Our Happily Ever After!

By Giraffe502

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THIRD BOOK IN THE ACCIDENT SERIES It's been 3 years since Becky gave birth to little Hope, family life is gre... More

1 - Return
3 - Ambrose
4 - Ouch
5 - Buttercup
6 - No more secrets
7 - Seizure
8 - Furious
9 - Arguments
10 - All my fault
11 - Hate how much I love him
12 - Shocking
13 - Why does it have to be you?
14 - Losing it
15 - Leaving
16 - Becky?
17 - Explain
18 - Murderer
19 - Missed me?
20 - In my head
21 - In your head
22 - Your fault
23 - I know she'll be alright
24 - Time
25 - Happy to be going home
26 - Final Goodbye

2 - Why?

404 23 12
By Giraffe502

We are one month in and I'm already missing my family like crazy, I've fought every night so far and I feel awful. Every part of me is aching and now I remember why I never went back. I've had Baszler on my back all month, she keeps on trying to surprise me but so far it hasn't worked. I walk down to catering and sit on a table with some of the lads.

"Aw Becky is been mad having you back!"

I turn to Drew who's got a big smile on his face.

"Yeah it's been great but I fucking hurt."

They all laughed at my remark and we just started chatting about the schedule and stuff. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to see Colby.

"Oh god I've missed you so so much."

I got up and wrapped my arms tightly around him, I gave him a quick kiss as well but he seemed kinda off.

"Hey lets go back to my locker room. I'll see you lads later."

I walk into my locker room and sit on the bench, Colby doesn't say anything so I start the conversation.

"What's going on?"

"I-I Becky."


"I'm sorry."

"For what? Wait where are the kids?"

He sat there silent.

"Where's Hope and Seth?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"They were with me one minute and gone the next."

"Why weren't they on there leads! Colby we've talked about this for God's sake! Where did you last see them?"

"When I got here..."

"For fucks sake..."

I legged it out of my locker room and down the halls of the arena, I checked everywhere and I still can't find them. There's one place I haven't looked which is Shayna's locker room, I go down there and open the door quietly. I notice nothing unusual so I leg it back up the corridor.


I turned and saw Hunter with my two babies, I rushed over to him and took them from his arms.

"Why did you run away from Daddy?"

"We miss you. Come home please!"

"I can't, I've got to do this big fight and then I'll be home I promise."

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise!"

Seth nodded and I kissed the top of his head.

"Thanks Hunter!"

"Of course."

He gave me a hug and then I began to walk back up to my locker room.

"Why don't you guys come on the road with me and daddy?"


"You'll only ever not be with us when we wrestle and you'd get to go to all sorts of cool places. It'll be fun!"

"Okay then, if it means daddy is happy and not hurt."

"Baby when did he get hurt?"

"The other night."

"Tell me what's happened?"

"I heard him in the bedroom the other night, I heard lots of noises and someone's voice I just thought they were hurt. I needed to get them for Hope but I was scared.

"Who's voice did you hear?"

"I think it was Camila."

"Right you two stay here, I'll go and grab Auntie Nia to sit with you."


I rushed out and down to catering luckily Nia was there so I quickly explained the situation and she went towards my locker room. I searched all over and I couldn't find him, it hurts so much that my kid heard my husband cheating on me. Poor thing probably doesn't understand what Daddy was actually doing, I feel sick to my stomach as I pace through the hallways. I finally find him outside the building and I feel myself become uneasy.


"Why what?"

"Why would you do this to us, Seth heard you mind. Our little boy heard you!"


"He thought you were hurt and Hope needed you! What the fuck are you playing at?"

"Baby slow down and just talk to me."

"I know what you've done Colby!"

"I haven't done anything!"

"I should say I know who you've done!"


"No, all you had to do was wait 6 months! It probably wouldn't have even been 6 months with visits and stuff!"


"No, you've cheated on me with some girl who works in your coffee shop and my babies fucking heard it! I'm not going to stop because I'm fucking pissed, we had a perfect little family and now you've ruined it! How many times? How many girls?"


"Why were you and Camila in our bedroom makes lots of noises!"


"Actually no, I don't want any excuses. Just go home, the kids are staying with me."

"I never cheated on you!"

"I don't believe you!"

"Cami is my worker, I would never have sex with her!"

"Colby please just go, I need to clear my head. The kids are staying with me tonight."

"You can't do that."

"Please I'm not in the mood, just go."

I walked back to my locker room and Nia saw how upset I looked.

"Come here, he's not worth it."

She pulled me into a hug and my kids joined in not long after.

"Why you sad?"

"I'm just a little upset."

"Will cuddles make it better?"

"They always make things better."

They both cuddled into me and Nia got up to leave.

"Thank you for watching them."

"I love looking after them so it's all good."

"See you around."

"Yeah bye Becks."

I notice that Hope has fallen asleep so I move her slightly, she gets most of her looks from me but her hair colour is just like Colby's where as Seth looks so so similar to Colby is actually mad. Once he's older I might struggle to tell the two apart, Seth moves from my side and onto my lap.

"Where's Daddy?"

"He's gone to do something."

"When will he be back?"


As much as I am angry with Colby I'm not going to poison his own kids against him, what Colby and what Seth says just doesn't add up. I wish I was home and then I could've known for sure but I'm just so scared that he has actually cheated on me and Seth actually heard them.

"What's the matter?"

"Just thinking about Daddy and what you said Seth."

"I didn't mean to upset you."

"You didn't it's okay, Daddy is the one- never mind Daddy will be home soon. Why don't you catch some sleep, I'm wrestling in an hour so you have time."

"Okay, night night..."

He curled up and closed his eyes, I heard his breathing slow so I untangled myself from him. I took a deep breath and headed to see if anyone could watch over them, I don't want them watching me wrestle, especially not now. I don't want them to be scared or upset if I'm hurt, I see Lexi so I pull her aside.

"Do you have match tonight?"

"I just did my moment of bliss section, I'm free for the rest of the night."

"Could you watch Hope and Seth for me, just while I wrestle."

"Where's Colby?"

"Its a long story and I need to go."

"I'll go watch them, good luck tonight."

"Thanks Lex."

I made my way to gorilla and just did my normal warm up, I'm facing Asuka tonight so I'm kinda nervous but also excited. She's the only women who I couldn't beat when I was here last time, she's so talented and awesome in the ring. My music hits and I make my way out.

"Now tonight is a great night, Asuka is one very talented woman who the man hasn't quite managed to beat but tonight. Tonight I'm fired up and ready so come on Asuka don't keep me waiting!"

Asuka walked down to the ring and screamed some Japanese at me before the bell rung, it was a great match but I prevailed we shook hands after and she congratulated me on breaking her streak. Then Shayna's music hit and I licked my lips in anticipation.

They both woke up and begged me to out wrestling on, I switched the TV on and saw Becky standing victorious. All of a sudden she got attacked from behind, Shayna lent down and took a bite out of Becky's neck. We all heard her scream and both her children started to cry. I quickly switched off the tv.


They were both crying so much and I tried to calm them but it didn't work. Oh fuck I did the one thing Becky asked me not to do...

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