¦shinobi and wizards¦ Naruto...

dantedaeva द्वारा

107K 4.2K 3K

After the events of the last school year, Dumbledore asks the Hokage for help to protect Hogwarts and Harry P... अधिक

a letter from Dumbledore
an old man with lemon drops
Sasuke in gay panic
buying wands and stuff
the journey to Hogwarts
let me introduce you to...
meeting the trio
patrol and lessons
danger is near
home is not a place
you're my friend
don't jinx it
Dumbledore's Army
dreams and wager

health, fitness & feelings

5.3K 226 297
dantedaeva द्वारा



Maybe if he hadn't decided to take a nap during the free period, he wouldn't be running over the Hogwarts grounds like a maniac, desparatly trying to be on time for class to begin. Nonetheless, the first class of Kakashi had already begun and of course, the muster student he is, Naruto was late.

The hope that maybe his sensei held on to his own habit of constantly not being on time, were shattered as he arrived on the large green area near the lake, where the class took place. Kakashi decided to make the students endure practical lesson on their first period of that subject rather than endless and boring theory that was comparable to History of Magiy lessons by Professoer Binns (at least Kakashi thought so but he was an elite shinobi so you really can't take him serious in that matter). 

Kakashi noticed his students arrival but decided to not comment on it and instead watched his other temporary students struggle with the simple task of a fitness test even an academy student could complete.

From the first day on, he could tell that even though wizards could do incredible things, thanks to their wands, they had terrible physical strength and stamina. Following that understanding of the situation, the Jounin decided to upgrade the physical strength of a wizard to increase the chance oof survival in an battle.

Even through many student asked why they would need this kind of knowledge, the simple explanation, that if they would lose their wand during a battle for whatever reasons, death would stand at their doorsteps or major injuries were assured, shut them up.

Harry was excited, to say the least. With the looming threat of Voldemort hanging like a dark cloud over his head, the extra training made him feel a little more reassured. He didn't think that a simple punch in the flat face or kick in his balls would stop Voldemort from his evil plans but it was always better to be prepared, wasn't it?

The only thing that made the class a little more difficult than necessary, was the fact that the Gryffindors were partnered with the Slytherins. When would Dumbledore finally realise that putting the rival houses together in a class where they literally learnt how to fight and be fit is not the perfect solution, Harry didn't know, but he hoped that no one had to be seriously injured first.

Draco didn't really know what to expect from the additional class that was taught by one of the strange newcomers but when he thought about Health or Fitness, fighting and battle strategies were not on the program. Not that he was complaining or anything.

The headmaster probably only named the class like he did, to keep Umbridge away. The ministry would definitely start a roit if they'll ever find out.

The blond haired boy looked to his left. Just a few meters away from him stood his dark haired 'enemy' with his two friends and the three exchange student. It was now a common sight for the school to see a Slytherin hanging around Gryffindors and if Draco is honest with himself, he is happy that someone broke the ice between the two houses. Don't get him wrong, the  two still were in a constant conflict but now it was more like a cold war. Neither side tried anything.

And Draco dared to hope. He dared to hope for a chance to seek the company of a certain dark haired boy with bright green eyes, round glasses and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

While the Malfoy heir was day dreaming the rest of the students were listening as Kakashi explained the next task to them.

"Alright. As i told you before, you all lack stamina, so we will concentrate on building this up for now. You will start with a sequence of exercises and at the end of the lesson you will run one round around the lake. That is good enough for the first time."

Groaning could be heard from the students as they took distance from eachother to have enough room and begann with their exercise.

" I can't believe we have to do this too. ", grunted Naruto as he began yet another push up.

"Don't be so lazy, Naruto. It's not like it's going to kill you.", said Sakura who was also busy.

Sasuke just silently pushed through the program in hope of a fast ending. He was always ready for training but he thought more about a nice spar, not something they already had to endure in their academy days.

The lesson was over rather quickly and the students walked back into the castle to continue the rest of the school day. Well everyone except the three young shinobi and their teacher who discussed their next training session that will take place tonight night, quickly.

"We will meet up at the clearing from last time. I hope y'all remember where it is. Don't be late.", with these last words the Jounin disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

The three chunin made their way back to the castle to join the rest of the class.

The school day was over not as fast as some would wish but eventually it came to an end with an amount of homework and a few headaches here and there.

It was dinner time and once again the whole students body was gathered in the Great Hall. Harry and his friends sat in silence for once and ate their food while the chatter around them just increased.

But Harry wasn't paying attention to anything in the moment other than the blond, skinny male that sat at the Slytherin table. For days his thoughts wandered to the Malfoy, often even without him realizing which resulted in far to many potions exploding. Harry didn't know why, didn't know when it happend but he was certain that it could only mean extra trouble in his already mess up life.

He thought about speaking with Ron and Hermione about it but he didn't find the right time and probably wouldn't know the right words either to describe his feelings for the blonde Slytherin.

The boy who lived noticed that he was starring as the now familiar gray eyes met his green ones and instant panic crashed like a gaint wave through his whole body and his cheeks heated up.
Harry quickly avoided the confused and curious eyes of Malfoy and picked at the food on his plate. Not really being hungry he looked to his right at Naruto who looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk on his face. Harry's cheeks turned redder than Gaara's hair which made the Uzumaki chuckle.

Suddenly said boy felt an elbow getting buried in his side and his head turned towards Sakura. "Eat up, we are meeting with sensei soon."

"Hai, hai.", murmured Naruto and shoved the last bit of food in his mouth before standing up together with his companion.

"We are already going to the common room. See you guys later.", was all Sakura said to the trio.

They quickly left the Great Hall and met up with Sasuke who already stood next to the large doors. As soon as they were out of sight, Naruto created three shadow clones, henged two of them into Sasuke and Sakura and then send them on their way to the common rooms.

The three of them arrived at the meeting point a few minutes later where their sensei already stood, leaned against a tree.

"Now that we are all here, let's begin.", said the Jounin.

"Let's warm up a bit with a little spar. Sasuke and Sakura go together and Naruto you go against me, alright?", asked Kakashi his students. He knew that they were not really his anymore but he can't bring himself to adress them differently.

"Hai, sensei.", confirmed his pupils.

The spar didn't last long and it was nothing serious but Sasuke had to admit that the punches Sakura threw confidently, were getting nastier the more time passed.

Soon they once again stood together in a circle in the middle of the clearing while Kakashi began to explain the plan for today's session.

"Sasuke, we will concentrate on your Mangekyou Sharingan from now on. Perfecting it slowly and your Sasuno'o too. It will be one of your most powerful weapons. Since you now possess the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan you also don't have to worry about getting blind.",said Kakashi cheerfully and added in his mind, lucky bastard.


"Naruto, the work with the Kyuubi is dangerous and i would rather do it back in Konoha where it's an slightly safer surrounding but we have to work with what we got. To ensure more safety i requested that Yamato will assist us. He will most likely arrive in a day.", he continued.

"Sounds like a plan, dattebayo!"

"Sakura, your chakra control is perfect and your punches get more powerful each time but i hoped we could try something new. I planned to find out your chakra element to strengthen your abilities in ninjutsu. Naruto will make the paper test with you, i hope you still remember it Naruto, and after i'm done with Sasuke we will start."

"Alright, sensei.", she said exited.

Kakashi then took a piece of paper out of one of the many pockets on the Jounin vest and handed it to Naruto who then took Sakura and walked to the edge of the clearing to give Kakashi and Sasuke space.

"It's been a while since i last used the Sharingan.", murmured Sasuke.

"It is good to not over use it. Even tho you can't turn blind anymore it still could be painful and for some it's a disturbing sight to see your eyes bleeding.", replied Kakashi.

Even through he is not an Uchiha and only possess one Sharingan eye, Kakashi wants to help Sasuke with his. He knows his knowledge is limited but who else is gonna do it if not him.

"Your ability is Enton right? The control over the Amaterasu flames.", continued Kakashi.

"Yes. I was working on ways to use Amaterasu differently than just to burn things down with simple flames. For example, combining it with chidori.", said Sasuke while looking at his outstretched hands.

"And your Sasuno'o?"

"It is still just the ribcage and arm but the last time i managed to give it some part of armor. But i was to exhausted already to maintain it for any longer."

"Then i say we start with that. Right now you are at your full power."

Sasuke took a few steps away from his teacher and closed his eyes. He concentrated on his chakra and blended out everything else around him. He concentrated on emotions like anger that boiled deep inside his heart and tried to blend out the immense pain that took over his whole body. He learned that negative feelings accelerate the building of his Susano'o.

After a few seconds his eyes snapped open and the familiar colour and shape of his Sharingan starred back at Kakashi while a ribcage and arm of the purple Susano'o surrounded his entire body.

"Alright, it looks stable. Put more into it. But not too much, we take it easy."

The Uchiha did as told and slowly it took on a more human shape. It's slightly instable body was covered in armor and a chakra sword rested in his hand.

"As far as i can tell, it looks good. I'm still surprised you could awaken it, heard not many could to it, but at the same time i'm not.", said the Hatake and carefully watched the boy before him. "How do you feel?"

"Like shit."

"Alright.", Kakashi looked on the watch around his wrist, "It has been nearly five minutes, longer than before i asume. Do you want to stop?"

"No, i can do it.", resured the Uchiha. The pain he felt everywhere in his body increased and he felt the blood running down his cheek as his eyes burned like they were set on fire. Sasuke panted hard and decided that enough was enough and dissolved the Susano'o. His hands clenched at each side of his body in anger and disappointment.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Sasuke. Susano'o is a difficult technique. Let's work on your Enton instead.", said Kakashi and put his hand on Sasukes shoulder.

"Hn.", was all the black haired boy said before he started to walk away. "You can start Sakura's training now. I can do the rest alone."

"Alright, if you say so."

During the time where Sasuke and Kakashi started the training, Naruto stood in front of Sakura and held the piece of paper he got from the Hatake in his hand.

"With that we will find out your chakra affinity.", said Naruto excited. "If it ignites and turns to ash, it's fire. When it splits in two, wind. Should it wrinkle, lightning. If it turns to dirt and crumbles away, it's earth and when it turns wet it means water.", he explained, proud of himself that he remembered.

"Alright understood. Let's see.", Sakura said and took the paper in her hand.

She stared at it nervously and watched as the paper turned damp in her hand and lost its' stability.

"Cool, so it's water.", said Naruto. "I don't think anyone in our team has this affinity."

"Hmm.", the pink haired kunoichi looked at the paper in awe.

The two of them just talked a bit, while waiting for the two other members of the team to finish. After some time Kakashi made his way over to them and Naruto decided to leave the two alone and keep Sasuke some company.

"And, how did it go?"

"It's water, sensei."

"Congratulations, Sakura. Sadly we won't be able to do much today. It's better if you are surrounded by water so we have to change to the lake for an affective training. And we have to be discreet about it."

"It's fine, sensei.", she said, "would you spar with me as close up?

"Sure thing. I'm sure Naruto is keeping Sasuke busy at this moment."

A trademark smile stole itself on his face as he heard the bickering of his two male students behind his back.

Naruto climbed through the window into the dorm room after he made sure it was empty inside. The shadow clone that sat on the bed, dissolved itself and informed the real Naruto about an conversation he had with Harry and Ron as the two entered the room an hour ago.

He quickly showered and changed into a pair of Pyjamas as it was already quite late. As soon as he laid down on his bed, the door opened and his roommates entered the dorm. All of them looked exhausted and groaned as they sat down on their beds.

"I'm happy today is over.", said Dean as he massaged his shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm going to sleep like a baby.", yawned Seamus and stretched which caused his bones to crack and everyone in the room to cringe at the sound.

"Professor Hatake really knows no mercy. And all the homework we had to do in Charms. It feels like my head is going to split in two.", groaned Ron.

"How come you don't look like death itself, Naruto?", asked Neville, curiously.

"Well, what you experienced today was nothing. Wait till Kakashi sensei get all worked up.", grinned the blonde at the boys. Another wave of groans and complains echoed through the room while Naruto laughed brightly at their misery.

As the boys all stood before the sink in the bathroom to brush their teeth, Naruto took his chance and turned to Harry who waited till the bathroom was less crowded.

"You seem to stare at Malfoy a lot these days. Wasn't he supposed to be your sworn enemy or something.", snickered the blonde.

"I don't know what you are talking about.", replied Harry who turned as read as the curtains.

"Oh come on. Your attention is on him pretty often for it not to be something."

"I don't understand it myself, okay?", said Harry, not really sure of what to say.

"You don't understand how to feel about him?"

"Yes.", confirmed Harry," I am supposed to hate him, right? We are not friends and he's not even nice to me, so why do i seem to like him of all people?"

"I know how you feel.", murmured Naruto. Harry's head snapped up at this reply. "You know... Sasuke and I, we had many difficulties. I believe he hated me and at first we didn't really got along. We were just too different but i still thought of him as my friend. Some pretty messed up shit happend and in the end i realised that he thought of me as a friend too, maybe his only one. I think the cause was our shitty communication." and childhood trauma, thought Naruto.

"You just... talked about it?"

"Yes. Well, i did most of the talking, you saw how Sasuke is, but it helped. It looks like everything had to become bad before it got better.", explained Naruto.

"And do you like him like a friend or more?", asked Harry curiously. He wondered just what exactly went down between the two but he figured that it was not his buisness and that it was an sensitiv topic in general.

"At first i thought i did everything i did because he was the first friend i ever had, but i figured that it was not really what i felt and it took me some time to accept it. So yes, i think that i'm actually in love with Sasuke.", said Naruto in an soft tone, not wanting anyone else to hear.

Harry's eyes widened slightly at this confession but an smile soon took the place of his shocked expression. He wanted to say something else but the bathroom door opened and the others came tumbled out of it. Most of them literally fell in their bed and instantly asleep while Ron looked at them.

"Why are you two so red?", he asked confused while his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's nothing. Go to sleep or else you won't get up in the morning.", replied Harry and made his way into the bedroom.

Ron just turned of the lights except the small lamp beside Harry's bed and tugged himself in.

"Night.", he murmured and then fell asleep too.

Naruto followed his example, happy that he didn't had to patrol today.

I'm still alive??
I know it was a long time since i updated and i'm sorry but here is a slightly longer chapter to make up for it.

The next chapter will probably include more backstory. If you have any questions you can just ask.

Also the story will not follow the original timeline of Naruto or Harry Potter. Some events will not happen or are just going to happen later for the sake of this story.

Anyway, i hope you liked this chapter and i'm sorry for any grammar mistake (as you know english is not my native language).

See you next chapter!


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