Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret...

By LM_Studios

35.6K 579 725

WARNING: This story is rated 18+ for adult content as well as a few triggers. Reader discretion is advised. A... More

Prologue: Is This the End?
Chapter 2: A Close Call
Chapter 3: The Skeptical Prince/The Truth
Chapter 4: A Butler's Task
Chapter 5: Checking In/Soul Binding
Chapter 6: Sweet Addiction
Chapter 7: Wedding Prep, Take 2
Chapter 8: Path To Redemption/The 'Firsts'
Chapter 9: The 'Firsts': Asking Him Out
Chapter 10: The 'Firsts': Date Night/Roleplaying
Chapter 11: Heavenly Assistance
Chapter 12: The Duel/ 'Fight. Like. A man.'
Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding
Epilogue: Back In Business!/Realization...
The Soundtrack

Chapter 1: Putting It Off

4.9K 69 92
By LM_Studios

It was early, too early for you to even think. So early you weren't even sure if the sun was out yet. Nonetheless, you groaned to the sound of your blaring alarm clock. You tiredly reached to hit the snooze button, only to feel another hand help guide you.

"Can't even hit the snooze button in the morning? Wow, you are so uncoordinated (Y/N)." Blitzø teased as he kissed your cheek. You moaned softly as his hands slowly traveled up your chest, his claws gently grazing your skin.

"Shut up Blitzø, I don't need to know how to shut off a clock to fire a gun. I gotta get ready anyway, I have to help open the bar today. Huh...Whoa!" Try as you might to get up, your boyfriend laughed as he grabbed you at the waist, pulling you back onto the bed with him.

"Oh no no no, I'm your boss too (Y/N). And I say you're staying in bed with me today.~" he cooed, pinning you down with a kiss. You decided to humor him, submitting to his lips with a soft moan. You could feel his hands and tail interlock with yours.

"Come on babe, if I'm late again I'll never hear the end of it from my other boss. He's the one I'm the most afraid of, he's a total ass when he's pissed."

"So what, forget about that asshole. Did you forget you work for me? The way business has been booming lately, I can see a nice raise in your future.~"

"An actual pay rise or you?~" He giggled as you pulled him in for a kiss.

"Both if you keep kissing me like this.~" he purred, trying to pull down your briefs.

"Seriously Blitzø, can you please get off me? I need to get ready."

"Oh alright, fine. Leave it to me to date the best bartender in Hell. But what am I gonna do until you clock in I.M.P.? I don't wanna be alone all day." he playfully whined as you went to the bathroom.

"Man you're such a baby, you're acting like I'm going off to war or something. I'm sure you'll find something to do while I'm gone." As you shut the door, his phone lit up with a text. He groaned as it was a message from his royal admirer.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Stolas: Good morning Blitzy. How is my favorite imp doing? 💕

Me: What is it? 🙄

Stolas: Aww so rude, is someone cranky this morning?

Me: That's not answering me dick. What do you want? 😠😠

Stolas: Straight to the point I see. You know what I want darling, Stella just left for Pentagram City. Who knows how long she will be gone. You know that that means don't you? 🍆👅




Stolas: Helloooo??

Me: 🙅‍♂️⛔ 🚫 Do you ever NOT think about sex?!?

Me: My body still hasn't recovered from last time!!

Stolas: I think you know the answer to that. 💞🥵💞

Me: Since you're so horny why don't you go f***yourself? 🖕

⊱ ────── {⋅. 📱 .⋅} ────── ⊰

He sat on the edge of the bed, slamming his phone down on the dresser with an irritated sigh.

"You OK in there Blitzø, what was that?" you called out from the bathroom.

"Nothing babe, just dropped my phone...Wish I could drop that pervert's number." he muttered to himself. Suddenly, he winced as he felt a small pain in his crotch. Once he stood, he bit his lip to muffle a pained yell 'Damn that prick, why did he have to do this now?!'

"Did you say something? ...Hey, what's the matter? Are you OK?"

"I-I'm fine, just a leg cramp..." he strained, struggling to keep himself from moaning.

"Oh, well if you want I can rub it for you. I can spare a good 5 minutes for that.~" He trembled as you rubbed his leg, slowly bringing your hand up to his actual troubled area.

"I-I think I'll take a bath!" He grabbed his phone as he made a quick dash to the bathroom.

"...OK, normally you don't turn down my massages. Are you gonna be alright? I can stay for a while if--"

"I'll be fine, you go ahead! You're gonna be late!" he yelled over the running water.

"Alright then, just give me a call if it gets worse OK? Love you, bye." Hearing the door close, he finally let out a relieved moan.

"Finally, I thought he'd never leave. Danm that owl, why does he have to torture me like this?!" He banged a fist against the wall, cracking the tile upon impact "O-OK Blitzø, don't panic, just relax. You've rode this out before, you can do it again. Just think about (Y/N), think about (Y/N)..." He sighed, gently stroking himself. Sadly, even though he adjusted his speed, it didn't prove to be helpful. Another wave of heat came over him, making him moan loudly. His phone buzzed with another text from Stolas.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Stolas: Still want to be sassy with me Blitzy? 😏

Me: adcwqdx-

Me: Fine you win!Just make this stopdsacsax

Stolas: Now now, I can't understand gibberish. Type like a big boy. 💖💖

⊱ ────── {⋅. 📱 .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Damn that bird, I-I can hardly hold the...!" Another heated moan halted his rant as he tried to dial Stolas' number "OK OK, you f***ing win! I'm begging you, please make it stop!" he pleaded, finally feeling a wave of relief.

"Aww, you're so cute when you beg for me darling. I love hearing that adorable voice over the phone, I was hoping you would call.~"

"I bet you were, you pervy son of a--!" He gasped as he saw a red glow from his crotch "Easy, easy! Can I get dressed at least?!"

"To be honest, I'd rather you come over in nothing at all.~" he chuckled fiendishly.

"Stolas, we had an agreement about these thirsty phone calls. You are not to call me during the day anymore, what if one of my employees overheard us?!"

"Oh please, since when has that ever been an issue with you? As a matter of fact I wanted to ask, how come we can't fool around at your apartment anymore? I absolutely love that water bed of yours, reminds me of that time we did it in my hot tub.~"

"Right, I'll never forget that mess. First off, you were so rough with me you ripped a damn hole in it. Secondly, Loona had quite a few harsh words for me after that night."

"Oh dear, well this is an embarrassing discovery. I had no idea that you both lived together, maybe I should have worn that ball gag like you said. Usually you hate using it."

"Ugh, I hate using it because you always make me wear it!  You should know how much I hate that stupid thing, I always drool when...Damnit don't change the subject! Listen, not only do Loona and I live together, she's tired of the noise. you really want to risk someone seeing you leave a rundown apartment building at night? And in Imp City no less? I mean, if your wife were to hear about it, just think about what the tabloids would say." he replied, a subtle tone of mischief in his voice. He had to cover his mouth to muffle his laughter, hearing Stolas gasp on the other end.

"Dear Lucifer you're right, what was I thinking?! If Stella were to hear about this I would be done for! If you think her tantrum from the balcony incident was bad, wait until you truly see her angry. That woman's rage is the only thing in the Nine Circles that frightens me...Be warned, share that with anyone else and I will punish you."

"Sexually or physically?" Blitzø joked dryly, but quickly slapped his hand over his mouth, realizing what he said. He cringed as he waited for another 'heat wave', only to hear the prince laugh.

"Do calm yourself Blitzy, I think you've been punished enough for today. Now you know what will happen if you neglect my wishes."

"Whatever, I was serious about the whole 'letting my body rest' bit. You're a beast in bed, and I don't mean that in a kinky way! Can I please not be bothered by you tonight? I have a lot on my plate right now..."

"Oh alright, I suppose I should give you a chance to properly rest. A shame really, I have a new toy I'm dying to try. Do give me a call if you change your mind. Ciao darling.~" Blitzø tossed his phone aside with an impatient groan. After letting the tub fill, he turned off the faucet and let himself sit in the cool water. He looked over at the tile he cracked, sighing as he lay back in the tub.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take. Every morning is the same thing: cuddle with (Y/N), get a sex threat from Stolas, repeat. Am I ever going to break this cycle?" he whimpered, trying to hold back his tears. As the day went on, you finally found yourself clocking in at I.M.P.

"Hey (Y/N), what's with the flowers?" Loona asked, noticing you holding a vibrant bouquet.

"It's just a little something for Blitzø, I couldn't stop thinking about him all day. Is he busy right now?"

"Is he ever busy?" she asked sarcastically.

"Loona, really, is he on a call or anything? I don't just want to walk in on him."

"Nah, he's probably finishing up that paperwork, after I told him to do it like 100 times. He looks down about something though. Maybe you should talk to him, he won't tell me what's going on." She buzzed the intercom on her desk, hoping to get a response.

"What is it now Loona?" he asked tiredly.

"Geez, someone sounds extra pissy. I was just letting you know (Y/N) is here for his shift. He's got something that might cheer you up." she replied with a sing-song tone.

"Good, I needed to talk to him anyway. Send him in please."

"Sure thing...See what I mean? He sounds so depressed, did something happen recently?"

"Not that I know of, he seemed pretty happy this morning."

"He woke up next to you, why wouldn't he be happy?" she chuckled, making you laugh. As you entered the office, you saw his chair was facing the window. You could see the expression on his face reflected in the glass, he appeared to be in deep thought. He didn't seem to notice you approach the desk with the flowers behind your back.

"Hello, you doing OK babe?" you asked, seeing the chair turn slightly.

"(Y/N), hey. Sorry I was just..." He gasped as he turned to face you, a smile spreading on his face as you presented him the flowers "Aww how sweet, you didn't have to do this."

"Oh yes I did, today is a special occasion after all."

"Is it?"

"Really, did you seriously forget what today is?" He looked back and forth at you and the flowers, embarrassed that he can't answer you.

"Um...isn't my birthday next month?" You snickered at his guess.

"You dork, something told me you would forget. Maybe this will jog your memory.~" You sat him down in the chair, surprising him with a kiss. He sat the flowers aside, moaning softly as he held you close.

"Ohh, I remember now, it's our 5 year anniversary. It doesn't feel like it's been that long since we met. It honestly feels like I've known you forever."

"Only because you know me so well. And I've known you long enough to tell when something is wrong."

"What? Nothing's wrong..." he lied with a weak laugh.

"You're a bad liar Blitzø, I can tell something is bothering you. Have you really been sulking in your office all day? Did you take out any targets since you've been here?" you asked, looking at him worriedly as he shook his head "Look, I wasn't trying to bring the depression back. I only--"

"I know, I wasn't really depressed. I was mostly thinking about a few things."

"I knew something was up. Is this work related, or is it about us?" you asked as he took your hand "You can talk to me babe, what's the matter?"

"That's the problem, it's so complicated that I don't know where to start. I'm mostly worried about how you'll react."

"How I'll react to what?" He looked at you with content eyes, taking a deep breath.

"(Y/N), I haven't been completely honest with you. The thing is, I--" Before he could answer you, the intercom buzzed on his desk.

"Blitzø, you got a call on line 1. New client, says it's a big job."

"Loona, not now, can it wait?"

"It's alright, we'll get through the day and talk later tonight. Besides, I've got something extra special planned for you.~"

"You need to stop spoiling me (Y/N)."

"I have to, that's my 3rd job, to make you happy." you chuckled, resting your forehead against his "We're going out tonight, so dress nice for me. I'll text you when I'm on my way, alright?"

"Alright..." Blitzø sighed as you left, looking back at the flowers. He sat at his desk to hold the bouquet in his arms.

"Excuse me sir, I had a question about...Those are from (Y/N), aren't they?" Moxxie chuckled.

"Maybe. How did I get so lucky to meet him?"

"It's a little something called fate sir. Since we're talking about (Y/N), did you finally tell him?"

"...Tell who about what?" Blitzø countered, trying to play dumb. Moxxie groaned as he closed the door behind him.

"Sir, we had this conversation at least 2 weeks ago. You gave me your word, you said we would talk to him."

"Moxxie please, I'm having a moment here. Could you not ruin it right now?"

"I'm sorry sir, but honesty is the key element in any relationship. Just tell me, why haven't you told him about your 'arrangement' with Prince Stolas?"

"Because I...He might..." Blitzø groaned, turning away from his employee.

"...Blitzø, he's going to find out eventually. I'm not saying that I'll tell him, but think about it like this: How would you rather have him discover the truth? From you, or dare I say, from him?"

"Him? Him as in Stolas? Ha! Like that's ever going to happen, he doesn't even know about (Y/N)." he responded, but bit his lip with regret.

"Wait, are you telling me this whole time you both have been dating...Stolas doesn't even know you're dating (Y/N)?!" he yelled.

"It's better like this, alright?"

"What...You...How in the hell is this better?! Not only are you lying to (Y/N), you decided to kick it up a notch by lying to a prince too?!"

"Here we go again..."

"You are impossible to reason with, you know that? Basically all he knows is that he works for you, and--"

"Exactly, and on that note I have nothing to worry about."


"I have control over the work schedule Moxxie, meaning they never see each other."

"Event though that's true--"

"Besides, on the rare occasion they do happen to be here at the same time, I've politely told (Y/N) not to show any PDA in front of him."

"I swear if you cut me off one more time..." Moxxie grumbled "Did he ever ask why? Don't you think he'll start finding that suspicious?"

"Nope, all I said was we gotta look good in front of the nobles. It's not proper and all that crap." Moxxie raised a skeptical brow at him, cursing under his breath.

"...I think I get it now."

"You get what now?"

"Behind all your crazy reasoning, if you can really call it reasoning, this is all a desperate and complicated attempt to protect your own feelings."

"You're staring to sound like my therapist Mox. Can you say that again, but in English?" he retorted sarcastically, much to Moxxie's irritation.

"What I'm trying to say is, I finally figured out the real reason why you're too scared to talk to them. It's their reactions you're scared of, isn't it?" he asked, waiting for a response. His gaze went from stern to concerned as he noticed Blitzø's grip on the flowers tighten.

"Fine, that's it, you figured me out! Someone give him a medal, Hell's Best Detective ladies and gentlemen!" he shouted, leaving Moxxie to stare at him with genuine concern.

"Sir please, calm down. Can you at least tell me why you haven't--?"

"I'm scared OK, I'm scared of what's going to happen! We've been dating for a few years now, I'm in too deep already. If I tell (Y/N) about Stolas he might hate me, or even break up with me. And if I tell Stolas about (Y/N)...I don't even want to think about what he would do. If anything ever happened to him because of me..." he shivered, trying to fight back his tears.


"(Y/N) is the sweetest guy I've ever met Moxxie, I don't want to lose him. Did you know that out of all the guys I've dated, he's the only one that's gotten me flowers? That privileged asshole doesn't even send me flowers. And it's not only for special occasions, he does it just...because. He does it for me."

"Because he loves you. If you really love him you will push past your fears tell him the truth." Moxxie replied with an instant tone. Blitzø grumbled at his words, knowing that he was right.

"Fine, talk about rubbing salt in the wound. I'll tell him tonight, OK?"

"I know you sir, you better not try to avoid the topic."

"Don't get your tail in a knot, I won't." The day seemed to drag on forever for him. Although he wanted to be excited for tonight, his stomach churning wouldn't let him. While you were making sure everything was perfect, he was trying to figure out what he would say. The important part was figuring out how he would say it. Nonetheless, he was determined to try and dodge the topic all together if possible. It wasn't long before you were on your way to pick him up.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Me: Heeey, you ready for tonight?

Blitzø: Almost, but here's a sneak peak of what you're getting. 😏

Blitzø: Loona took the pic when we were at Stylish Occult. You like? 😘

Me: 😍😍 Damn, looking sexy in the fishnet babe. You actually kept that choker I got you?? LOL

Blitzø: Why wouldn't I? It goes with the outfit. Plus it might come in handy later tonight~ 👄🍆🎆

Me: Don't tease me like that, you know how eager I get. 🍆🍑🥵

Blitzø: Not my fault you're easy to mess with 😚

Blitzø: I'll be ready once you get here, c u soooon 💕

Me: K, 💖 u

Blitzø: 💖 u moooore 🥰🥰

⊱ ────── {⋅. 📱 .⋅} ────── ⊰

"You know I picked that outfit as a joke right? I'm surprised you're going out in that." Loona commented.

"And why wouldn't I? He said we were going out tonight, knowing him we might be going to a club. With the week I've had a night of dancing sounds nice." he replied, checking his make up in the mirror.

"Knowing him, he's probably taking you to Envy. Isn't that where you guys met?"

"No, we met on a job gone wrong. Envy was where we had our first date, which would make tonight even better. He's so good with the romantic stuff it's scary."

"And yet you still haven't told him about Stolas. It's been only what, 5 years of you keeping that secret from him?" she commented, making him groan in response.

"Loona, not you too. I already had this discussion with Moxxie, can you not do this to me right now?!"

"Trust me, I know. I could hear you yelling at him..." she countered, making him go silent "Blitzø look, it's rare that I say that nerd is right, but I'm gonna say it. He's right and you know it. Sure, I've made my jokes about you guys in the beginning, but I'm serious when I say you should tell him. You gotta admit it, he's--"

"He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, I know. And me keeping this from him isn't the best thing to do. Millie told me that line yesterday. What is up with you guys? Why are you ganging up on me about this? It's starting to get suffocating at this point." he asked, clearly sounding annoyed. Loona looked at him with a worried sigh.

"Because you've hid it long enough. Here's something I'm surprised Moxxie didn't ask you. What if Stolas comes to the office and says something, huh? What if he calls you 'Blitzy' in front of (Y/N)? Or better yet, what if (Y/N) finally asks how you know him?"

"What if there's a really high chance that all of you are seriously overreacting?" he countered "(Y/N) hasn't asked about that bird dick once. And, to add on to my point, he's either off or on a job when he does come to the office. I haven't had a close call once." he proudly boasted.

"So far you haven't, you're really pushing your luck here Blitzø. He has to hear it from you before something--" Before she could continue her argument, they heard a car honking outside.

"Whoops, there's (Y/N) now. I'll be back late, or I might stay at his place tonight. I'll call you later and let you know."

"That's another thing, Stolas is gonna find out you're moving in with him eventually!"

"Doubt that!" Blitzø laughed as he exited the apartment. She whimpered as she looked outside, watching you get out of your car to adjust your shirt. "Hey handsome, you're right on time.~"

"Look at you, much sexier than the picture.~" you replied with a kiss.

"Sweat talker. Soooo, where are we going? Dinner, dancing maybe?"

"Why ask, that's gonna spoil the surprise. Speaking of which, can you promise me you'll keep your eyes closed during the drive?"


"It's a strange request, I know, but please. Just humor me for a moment, once you get in keep your eyes closed. It'll be worth it, I promise." you cooed, flashing your signature puppy eyes at him.

"...Oh alright, just stop looking at me like that."

"Thank you, now come on. You're going to love me for this."

"You know I already do.~"

"You know what I meant babe, let's go." As promised, Blitzø kept his eyes closed during the drive. You passed the time by talking, and occasionally running your hand up his leg.

"Will you stop it? This is why I hate blind surprises from you. Can you finally tell me where we're going?"

"No need, we're here. Just take my hands, and walk with me...Stand right here, and listen. Does this song sound familiar?"

"How can I forget, this played during our first kiss. But what is going on (Y/N), can you please tell me?" he asked, gasping as he opened his eyes. His jaw went agape as he examined his new surroundings, he was standing in a lavish jewelry shop. What truly surprised him was to see you down on one knee before him "(Y-Y/N), what are you...?"

"Blitzø, these past 5 years with you have been the best in my time down here. You're the only guy I've met that makes Hell feel like Heaven. I know this is kinda cliché, but when I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything." You took a deep breath as you held his hand, chuckling as you noticed him start to cry "So, right here, right now I want to ask you...Blitzø, will you marry me?" Although tears of joy halted his words, you smiled as he nodded. On the verge of crying yourself, you picked him up in a hug as the shop staff cheered.

"I love you, I love you so much (Y/N)." he cried, trying to compose himself.

"I love you too babe. Before we do anything else tonight, I want you to pick out our engagement rings. Whatever you want, you get."

"Oh (Y/N), I...I just...I can't talk I'm so happy." Blitzø whimpered "This is so much though..."

"It's alright, we can make payments on them later. We have all night, go ahead and look around."

"Alright alright, I mean, it's not every day you get to go engagement ring shopping." he giggled as he browsed the jewelry cases.

"I do have a suggestion sir, we have a special collection for Pride." Blitzø gasped as the clerk pulled out a large tray of vibrant engagement rings.

"They're amazing, and I already see what I want. They even got the colors right." he sighed, his attention drawn to the Pan Pride ring.

"Well look at that, I didn't know they had a Pride collection." you commented innocently, hugging him from behind.

"Sure you didn't, you knew I would go for these straight away."

"We try our best to accommodate all our customers sir. Would you like to try it on?" You could only laugh as he nodded his head excitedly.

"Wait, let me do it." You carefully picked up the ring, placing it on his finger "Look at that, perfect fit." He couldn't stop himself from smiling as you kissed his hand.

"You need to stop before I cry again." he whimpered.

"I can't help it, you know how much I love you. Now, like it or not, I get to spend every day spoiling you."

"You sweet jerk...And I think I see your ring too." You watched as he picked up the Bi Pride ring, placing it on your finger "I love you (Y/N), now 'til death do us part." Everyone 'awwed' as you caught him in another hug. As the night went on, you were inseparable. Just as Blitzø hoped for, you took him dancing and decided to finish the night off at your apartment. He was quick to push you against the door, attacking your neck with kisses.

"Easy babe, can we make it inside at least?~" you moaned as he kissed you.

"You haven't opened the door yet, and I can't wait any longer. It's been a month since we've done it, so be ready for a long night.~" he purred. He was about to kiss you again, until his phone rang "Oh come on, and Moxxie said my timing was bad."

"Go ahead and talk to him, it's one less voicemail to check. Be sure to come straight to bed though, we'll put that choker to good use.~" you winked as you opened the door.

"God what I wouldn't give for him.~" he swooned "What is it Moxxie, you kinda called at a bad time."

"Please tell me I caught you about to talk to (Y/N) about Stolas. You said you would tell him tonight Blitzø."

"I know I know, but something came up. Something big..." he sighed as he admired his ring.

"What could be bigger than you telling him the truth?"

"I hope you're sitting down for this...He proposed to me, I'm getting married!!" he excitedly squealed, plopping onto the couch.

"H-He...You...What?! Please tell me you're joking, he proposed?!"

"(Y/N) did what?!"

"Shh, quiet Millie. Blitzø, please tell me you're messing with me. And if you're serious, PLEASE tell me you said no."

"Oh come on Mox, why in the world would I say no to someone as wonderful as him?"

"Because Stolas will skin you both alive if he found out!" Millie yelled.

"Millie please--!"

"No, give me the phone Moxxie! Sir, you need to put this wedding on hold. If Stolas were to find out--"

"Stolas can't do shit about a wedding he'll never know about. Why can't you guys let that go?"

"Hey Bliiiiitzø, I'm waiting for you.~" you called out with a seductive tone.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, I've got to take care of my fiance.~"

"Sir please, you need to...hello? Hello, Blitzø?!" Millie groaned as she handed the phone back to her husband "He is seriously pressing his luck here Mox. Under different circumstances I would be happy for them but..."

"It's only a matter of time before his luck runs out, that's what I keep telling him. That's what Loona kept telling him too! What will it take to make that stubborn fool listen to us?"

"...Then again, Stolas doesn't stop by the office like he used to. If anything he's mostly been calling him."

"No Millie, don't start. We all agreed that this is getting too dangerous."

"Can't one of us still be the optimistic one here? Think, when was the last time we saw him come to the office in person?" Moxxie opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself to think about his response "See? It's been a while because of his wife. He can only come to the office so many times without her getting suspicious."

"OK, I guess you make a good point...But my point still stands here. Even though I find Blitzø to be the bane of my existence, I still worry about him since he got involved with Stolas. He's a prince, he has so much power over us."

"I know that hun, everyone does...And I gotta be honest, I'm worried to death now that (Y/N) proposed. You don't think this has gone too far do you?"

"No, he still has a chance to tell him. Call me paranoid, but I just have this aching feeling that something bad is going to happen if they don't talk soon."

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