presence of the king.

"Now then, let the formation of your party's...BEGAN!" the king said, standing in front of his throne.

At the same time, he said that the door flew open and a bunch of people came in and started choosing or forming their party's with us.

When all the party's were form, I turn around to greet the people who decided to form a party with me. In my group was a long-range mage, a male sword fighter, a healing mage, and a defense wizard.

"Hey, um....why am I the only one without a party?" Naofumi asks seeing that everyone has a party but him.

"Will it seems that there has been a rumor going around and it is that the Shield Hero not only lacks the knowledge of this world but is also unable to fight his own battles, thous resulting to this." the king said with a frown.

"Someone must've eavesdrop in our conversation last night." Motoyasu whispered to Naofumi " You think!" he hissed back

"H-hey Ren, do you mind lending me some of your party's?" Naofumi asks. Ren shook his head " No, I don't mind, however, it depends on them if they want to join you or not." Ren said and his party didn't make a move to leave his side.

"What about you Itsuki?" Naofumi asks looking at him. Itsuki looks at his party and they all shook their heads " Sorry, Naofumi." Itsuki said with a shrug.

"Motoyasu?" Naofumi asks turning to him. Motoyasu glance at his party full of girls and shook his head " Yeah...no." he said looking at Naofumi with an apologetic smile.

 "Angelica?" Naofumi asks with a desperate, pleading look. I gave him a reassuring look and turn to my party with a deadly glare. "Listen here, cause I'm going to say this once and once only." I said in a cold, demonic voice. "My dear friend Naofumi needs a person to join his party, so are any of you willing to join him or not?" I ask deepening my glare as I look at my party who were cowering on the ground. To my surprise despite them looking like they're going to shit themselves, they all shook  their heads and muttered a "No."

I sighed and release the glare I had on my party and turned to Naofumi who looked scared and slightly impress by the way I tried to get my party to join him.

"Sorry Naofumi, but either these guys are braver than I thought or they have a death wish. Either way, I couldn't get them to join you." I said feeling a little guilty I couldn't get someone to join his party.

"I-it's fine Angelica, this just means I'll have to find someone who's willing to fight for me before the Wave hits." Naofumi said with a nervous smile

Then as if on cue, a hand rose up in the air from Motoyasu's party "I would like to join the Shield Hero's party, if that's okay with you Shield Hero?" a girl asks, she has soft curly red hair, emerald green eyes, and pale peach skin.

I sighed in relief knowing that Naofumi had at least one person in his party, but I can't help but feel that there was something off about her.

"No, it's fine I don't mind you joining my party." he said with a small blush on his cheeks. " Glad to hear that." she said and walk towards him.

"Alright does anyone else want to join the Shield Hero's party?" the king asks looking around the room. When no one raised their hands the king cleared his throat "Very well, Shield Hero you will have to find or recruit other people from this day forward.Do you understand?" the king asks looking at him.

"Y-yes, sir." Naofumi said taking a quick glance at his new party member.

"Right, anyway, each month we will give the funds the hero requires, however, due to the lack of people required in his party, the Shield Hero's payment will be higher than the others this one time." the king said.

Everyone then started receiving their bags of money, Naofumi getting 800 silver coins and the rest of us getting 600 silver coins.

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