Gotham's Detective

melisabigler tarafından

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(Completed) Heather, a detective from California is sent to Gotham City to help solve a horrific crime. Young... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 18

41 5 3
melisabigler tarafından

            The next morning after Heather showered and ate, she dressed, and then headed into the city. She needed a dress for the evening, and she knew where to get one.

A while later she walked out of the store, the dress hanging over her arm in a garment bag, and new shoes, and then after putting it in the trunk of her rental car, she headed to the police station.

When she walked in, a few heads turned towards her, and the men looked at her appreciatively. She ignored them, and was headed to Grisham's office when she was intercepted by Wade.

"May I help you?"

"Yes," she said, using her German accent. "I am looking for Chief Grisham."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, I do," she nodded.

"Come with me then," Wade said, and Heather followed him. Wade knocked on the office door.

"Come in," the Chief said.

Wade opened the door. "Chief, a young lady is here to see you?"

Grisham looked up at her, curiosity on his face.

"Karen Atwood sir," she said.

He looked surprised for a moment, then he stood. "Yes, of course, come in. Wade this is the new detective I just hired," he grinned and motioned for her to sit. She did so, gingerly, and he noticed.

"You can stay Wade," Grisham said, "but close the door."

Wade nodded and did as told, but he didn't sit.

"So, Detective, it is nice that you made it. How was your flight?" Grisham asked.

"It was pleasant."

"Good. Wade, I would like you to meet your new partner, Karen Atwood, she is a Lieutenant Detective from, where is it?"

"California sir."

"But you have a German accent?"

"I was born in Germany sir. Moved to the states when I was a teenager."

"I see," Grisham nodded. "So, Karen, we will need to fill out some paperwork, do you have your identification?"

"Yes sir," she said, and handed it to him.

He nodded, as he looked it over. "Your hair color is different," he said.

"Yes sir, I like to stay in disguise. I have too many enemies."

"So, what I am seeing now is not the real you?"

"Well, the hair color is real, for now, and I am wearing contacts sir."

"I see, so detective, when can you start?"

"As soon as possible sir, but might I have tomorrow night off? I was invited to the Policeman's ball at Mr. Wayne's."

"How did you get an invite to that?" Wade asked her.

"My father and Mr. Wayne's father worked together. I have known Mr. Wayne for a few years."

"I see," Wade nodded, trying to keep his mind on other things, instead of the beautiful woman who sat next to him.

"Have you found a place to live yet?" Grisham asked her.

"Not yet sir. I am just at a hotel, but I am sure I will find someplace to stay. Mr. Wayne offered to let me stay there for a bit until I could find my own place."

"That is very generous of him."

"Well, that was fast," Wade muttered.

"What do you mean Wade?" Grisham asked.

"I thought he was still mourning for Heather."

"I am sure he is, and Karen is just a friend," the Chief assured.

Heather smiled. "Yes, just friends, and I am sorry to hear about Heather Winston's death. I was a fan of hers."

"Weren't we all," Grisham said. He then reached into his desk and pulled out a badge and gun.

"There you are Lieutenant, your new badge and gun."

"Thank you sir."

"Now, Wade, take Karen around the city, show her the places to go, and not to go, and then treat her to lunch, and then have her here by four, so we can all get ready for the ball."

"Yes sir," Wade nodded, and motioning to Heather, the two of them walked out.

"Welcome to Gotham," the Chief yelled after them.

"Thank you sir," Heather smiled as the two headed out the door.

Grisham sat back and smiled. He had not recognized Heather, which was a good thing. Wade certainly didn't know who she was. He could tell that she was still injured though, and hopefully she would recover soon. He was amazed she was even alive, but that was Heather for you. He wondered if Wade would even realize it was Heather by him, and decided that no, he probably would not.

Wade helped Heather into his car, and then they drove around for a while. He showed her the highlights of the city, and then the lowlights. It was a huge improvement of what it had been like though. Since the mob boss was gone, the city was starting to build itself up again.

"It looks much better than the last time I was here," Heather commented.

"Yes, it does look better. The mob boss was killed, and so people are not afraid to come out anymore, and they are starting to improve the city. The slums actually look livable now."

"Yes, it is nice," Heather agreed.

"So, when was the last time you visited Gotham?" he asked her.

"I would say it has been awhile."

"When was the last time you saw Bruce?"

"Too long."

"Have you not seen him since you got into town?"

"Not yet, but I will tonight."

"You like him."

"Who doesn't like Bruce Wayne?" she grinned.

"You probably do not know that Bruce Wayne was seeing Heather Winston before she died. He is not over her yet."

"I understand," she said, hiding her smile.

"So, do you have a particular place you would like to go for lunch?" he asked her.

"No, you choose."

"Okay," Wade nodded, and took her to a nice restaurant.

The patrons looked up as they walked in. There was a large mixture of people in the restaurant, everyone from businessmen to blue collar workers.

"New girlfriend Wade?" one of the men asked as they walked in.

"No Paul, this is my new partner," Wade grinned at the man.

"You have got to be kidding me. She is way too pretty to be a cop."

"Thank you sir," she said.

"Where are you from young lady?" the man asked, standing up. "I have never heard that accent before."

"Germany sir."

"And pleasant manners. I am sorry you got stuck with Wade here. He isn't exactly a charmer," the man teased.

"He is doing just fine," Karen assured him.

The man laughed and sat back down. "Welcome to Gotham, young lady," he said, as the host approached them.

Wade shook his head, as they followed the host to a back table.

"Sorry about that Karen, he is really not a bad guy."

"I am sure he is a wonderful man," she smiled and sat down.

The waitress appeared a moment later, and ogled Wade. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Coke," Wade told her.

"Same, thank you," Heather told the woman.

She nodded, and after winking at Wade, she left.

"She has a thing for you Wade," Heather teased.

"She does not."

"Yes she does, she winked at you."

"I wasn't even paying attention. I was just watching the men who were all watching you."

"I didn't notice," Heather shrugged.

"We are both oblivious then," Wade grinned as the waitress brought back their drinks. She then took their orders and walked away.

The door opened then, and all heads turned to see Bruce Wayne walk in.

"There's Bruce. He owns this place," Wade whispered to her.

She swallowed. He looked even more handsome than the last time she had seen him. Her heart almost stopped as the host headed their way with Bruce.

Wade stood as they walked by. "Mr. Wayne."

He stopped and turned, looking at Wade, and then at Karen, not even recognizing her.

"Yes, Wade, isn't it?" he asked politely.

"Yes, and I would like you to meet my new partner, Lieutenant Detective Karen Atwood."

Bruce went absolutely pale. "Karen?" he croaked out.

Wade looked at him, wondering what was going on. Sure they knew each other, but why was he acting so weird?

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Wayne," she smiled, and shook his hand.

He watched her, trying to see past her disguise.

"How long have you been in town, Miss Atwood?" he asked, still holding her hand.

"Just since yesterday. Remember me Bruce? Our father's used to work together."

"Of course," he nodded. "I am glad you are here. You are coming to the ball tonight?"

"I would not miss it for the world, you invited me, remember?"

"Yes, and it has been too long since I have seen you."

"Yes, it has been too long," she smiled, taking back her hand, and winking at him.

He smiled back. "Well, it was a pleasure to see you again, Karen, and save me a few dances tonight, will you?"

"I would be delighted Bruce."

"Very good," he said, and walked away, trying to calm his pounding heart.

Bruce was led to his usual table, and sat down at it, and watched Heather. It really was her. He was so grateful, and he liked her accent. He sat watching her through his whole meal. Every once in a while she would look up and catch him watching her. She winked at him, and he smiled back. He was a happy man. In a few hours he would be dancing with the love of his life, and he couldn't wait.

He watched as a bit later, the two of them stood to leave.

She looked over at Bruce. "I will see you tonight."

"I look forward to it," he said, smiling at her, then they walked out.

Heather sighed. She hadn't expected to see Bruce, but she was so glad that she had. She couldn't wait to see him that evening.

After they left the restaurant, they got a call, and were busy until the time they had to head back to the precinct. The two of them walked in, and the Chief was waiting for them. "Glad to see you two back. The ball starts in two hours. Karen, do you have a place to change?"

"I can go to my hotel sir."

"Good, I will see you at the ball then."

"Yes sir," she said, and smiling at Wade, she said, "I will see you there also. Save me a dance?"

"Of course, if Bruce doesn't steal them all," he grinned, and watched her walk out.

Wade turned to the Chief. "It was the weirdest thing today at lunch. Bruce Wayne came into the restaurant, and when I introduced Karen, he looked as if he had seen a ghost, and then he asked her to save him some dances at the ball. He looked like he had been offered the moon when she said yes."

"They obviously know each other very well," Grisham smiled.

"And here I thought he liked Heather so much, but I guess he does have to get on with his life."

"We all do Wade," Grisham said, "now go home and get ready, I will see you later."

Wade nodded, and headed out, followed shortly by Grisham.

At the hotel, Karen laid down to rest for a moment, she was tired, and she knew it would take a long time before she was recovered. She rested until five, and then called room service. She knew that there was dinner at the ball, but she wanted to only go to the dance, and she knew that being late was fashionable. Heather got ready after she ate, and by the time she had her hair curled, and her dress on, it was almost seven.

"Perfect," she said, and taking her contacts out, because they were bugging her, she headed out the door. She had put on a vest under her dress, just in case, and she wore her gun under her dress, because she knew that with a policeman's ball, one could never be sorry for wearing their guns, especially with Scorpions still on the loose.

A few minutes later Heather pulled into the drive of the mansion, and a man helped her out, eyeing her up and down. "Lovely," he murmured before he took her keys and drove her car to park it.

The door opened before her, and Alfred stood there.

"Your name Miss?" he asked her.

"Karen Atwood."

"Yes, Mr. Wayne is expecting you," he nodded, and checked Heather out. He wondered what Bruce saw in her. He had liked Heather better, but she was gone now, and he knew that Bruce needed to move on.

Heather knew that she looked incredible as she stepped into the large ballroom, in her cream dress with the rhinestones in the form fitting bodice and train, and she knew that she would catch Bruce's eye, at least she hoped so.

The ball had started and couples were dancing across the floor. All of the officers were in their best uniforms, looking very sharp. Heather spotted Wade dancing with a woman, he nodded at her as he passed by. "Lovely," he told her as he went by.

Heather then spotted Bruce, and her breath caught in her throat. He looked incredible in a tuxedo. He was visiting with an older gentleman. Heather stood watching him for a moment, until he turned, as if he knew he was being watched.

He saw her, and a smile lit up his face. Heather headed to him, and they met in the middle of the room. Heather did not even notice that Don and Charles had snuck into the ballroom.

"I knew she would be here," Don shook his head, as he saw Bruce pull Karen into his arms and whisk her across the dance floor.

"You look absolutely stunning," Bruce told her, as he held her close.

"You look pretty incredible yourself," she smiled up at him.

"I have missed you so much. When I saw you earlier I thought my heart would stop. I could not wait to see you tonight. Why did you not come to dinner?"

"I had to rest Bruce, I am not healed yet."

"Of course, my love," he said, and pulled her closer to him.

As the song ended, a man asked for her for a dance.

Bruce nodded. "Promise me you will save me the last dance," he said, kissing her cheek.

"Of course," she smiled at him, and was whisked away.

Several dances later, Wade finally claimed her.

"You look radiant," he told her.

"Thank you, Wade."

"Bruce Wayne has been watching you all evening. I think he likes you."

"I like him." She turned to see Bruce watching her, and he winked.

She smiled back and turned to look at Wade who was watching her.

"You do like him."

"Very much."

Grisham spotted Don and Charles watching the crowd, and he approached them.

"Gentlemen, why are you not dancing?"

Don looked at him. "You must be Grisham."

"I am, and you are?"

"Don Epson, and Charles Epson, with the FBI."

"You are Heather's friends."


"Why are you here?"

"To keep an eye on Karen. We are worried for her."

"You flew all the way to Gotham to watch a woman that is surrounded in officers?" Grisham asked incredulously.

"Don has a thing for Karen," Charles laughed.

"Obviously," Grisham shook his head, "but I think she is already taken gentlemen," he said, nodding at Bruce, who was watching Karen.

Don sighed. "I know, but I can wish."

"You men are wasting your time here," Grisham stated and walked away.

Bruce took over as soon as the dance ended with Wade, and Karen sank gratefully into his arms.

"I have been watching you all night, and I could not wait any longer to dance with you," he told her.

"I was hoping you would come rescue me, I am exhausted."

He looked down at her in concern. "Perhaps we should sit down."

"No, I just want you to hold me."

"I can do that," he said, and tucked her closer to him, and slowed his dance steps so he could take her all in. "You are so beautiful," he said, and leaning down, he kissed her. She stopped dancing as she kissed him back. They held onto each other, afraid to let each other go. When he finally pulled away, he was suddenly on one knee, a ring box in his hand.

Heather gasped.

"I love you Karen, more than anything. I do not want to lose you, I have gone too long without you, will you be my wife?" he asked her, opening the box.

Heather stared at the huge rock. She nodded, as tears streamed down her face. Bruce slid the ring onto her finger, as the couples around them clapped.

"I think you were too late Don," Charles said, "she is taken."

"I know," he said, feeling a keen disappointment. He then watched as Bruce kissed Heather passionately, and then he turned to the audience.

"My dear friends," he said, "I would like to announce my engagement to this beautiful young lady, Karen Atwood."

Everyone clapped, and then the music started again, and once again Bruce pulled Heather into his arms, and began to dance with her. He gently wiped a tear off of her cheek.

"I am so happy," she smiled up at him.

"I am too," he assured her, and kissed her again.

Suddenly over the music they heard loud clapping. The music stopped as several men in tuxes stepped into the room, all of them with semi-automatic guns.

"Well, that was such a touching scene, Bruce Wayne," the lead man said, as he walked into the room. The others spread through the room, their weapons pointed at the audience.

He walked to the front of the room. "Isn't this sweet justice. I am holding all of the Gotham officers hostage, how great is this," he grinned.

He stepped up to Bruce, who had his hand in Heather's.

"Mr. Wayne, it is a pleasure," he mocked. He then looked at Heather. "Hmm, she is lovely, perhaps I should take her for myself."

"Over my dead body," Bruce growled. He would not lose Heather again.

"That can be arranged Mr. Wayne," the man stated. "You see, my boss was too soft on you, why he did not kill you while he had the chance I will never know, but then he got his revenge when he killed your dear Heather Winston."

The crowd started to grow angry.

"No, do not try anything," the man said, "or all of you will be dead."

"Why are you here?" Bruce said angrily.

"I came to take my revenge of course. I am shocked though. Getting engaged so soon after Heather's death? You must not have really cared for her after all."

"You have no idea," Bruce growled.

"No, I don't, and I really don't care," he said, as he ripped Heather from Bruce, and pointed a gun at her stomach. "I don't think you deserve such a lovely young lady," he told Bruce.

Don started to step forward, but Charles held him back. "Don't Don, or you will end up dead."

"I will not let her be killed."

"Watch Don," Charles said, as Heather slightly nodded at them. "She has a plan."

"She is going to end up dead."

"No she won't," Charles said, "just watch, and learn."

"So, now that I have you all as hostages, what shall I do with you?" the man chuckled.

"How about you let them go, Snake," Heather said, without her accent.

Bruce looked at her, and so did Snake.

"How do you know my name?" he growled.

"I know all about you, Snake," she said smugly. "Now let the officers go. You know it is really stupid to take policemen hostage, when you know every single one of them is carrying a weapon."

"So what if they are? If they even try to go for them, they will die."

"If you do not let them go, then you cannot have me."

"What do you mean? I already have you," he said.

"Oh, but you do not. Besides, I am worth so much more than any of them, besides Bruce of course."

"What are you talking about?" he asked her.

"No, not again," Bruce muttered, "you cannot do this again," he told Heather.

She smiled at him. "Do not worry Bruce, things will be fine."

"That is what I am worried about," he sighed.

"Don't do it!" Don yelled, but Charles pulled him back.

"If she wants to do it, then let her Don."

"We cannot let her risk her life like that," Don groaned.

"She knows what she is doing."

"Why do these men seem so concerned at wanting to protect you?" Snake asked Heather.

"It is because of who I am."

"And who are you?"

"I cannot tell you until you release the officers."

"Do you think I am that stupid?" he asked her.

"Perhaps," she smiled. "Besides, the officers in here outnumber your men, don't you see that? Oh, and look I just saw some sneak out the door, perhaps you had better go after them."

Snake frowned at his men and nodded for some of them to leave the room.

"But now you are really outnumbered," Heather grinned. "Why, look at your men, they are all surrounded by officers, with the officers weapons pointed at your men."

"I do not see anyone with their guns out," Snake said.

"That is because they are hidden, of course they are. Do you think the officers are dumb? No, they will just shoot your men through their coats, because they are trained to do that. So I suggest they lay down their guns, and if they do so, then perhaps I will tell you who I am."

"Tell me who you are then I will decide if your name is worthy enough to let the officers go."

"Nope, not until their guns are down. If they are not laid down in ten seconds your men are dead. I can see every officer in here with their guns pointed directly at your goons."

The Scorpions looked around, starting to get nervous, especially when several guns were drawn suddenly, and they saw that they were surrounded.

"See? Now tell them to lay the weapons down, or they die. One, two, three," Heather started.

"Fine, lay them down men," he said, and as they did, they were instantly surrounded and cuffed.

"Now are you going to tell me who you are?" he asked, still holding the gun to her.

"Of course, but first a story. You see, we have a history you and I."

"I do not even know you."

"Oh, but you do, Snake. You see, once upon a time a few years ago, your boss Benson was murdered by Heather Winston."

"Yes, he was," he ground out.

"And then a few months ago, you finally found her after poisoning alcohol, and Parry kidnapped Bruce Wayne, so Heather came to the rescue and she went down in the helicopter along with Parry."

"Yes, she did, finally."

"Only thing is Snake, everyone thinks she is dead, but no! Here she is, with her gun pointed at your gut."

Every person in the crowd gasped.

"You are Heather?" Snake gasped.

"Ta da, are you surprised?" she grinned.

"You are lying."

"Am I?" she asked, "I don't think so, and so to finish my story, and with a happy ending. You see, Heather Winston was being held by the Snake, one of the most notorious terrorists. But what was that?" Heather pointed out the window, "a full moon was outside, and that was a very bad omen, because that meant Snake had to die, and lo and behold, he did, because he ended up with a huge hole in his gut."

Those standing close by heard a puff, and the man looked at Heather in surprise.

"You are her," he moaned, as red spread across his shirt, and as he fell, he pulled the trigger on his gun, hitting Heather. He fell to the ground dead, as she fell the other way.

Bruce caught her as she fell. "No!" he cried out, and kneeling by her he began to sob.

The officers ran forward, Don and Charles among them, as the Scorpions were rounded up and taken out.

"No," Bruce cried, "please, Heather, you cannot leave me again," he whispered.

Suddenly he found a hand on his face. He looked at her. She had her eyes open.

"I am okay. I might have broken a rib again, but I am alive. I had a vest on."

"Oh, thank goodness," he said, gathering her close to him.

"I called the paramedics," Grisham stated as he walked to them. "Good old Heather to the rescue again."

"You know me Chief, I can't stay down for long," she said weakly.

"I know," he grinned. "Welcome back."

"Thanks," she said.

"That was the craziest thing I have ever seen you do," Don said, kneeling by her. "Are you all right?"

"I will be. Just patch me up again."

"There probably isn't much left to patch up," he grinned, the relief evident on his face.

"Too true," she smiled. "So why are you guys here?"

"Don missed you," Charles laughed.

"And I knew something would happen tonight. I was worried."

"You had every right to be. I cannot believe he would be so stupid as to take on all of Gotham's police force, he was so stupid."

"You definitely pointed that out to him," Charles said, shaking his head.

The paramedics pushed their way through the crowd then, and knelt down by Heather.

"Take good care of her," Grisham told the men.

"We will Chief," they assured him.

"Good, she is the best damn cop around. Do you want my job?" he grinned at Heather.

"No thank you, besides, I would like to spend some time with my fiancé," she said, smiling adoringly up at Bruce.

Bruce smiled back and leaning down, he kissed her, and then the paramedics loaded her onto the gurney.

"Wade, go with them," Grisham said.

"I am going also," Bruce declared. "I am not letting her from my sight, not anymore."

"Very well then," Grisham nodded. "I will meet you at the hospital."

The men nodded, and followed the gurney out the door.

"Where are you injured?" a paramedic asked her as they got into the ambulance.

"I think I have another broken rib."

"Another one?" he asked her.

"Yes, another one."

"I will need to check it."

"It can wait. You are not cutting my dress, nor my bullet proof vest. Those cost more than you make in a year," she informed him.

He looked at Bruce. "Is she always this way?"

"Worse," he laughed, squeezing Heather's hand. "But you had better listen to her. She knows the President of the United States."

"How did you know that?" Heather asked him

"Wade told me that day I was so ticked off," Bruce grinned, "that was when I decided I had better not mess with you. I am glad I listened."

"You obviously didn't listen to him." she grinned, "because look where we are."

"You are alive, and that is all that matters," Bruce told her.

"Did you know she was alive?" Wade asked Bruce.

He nodded. "Yes, I knew."

"Why wasn't I told?"

"Need to know basis, Wade," Heather grinned at him.

"No wonder Bruce looked as if he had seen a ghost, because he really was," Wade nodded.

"Yes," Bruce said, "It was shocking to see her."

Heather sighed, and closed her eyes.

"Hold on Heather," Bruce told her.

"I will never let go," she promised him, squeezing his hand in hers.

"I love you."

"I know," she whispered.

Heather was put in a room for the night after she was taped up. The doctor wanted to make sure she didn't have more internal injuries, so several officers wandered the hall, making sure Heather was protected.

"She must be something else," the doctors and nurses commented seeing the officers.

When Heather awoke, she frowned. She was still in the hospital. She looked at her left hand, wondering if the night before had been a dream, but it hadn't. The diamond sparkled at her in the sunlight coming from the window.

"It was not a dream," she heard, and then she was suddenly being kissed. She wrapped her arms about Bruce's neck, and kissed him back with all the passion that she felt.

Bruce grinned as the heart monitor took off. He finally pulled back, and grinned at her. "Welcome back."

"That was a very nice welcome," she said, smiling up at him. She noticed he was still in his tux.

"I said I would not leave your side, and I will not. I do not want to have you disappear on me again."

"I don't mind having you near," she smiled, "especially when you kiss like that."

The door opened then and the doctor walked in. "I was wondering why your heart monitor was jumping off the charts, now I see why," he grinned, looking at Bruce, and making Heather blush.

"You have had many people stop by to see how you were," he said, "but I did not allow them in, except Bruce, since he is almost family," he smiled.

"Thank you. Who would come see me?"

"Just every officer on the force. You should see the flowers," he said, pointing to the many bouquets lined up on the counter in the room. "The nurses desk is also covered in them."

"Perhaps you should distribute them to the other rooms, I do not need them."

"I am sure the patients would love that," he said, and checked her vitals.

"I think we can send you home today, but take it easy, and try not to break any more ribs, okay?"

"Yes sir," she said.

"I will make sure she rests," Bruce assured the doctor.

"Good, I will be back in a while with your release papers."

He then left the room.

Bruce sat down by Heather on the bed, and took her hand. "I love you," he said.

"I love you. So who are all the flowers from?"

"Grisham, Wade, Don, Charles, and Alfred."


"He found out that you were really Heather. He had to apologize. He was having hard feelings towards you. He thought that I had not grieved long enough for Heather, and here I was falling for Karen."

"Poor Alfred."

"He got over it, and so he sent flowers."


"I apologize for not getting you any."

"Do not apologize. Having you here by my side, is much better than flowers any day."

He laid down on the bed by her then, and pulled her into his arms. She sighed against him.

"Rest my love, I will be here when you awaken," he said.

"I am so glad," she said, and kissed him. He returned her kiss.

"I love you more than you will ever know. When you were willing to give your life for me again last night, I wanted to take your place," he told her.

"I would give my life for yours, any day," she replied.

"I do not want you too. It kills me each time you do. Please tell me you will not do that again?"

"No promises Bruce," she said, "but I am sure things will settle down now."

"Thank goodness," he sighed, and laid her head on his chest.

"Does the world know I am alive?" she asked, looking up at him.

"No, the officers are sworn to secrecy."

"That is good."

"Very good," he agreed. "So when do you want to get married?"

She smiled at him. "As soon as I can walk without it hurting."

"So, perhaps a week?"

"Sounds nice," she said, and cuddled into his arms.

He sighed, and kissed her head.

"I will love you for eternity."

"I will love you forever too, Bruce Wayne," she whispered.

"Life will never be dull with you around," he teased, "I will have to stay on my toes."

"Like you are a great one to talk, Batman," she teased.

"Shh, go to sleep," he grinned.

"Our marriage will definitely never be boring," she smiled.

"No, it will never be boring," he agreed, and then he kissed her, sealing their love, and their happily ever after's.

The End

Thank you for reading my story! Check out my other stories on Wattpad and my books on Amazon.

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Harley Quinn, the woman behind all of Jokers good ideas finally is on her own after the breakup. With nothing better to do, and the scum of Gotham wa...