Tutoring (TeacherxStudent)

By camren_ship557

496K 9.1K 1.4K


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

45K 663 98
By camren_ship557

Lauren POV

"Alexa no I'm not telling you who she is!" I yelled from inside my room. The door was closed and I was laying on my bed. "Why not? Whats so special about her?" Alexa said and walked into my room. "I don't want you to know." I said and she sat on my bed. "Why? Give me a good reason other than you don't want to tell us." The short Mexican girl said sitting in my bed. "I can't tell you. I just can't."  I said annoyed now. "Fine." She said and stood up. I felt her walking closer to me. "But remember one thing. Never leave your phone unattended!" She yelled and grabbed my phone from the open space on my bed. "Alexa no! Fine I'll tell you! Don't read my messages!" I yelled and she stopped in the hallway. "What's her name?" She asked and I groaned. "Taylor Brook." I said and she smiled. "Why wouldn't you tell me who she was?" She said and I looked up bitting my lip. "She's not exactly my age." I trailed off and her eyes went wide. "She's your student!" She yelled and Lucy, her girlfriend and my other roommate, came out there room. "Lauren what the hell?" She yelled in a oversized shirt and no pants. "You can't date a student." Lucy said and I turned around. "You don't think I know this? Because trust me I know." I said and walked to my room not caring about my phone anymore. I slammed the door and pulled off my cloths so I was in a bra and underwear. I climbed into the bed and cried into the pillow.

A few minutes later I heard the door slowly open. "Go away." I said not looking at them. "Well if you want me to I will." I heard a familiar voice say and I turned to face her. She walked closer and sat next to me. "Alexa called me and told me to come over. She gave me your address." Taylor said and I climbed into her arms. Her arms slid around me and I looked up to see her smirking. "Go ahead and get it over with." I said knowing what she was thinking. "You are practically naked right now." She said and pulled the blanket off me looking over my body. "You are so beautiful." She said meeting my eyes. She kissed my lips softly and pulled the blanket back over me. She held me in her arms securely. "Wait, Alexa called you?" I asked looking at her and she nodded. "Yeah I think it was her. Shes the short one right?" She asked and I nodded. "Then yeah Alexa." She said and I smiled kissing her again. "Where's your brother?" I asked and she smiled. "At home. He is 14 he can be home a little on his own." She said and I buried my face into her chest.

My breathing became even and I fell asleep in her arms. I could get used to this.

-next morning-

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring and I groaned. I rolled over and turned it off. Where's Taylor? I said to myself as my eyes landed in a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it. 'Good morning beautiful. You fell asleep in my arms so I went home. My brother needed me, he has nightmares sometimes and he had one last night. I'll see you at school. PS: You are adorable when you snore in your sleep. ;)' I bit my lip and stood up. I went to my bathroom and took a shower. I got out and put on my bra after wrapping my hair in a towel. I went into my room and put on a black pencil skirt with a light blue blouse. I went downstairs and saw Alexa. I walked over to her and hugged her from behind. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of got so mad at you. It was stupid of me." She said turning around. "Its fine. Its over with." I said and stood up. "Why the hell didn't you tell me I snore in my sleep?" I asked and she chuckled. "It was never important. How do you know you did?" She asked and I handed her the note I had in my hand. She read it and smiled at me looking up. "This is so cute!" She said and handed back to me. "I know!" I said and put the paper down on the counter. I grabbed a coffee cup and poured the black liquid into my cup. "You my friend have a lot of explaining to do. You never said she was extremely charming, caring, beautiful, funny, or sincere." Alexa said to me in a dreamy voice, looking over her cup of coffee. "Hey. She's my girlfriend you already have one." I said and smirked at her. "I know but I mean shes like so perfect." Alexa said to me smiling. "Who is?" Lucy said walking downstairs dressed to go to school in a few minutes. "Taylor." I said and she smiled. "Laur she is so amazing!" Lucy said to me taking the cup next to Alexa that was filled for her. "Guys if you didn't know you are both taken! By each other!" I said jokingly and they turned to each other. "Yeah we know." Lucy said and kissed Alexa. "Oh great you're gonna have sex on the counter again. Just do it when I'm not here this time." I said putting my cup in the sink. "That was one time!" Alexa said looking at me. "Yeah one time to many." I shot back and ran upstairs.

I went into my room and then my bathroom. I brushed out my hair and did my light make up. I walked out my room and grabbed my black high heels. I grabbed my phone and bags for school. I walked downstairs and Alexa and Lucy where in a heated make out session. "Ugh! You could at least wait till I'm gone!" I yelled and walked outside. I got into my car and turned it on. I drove to the school and smiled thinking about last night. She was there. She came because someone she never met before said I was upset. She's so amazing, caring, and beautiful. She's everything Alexa said she was. I parked in the teacher parking lot and got out my car. I walked into the school and saw Taylor by her locker. She bit her lip and winked at me when our eyes met. I felt my face heat up when she did that. I walked into my classroom and put my bags down. A few seconds later Taylor walked in.

"Hey beautiful." She said putting her hands on my hips. "Not here Tay." I said and she let go. "I know. Can I at least get a kiss?'' She asked sticking out her bottom lip. I groaned and nodded. I leaned in and pecked her lips. I went to back away and she pulled me back. Her hands gripped onto my backside and kissed me again. She let go a few seconds later and smiled. "You have an amazing ass." She said and smacked my ass. I jumped and she smirked at me as she walked away. "Ugh you're so annoying." I said as she put her stuff down at a seat. "I can live with that." She said and I looked up. "Do I really snore in my sleep?" I asked and she smiled widely. "Yes. But its not like really loud and annoying its quiet and adorable." She said and I groaned. "Did you not know that?" She asked me smiling brightly. "No. No one ever told me." I said looking through my things. "Oh." She said and I looked up to see her looking at me intently. "You look stunning today." She said and I smiled. "You like to complement me a lot." I said and she shrugged. "There's a lot to complement about " She said and arched an eyebrow. "Do Alexa and Lucy like me?" She asked me insecurely and I groaned. "You where all they would talk about." I said and she smiled. "In a good way or a bad way?" She asked and I smiled. "Definitely good." I said and she nodded. "They never told me what made you so upset. What happened?" She asked me and I bit my lip. "Oh no you can't do that here." She said shaking her head. "Why?" I asked her confused. "Because I can't kiss you here." She said and I smiled lightly. "So what happened?" She asked me and looked at her. "We where talking about you. Then they found out you where a student. They started yelling at me and I got upset. I don't like when people yell at me." I said and she nodded. "Why did your brother have a nightmare?" I asked as the door opened. We both turned to the door to see Alexa standing there.

"You left your- Taylor!" She said excitedly. "Told you. All morning." I said looking at her. "That's me." Taylor said standing up. I hadn't really looked at Taylors outfit until just now. She had on black skinny jeans instead of white today, she had a pair of pink, white, gray, and black Nike's on, her hair rested lazily over a black Nike shirt that said 'Just do it' in white letters with a pink check, she had a dark gray beanie on top of her dark hair. "Babe we agreed you couldn't do that here." Taylor whinnied and I stopped biting on my lip. "Sorry." I said and stood up straighter.  "Alexa why are you here again?" I asked and she handed me a bag. "You forgot your lunch." She said and I grabbed it. "Thanks." I said and put it away. "Who knew highschool kids where so hot." Alexa said looking out the class window. "Okay leave now. I don't see how Lucy deals with you." I said pointing to the door. "Well usually she kisses me and that makes me stop. But I'll go. I have work anyways. Bye Mrs. Miller. Bye Taylor you have to come over this weekend." She said and stood by the door. "Not just to hang out with us. You know I bet Laur has some things she would like you to do." She said and winked making Taylor chuckle. "Go to work Alexa!" I said and she left. "God shes so annoying." I said walking around my desk and standing before Taylor. "I think she's pretty cool." She said and glanced at the door. She pulled me closer and connected our lips. Her hands stayed on my waist and mine wrapped around her neck. She leaned back then kissed my jawline. Her hands slid onto my backside and massaged it softly. She left wet kisses on my neck and I let out a small moan when she hit my weak spot. Her lips formed a small smile against my neck. "I like that sound." She whispered and kissed that spot again. I bit my lip as she sucked on the spot. "B-babe you're gonna l-leave a m-mark." I said and she leaned back. "Fine. I'll stop." She said and pecked my lips.

The bell rang a few seconds after she let go of me. She got up and grabbed her things. "I'll see you later." She said and pecked my lips. I began walking to my desk. "No wait.'' She said and put her stuff down. She turned me around and fixed the back of my shirt. "There you go." She said and kissed my cheak. ''Thanks.'' I said and she nodded walking out the class to go to her class. I went to my desk and say down. My phone vibrated and I picked it up to see Alexa texted me.

A: I was serious about this weekend.
L: Which part?
A: Her coming over.
L: Oh. I'll ask if she wants to.
A: I bet she would love seeing you walk around in a bra and underwear in the morning. ;)
L: She probably would.
A: Okay I got to go. Don't forget to ask her. See you at home.
L: Okay bye. I won't.

I put my phone in my desk and sat back in my chair. The bell rang again signaling it was time for class. Students began pouring into the classroom slowly. Once everyone was in here I stood up. "Good morning class! Today we aren't going to to do much. We will be going over what material we will be going over this year." I said and grabbed a stack of papers off my desk. "This is the outline of the year. You can keep this and put it in your binders." I said and passed out the papers.

Class was over quickly and Taylor walked in smiling. "Hey beautiful." She said and leaned against my desk. "Hey babe." I said and looked up at her. She was bitting her lip looking down at me. "Nope. If I can't do that neither can you." I said and she groaned letting go of her lip. "Oh yeah question, well technically a statement but that's besides the point. Alexa was serious about this weekend." I said and she smiled. "If you are asking me to come over this weekend then most definitely the answer is yes." She said and grabbed my hand pulling me up. "I would love too." She added pulling me in front of her. Her hands rested on my hips as she pulled me closer. Her lips met mine as my hands rested on her thighs but slowly made there way up to her torso. I felt ripples on her body and I broke the kiss. I pulled up her shirt and looked at her body. "Damn." I said looking from her to her abdomen. "Language Mrs. Miller." She said smirking at me. "Okay fine. That is really sexy." I said trailing my hand softly over the six ripples on her body. "They are pretty awesome aren't they." She said and held her shirt up completely stopping at her bra. I leaned back in and kissed her lips again. She stood up and switched our position. She was now standing up between my legs and I was sitting on the desk. My arms wrapped around her neck as she kept hers on my waist. My tounge grazed her upped lip and her lips parted softly. I explored her mouth making her moan softly. I smiled against her lips and continued exploring her. She moaned again as the bell rang. We both groaned and let go of each other. She went to her seat and put her stuff on her desk.

That was how the whole week went. Kissing, Alexa making fun of me, teaching, talking. I liked this a lot I liked the way she made me feel so special and loved.

-Friday after school-

It was finally Friday and Taylor was coming over for the weekend. I was extremely excited, Alexa kept saying I was to excited which I agree with completely. I was in my car driving to the apartment us three girls owned together. Taylor would go home to take Hayden, her little brother, to a friends house then she was coming over. I pulled into the apartment and walked upstairs. "I'm home!" I yelled when I got inside. I walked to my room and put my bags down. I went over to my dresser and pulled off my shirt. I unbuttoned my pants and let them drop to the floor. I picked my cloths up putting them into the hamper. I looked into my dresser for something to wear. A few minutes later I was still standing there looking for cloths. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Hey." Taylors voice said into my ear. "Hey." I said back leaning against her body. "You could stay in this and not put on anything else." She said and kissed my cheak. "You would like that wouldn't you." I said turning around to face her. "You know me so well. But you would like me shirtless.'' She said and pulled me closer. "You're completely right.'' I said and kissed her lips again. I pulled the snapback she had on off and it dropped to the floor. My hands found the hem of her shirt and pulled it off. I threw it on the ground and she lifted me up my legs wrapped around her waist. She walked us over the bed and layed me down. She stratled my waist and kissed my jawline.

"If you're going to be jumping each other close the door!" Alexa said from the door and Taylor got off me. ''Please. You would be the one to ask if you could watch." I said glaring at Alexa. Taylor stayed on her side tracing circles on my torso. "No I wouldn't! I am literally dating your best friend." She interjected. "Whatever. Please leave and close the door." I said and she smirked. "You know I was joking about you guys having sex you know." She smirked and Taylor looked over to her now. "Alexa leave them alone. They can have sex if they want." Lucy said and I groaned getting off the bed. "At least we are in a room and not the kitchen counter." I said and closed and locked the door. I turned back to Taylor who was just laying there silent. "What's wrong?" I asked her cuddiling into her arms. "I've never- you know." She said and I knew what she was talking about. "Me either." I said and she looked down at me. "You haven't?" She said shocked. "Don't be so suprised." I said and she kissed my forehead. She snuggled me closer and I rested my head on her chest. My hand traced over her abs and she rubbed my side. "Lauren?" She said softly and I looked up to her. "Yeah." I said softly. "What would you do, figuratively speaking, if I said I loved you?" She asked and I smiled. "Figuratively I would kiss you a lot then say I loved you too." I said and sat up looking at her. "Well literally speaking, I love you." She said and I stratled her waist. I kissed her lips softly caressing her cheak her hands stayed on my waist. I leaned back and smiled. "I love you too." I said then kissed her again. She smiled as our lips moved in sync together. We broke the kiss when our lips ached and our lungs burned for air. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and sat up. "Come on let's go eat dinner." I said and pulled Taylor up with me.

"Did they really have sex on the counter?" She asked me putting her arms around my waist as I walked to the door. "Yes. But it was like 2 years ago and I made them clean the counter like a million times." I said and she nodded. We walked put the room after I put on a big shirt. Taylor still didn't have her shirt on but I know they wouldn't mind. I mean she's extremely hot and they walk around practically naked all the time. We walked to the kitchen and saw Alexa and Lucy watching TV cuddled together on the couch. "Well that doesn't happen frequently." I said and Taylor looked at me confused. "They never cuddle, they usually never have five minutes during the day to relax. Lucy still has a year left a collage and Alexa is always at work. Yet they still make it work. Its quiet inspirational if you think about it. Two people who are constantly on the go still find time to be with each other because they have a love strong enough to withstand the hard times." I said looking in the fridge for something to eat. "Well you went from cute girlfriend to philosopher in like two seconds." Taylor said playfully and I turned to her smiling. I saw Lucy and Alexa get off the couch and walk into the room. "I ordered pizza." Alexa said and I  nodded. "Cool." I said and looked at Lucy. Her eyes where wide and looking at Taylor. "No shit." She said looking at Taylor's torso. "That's what I said when I saw them." I said poking Taylors abs. "I have them too." Alexa said pulling up her shirt. "Yeah you do but hers are like engraved into her stoumach." Lucy said in a duh voice. "Are you saying she's hotter than me?" Alexa said sounding hurt. "No. She's not hotter but she has better abs." Lucy said putting her arms around Alexa. "That's messed up baby." Alexa said to Lucy looking down at her. "Its okay. I still love you." Lucy said and kissed her cheak.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room. I layed on the couch and Taylor layed between my legs her head resting on my stoumach. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

"You okay beautiful?" She asked me looking in my eyes. "I'm fine." I lied. "No you're not. Are you- are you jealous?" She asked sitting up. "What would I be jealous about?" I asked. I was jealous. I was jealous my friends where checking her out and she didn't do anything to make them stop. "Aww babe you are so jealous!" She said and stratled my waist. "I'm not jealous." I said and she smiled. "Okay. Have it you're way. But are you ticklish?'' She asked and Alexa walked in. "She's ticklish every where." She said and sat on the couch. Taylor began tickling my waist and I gasped for air. "Tay- Stop!" I yelled trying to grab her wrist. "Admit you're jealous first." She said and continued tickling me. "Okay! Im- jealous!" I yelled and she stopped. "Why are you jealous?" She asked me and smiled. "No reason." I said and glanced at Alexa. Taylor's eyes went wide. "Why are you jealous about that?" She asked me and I groaned. "Because." I said and Alexa was confused. "What are you jealous about?" She asked and me and Taylor both answered. "Nothing." We said and Taylor leaned in closer to me. "You shouldn't be jealous about that. Its not like I'm gonna kiss them like I do you." She said and pressed her lips to mine. She sucked on my bottom lips lightly and I let a moan slip off my lips. She leaned back smiling at me. "Anyways it would be super awkward if I found your friends attractive." She said and snuggled into my arms. "You're so annoying." I said and she suck our her bottom lip pouting. "I am?" She whinnied and I rolled my eyes. "No." I said and she giggled. "I know." She said and kissed my cheak. "You're so beautiful." She whispered still holding onto my body still her head resting on my chest. "I've been told so." I said looking at the TV. "Well who ever told you is extremely smart." She said and kissed my neck. "Yeah you are." I said and she began sucking on my neck. I bit my lip but didn't stop her. She continued doing so and I almost moaned but covered it with a fit of coughing. "Are you okay Lauren?" Taylor asked me innocently sitting up. "Yeah I'm fine." I said and she smirked. "You sure?" She asked me and ran her thumb over my neck. "Okay now I'm confused." Alexa said from the couch. "Nothing. Its nothing." I said quickly. "No it was something.'' Taylor interjected and smirked at Alexa. "What. Oh. Eww!" Alexa yelled and Taylor shrugged laying back down on my chest.

"You have really big- never mind." She said and buried her face into my neck. "What?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Nothing." She said and her phone vibrated. She grabbed it from her back pocket and looked at the screen. She sat up and texted who ever it was back. She put her phone down and layed back down against my body. "Who was that?" I asked her and she looked up at me. "Hayden." She said and I nodded. She held onto me tightly as the door bell rang. "I'll get the pizza." Alexa said and got off the couch. Taylor turned to me and smiled. "What where you gonna say earlier?" I asked her and her cheaks turned red. "Nothing." She said and put her head back onto my chest. "Please tell me!" I whinnied and she shook her head. "Nope." She said softly. "Why not? It can't be that bad." I said and she groaned. "I don't wanna." She said and pecked my lips. "No. No kisses till you tell me." I said and she groaned. "Please." She said and I shook my head. "No." I said sternly and she groaned. "Babe. Beautiful. Laur! Lauren!" She said poking my cheaks. "Lauren!" She said and flicked my bottom lip softly making herself giggle. "Beautiful. Babe. Baby. Babe." She whinnied and I looked down at her. "What?'' I said and she smirked. She leaned in slowly. "You have a really big butt." She whispered and slid her hand onto my backside. "Really Taylor. That's what you where gonna say.'' I said and she nodded. "Yep." She said and flicked my lip again. "Now will you kiss me?" She asked and I nodded. She pressed her lips to mine and my hands slid onto her backside. I pulled her closer and her hips grinded against mine. A small moan escaped both our lips. She hovered over my body her hands on my waist. My hands traced over her abdomen. "Okay- holy shit! Is this like all you two do!" Alexa said from behind the couch. Taylor broke this kiss and sat up. "She started it." I said and Taylor shrugged. "I have no regrets." She said and got off my body. "Okay then. Pizzas in the kitchen. You know if you're still hungry after eating each others faces." Alexa said walking out the room. Taylor held out her hand and I grabbed it.

She pulled me up and I jumped on her back. "You're so childish." She said walking out the living room and to the kitchen. "And you love it." I said and she shrugged her shoulders. "Do I have a choice?" She asked jokingly and I shook my head. "Nope." I said and she put me down on the counter. "Where'd Alexa and Lucy go?" I said and Taylor shrugged. I heard the most disturbing sound coming from there room. My eyes went wide and Taylor smirked. "Found them." She said opening the box of pizza. "Why are they so loud? Usually there really quiet." I said and Taylor couldn't keep the stupid smirk off her face. "What?" I asked her and she shook her head softly. "Nothing beautiful." She said and walked over to me. "Nothing at all." She said and kissed my lips softly. I leaned back and looked at her confused. "You have really weird friends, yet there really cool." She said and I nodded kissed her again. 

I could get used to her being here all the time.

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