lie again || hoshi ff

By httpseudonym

11.9K 359 168

"if there is nothing more painful than a painful love.. then go back before even more painful memories remain... More

1: going home
2: catching up
3: unexpected sleepover
4: celeb 5 is back
5: lotte world
7: lost hope
8: mingyu knows
9: jeju-do
10: rumors
11: what did he do
12: guess who's jealous
13: tired
14: coming home
15: planning
16: TTT (day 1)
17: TTT (day 2)
18: TTT (day 3)
19: bright after rain
20: getting used to
21: the beginning of an end
22: the morning after
23: it's okay not to be okay
24: slowly but surely
25: getting by
26: 3rd wheel
27: what now?
28: you don't need to fight on your own
29: let's tell your appa
ending scene

6: secret's out

324 11 12
By httpseudonym

an hour has passed, you and Seokmin just arrived at Jihoon's studio.

: oppa, are we here yet?

Seokmin: yup. let me just contact Jihoon hyung.

(on the phone)
Seokmin: hyung, did Cheol hyung tell you about it?

Jihoon: yah. i'm just upstairs.

Seokmin: Aera let's go. do you want to buy something? are you hungry yet?

: nope. i'm good.

while you were chatting while Seokmin, you can't help but notice the amount of reports on the other side of the street. before you could ask Seokmin about it, you reached the elevator.

Seokmin: the drive was quite far.

: kinda. but i enjoyed our mini roadtrip together. /you chuckled

Seokmin: i enjoyed it too Aera-ah~ also thank you for the headband! and for taking us along with you in lotte world even though we showed up unannounced. also, sorry about that again.

: oppa why do you keep on saying sorry? ( ・ ิ ω ・ิ ) it's fine, i promise. having you and Seungkwan oppa around was so much fun.we should hang out again some time~

Seokmin: the look on your face.. neomu kyeopta.. /you both laughed, arasso. this time, it's my treat okay?

: /you laughed, arasso.


Seokmin: we're here. HYUUUUNG! /Seokmin screamed, calling for Jihoon

Jihoon: i swear you're so loud DK-

before Jihoon could finish his sentence, he saw someone's silhouette.

Jihoon: i forgot you're bringing someone over.. sorry for the rude manner. i'm Jihoon nice to meet you.

: hello, i'm Aera. nice to meet you. sorry, i can't help but be amazed by your studio. it's pretty cool and looks nice. and i haven't been in a studio for quite some time now.

Jihoon: /he nodded, really? thank you. i picked out the interior. so anyway, /he smiled, do you sing?

Seokmin: show off... /he mumbled

Jihoon: did you say something? want me to kick you out of my studio? /he said sarcastically

Seokmin: /giggling, i didn't say anything hyung.

Jihoon: yeah right. /rolled his eyes, so Aera-ssi, where are you from?

: was born and raised here but moved to Canada about 4 years ago. yup i do. also i dance a little. not really that good. /you chuckled, i just enjoy dancing.

Seokmin: we should dance sometime~

Jihoon: oh that's nice. /he smiled, also, are you coming back for good?

: sure~ we could dance some other time oppa. /you chuckled, well, i was planning to stay for about 5 to 7 months here then i'll head back to Canada.

Seokmin: oh really? i thought you would stay here for good. we don't have much time together!! /he said in panic

Jihoon: wow. mind me asking, /he turned to Seokmin, Seokmin-ah how long have you known Aera-ssi?

Seokmin: /counting his fingers, for about 5 hours now. right Aera?

: /you laughed, yeah that's right. you're funny oppa. /you chuckled

Jihoon: pabo. even counted with your fingers just to see how many "hours" you've been together.

Seokmin: hyung you're so mean.

Jihoon: no i'm not. right Aera-ssi?

: yeah, Jihoon-ssi wasn't bullying you or something.

they didn't expect you to ride along with Jihoon's joke, so Jihoon laughed at Seokmin.

Seokmin: Aera... we've known each other for 5 hours now. and you've known hyung for 30 mins now. you should pick my side. /complaining like a child

Jihoon: Aera-ssi's funny. by the way, are you two hungry? since it's almost 6pm. we should grab some dinner.

: i'll just go to the convention store and buy some snacks. you guys want some? by the way, where's the nearest convenient store here? i'll just walk. can you tell me which way it is?

Jihoon: i'll go with you. Seokmin-ah, tell hyung if they want something from the store just call me.

Seokmin: arasso~

while you and Jihoon are headed downstairs, you still noticed the reporters.

: Jihoon-ssi, look at that. /pointing at the reporters, do you think there's someone famous they're waiting for?

"out of all the days that they could be here, why now. (꒪⌓꒪)", he thought. 

Jihoon: Aera-ssi, i'll just go get my car wait for me here okay?

: i didn't know that there's no convenient store near here, i'm sorry. we should just order something.

Jihoon: no it's fine. /he smiled, i also have something to buy there. just wait for me okay?

: okii i'll just wait here.

while Jihoon went to the parking lot, you were left outside the bulding. suddenly, some reporters were asking if you saw Woozi.

Reporter-nim: hello, excuse me, sorry for interrupting you. but have you seen Woozi?

: Woozi? no. i'm not from here. sorry. /you smiled, but there hasn't been anyone who went out of that door. /pointing by the building in front

Reporter-nim: oh okay, thank you.

he smiled, bowed, and then left.

: ah.. ne. /you bowed, no prob.

while you were talking to those reporters, Jihoon was at the other street waiting for the reporters to go away. when he saw that you were alone now, he went to fetch you.

Jihoon: Aera-ssi, sorry for keeping you waiting.

: it's fine~ let's go now?

while Jihoon and Aera was driving to go buy some food at the convenient store, Cheol was with Soonyoung and Seungkwan. they were kinda having a hard time getting away from the crowd

while Jihoon and Aera was driving to go buy some food at the convenient store, Cheol was with Soonyoung and Seungkwan. they were kinda having a hard time getting away from the crowd

/still at lotte world:
Soonyoung: hyung, since Mingyu took the car. while DK and Aera rode the other, how are we gonna go to Woozi's studio?

Cheol: let's call manager hyung. ask him if he can pick us up.

Seungkwan: why do i have a feeling that we just got caught?

Soonyoung: because we have.

Cheol: no. not yet. anyway, manager hyung said he's on his way now. let's just get away from the crowd.

while Cheol, Soonyoung, and Seungkwan were waiting for Manager-nim to pick them up, Mingyu and Jieun arrived to Woozi's studio.

Jieun: don't tell me.. those reporters, /pointing at the reporters waiting outside the building in front, are here because of you?

Mingyu: out of all the days, why now? let's park at the basement noona. also, cover you face. just in case they saw me, your face won't be captured in the photos. and besides, hyung's studio's in front of the agency. 

Jieun: if you're this famous, why haven't i even noticed? nor knew something... i'm not saying you guys aren't famous or what. /she chuckled, don't take it the wrong way. you know how me and Aera really don't focus much on idols. ㅋㅋㅋ

Mingyu: no hard feelings. /he laughed, i know. the other day noona, when we had an unexpected sleepover at Soonyoung's place, she won't stop talking about how she missed home.

Jieun: i mean, you can't blame her. imagine how happy your life was then all of a sudden you had to move out to another country. alone. leaving your friends and family behind.

Mingyu: you do have a point. i hope she decides to stay.

"its because she can't say she likes Hoshi...", Mingyu thought.

Mingyu: anyway, noona let's go upstairs now. i think the three of them are together.

Jieun: it must've been hard for her... that's why i want her to enjoy her stay here.

Mingyu: me too noona. let's work together so she can enjoy her stay here.

(at the elevator)
Mingyu: let's scare DK, thinking it was his fault that's why you now know who we are! /he said excitedly

Jieun: that's so immature of you. /she rolled her eyes, i'm in!

Mingyu: DK, it's me. open the door.

Seokmin: did you see those reporters downstairs? i think they're waiting for "Seventeen's Woozi" to go out or something. Woozi's not here! only Seventeen's DK. a.k.a me. Lee Seokmin. /he laughed

as DK opened the door, to his surprise, Jieun was there.

Seokmin: i mean Jihoon hyung... I don't know who that "Woozi" guy is i-

Mingyu: you just basically told noona who we are... /pretending to be shocked

Seokmin: told noona? i didn't tell her anything Mingyu...

Jieun: omo! i knew you looked familiar! you're DK from Seventeen! i saw a tarpaulin of you when i was at the airport's waiting shed!

Seokmin was shocked. he immediately thought it was his fault that Jieun knew.

Seokmin: Mingyu.. i didn't mean to tell her. i swear i-

before DK could finish his sentence, Mingyu and Jieun burst into laughing.

Seokmin: okay... i'm confused. what's happening? why are you laughing?

Jieun: calm down DK. i know who you guys are before you "accidentally" told me.

Seokmin: how though?? wait. let's carry out the conversation inside.

Mingyu: basically, before we even went to lotte world she noticed the crowd outside the restaurant, then at lotte world she was the first to notice the people who were crowding Seungkwan and the hyungs.

Jieun: in short, you were slow. look how DK pulled Aera aside just in time.

Mingyu: okay i admit it. by the way, did Aera noticed anything though?

Seokmin: actually no. she didn't. i mean... how can someone not notice or feel that something was sketchy?

Jieun: that's uri Aera. clueless as a pebble.

Mingyu: i mean, thanks to that she doesn't know. right?

Jieun: right.

Seokmin: you better call Woozi hyung and tell him that the reporters outside are still there.

Jieun: i'm still confused with the names.

Mingyu: Seokmin is DK, Soonyoung hyung is Hoshi, Jihoon hyung is Woozi, while Cheol hyung is S.Coups.

Jieun: ohh~ anyway, i'll try calling Aera. just to ask where they are.

Mingyu: arasso. i'll call him now.

both Woozi and Aera's phone can't be contacted.

Mingyu: what do we do? both of them won't pick up the phone.

Seokmin: i mean, i'm sure Woozi hyung would protect her. don't worry.

while Jieun, DK, and Mingyu were chatting, Seungkwan texted Mingyu.

Mingyu: DK, open the door. they're almost here. and there's food.

while Seungkwan, Soonyoung, and Cheol was going inside the studio Jieun screamed something which caught their attention.


all of them had their eyes widden. in shock.

Soonyoung: did i hear Jieun right? or?

Seungkwan: she just said "Hoshi"... and did noona just yell "S.Coups"? i thought they don't know?

Jieun: yep. you heard it right. i know who you are. you bunch of liars. ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

Soonyoung: oh shi- i knew we'd get caught.

Seungkwan: you just got caught.

Cheol: let me try to explain Jieun, i-

Jieun: no need S.Coups, Mingyu told me  e v e r y t h i n g  that i need to know. /she said while smirking

Cheol: you told her???

Mingyu: not intentionally! she caught up to us. when Hoshi hyung just suddenly vanished from the restaurant, she knew something was up.

Soonyoung: why are you like this.. /facepalm

Jieun: when will you ever learn that you CAN'T trick Bae Ji Eun. huh? ( ・ ิ ω ・ิ )

Cheol: we're sorry Jieun.. we didn't mean to lie..

Jieun: i know oppa. /she smiled, it's fine. but you should've at least told us how successful you guys are. we would've even celebrated your success. we would have understood.

Cheol: i just don't want you to be involved in all of this. and... i thought you might not want to be around us anymore..

Jieun: you're talking nonsense. no one can ever tear down celeb 5! what i'm worried about is Aera. we all know how she feels about people lying to her..

Cheol: then we're gonna tell her when they come back from the store.

/Jieun and Mingyu said in unison, no!

Soonyoung: wait i'm confused. you don't want us to lie to her anymore. yet, you don't want us to tell her?

Jieun: yes and yes. Aera would only stay her in Seoul for about 5 to 7 months. plus, we don't know when she'll be back. let's make this trip memorable for her.

Cheol: you do have a point..

Soonyoung: so it's final? we don't tell her yet.

Mingyu: yes. we'll eventually tell her but not now.


while the others are at Woozi's studio, you and Woozi were heading back to his studio.

Jihoon: so, Aera-ssi. since you sing and dance, by any chance do you produce songs?

: can't believe this day would come where i tell someone about that. /you chuckled, but yeah i actually do. though i'm not that famous. i usually post them on soundcloud. but really haven't been active these past few months.

Jihoon: oh really? we're somehow similar. /he smiled

: how about you Jihoon-ssi? do you sing, dance, or produce?

before answering Aera, Woozi thinked carefully as to what to say and not what to say.

Jihoon: yeah something like that. so what's your soundcloud? if you don't mind of course. would like to check it out sometime.

: nah it's cool. it's "lee.ah".

Jihoon: /his eyes widened, lee.ah? why does that sound familiar.. /after thinking for a minute or so, so you produced "Try"?

: that startled me.. and Jihoon-ssi... you should see the look on your face right now. /you chuckled, anyway, yep that's me. why? you're kinda freaking me out..

Jihoon: i've been jamming to that song for weeks with Shua hyung!

: whaaaat.. you've listen to one of my songs?

Jihoon: of course! you're actually really good. i also listen to "Heather".

: i don't know how to react to that.. /you chuckled, thanks though~

Jihoon: you should hit me up sometime! Shua hyung would be whipped to see you.

: of course! just text me anytime. uhm here. /you handed him your cellphone, here's my number.

as you were chatting, you arrived at the studio. while you and Woozi were walking, you can still see a bunch of people waiting at the other side of the road. but you can't help but feel intrigued about it.

days have passed since you all went and hang out at Jihoon's studio. and actually, you've been hanging out with Jihoon more often that the others. for some odd reason, you two just kind of hit it off.

you were just in bed trying to finish some work so you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest. you were just crowd-sourcing on twitter when you came across this article about someone from Seventeen seen with a girl and all that. it also has an attached picture in it. and oddly enough, you feel like you somehow know him.

"he looks familiar...", you thought.

you tried to continue crowd-sourcing on twitter but that news you stumbled upon earlier bothers you.

: since i can't focus on my work, let's just search who "Woozi from Seventeen" is.

as you were searching for a guy named "Woozi" online, you came across Seventeen's profile. at first you didn't believe it. but you saw their picture, their stage names, and their real names. what confused you the most is... Cheol, Soonyoung, and Mingyu was there. even Seungkwan, Seokmin, Jeonghan and Jihoon was there. you don't know how or what to feel.

: so it's true then..

finally Aera caught up to them. somehow intrigued as to where this story goes...

please support this story♡

enjoy the rest of the day~

xoxo, author

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