Hemlock Chronicles 2 (Hemlock...

بواسطة Song_Wolf_Lover69

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Months have passed since Peter, Celena, and Roman dealt with the evil Vargulf. But the mystery of their grea... المزيد

Prologue: The Search Continues...
Chapter 1: Innocence Doesn't Exist
Chapter 3: Desperate Times
Chapter 4: When a Stranger Comes...
Chapter 5: Nightmare in Hemlock Grove
Chapter 6: Becoming a Reality
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests
Chapter 8: In the Shadows
Chapter 9: Bad Day
Chapter 10: Secret's Out
Chapter 11: Hunger Out of Control
Chapter 12: Hold me
Chapter 13: Finding the Cure
Chapter 14: The Search of Shelley Godfrey
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Stopping the Dream
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Reunite
Chapter 19: Peter and the Wolf
Chapter 20: All Monsters
Chapter 21: Hungry Ghost
Chapter 22: Taken
Surprise!!! Bonus Chapter

Chapter 2: To Try in Vain

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بواسطة Song_Wolf_Lover69

As Peter and Celena makes it back to Hemlock Grove, both could not help but wonder what Roman was up to. But both knew where he is right now. At the top of the White Tower, ruling the Godfrey business as a king in his throne. He sat in his chair in the conference room, listening to a boring presentation being said.

He sighs and gets his cellphone out, sending another text to Celena. He needed to see her. It was driving him crazy, not having her around him. Why did he just throw her away? But...at the same time...he didn't want to risk hurting her. What if he tried to hurt her for blood? He constantly fought the inner battle whether to talk to her or just avoid her. He couldn't decide. But his heart and body was screaming for her.

"Celena, I know you're reading these messages. Please call me soon. I'm sorry and I miss you so much. I need to talk to you. I know you got my flowers, too. Just please...please let me know you're ok."

Roman sighs in irritation as the demons continue to whisper in his head, begging him to feed. He was so hungry, he needed this meeting to end as soon as possible so he can go feed.

"Godfrey Industries has increased its profitability for the last 17 quarters, leading the field in biotech, pharmaceuticals, and genetic engineering. I am pleased to report we are, for the fourth year in a row, the largest privately held corporation of its kind in North America." A man proudly states.

Roman raises his hand for a moment and turns to presenter, "Couple of thoughts." He eyes everyone. "Anyone been to Maui?"

Everyone turns and frowns at him in confusion.

Roman waits for someone to speak, but no one says anything. Just continues to stare at him for asking such a strange question during a business meeting.

"No one?" He looks around. "I went there a few years ago. And it's more beautiful than they say." He taps on his tablet and commands old pictures to pop up on the display screen on the wall behind the presenter. Cheery Hawaiian music plays as pictures begin to display a young Roman with a beautiful Hawaiian model.

"Say hello to Healani Kaulakakui." He says as he flips through the pictures till he shows one of the model who lies naked in the sun and sand.

Pryce sighs in annoyance, Roman's random shows wasn't new for him and he was growing tired of it.

"Roman, I don't see how this is relevant." Pryce states.

"I fucked this girl." Roman chuckles. "I fucked her a lot." He smiles, but behind his smiles lies the bitter memories of those times with that model. He never could get off with her back then, unless he had the usual help. He looks around at the people in wonder, "Can I say that here?" He asks Pryce.

"You can say what you want..." Pryce says, till Roman cuts him off.

"Godfrey Industries is a leader of three-dimensional organ printing, right?" Roman asks.

"Pioneered it." Pryce corrects and turns to everyone, "We're in clinical trials on the beta version for regenerating gallbladder function." He states.

"But the target demographic for that technology will be dead soon, which puts a big dent in repeat business." Roman points out. "We should be focusing our genetic engineering on enhancing the youth experience." He states and points at the picture of the nude model. "Bigger, better, tighter, longer, thicker..." He grins. "I guarantee you, Healni Kaulakakui never wants the party to end."

Pryce was beginning to have enough of Roman and politely brings the meeting to an end, "Perhaps we can discuss this later during sidebar." He gives Roman a polite smile and turns to everyone, "Gentlemen, thank you for your time."

But before anyone could leave, Roman gets up and stops them, opening a binder filled with past reports of Godfrey Industries.

"Quick question..." He turns to a page that mentions all of the spending being made at the White Tower. "...about the quarterly earnings report." He scans his finger over the report and finds what was looking for. "Table 47. Miscellaneous R and D. What is that?"

Pryce looks at Roman, hiding his irritation with his snooping. He knew Roman wanted to know what is going on in the Tower ever since he discovered Project Ouroboros. He's been paranoid about every experiment and project through out this place. But Pryce wanted to make sure he knew nothing.

"R and D, that's miscellaneous." Pryce states.

Roman frowns, "Seems like a lot zeroes are being spent on miscellaneous." He says suspiciously. "What for?"

"It's extremely technical. You'd need an advanced degree in paleovirology to even begin to understand." Pryce states with a small sneer.

Roman looks around the room, "Any of you guys got an advanced degree in paleovirology?" He asks. No one says a word. Roman's frown deepens as the mystery continues. "So, millions of dollars of my money..." He moves to stand at the head of the table and glares at everyone with a cold look. "...is being spent and no one knows on what." He shakes his head as if it wasn't obvious that it was strange, even for him. "Now, that just doesn't feel right." He looks at them all, but eyes Pryce more, "My mother's gone. From now on, you'll be dealing with me. And this runaround bullshit isn't gonna fly." He states strongly. "You feel me on that?"

He turns and leaves the room, but as he walks down the hall, Pryce stops him.

"Roman, you're a bright young man. Together, there's no limit to what we can..."

Roman continues to walk down the hall and heads towards a room, he opens the door and waits for Pryce, "Let's take this in your office, shall we?" He says sarcastically and walks into the men's room.

He goes up to a urinal and unzips his pants to take a piss. Pryce sighs in irritation as he stands at the entrance.

"I've always had an understanding with your family. I keep Godfrey Industries profitable. I'm given a free hand to run things as I see fit."

Roman sighs, "How much are you skimming?" He asks.

"You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Pryce states. "That was uncalled for, unfair, and wrong."

Roman scoffs and looks over his shoulder, "I asked a question in there. I expect an answer. Until I get on, I'm putting a freeze on all further funding."

Pryce hides the panic inside him, there's no way Roman could do that. It doesn't matter if he's a Godfrey, he cannot do this.

"You don't have the authority." He sneers.

"My mother and Norman didn't give a shit about whatever it is you're up to, but the joyride is over." Roman states.

"Everyone has secrets locked away behind closed doors somewhere, Roman." He hints the silent threat at Roman. "I'm certain you'd like me to keep yours. And your lady friend's secret, too."

Roman slowly turns and gives him a cold glare when Pryce dared to threaten Celena in his presence.

"Oh, you don't want to squab with me, Pryce." Roman says as he rezips his pants and brushes past to walk out, "It won't come out well for you." He pats Pryce's face and wipes his hand all over his shoulder.

Pryce grunts in disgust when he realizes Roman didn't wash his hands.


Roman takes off for a drive and looks over as he brushes past the old Godfrey Mansion. Ever since that night. What his mother did to him. Everything she has shown him. He placed the mansion up for sale. It was now covered with dust every inch and corner, blankets covered the furniture he left in the rooms. Even the black crib. Rats infested the halls and stairs.

While Roman was away, this was the perfect time for Pryce to check on Olivia. He decided death was too merciful for Olivia, so he helped heal her since that day she was brought to him in a body bag. He managed to sew up her tongue back into her mouth. It was difficult to talk and walk normally, but Pryce knew in time she will regain her bearings. But one thing surprised him, was how high her sympathy and emotions were. She didn't carry the cold Upir sarcasm any more and she countlessly begged Pryce for information about Roman. Plus she wondered how he's been battling his hunger.

At the same time, Roman was actually taking care of it right then. He went to see his dealer at a abandoned looking hotel and goes into his room. He pays the man like always, same amount. The man takes off his shirt and shows Roman his body. Covered in leeches. Roman couldn't help but eye the leeches as if it was a feast. He begins to yank them off the man's body. Scarfing down a few. Feeling the leeches explode in his mouth and the warm blood running down his throat. He gets a zip lock bag to save the rest. Demanding twice a much next time.

Roman finally heads home and walks inside. He hated the silence that greeted him. He wanted to hear someone welcome him home and hug him. Give him a massage or a lay after a hard day of work. He wanted to come home and smell a nice home cooked meal made by a wife. Hear little kids run around, giggling and laughing. Calling him 'daddy.' But all he had was the silence and the cold.

Roman turns and places the leeches in a private fridge and gets a drink from the bar. He walks to the couch and sits down. Thinking about Celena. Thinking how much of an idiot he was that night.

~The night of Roman's birthday~

Roman shouts as he's thrown backwards against the wall and slides down on the ground. He was out for a few seconds, then jumps at the sound of glass breaking near his head. He groans softly as he begins to stir, then yells in pain when he feels Celena's foot kick him hard in the nuts. He curls up into a ball as he holds himself.

By the time he looks up, Celena was gone and door was ripped off the hinges. He sobs softly and slowly gets to his feet. He didn't want to do that to, but what choice did he have? He just ripped his own mother's tongue out of her mouth and feasted on her blood! He didn't want to hurt Celena. Never. He rather have her hating him than dying by his hand. He sniffles and picks up the gift she threw at him. The glass falls out of the holes in the paper and cracks as he moves it around. He unwraps it slowly and tears the paper off. He sobs and smiles at the photograph. It was a picture of himself with Celena and Shelley and Viktor. There was an inscription on the frame.

"A family grows as strong as a tree, but even a tree carries a few nuts on them."

Roman cries hard as he cherishes the picture against his chest. Holding it close to his heart. He hopes and prays he will find a way to end this terrible curse he's been given. Find a cure and go back to Celena.

Roman feels a warm stray tear roll down his cheek. He sniffs and wipes it away. He will find a way. Godfrey Industries has the greatest labs in the world. There has to be something.


(Celena's outfit^^^)

Peter drives Celena and himself as she gives him directions to Roman's house. Neither of them wanted to be there. But Peter had no choice. He needed help and Roman seemed like his only option.

"Turn up here. His place is just up the hill." Celena says as she points at a road.

"When did he move?" Peter asks.

"Around the time when he kicked me out of the house on his birthday." She sighs. "I heard Olivia had a seizure around that time. But I smell bullshit. Something happened that night."

"Yeah. He turned." Peter scoffs.

"For three months, he's been quiet. But a few weeks ago, he started trying to contact me. Sending gifts and apologies. Flowers and candies. The works." She scoffs.

Peter frowns, "The connection might be increasing. The longer we're apart, the worse it feels."

"Yeah, that's very true." Celena sighs and takes his hand in hers. "We're better together than apart. But it's so hard to forgive him for calling me a whore. I don't care if some stranger says that to me. But from someone I love..." She scoffs.

"He's lucky you didn't kill him." Peter smacks his lips and kisses her hand.

Celena sighs and looks up, "There it is." She points at a house coming up. It was very modern and rich looking. It screamed Roman.

Peter takes a deep breath and lets go of Celena's hand to get out of the car. Celena follows and shuts her door. The garage was transparent and they could see a few cars inside. A wall with signs that read 44 and Home stood tall and hid the door. They walked around it and headed for the door. Peter rings the doorbell and they both wait.

Peter sighs deeply and Celena rubs his back, "I know. I'm nervous, too." She says softly.

"At least he doesn't hate you." Peter points out.

Celena scoffs, "But I hate him." She sighs and shrugs, "Ugh, ok, I don't hate him, but I am pissed with him."

Peter nods, "Yeah." He turns to the door and knocks, but both jump at the sound of buzzing and door clicking. He frowns and pushes the glass door open, letting Celena walk in first.

They looked around and see packages and bare furniture. It looked like Roman was still moving in. Peter sniffs and turns to the stairs as if he senses someone in the room. They both look up and see Roman at the top of the stairs, glaring at them as he gives them both cold looks.

"Nice digs." Peter shrugs, trying to break the ice.

Roman says nothing, but continues to glare. Mainly, at Peter. Celena would catch him sending her soft glares. She could sense he missed her as much as she missed him.

"Look, I know things were bad when I split..." Peter tries to explain, but Roman harshly cuts him off.

"Fuck you."

"Just hear me out." Peter begs.

"Not interested. We're done." Roman states.

"Stop being an asshole, Roman." Celena demands. "Peter had good reason to leave. At least, he didn't throw you out of his life." She sneers.

Peter holds a hand up to stop her and turns back to Roman, "Please. Lynda's in jail. I need your help."

"No." Roman says.

Peter sighs, and rolls his eyes, "Fuck. Be mad at me. But this is Lynda we're talking about."

"Sounds like she fucked up. Not my problem." Roman says, emotionlessly.

"She was always good to you. She's not gonna make it in there." Peter begs.

Roman tilts his head, "What do you want me to do about it?"

Peter struggles inside to ask him for the favor. Celena sighs and gestures him to tell him, "Go on." She whispers.

"I need money...to hire a lawyer." Peter says, averting his eyes.

Roman smirks, "So you came here to beg." He scoffs.

Peter looks up at him, angry that he has to do this, but irritated that Roman was being such a dick to him, "Can you please loan me $20,000? I'll pay you back."

"I always liked your mother. She baked cookies." Roman says as his cold glare comes back, "My mother never baked me cookies." He scoffs. "I can shoot you the dough." He shakes his head and sneers at Peter, "I'm not gonna do that. I'm not giving you shit."

"Maybe you forgot I saved your life." Peter grits out.

"Shelley saved yours." Roman states. Celena could see pain in his eyes when he mentioned her name.

"Roman, we think about Shelley all the time. She's still out there with Vik. I know it." Celena say gently and determinedly.

"She's dead. They both died out there. Alone. And when Letha almost died and when Celena went into that coma and I needed you." Roman snarls at Peter as he walks down the stairs. Pointing a finger at him in accusation. "You tucked your dick between your legs and ran away like the little fucking bitch you are." He looks at Peter in such anger, tears were forming in his eyes as the past invades his mind. The pain he experienced. He rubs his nose and averts his eyes away from Peter. "Get out of my house."

"Roman, please." Peter begs.

"Get out of my house." Roman demands.

Peter swallows hard and turns with Celena to walk out but Roman stops them.

"Celena...can we talk?" Roman asks, then turns to glare at Peter. "Alone."

Celena sighs softly and turns to Peter, "I'll meet you home, ok?" She whispers.

Peter strokes her cheek and caresses her hair, "Be safe." He kisses her head and walks out the door. Leaving Roman and Celena alone.

Celena sighs and rubs her nose as she turns to face Roman. Crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls? My texts?" He asks.

She scoffs, "Why would I? To hear you call me a whore again or a c***? Or worse?"

Roman sighs deeply, "Look, I'm sorry. I...have no excuse for my actions that day. I shouldn't have called you anything. It's just..." He sighs again and rubs his head. How can he tell her without spilling everything? He was blocking his thoughts as hard as he could from her. "My mother...she...told me everything. About me that night." He struggles out.

Celena frowns, but realizes what he means, "Oh...so, you know you're a...Upir?"

Roman frowns at her, "You knew?! You knew all this time about what I am?!" He asks furiously.

"Peter told me. He could sense it from the beginning. And your mother was shot in front of me by Chasseur. So, that was a big sign saying 'I'm a Upir'." She says sarcastically, then sighs.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Why didn't...?" He scoffs, "Of course, why would Peter tell anything? He's great with secrets." He snarls.

"Would you believe us anyway? And we were in the middle of keeping each other alive with that Vargulf running around. Look, I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but it wasn't up to me to tell you that. And it wasn't up to Peter, either. But don't turn things around, you are the asshole here. You kicked me out of your life for three fucking months! Do you have any idea what that's like? Do you even care how that affects this fucked up connection we all have? Peter left us when we needed answers. He left to talk to those who knew about the legends. And he found something."

Roman snaps his head up, "What did he find?"

Celena scoffs, "Oh you want to know. Then go talk to him."

Roman frowns at her, "Just tell me."

"I don't know. And that's the truth. Lynda was arrested before he could tell me. I got hit by a fucking cop trying to help her." She points at the back of her neck.

Roman moves fast towards her and cradles the back of her neck, "You ok?"

Celena inhales sharply as he stands so close to her. Roman's breath picks up when he touches her. He missed how she felt against his hand. Pressed up against his body. He leans closer, but jerks back in alert. It was painful for both of them to be so far from each other, but he had to do it.

Celena swallows roughly, "I'm fine. But Roman...just please...talk to Peter. We can't be apart anymore. Look at what it's doing to us."

Roman shakes his head, "I can't. It's too risky." He feels tears forming again in his eyes. "Celena, I love you....I love you so much. But I can't."

"You can't or you won't? You're fighting a useless battle and you know it. I know you, Roman. Maybe even better than you know yourself." She sighs and turns to the door, but stops when she opens it. "When you realize how stupid this fight is, call me. This time, I'll answer. I promise." She moves to leave, but stops against, "I love you, too, Roman. More than anything."

"You're sexy as a blonde." Romans smirks.

Celena laughs and scoffs, "Now that makes me want to go back to brunette."

Roman chuckles and smiles at her. He couldn't remember the last time he smiled. She always managed to make him smile.

"Rome, I'm still mad at you. But I missed you more. When you want to talk, call me." She begins to leave, but leans back in, "So does this mean you won't be giving us the money?" She gives him a guilty smile.

Roman rolls his eyes and sighs, "What exactly did Lynda do?" He asks.

"She's a gypsy. The government is declaring 'war' on all due to some paranoid bullshit." She rolls her eyes. "The lawyer is demanding 20 grand just to help."

Roman thinks about it, he did like Lynda. She was always so nice to him. And they knew what he was. He was pissed with Peter, but he could never be mad with Celena.

"Ok. I can give you the money, but not Peter." Roman says.

Celena smiles big, "For real? No taksie-backsies?" She walks back inside.

He laughs, "I'm serious."

She laughs and squeals happily, "Oh, my god!" She rushes to hug him, but stops when he flinches. "Sorry. I hope I'll prove you wrong soon about that issue." She laughs.

"Until then, don't touch me." He states.

Celena sighs sadly and moves away so he could go to his office. When he comes back down, he hands her a check for 20 grand, "Don't worry about paying me back. This is my apology to you."

Celena scoffs, "Roman, don't you know me at all? You can't buy me."

Roman smirks, "That what I love about you." He pulls a flower from his back and hands it to her. It was a beautiful pink Dahlia. "Since you rejected the roses, I hope you'll accept this."

Celena sighs and takes it, bringing it to her nose and inhaling the sweet perfume, "I'm not usually the flower type kind of girl. But it's beautiful." She holds it close to her heart. "I better go. Hope we can get Lynda out as fast as we can."

"OK. I'll call you soon. Better answer." He sends her a teasing scorn.

"I promise. Later, Rome." She smiles and heads out the door.

Roman sighs as his heart begins to hurt again. He didn't want her to leave him again. But at least they were working things out now. He was just so hungry.

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