The Irish Exchange Student (N...

By Narryandwolfie

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When there is an exchange student from Ireland studying at Cheshire High School, he is immediatly targeted, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chaptr 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 3

799 22 3
By Narryandwolfie


God, I missed this place

I think as I walk into the school. I'm that one person in the millions of children, who actually likes school. I'm not sure why. My home life is perfectly fine, and homework is killer, but I love going to school.

Gemma made fun of me when I said I was excited to go back to school, when we got back last night. Mum scolded her telling her if I wanted to enjoy school I could and I shouldn't be judged for it.

"You make it sound like he just came out mum," she replied and my mum just walked into my parents bedroom to unpack.

I actually came out to my parents in middle school, when I found out I liked a boy named Lucas. My mum and step-father Robin, were very supportive of me and I went to tell him the next day. He rejected me though, telling me he was straight. We contiued to be friends until he moved to America for his mother's work.

"Harry!" I hear my boyfriend Louis yell my name, and my face breaks out into a bigger smile. I've been dating Louis for a year and a half, after being friends since the 8th grade.

He pushes me against the lockers and kisses me roughly and I kiss him back, with just as much enthusiasm. He mumbles against my lips of missing me and wishing I'd never go on another trip ever again.

"Um, e-excuse me? T-that's my locker, a-and I-i need my b-books." I hear a voice from behind Louis, and it doesn't sound english. Louis looks behind his back and I can tell he's scowling.

"Shove off Horan, you can get them later." He tells the boy and the boy flinches and backs away and starts to leave. I frown at Louis, and mean he was to the boy.

"No! It's okay me and Louis can leave, sorry we were in front of your locker!" I yell after him, and Louis scowls at me. Great now he's mad at me. He doesn't like to kiss when he's mad at me, except I can usually get him to.

"U-uh t-thanks." He says shuffling his feet with his head down.

"Course." I reply pulling Louis with me.

As we pass I see out of the corner of my eye Louis shove the boy and he stumbles into the lockers crying out in pain.

I immediatly pull away from Louis going to the blonde boy as he has slid to the floor clutching his shoulder in pain. While I didn't think the shove was that rough, he looked to be in a lot of pain.

"Niall! What happened? Where's your sling?" I look up and see Liam running over and crouching infront of the boy, whose name must be Niall.

Niall points to his backpack, and Liam digs through it before he pulls out a shoulder sling, and I realize his shoulder is already hurt.

"Hey Ni, did Louis hurt you?" Liam asks and I'm curious on why Liam already is accusing my boyfriend. Sure he did shove him just now, but he was just mad.

Niall shakes his head and Liam whips his head towards me his eyes accusingly. Niall shakes his head quickly.
"It was no one Li, I just tripped and fell." He says, and I'm wondering why he didn't rat out Louis.

"Err okay, sorry bout that Harry just had to make sure." Liam apologises and I can tell he means it. I smile, telling him it's alright. "Oh! Harry this is my cousin Niall Horan, he's from Ireland, and he is an exchange student for the rest of the year. Niall this is Harry Styles." Liam introduces us and his eyes go wide.


"Can you get up?" I suddenly ask since I hear the bell ring. With Liam's support he gets up and quickly gets his books but drops them and his free hand immediatly goes to his shoulder. Liam and I pick up the books and Liam asks me if I can carry Niall's books, since we share a schedule.

"How do you know that Li?" I ask.

"You did go to school for a few weeks, before you left us peasants for the beaches of Hawaii." he reminds me and I blush a little in embarrasemment.

I take Niall's books from Liam's hands and I motion for Niall to walk with me. Liam waves to us before running to class.

We enter class only a few minutes late, but the teacher doesn't notice so I slip into the desk next to Louis and motion for Niall to sit next to me. He shakes his head and sits in the back of hte class before pulling out his notebook, before quickly scribbling in notes.

For some reason I'm really dissapointed he didn't sit with Lou and I.

Louis passes to me

Hey why were you late 2 class

Had to help the boy you shoved

The freak?

He's not a freak and yes.

Have you heard him speak?!

Louis makes me upset sometimes and this is a perfect example of when. He's quite rude to people, and judges people a lot. He hasn't even taken the time to take me out on a nice date since the first couple of months. We basically kiss and make out a bunch. We hang out with Zayn and Josh, and then we kiss some more.

It's not that he's a bad boyfriend it's just that sometimes I feel like he's just using me for a good snog. Everytime I bring up the problem he just brushes me off saying he loves me and that should be enough. I guess in the end it is enough, because he always brings a smile to my face, and mum said to keep things that make you happy in your life.

Before I can think more, the bell has rung again, and I look around for the blonde boy, but I see he's left the room quite quickly.

I see he has left a book behind and I grab it and rush out. I see him right outside the entry of class picking up his books that have fallen. I bend down a pick up his books and pluck the ones he's struggling to carry out of his hands. I put up a hand to shush him when he begins to protest.

"Hey Harry lets skip-" Louis starts before he sees me carrying Niall's books. He scoffs and throws Niall a dirty look before stomping off. I try and apoligise for his behavior, but Niall waves it off.

I walk him to each class thorughout the day, and in each one I invite him to sit with me, but he always sits in the back, except for Musical Compisition, where his sits front and center. Where as I sit in the back, since the teacher always tries to butter me up, because of my dad's record label.

It's disgusting how many people try and be nice to me because I'm rich or my parents are famous. Sometimes I even feel like Louis likes me for that. Sure his parents make a pretty good income, better that average even, but my parents bring in at least tripple what his parents bring in.

I'm wary of who I bring into my life because of this fact.

Zayn has been my best friend since infancy and his parents while not as well of as mine well no ones are as well off as mine do quite well.

Liam and I have only been friends for about two years, and it was actually him who suggested that Louis was interested in me, after he and Louis were best friends since birth.

Louis and I met, when I accedently sat in his seat, when I was new and he was about to go off at me when Liam told me I could sit in his seat, and invited me to lunch and we became quite good friends. Zayn and Liam didn't like each other at first because Zayn doesn't really like anyone when he first meets them, and Liam was just stubborn.

Now we're all quite good friends and often hang out. Mostly at my house, since I have the biggest game room, plus a good sized footie field. Not a actual sized one, but a decent size.

I wonder if Niall is going to each lunch with us if he's new and Liam's cousin. he didn't today, but I think he was upset with Louis and I kinda understand, and Liam doesn't eat lunch with us, since he is in the smart kid classes and they have a totally different schedule. I just assumed he would want us to look after Niall, since he doesn't seem to have a lot of friends from what I can tell.

Maybe I'll be his friend. He seems very nice and his accent's adorable.

So there is chapter 3 in Harry's perspective! This one was a bit longer since I had to really introduce Harry's story and I didn't want to take loads of chapters to do it. Of course there is more to Harry's story, but this was like a quick intro to who he really is. Hope you liked the chapter!



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