Erkenci Kus Episode Recaps 1...


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The series has ended. Every week we would come together chat watching the episodes, theorize, and obsess over... Еще

My Journey to rewatch Erkenci Kus
*what the heck am I talking about? - a glossary if you will
Erekenci Kus episode 1 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 2 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 3 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 4 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 5 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 6 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 7 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 8 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 9 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 10 recap
Erkenci kus episode 11 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 12 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 13 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 14 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 15 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 16 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 17 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 18 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 19 recap
The legend of the Amber stone
Erkenci Kus episode 20 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 21 recap
Erkenci Kus Episode 22 recap
Episode 23 recap Sunday :) here are some vids to get you in the mood
Erkenci Kus episode 23 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 24 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 25 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 26 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 27 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 28 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 29 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 30 recap
Erkenci Kus epsiode 31 recap
Erkenci kus ep 32 recap on july 26th :D
Ek recaps why I stopped and why I am starting again
Erkenci Kus Epsiode 33 recap has been hacked please read if a member
Erkenci Kus episode 34 recap
Ek recap ep 35 will be posted on May 31st :)
Erkenci Kus Episode 35 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 36 recap
Erkenci Kus ep 37 recap

Erkenci Kus episode 32 recap

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First -I apologize for the late post I usually don't promise a post date and not deliver– unexpected circumstances occurred in my personal life and so this episode had to take a back seat for a bit. Thank you for your patience and for reading my recaps. It means a lot that you take the time to read my thoughts about a show we both love <3

Second- Let me preface this next episode with something I have been feeling... sorry that it is a bit off topic but here it is...I know I give Asli a lot of Sh*t about how she changed EK...and she did – she did change the show and the characters a lot... you can feel the difference, and it is painful at times to see. I had a realization though that allowed me to have a little more compassion for her – Alsi was trying to take an Ayse show and make it her own...that just cant work - it is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole- it will never fit. So while I am mad at how she handled EK, I can also love her new show Bay Yanlis. I see that she took some real time with her story and went for an older age female lead and I think that has made all the difference...this isn't an ad for BY- watch what you want to watch- you are strong, creative and independent individuals who can decide what show has meaning for you. I just needed to say that I see now that Asli didn't have a real handle or understanding of EK; the show as a whole and the characters. I feel she tried to "fake it until you make it"- and she didn't make it lol sorry but that needed to be said...Ayse and Asli's writing approaches are so different from each other. I feel the EK production expected way too much in the writing change. Ayse goes for the fantasy and legend, Asli goes for realness and the humor in life. Ayse's pace is usually slower with deep nuance while Asli has a faster more in your face approach. I have always said and still feel that if Ayse and Asli would have written together the episodes from 18-38 I think it could have been a fantastic show because the combination could have been something else...I do appreciate Asli's writing... in BY lol this show has been the only one of Asli's I have truly liked full episodes of...but writers can learn from mistakes and grow... and I think EK was a huge learning experience for Asli... and it shows....ok again this is not a BY ad you can like it or not. I've just been getting sick of these Dizi battles especially when the 2 summer shows involved are 2 shows I love that are written by Asli and Ayse. I needed to say that my recaps should not be used as a source to talk badly about other shows...Every new show deserves a clean slate as a starting point ...I write from my heart, my humor, and my mind. I try not to hold back and try be honest with how I feel in these episodes because that is how I write– sorry not sorry ;)... and yes I will still call Asli out in these episodes but it has nothing to do with her current work - it is about this show and this show alone... OK rant officially done ;) now let's get to the episode...

1. we start off the episode with the last full scene...they do this sometimes to run the clock a bit but I do think this scene was very important- the scene is the next morning after the "goodbye dance" as I call it- where Canem dance at the Redmode perfume launch. They dance while missing each other while a beautiful song is in the background. We saw how confused Can was after the dance and how determined Sanem was to take charge of her own life and move forward from Can to her writing. The next morning Can arrives all smiley as if Canem aren't broken and calls Sanem "Erkenci Kus" literally meaning early bird as she was early but also as what the expression means- a day dreamer. Sanem asks Can not to call her that anymore. Can asks Sanem what he should call her instead. Sanem's response is for Can to either just say good morning or to call her Sanem Hanem....that stopped Can in his tracks...and made my heart freeze for a moment. No one calls Sanem – Sanem Hanem- that is formal and that shift is letting Can know that they are really distant now...we don't get to see his response really besides him being taken aback. Yigit interrupts the moment and I do wish we had the chance to see what Can really would have said or how he would have fully reacted to that statement... I wont go into the Yigit and Can back and forth as I did in the last episode and frankly all it was really was Can and Yigit trying to stake a claim on Sanem and Can being reminded that he is leaving... and Sanem tells them both that she has agreed to work with yigit. Can is upset and Yigit is so thrilled...and then Polen enters the mix and the cliffhanger that I don't think is such a big deal is revealed...Yigit and Polen are brother and sister- DU DU DU DUMMMMMM....

2.  Now the rest of the scene is new... Polen is always the last one to know anything about her family and doesn't know yigit is now back in Istanbul running a publishing company...Can didn't know Yigit was Polen's brother because he knew her brother was a teacher in Canada- not in Istanbul running a publishing company...that's fair...this reveal was a little bit of a bummer – a bunch of us had this whole theory that Yigit was a long lost Divit brother- as in this time we thought Aziz did have a possible affair ...what that story would have been like with a third divit, and Can's brother going after Sanem? wow that could have been crazy...ama neyse cant change it now ;) and I wouldn't have the nickname of for Polen and Yigit as flotsam and jetsum if they weren't siblings lol so small victories 

I guess Polen's family keep traveling in opposite directions and not telling anybody about anything...and Can says jokingly while interlocking his hands together that Polen's family is as close as his gripped hands.

Then Sanem shares how her family is international too listing places they have been but its not impressive lol and Can is not impressed by her for saying it

Yigit: oh you're that Can.... Uff this part hurts because you are confronted about how Polen and Can are exes who were in a relationship for years...but at the same time it shows how different he is with Sanem and her family as he never even met yigit ... Yigit says he thought Can was this wild guy in the mountains taking pictures and now he sees he also has an agency...L ...that is all I can say 

Sanem and Yigit go to their new office for a moment to talk and Can lets her pass saying go ahead ....then Can goes to have coffee with Polen in his office...he is clearly upset 

3. Sanem sees Yigit's new office

Sanem talks about how she and Yigit are so different because her and Leyla fight like cats and dogs but are very close and she doesn't see them ever not seeing each other for long periods of time even, and she says how they would definitely always come back to see each other and start listing Turkish holidays and then realizes yigit is a westerner and so she mentions Christmas too and Yigit says he observes all the Turkish holidays and is close to their culture...and Sanem says that Polen doesn't seem like that type to follow the traditions etc 

Yigit says that Polen loves all cultures and that's why she and Can got along so well...this strikes a major chord in Sanem and then she casually asks if polen would move back to Istanbul and Yigit says no she wouldn' Sanem is so transparent with this question and she smiles and giggles at his response ...and Yigit totally understands why she is asking...and yet the boy is still going after her

4. Polen and Can talking with coffee in his office

Can is talking about how yigit seemed to have made this decision quickly to move from Canada and to start an office in Istanbul for publishing and is saying how he thinks Yigit is acting impulsively especially giving Sanem a job...yep not that he is jealous just or anything he is just a concerned friend of Polen's worrying about her brother ;)

Polen says that Yigit is a very reliable and thought out person so if he gave Sanem a chance he was serious about it...and this is even less comforting for Can to hear ...Can thinks there is something more but goes on about how talented Sanem is but that she just started in her career...and Polen is trying to look supportive while being annoyed that Can is going on and on about how great Sanem is...

Can says that Sanem is being too impulsive with this decision and Polen points out that He said the same thing for Yigit and Sanem and says its good they found each other ...and Can gives this look like what is that supposed to mean...Polen adds that she means Sanem and Yigit will work well together...Can totally ignores her lol and just starts marking things on a work sheet

5. Sanem and Yigit continue to talk 

 Sanem says she doesn't think she can do this job...and he is encouraging her...and I am sad because usually that is Can's job but because of his jealousy and not wanting her to leave he is not being his usual supportive self...and she feels encouraged by yigit...because he says that she has a lot of experience writing fiction but also in ads...I agree with that although she has worked for only a short time in advertising her ideas have saved the company and won them contracts left and right...Sanem is trying to convince herself she is excited by saying she got tired of the fast pace loud office and this place should be quiet and good for her...Yigit says they will do beautiful things together...blech back away yigit back away...

Sanem says her favorite number is 4 so she will use that cubical...Yigit says - you like even numbers too?!...lmao wow yigit you must be perfect for each other- because you like even numbers? favorite number is 10 but it wont work out yigit ;) sorry move along to the next gal who loves even numbers... this one is not interested

Yigit crossing the line asks if Canem are a thing and Sanem says yes but that it's all messed up right now...So yigit says ah ok that's why he is being aggressive....good morning Yigit...and also that you hit her with a car and managed to weasel your way into her life

Sanem wants to focus on work and she says she will be done with the agency in 2 weeks ...and my heart hurts because I am proud of her for that but at the same time...ya it hurts 

Sanem promises to go back and forth with the publishing house during the 2 weeks so she can be up to speed on things when she starts...but yigit is definitely hoping that she doesn't just focus on work but on him...ya yigit you need to get a new obsession... this is around the time we started to call this boy yogurt lol... always fun to give a villain a nickname ;) The actor who played Yigit was a really good sport about it and actually on his IG post one time posted a pic and the caption said "hello from yogurt" as a fandom we collectively died of laughter and thanked him for being so understanding ...I mean you are doing your job well if you are the villain and everyone hates your another post he posted about being hated and Birand who played Emre was like that was me for like 18 episodes lol ...I gotta give it to the erkenci villains they were very kind even when they knew they were hated

6. Polen and Can are still talking in Can's office

Polen is worried Can gave up on the idea of going to the Balkans because he is still working but Can says he hasn't he will go...L cool im totally fine... : '''''''''( ...I'm not crying you're crying

Can says he will quickly wrap up work and put Emre in charge...sniffle sniffle...don't go Can...ok im ok

Polen satisfied leaves Can to go talk to yigit

7. Polen and Sanem walk toward each other in a stand off...and I still hate that ...I hate that these two smart women are acting like they are in high school

The worst part is Can humiliating

 Sanem fake sneezes and says it's an allergy and Polen says to stay away from that allergy...ya classic passive aggressive fight lol

Sanem: the grass the goat doesn't like grows right under their nose...Point Sanem

Can then interrupts the stare down and says if Sanem is done with her morning break if she can come back to work...I hate how Can speaks to Sanem in front of Polen... Can continues saying how the agency, work and life goes on even after her interlude with yigit. He asks her to come to his office and Polen thinks she won just from his tone and laughs in Sanem's face and walks away

Sanem pulls out her imaginary gun and shoots Polen as she walks away- Sanem is a good shot ;) as she blows the smoke away from her smoking gun.

8. Sanem and Can go into his office

Can asks her to sit down but she says no...Sanem is done and we all know it..even Can

Can asks her to sit so they can talk calmly but once she refuses he stands up too, calling her stubborn...ya she is the stubborn one lol

Can wants to have a "professional conversation"- He wants to talk to her about changing her mind about her "stupid decision" lmao very professional Can Bey

Sanem calls his leaving his career stupid too

Can: you don't have to call my decision stupid just because I called yours stupid

Can explains he is going back to an old profession that he was really successful in so it isn't stupid but her going into a new field tears me up this scene...I know he is saying this because he wants her to stay but this is her dream...her real dream coming true of becoming an author and he is calling it a stupid mistake and doing it to get back at him is not about you Can and the old Can would have supported her dreams but this Can is a real ass ...and Sanem is looking smaller and smaller as he tears her dreams down

Can says it is a pity for her work

Sanem: It is really a pity for my work, because I worked really hard on this relationship...double meaning work relationship but their relationship...when she says that they both look at each other knowing she is talking about them..and Can stops his stupidity for a moment looking at her in silence...then Sanem adds "our working relationship"

Sanem: I had a really good relationship with this agency and now im sorry about it

Can: I worked too Sanem, and it didn't work and I was really disappointed about it not working out ... ufff this scene

 Can: and now you are already with a stranger you know for 2 days and are ready to go, with someone who crushes people? Or dogs or cats it doesn't matter! ...Can goes on about how in films there are guys like this who are sweet and kind looking and then next thing you know they are involved with the devil...Sanem is enjoying him squirm but doesn't give him the satisfaction to respond and I really appreciate that

Sanem: Ok, so after I leave there will be no one here to disappoint you and there will be no problems

Sanem starts to leave and Can grabs her to come back... and Can asks for her to stand in the blind spot so no one can see them...and she says sarcastically we are professionals at seeing these blind spots lol

Can tells Sanem she has no experience but talent and has a lot to learn still..Sanem asks if he is saying she has a lot to learn from him...poor Sanem always hoping he is talking about them in a special way and then he purposely bursts her bubble

Can: not from me, but from Deren, the art directors and everyone else in the office and in a couple of days I will leave...this really hurts Sanem and you see it in her eyes and she responds she will leave too in a couple of days

Can: Sanem, im your boss, your boss and you are the employee, you and I are not equal. There is a big difference between us....excuse me while I go crawl under my blanket ...I hate when he says that every time... every...time

They yell more at each other but what stops them in the midst of their arguing is the 15 days work notice....Sanem gets close to him and says she has 13 days left... and while she does he is staring at her lips ready to kiss her...when Can responds that he didn't think about the number of days and it doesn't matter day wise as long as she still works there, Sanem is fixated on his lips...I liked it better when they were attracted to each other for their passion in their dreams and creativity not for their annoyance with each other...but maybe that's just me

Sanem leaves as she says she wants to work but he is stopping her and she leaves when they both really want her to stay

9. Polen goes to talk to Yigit at his new office

Yigit's moto is nothing can be more unexpected than life

 Yigit says he was surprised by his decision to do this publishing company who wants to bet he decided it after meeting Sanem and seeing she is a writer

Yigit wants to have Polen create a cookbook as the first published book of the company because she always wanted to do one

10. Sanem makes a countdown on a large paper on a board – it is how many days she has left ... She announces it to the whole office and Can is watching in the distance hurt how happy she is to be leaving...I feel for him but what does he expect based on how he has been treating her

11. just saying- the transitions of this episode are terrible the editors are making me dizzy with the fast transitions

12. At the Mahalle, Muzzo is telling Nihat that Nihat should thank Mevkibe and Muzzo for taking customers from him so he has more free time...and Nihat goes at him threatening with a broom..he should have whacked him with the broom...what a douche thing to say while laughing...Nihat mimicking Muzzo's laugh is what I do every time he laughs that dumb hayeena laugh lol I feel him

13. Canem go over some different ad projects in Can's office

Can is being nitpicky while Sanem reminds him of her photographic memory and rattles off the numbers he wants exactly

Can doesn't like she used the word Cok/a lot instead of the numbers and Sanem makes a dig saying if he was focused and sitting he would notice what she meant but that he is probably too busy with his suitcase to look at the documents

Can says he can focus on his suitcases outside of work, and makes a dig at her saying he doesn't do many things at once while working

Sanem explains she is attentive to her work she has been doing but also needs to focus on her future and that's why she is going to yigit

Can doesn't want yigit's name spoken in a very valdermort type of way...and he says after she is done with her work then "we" the agency wont interfere

Can is asking for more background info about the companies they are advertising for ...he is basically doing what he did when he didn't want Sanem to work with Fabri on the perfume...load her up with work so she cant go and work with him for a long time...but he always forgets she has a photographic memory lol

Sanem exacerbated and breathing deeply in between each word says she will take care of it and says "it is my job after all, unfortunately, for now"...Can just stares at her a bit hurt from that statement.

14. Meanwhile the office is watching Canem argue and are debating who will be the one to leave or will Sanem get fired before her leaving or if this argument will lead to marriage ...lmao what a range of guesses...someone then says that Yigit could be good for Sanem and Ceycey says that's Sacma... ceycey an honorary member of the ek fandom...then someone says Canem will get back together in 3 days...sigh keske...Guliz decides to write down what everyone thinks will happen and Deren and Ceycey leave disgusted by too

15.  Polen and Huma chat at the Divit house

Ufff I hate that Huma acts like she owns the place...the divits didn't move here until after the divorce so she didn't live there but she acts like she does now. 

Polen is delighted how hard Can is being on Sanem...they are so clueless that is a bad sign for Polen - it means he still is hiding that he cares...once he goes Ice King that is the sign you should be happy...but Polen and Huma are too busy plotting to understand Can

They do know that Can does not know how to forgive...Sanem has helped him a lot with that but he still needs to work on that

Huma decides she will make life worse for Sanem by getting to know Mevkibe more to find out the dirt on Sanem and set her up for something ...uff Spoil alert- this may be how she brings down Aziz and merhiban as we never learn the real story how they broke up and Huma ended up with Aziz ...who knows but something to think about

16. Leyem talk in Emre's office- about Canem but really talking about them...Canem are too stubborn to be happy, and Leyla says Sanem is smart to leave because wherever she goes she will be reminded of Can and it will make her miserable...Leyla says it is time for her to leave but Emre says he needs her and she cant leave...ya know after Can leaves, Emre will need her for work...uh huh...anybody believe that reason because Leyem doesn't either...Leyla says she should have left a long time ago and Emre challenges her asking why she didn't and why she is still there...oh the Leyem smoldering session has commenced...right on schedule, Osman shows up...and of course without calling he wants to take Leyla to dinner... dude she works hard you cant just show up when you feel like it and expect her to leave work...Osman is holding both her hands and Emre is staring upset by it...poor guy that is hard to watch someone you are in love with be close to their fiancé...what? I can be compassionate for Leyem sometimes lol ...Leyla tells Osman she was planning to eat with Sanem and then Osman gets sad ...but I mean respect your fiancé and make plans, don't just expect her to drop everything and then make her feel like garbage for saying she cant 

17. Yigit calls Sanem and asks her to meet and she loudly agrees to have lunch with him to talk... and Can could hear her side of the conversation ...and he looks sad that she is really doing this and walks away as she hangs up with Yigit

18. Huma shows up at the Mahalle...she always looks next level cruela devil when she arrives...even got on black and white striped and polka dot outfit just to add a little cruella flair..kinda like the beginning of the non-animated version of 101 Dalmatians...I know that is super specific but if you look it up you'll get it ...Huma says she came to get more organic products...Mevkibe doesn't trust her and I am glad 

19. Sanem and Yigit have lunch together...and it makes my stomach turn

Yigit asks when he can read a little of her novel and Sanem says its only random entries and there is nothing really there...except when Can was looking in her room way back when he sees the creams where she wrote c. He saw a stack of papers that was her novel...she wasn't just writing entries she had lots of written pages with corrections and everything.

Sanem says once she leaves the agency she can devote herself to the book and Yigit says he is excited because he is lucky to have such an opportunity with her blah blah lol we get it you want Sanem...Sanem is the only one clueless to this 

Sanem says it is courageous to write and share your writing...I agree...there is a quote like that, which has really stuck with me

"the only people who think writing is easy are people who don't write. Writing's a difficult, courageous act. Bravery is required, as well as a great deal of slogging along. A lot of our work is work"- Gillian Roberts....

and no I did not have this memorized lol I have it on my phone but I think what Sanem is saying is true..She is afraid to start writing and sharing her work that seemed so personal – I think this is what truly blocks her from writing...the trust in herself to be vulnerable even if people don't like is also deep rooted in how she engages in relationships...She hides the truth if she knows it will upset the other person...she has a long journey ahead of her to self discovery and realizing that everyone doesn't have to like you- just be who you are and the right people will come along to appreciate you...I can relate to this journey and I can see her struggles more about why she lies and hides things from the people she loves. I think Sanem's biggest fear is being abandoned – and being left behind... but her fear caused her to lie which causes her to be left everytime...and such is her journey in life to facing that fear.

Sanem admits she wants people to read but she is scared about it...Yigit then says they will talk about her editing job instead... here we see the big difference between Yigit and Can...the old Can at least...Can would encourage her and push her to start to believe in herself...but Yigit cant inspire that in Sanem and so going on to other parts of the publishing works for them better to avoid her fear but her real dream of this job.

Yigit is eating Sushi and asks if Sanem wants some and she says no she is a picky eater...uff brings me back to Can showing Sanem to use her fingers to eat it at the Galina meeting at his home

Yigit says Sanem probably prefers cay over coffee...and Sanem gets really sad and says yes she loves tea more...and im getting emotional because she is talking about Can :(

Sanem leaves before Yigit can brew Sanem some so glad Asli did not let this happen...I would have cried if Yigit made Sanem one can have cay with Sanem except for Can

20. Back at the Mahalle, Huma is still visiting with Mevkibe

Huma says she is jealous of Mevkibe's sarma and if she hires a cook she asks if Mevkibe can teach just wow...what a backhanded complement lol Huma wants mevkibe to teach her cook..Bak Sen

Mevkibe trying so hard to humor Huma when Huma talks about how she had to fire her last cook because she couldn't get the foam right in the coffee...Mevkibe: if she cant do foam she cant do foam that is serious right...lmao I cant 

Ufff ya- Mevkibe talks about how inept Sanem is at cooking whyyyyyyyyyyyy

Huma: well she has other advantages doesn't she....ohhh Mevkibe and I about to slap Huma...implication intended about Sanem's looks getting her through life

Huma leaves and Mevkibe has a fake smile/scowl on her face as Huma drives off

21. Aysun then comes and decides she is going to watch Mevkibe's store as she doesn't trust Mevkibe not to cheat Muzzo out of money earned, and they have a fight on the street about it

22. Back at the Agency Can is sitting in his office waiting for Sanem...He even has a cay waiting for her ... that made up for the Yigit cay offer...I love that even when they are broken he still needs these cay moments...even if he doesn't realize it...The Cay is also planted right next to him..he doesn't have a chair waiting but he definitely wants her next to him

23. Canem go over campaigns together

Sanem brought the color charts for and Ad and Can says thank you but says he asked for them an hour ago

Sanem pulls up a chair but sits farther away from Can not right next to him and I wonder if that was a test for him to see where she would pull the chair up his side or farther away...I love she has her distance but heart broken all at the same time...she deserves to be strong even if it kills me

Sanem tells Can she was at her the other agency aka with Yigit and Can is annoyed asking if she is openly admitting to shirking her responsibilities at this agency for her new job

Sanem clarifies that she was on a lunch break and can do anything she wants on a lunch break...I love when Can is like "Technically yes" lol boy cannot admit what he wants from Sanem aka to not leave and to stay away from Yigit and any man besides him

Can is grilling Sanem on multiple ads and Sanem keeps responding but not everything is done because well she isn't superwoman and has time to complete things so she isn't worried....Can though makes the sarcastic joke that maybe once she starts work in the new place she will have to come to this agency during lunch and break times to do work...Sanem says hilariously and not amused: that is a great joke, I have 13 more days where I can finish everything...then she says seriously: I want to leave this job without any debt to this company ...she doesn't want to be bound to this agency anymore heart hurts – this agency is so special to Canem and to us I cant bear the thought of her really leaving it 

Can interrupts her obnoxiously saying that bc she interrupted him he will interrupt her...mature real mature...and he answers a phone call from Polen ...grrrrrrr just walk out the room Sanem- just do it

Polen thinks she left her scarf in the office and Can has the nerve to ask Sanem to look around and she doesn't really...Can tells Polen it wasn't there but maybe she left it in the taxi...Sanem: where were you going?...awww Sanem I feel you but hold in the jealousy he doesn't deserve to see you care

Can hangs up and says where were we...and Sanem like a badass says they were talking about how she is leaving and will be done with everything in 13 days

Sanem: what are you going to do I'm interested?...Can is confused and is about to say something but Sanem stops him and Continues..Sanem: let me interrupt you for a moment, you need to leave as soon as possible, you will run away with Polen. I am here with both agencies close to each other and what will you do? can you do your business from such a long distance?

Can: Leave that problem to me Sanem

Sanem: It is your problem so I think you shouldn't worry or think about me and my problem and think more about yourself...mic drop ...I love it 

Sanem starts to leave and Can instead of responding to that keeps asking about different projects and Sanem has an answer for everything and I love it ...she is on top of her stuff

 Can finally asks about a chocolate company ad and when Sanem says she will handle it, Can says he wants to deal with it too and offers her some chocolate...ufff ya I miss them eating together

Sanem sits back down, while Can with nervous eyes gives Sanem chocolate to eat, then Sanem eats it angrily

Sanem: when you go to the Balkans I'm sure there will be beautiful scarves there to ware...Sanem is still sour about the scarf situation

Can doesn't respond to the jealousy and just says for her to drink her Cay...and they continue to work again Sanem sitting farther away from Can than that Cay was supposed to allow

24. The agency staff are back to watching Canem in the fishbowl that is Can's glass walled office

Deren thinks Sanem wont leave because she is such a good worker

Ceycey: Can bey has such a strange tactic first he is bad to the girl and then gives her chocolate, he is playing with her mind like it is a psychological move...THANK YOU CEYCEY

Guliz: Sanem is a lot stronger than I thought...everyone nods to that and that hurts to see weak did they think she was?

25. Yigit shows up not understanding that it is not appropriate to do this ama he has no boundaries neyse 

He wants to run cover options for a book by Sanem

Canem- are looking at a companies info and Can doesn't realize he is looking at older documents and Sanem says here is the new one if you were focused on your work you would notice lmao Can doesn't respond because she is right lol and they continue to look at the documents when Yigit knocks and just enters Can's office without waiting for a response

Sanem asks yigit where he came from and he says jokingly from the stairs and Can does this hilarious fake laugh saying oh this guy is a joker...I love a jealous Can he is an ass but a funny oneYigit asks Sanem if she is free...I know I am reading way too much into it so just bare with me ...Sanem: im free ...Can: not free, she is not free... they both mean with work but me and my layered meaning says they are talking about Canem...Sanem trying to move forward and Can not wanting her to leave him...even though he is the one leaving...ok I will stop ;) but it needed to be said because this episode I am looking for anything any small glimpse of love as this whole episode weighs on you

Can is annoyed and says they have a lot of work to do and Yigit says that Sanem is capable and responsible enough to deal with both...Can is annoyed and says "is he learning these lines from you because you love to be praised," and Sanem and Yigit leave Can's office and Can is just standing there yelling "we have work to do"...

Real talk- going into another companies working hours and taking a non break time with the employee that is quitting and going to work for you is completely inappropriate and as a boss Can could have totally kicked him out but right now Can is thinking like a jealous ex where he says there is work to do etc but he doesn't pull the boss card and Yigit and Sanem leave Can's office even though Can is saying they have work to do ...we know how Can is as a boss when people talk he listens and he wasn't taking that authority here

26. Yigit gets advice from Sanem about the covers and is so excited he holds her shoulders in an almost hug like gesture...And ya that is when Can comes out ready to kick this guy out...He walks down and is about to say something when he hears Yigit and Sanem say how happy they are to start to work with each other...Can is annoyed when he sees everyone staring at this interaction and he tells everyone there is a creative meeting that is starting now....Everyone runs to the meeting and Sanem is smirking because Polen used to always come to the office now Yigit is and she is happy Can is acting this way and calls this situation of Yigit now always coming by, fun...I miss Canem

27. Back to Nihat and first Nihat is upset thinking Mevkibe will brag about her store doing well but Mevkibe came to the store to suggest they make a dinner to show support for Osman and Leyla's engagement ...And Nihat melts and hugs Mevkibe saying she has a heart of gold ...I love them...Nihat says she can take anything from the store for dinner and Mevkibe laughs and says why would I when I have an organic store lmao Nihat's face was like we had one great moment and then you ruined it lol

28. The agency creative meeting

Can tells everyone to leave after the meeting but for Deren and Sanem to stay

Can wants to go through all their campaigns and make sure there isn't anything Sanem still needs to do because she may need to stay at work tonight and after her 2 weeks notice...bc he does not want Sanem to leave and go over to Yigit

Deren and Sanem have double checked everything already because of Can's double check obsession lately lol

 Sanem says she can go about doing her work and leave tonight and after 13 days etc and Deren says yes because nothing is pressing

Sanem gets a call and Can is like who is that? Who is calling?...and he is sounding a bit like how Sanem does when she is jealous of his phone calls

Sanem gets a phone call from Mevkibe about Osman coming for Dinner and Sanem asks if she can go past Can and he says of course

Before Sanem leaves she tells Can he should change the agency's name to "double check" lmao I love her sass.

Can leaves the room too and he is on edge and flustered scrambling with his laptop 

29. The Divit dinner with Polen and Yigit


 Can enters blind sided as he didn't know Polen or Yigit would be there

Huma asks if Yigit and Can know each other and Can says yes maylesef ...unfortunately... lol I love that he doesn't hide his hate for Yigit and Can has to force himself to shake Yigit's hand.

30. The Aydin dinner

The Divit dinners parallels with the Aydin dinner and boy do you feel the difference

Mevkibe and Nihat making googly eyes at each other

Nihat to Osman: Osman you are a part of our family, you grew up in our arms. We consider you as our child, and we love you .....I'm not crying you're crying...Nihat is such a sweet caring dad 

Osman says they are like family to him and Nihat says they were like family but now they will be really family....awwwwww this is so sweet...poor Osman he deserves Leyla to love him as much as the Aydans do

Leyla pushes off discussing the wedding and you see Osman is torn up because it is clear Leyla does not want this wedding to happen. 

31. the Divits after dinner are sitting down in the living room 

Huma is praising yigit... and we are now going to witness Can Divit and the moment that became a thousand gifs lol 

Polen says yigit is more sociable than her because he loves to meet new people etc

Yigit says Istanbul felt foreign to him as he hasn't been here for a while

Can: from your actions it doesn't show you struggling or having any problems at all, you know what I mean? You have your own way of meeting people by hitting and smashing people. Then you start to talk with the people you hit, that's your definition of socializing ...lmao I love Can Divit here

Emre tell Can something with a double meaning now... really it's true I am not searching for it this time lol He says that the city is moving fast and that he will miss out on things when he leaves..aka Sanem and him too and just everyone who loves him really ... Can looks at Emre as if to say really man really? And Yigit is nodding in agreement lol the instigator 

 Yigit says it was a nice coincidence that he found the office space to rent under the Agency

And Can lets him have it: A coincidence huh?! You keep smashing into people cruelly and then call it a coincidence!! it's partly smashing Sanem but also him ...Yigit keeps pushing and pushing him...Fabri 2.0

Huma: Can you are still stuck on that topic?...if this doesn't tell Huma's character I don't know what does...she is surprised that Can is still upset that Yigit hit the love of his life with a car...ya do I need to comment more than that? I don't think so

Yigit says he was about to say something but wont lol and then continues to say how the accident wasn't good but he is so glad to have met Sanem through it and find her as an editor and the new office so it was a nice thing in the end...and Can is rubbing his face so hard trying to keep the hulk inside of him from bursting out and punching yigit through a wall

Even Huma and Polen are looking at Yigit worried at Can's reaction

Huma tries to save face calling Sanem a sweet hard working girl, she couldn't work at their agency but hopefully she will work well with Yigit ...and Yigit continues to go on about Sanem and Can is on the edge covering his face

Yigit: maybe she couldn't find what she was looking for in your agency....gahhhh the gall of this kid wow staring straight at Can when he said this no less...I am super impressed with Can's restraint here because I would have taken off my earrings along time ago

Emre: ya sometimes people have to see what's right in front of them sometimes 

Emre hands Can a glass of scotch and Can says while still covering his face with his hands- I cant see right now, I cant see what is in front of me ya Can we know...our hearts are breaking because we know

32. Back at the Aydin's dinner, Muzzo has crashed the after dinner coffee -Muzzo says he is here to permission ...implication for Sanem and everyone is rolling their eyes tired of it...but Muzzo says he was talking about proposing they have a watch party at ceycey's apt to see Osman's first episode together...awww they have live watch parties too...that makes me happy...Sanem isn't at this coffee moment and they say she is too busy with work to go to the watch party but I wonder why Demet was not in this scene lol neyse...Muzzo aks Leyla to ask Guliz to come to the watch party bc she is so sweet...Muzzo is crushing hard on Guliz

33.The Divit nightmare of an after Dinner with glasses of wine instead of coffee... the parallel between the two families is so clear in these scenes- it makes me want to hug Can even though he is such an Ass right now ...flotsam and jetsum still having coffee while talking with Can's mom about yigit's new ventures that really piss him off as Sanem is a part of it

Polen thanks Yigit for encouraging her to write the cookbook...and Yigit says he wouldn't encourage her if he didn't think she could do it

Polen says she will finish it before she leaves to the Balkans...and my heart hurts every time she talks about going with Can...originally the idea was a maybe she would join later on...but now she's a part of his trip... it hurts so much I have a pit in my stomach thinking about how Can is attempting to go back to his old ways and that includes Polen being a staple in his life.

Yigit says he will wait and see what Sanem says about releasing the book...Can breaks- and his annoyance bursts like a valcano and he finally yells at Yigit with a double meaningCan: If you are going to wait for Sanem then you will wait a long time....ya translation- she will never be yours not professionally or personally

Can: she has a lot of work at the agency a baya baya baya baya...yep I counted he went to 4 bayas lol he means business

 Yigit has a classic Fabri 2.0 response: ah what a shame but she only has 12 more days at the agency anyway....then Yigit adds that Sanem said something to open up his mind and head

Can: she will open up your head and mind a lot, just wait and I love when he threatens yigit like that lmao it is the equivalent to a "come at me bro and see what happens."

Huma tries to break the tensions and suggests Can take the photos of the food for the cook book.

Can calls the suggestion an emrivaki...meaning something that is you feel pressured to do after it being sprung on you...when Sanem didn't know about Fabri's surprise party, Can also called it emrivaki

Can: why should I take the pictures? I'm sure Yigit can hit and smash another person that is a food photographer and he can use them and call it a coincidence...lmao I love him here

Huma asks what is the difference between taking nature pictures and food ones?....this really really upsets me – Can Divit is a social justice photographer and for the agency sake took ad photographs...we don't know much about him before he traveled the world except that he didn't want to be back in the agency and get lost in that world again...his photography was profound and brought awareness to issues in the not saying food photography isn't important ...what I am saying is that Huma knows so little about her son that she hasn't even seen his work...because he was famous for his work and so it must show meaning in it...the only way she would say what is the difference is if she never bothered to see or understand it.

Emre says for his mom to stop as he needs Can in the agency and Huma mouths for him to shut up. 

Then Polen presses Can too on the matter saying she trusts his work and it would be a good memory for them to work together on it

Then Yigit says it would be an honor

Can agrees under duress and says he will do it for Polen but he does not look happy about it as he has his hand gripping his head ... this pushing is so unlike how Polen was in their relationship so I don't get how she would ever think Can would go back to her acting like this

34. The watch party

Muzzo, leyla, ayhan, osman and Guliz and ceycey are at ceycey's apartment

Ayhan asks if Leyla was just shy at dinner and if they already made a wedding date- Leyla responds harshly that they haven't even thought about the wedding date etc and Osman's face falls... because he is finally waking up from his fantasy and seeing what we have all seen for so long...Leyla does not want to get married.

The commercial was hilarious – it was trying to be so dramatic... throwing paper and bills, everyone has an umbrella except for Osman and then everything is better when he finds that credit card in his pocket...i really hope this was a real credit card that is sponsoring the show because this whole commercial they show would be a waste otherwise

 Leyla holds Osman's hand saying he did a great job and he moves his hand away and thanks everyone for their good wishes for the commercial and says he will drop leyla off at her house.

Muzzo is going to drop Guliz off at her house too

35. After everyone leaves Ayhan sits down to talk with Ceycey...I love how direct Ayhan is... she asks outright what she wants to know without any games- Ayhan asks ceycey, "What do you think about marriage?"....Ayhan has the right to know she is traditional and would not waste her time if she didn't feel this was serious....Ceycey panics and starts talking about how the reklam came out good...This rightfully angers Ayhan...she tells ceycey that she will ask one more time- What do you think of marriage...and he continues to talk about the reklam...I don't know if this was supposed to be funny but it really hurt to see ... Ayhan's feelings were being ignored by ceycey and she had tears in her eyes as she angrily left his apartment... that I think was the most hurtful I have ever seen ceycey be to anyone...he didn't even go after her ...he just stayed on that couch laughing that she was going crazy... ya I'm not okay

36. Leyla and Osman talk while walking Leyla home

Leyla says that it was so nice to see an acquaintance on the tv.....uffffffff.... Osman stops in his tracks upset that Leyla sees her fiancé as an acquaintance...she tries to correct herself but Freudian slip ...Osman sees now how Leyla really feels 

Osman: you could have used so many words – sevgiler, askim but you chose to use "familiar" as your word for me 

Leyla tries to apologize and Osman says he doesn't want to force her into anything she will regret...ok so im just saying he did pressure her into all of this from the beginning she just wanted to date him and he put the pressure on marriage... she should have said no – true- but him saying this now falls flat for me....ufff this episode is rough with every couple

Leyla keeps pushing saying she wants this and doesn't want to upset Osman and he says that marrying him when she doesn't want it will upset him...finally Osman finally 

Leyla holds Osman's hand saying she really wants this but I feel nothing in that handhold except Leyla desperately trying to hold onto something she doesn't want to protect her from Emre who she really wants but always hurts her....uffff this episode is hard

 Leyla desperate says they should get married in the summer and Osman says ok ...when Leyla goes inside you can see it in Osman's eyes he knows...he knows she doesn't want this

37. The next morning Can is fidgeting in his office when Sanem and Deren arrive and he only says hello to Deren but gives a nod to Sanem... grrrrr I hate that 

Deren says everything is under control and Can says nice, ok great 

Sanem says out loud but to Deren: he is upset there is no work in the office because he wants the employees to work like slaves

Deren: don't do that, don't make him love deren not dealing with this drama

Deren continues to tell Can how there is a lot of work even though she said the office was calm and Sanem and Deren start to leave but Can asks Sanem to stay

38. Canem talk in Can's office

Sanem: I'm ready to listen Can...she slips and doesn't say Can bey

Can motions for her to be silent for a moment and he says let her leave and I'll close the door...he goes to close the door and this reminds me of the old days of their cute moments behind closed doors except there is no such thing now...Sanem also feels that similar vibe and says there is no need to close the door ...fair enough ...and Sanem says you are misunderstanding Can bey... nervous I guess that maybe he will try something I don't know lol

 Can: do not rejoice that the work is not enough

Sanem: no im not happy , on the contrary im upset, do you know that I am worried how I will spend 12 days without work

Can tells Sanem she doesn't have to worry as he has a friend who wants to give them his business for a reklam but his friend wants it to remain a big big secret and that Can only wants Sanem to know about the reklam and it can only be between the two of them...mhhmmmm 

Sanem: does your friend work for the CIA or something... lol ok that was funny

Can: no

 Sanem says she needs info about the brand ...and Can is scrambling as clearly this is a ploy to work with Sanem closely for the remainder of her time at the agency...and all he can think of is about a ball company- Sportive-line yep original

He tells her to come sit down to write and gives her his own chair to sit in....mhmmm well there is a shift...suddenly he is not only pulling up a chair but giving her his own seat?

Sanem asks to see the website and Can says they are under construction lol they are a good company but no website lmao only Sanem would believe this...and I doubt she fully does

Can: write down exactly what I want from you. every free moment at the agency and every free moment outside of other agency work, you will work on this...Sanem gives him this look like uh huh ok I got your meaning 

Can: do you need to underline that in red? Underline, tell no one it is very important

Sanem is like no I got it... and she will bring more info after she has dinner... Can emphasizes again to do only this in her free time lol basically don't go working or spending time with yigit

Sanem gets up to leave with a mix of things in her head and Can says he only trusts her for this... uff just tell her you miss her dufus

Sanem leaves and Can says to himself: ok great lets work, lets continue... he is so relieved ....stop being an IDIOT.... Uff ufff ufff

39. Sanem sitting in her desk next to ceycey has a great idea ...but not for sportive line...for something to do with yigit and the publishing project...she leaves asking ceycey to cover for her ....i don't like this as once again she isn't taking her work seriously at the agency ... you give 2 weeks notice, then you give 2 weeks notice and dedicate your 2 weeks to the office...O kadar

40. Muzzo wants to use osman for a reklam for the organic they aren't using mevkibe and muzzo for the reklam then because that was a whole storyline in the earlier episode lol.... Continuity is not ek's strong suit sometimes... and Muzzo faints at the amount Osman makes from his commercials, muzzo tries to trick Osman into doing a vid in front of the store without being paid as someone in the is two scenes ama not worth another section lol harsh but there it is

41. Yigit and Sanem talk and eat together ...cake.. so not a fast "bathroom break" then huh?

Yigit tells Sanem her experience with advertising will help in the publishing house as he is not good at it and they agree the work is in the details...ick im being a debby downer but I hate all these yigit and Sanem scenes they make my skin crawl

Yigit says this is his dream to publish a book with beautiful illustrations etc

Sanem tells Yigit her two dreams is to go the forest with so many different birds and a publishing house.....I HATE THIS...don't tell your dreams to Yigit...and these aren't even her dreams – a forest of many types of birds?! Yok artik I think you mean to see the albatross in Galapagos ... no multiple birds there is only one bird that you need to see – now that you are broken up you cant just abandon that ...and be in a publisher house? I think you mean to be a writer... ok I mean these are similar but still ...she is confiding in Yigit her it is no big deal to do so...the only person she has ever talked like this with was Can on that romantic doc moment...I HATE THIS

Sanem: I think books should be as free as birds. People put books away in closet and close the doors, I don't understand this. I give my favorite books to loved ones...and even strangers on the street... well that ruined my warm gushy feeling of all the books sanem gives Can lol

Sanem gets chocolate on her mouth... a classic dizi situation that is supposed to be a moment between the two love interests of the show....uffff ya and Yigit is the one to wipe the chocolate away from Sanem's mouth instead of Can...this kills me and it freaks Sanem out and she bolts and gets up to leave saying she has to get back

Yigit: I cant believe how time flies when I am with you, time flows like water...He now is even speaking like Sanem used to speak with Can....AHHHHHHHHHH no...just no

42. Back in Can's office – Huma and Polen- the bffs are going through other cookbook designs with Can

Sanem comes in with work that Can wanted and in front of Polen and Huma he scolds her for the work not being done in the right way because she is not interested in the work

Sanem doesn't take the bait of his rudeness and just asks what he didn't like

And he says the whole thing was unimpressive...he is humiliating her in front of Huma and Polen and it is want to tell someone this? As a good boss you would say it privately...he used to be that...and if this is an attempt for her to have to work on something for longer because he doesn't want her to go, the same thing should apply you say it behind close doors...this is so degrading to witness and I don't like it at all

The ad is about jewelry- Can says it doesn't turn the man's mind and Sanem says well isn't it for women? Then Can says well men buy jewelry for women

Sanem: only men buy jewelry for women?! Incredible, as an agency we are emphasizing this?!... Sanem is pissed... because ya only men can buy women things?

Can: this is the attitude I want to see, this aggressive attitude, don't come to me with these bland slogans come to me with words that reflect this attitude....and then he just ends the conversation going back to Huma and thank you, goodbye- just back on them...I so hate Can in this episode he is a grade A: Ass 

Sanem makes a snide comment about the cookbook asking if they are hungry and using the cookbook to search for food and Huma says that they are looking in it because Polen is making a cookbook

Can: didn't yigit tell you... ugh they both are acting like children

Sanem: he maybe did I don't know im going in between two jobs and I work more on the art side right now... and she congratulates Polen

Polen tells Sanem about Can doing the photography ... and Sanem doesn't break - I am actually proud of her for that 

Sanem: In 12 days I will go to the job I love

Can: in 12 days you can come up with a slogan? .... And there it is – hes going to hate her slogans so she doesn't leave

 Sanem: don't worry I will handle it... they both give each other a look and Can has puppy dog eyes on...but I don't really care at the moment lol he is humiliating Sanem in front of people who have spoken badly about Sanem multiple times to him...this is unacceptable

Sanem leaves mumbling under her breath that she hopes these 12 days go by faster

Can does his way of looking through the glass as she goes bending his head to the side missing her and checking her out...he is miserable because he is being things out work through your issues ...Sanem isn't innocent in this break up but if you both miss each other you try to work through it

43.  At the mahalle, Nihat is selling organic products secretly for lower prices...and it looks like he is doing a drug deal with his customers lol he says to his customer- if you tell anyone I will deny it ... then Mevkibe and Muzzo catch a secret transaction and Nihat and the shopper come up with their hands up lol he named it annecem's organic and they say its fake and leave

44. Back at the office, Can walks Polen out with Huma while Sanem and the whole office watch...again Sanem acting like an employee spying on the boss is still in poor taste for me...she is not just a curious employee she is an ex so I really don't like this...and it ripped my heart out to write Sanem is an ex...I have not uttered those words or have ever written that before omg my heart... im going to go cry and eat some chocolate right now

Huma tells Polen they should have a taste testing party for the office employees to give feedback and Can doesn't think it's necessary because the recipes have already been tried

Huma insists because it will cook differently in turkey than in England and Polen is trying to sell the book in Huma is actually right about that, recipes work differently in different countries depending on the type of water, temperature etc...but it doesn't have to be tonight nor does it have to be cooked at Can's house

Sanem comments- this will be difficult ... Can notices and she covers it up telling ceycey the font is too difficult to read in a document they are "looking through."

Then Sanem sneezes during the discussion...some dignity is all I ask for give Sanem some dignity and yet... this is happening

Can reluctantly agrees to the party and Huma invites everyone to the Divits tonight to taste all of Polen's food

Everyone claps and Can is not so pleased with it all

Sanem tells Ceycey she wont come and Can right away asks Sanem if she will come tonight and Sanem says yes if you insist...this all so confusing ...he wants her there ... and yet they are broken... he cant see a party in his house without her but yet he cant tell her that uff uff

45. Polen's tasting party

The table is filled with gourmet complicated dishes that are plated beautifully... So she had barely a day to make all of this...Polen, I guess is super woman...she can buy ingredients and cook all of those courses, and plate them in less than a day...mmhmmm... yes I am salty

 Can is standing in the corner drinking and depressed when Sanem enters the room. Canem give each other this knowing sad look as they often can talk without speaking to each other... it feels like they are saying I don't want this party either...and when Sanem looks away, Can gives an I miss you look ...I miss Canem so much in these episodes it is so difficult to watch this episode fully through.

Polen enters with another thing of food and Sanem blocks her way with an annoyed, I will fight you face lol 

Huma asks Can to take some photos right now because the food looks so beautiful

Can: I don't want to take the pictures because whatever I do wont please you...I felt that lmao ...Huma laughs it off but listen to your son boo boo he is not into taking these pictures and is already miserable with the whole situation

Can continues saying the photographs will have his name on it and if they look bad with bad lighting it will not be good... Can's unwillingness to take pictures now struck a chord with me... spoiler alert for later episodes but when he is parted from Sanem he cant take photos and I feel like this is reminiscent of that... before Sanem it was his comfort and when they are broken he can no longer find solace in it.

Sanem messes with the lights in her subtle but not subtle way so that the lighting is bad...and she electrocutes ceycey in the process lol

I think, Can seeing Sanem's behavior, causes him to do the photographs and Sanem is really hurt not wanting to watch him photograph something that is Polen's work...because unlike Polen and Huma, Sanem knows how special Can's photos are to him and how much care and love he puts into them..and it hurts her to see them being taken for Polen's request.

46. Can takes photos of the food 

Sanem is sad hugging herself while watching him take the photos

Then Can looks up at Sanem and stares at her for a moment and starts to take pictures of her... Sanem is surprised at first as no one but them realize what he is doing...She starts to smile as he continues to take pictures of her.. in this moment I feel everything will be ok... they will heal and solve everything

Then Huma asks for her and Polen to be in a picture together and he does that...and Sanem subtly crashes one picture.... And by subtly I mean not at all subtly lol

And then Yigit arrives... and the two siblings gotta go

Can uses his Camera as a gun and keeps pressing the button to shoot Yigit in the face and blows on the camera lol like a smoking gun...Canem are great shots ...maybe they go to fake gun ranges to shoot their fake guns on the weekends together ;)

47. During the party- Yigit and Sanem talk while Can sits watching them in the corner

 They talk about a writer she likes but thinks can write better and Yigit is impressed in her belief in the writer and Can is watching them and is getting fidgety seeing them act adult and whispering on the edge of the couch

Then Sanem and Yigit talk Polen's cookbook... I appreciate her really giving suggestions and taking her job seriously ...even though she slips and says the food is terrible lol but covers it up saying she has had a stomach issue. Sanem tells Yigit to talk to Polen about picking a theme because she doesn't know why but Polen is shy around her lmao yep mystery to us too... Yigit goes to talk to Polen

48. Sanem now sitting all alone is the perfect opportunity for Can to approach Sanem

Can approaches Sanem saying Yigit talks a lot

Can: how do you like the dishes?

Sanem: igrenc...digusting...but that can also be describing a person lol so Can is a bit taken aback as I think Can and I are not sure which person she is talking about Can or Polen or if she is just talking about the food

Sanem corrects herself saying she has a stomach ache so she couldn't eat the food and jokes about how she doesn't find meat like this in Osman's store... before Can is able to respond Huma joins the conversation in her passive aggressive overly sweet voice and face

Huma says Polen is a great and talented woman and that anything she touches she makes better...Can is uncomfortable while saying "yes she is like that" while Sanem is just sad and you see her feeling she cant measure up to Polen and all her securities are written on her face... this moment reminded me of back in the day the double date from hell- Polen, Can, Sanem and Levant- Sanem was saying how amazing Polen is and that Can and Polen should get back together and Can had that same sad- yes she is like that...but both are the same to me- Polen may be "perfect" but not perfect for Can

Huma tells Sanem since Sanem changed jobs she should be more attentive to her work...F*ck you...

Sanem handling with grace: of course, I mean I am sure as time goes on im sure I will learn all the subtleties of my work ....This upsets Can... she plans to stay with Yigit's publishing for a long time and he is probably thinking "what are these subtleties" as his jealous side reads innuendo into her words all the time

Polen comes and says she wants to look at some designs with Can... he looks defeated and says it is urgent huh and Polen says yes and they walk away together as he keeps looking back at Sanem

Huma sinks in her manipulative teeth into Sanem's insecurities and talks more about how amazing Polen is and how she is doing a great service to the Turkish ppl to write this cookbook...chill Huma, it's a cookbook she didn't find a cure for cancer...Sanem gets sucked in, of course, and says Huma wouldn't believe the recipes in her head..Huma then tells her that her mom said Sanem cant even cook humiliating... Huma is such a ...fill in the blank I have too many to write

Emre sees the huma and Sanem interaction and before going outside to Leyla, he gives Sanem a reassuring rub of the arm... it was a nice gesture I have to admit

49.Emre goes to talk to Leyla outside

He wraps her in a blanket to keep her warm Emre asks how she is and she says she's fine

Emre disagrees saying she looks tired and sad...I never get this lol why do guys always point out in dizis that the girl looks tired lmao so are you saying she looks like crap while trying to be attentive?

Leyla has enough of the chit chat and wants to go back inside

Emre: cant we talk like friends even

Leyla: are we friends?

Emre: no, we aren't.... ohhhhhhhh boy is forward... then he corrects himself saying that he hoped they could become friends.... Leyla lets him have it- saying that friends don't treat her the way he did and says they cant be friends and can only be colleagues 

 Emre is crushed as Leyla goes back inside... he deserved that for playing with her heart again and again

50. Leyla tells Sanem she wants to leave- Sanem sees Leyla is upset and is worried. Sanem agrees to leave with Leyla...they go to say the proper goodbye to Huma out of respect. Polen sees and tries to distract Can with food but he keeps staring at them talking to Huma. 

Yigit asks Sanem if she is leaving too...

Sanem: yes im going to go throw up, I mean im tired and my stomach is bothering me so I will leave too

Yigit offers to drive Sanem and Leyla home and she agrees sadly while Can is watching but keeps getting food shoved in his face to look at by Polen

Sanem says a sad "good evening" as she leaves, while Can looks between yigit and sanem as she leaves....he doesn't say a word but keeps staring back...this hurt honestly showed that he no longer is that person driving her home...yigit is trying to take that place...everything is builds from the other Yigit moments...everything that sanem and yigit were doing in this episode: the telling of dreams, the wiping her mouth, the confidence building... everything... it should have been with Can...Sadece Can

51. Leyla now in her room under her covers is crying while Emre is in his room sitting on a chair, staring at a wall drinking scotch and the song playing is about the seasons changing, loss and someone walking out of your life....buckle up we are getting a new Canem...Leyem is stealing more Canem scenes... ya I said it.... 

52. The song continues to play while Sanem cries over her amber stone necklace 

"If I explain a million times, you cannot dream, birds will not fly, leaves will fall, and books will turn yellow"- my heart hurts as these lyrics play Sanem is crying holding on to that necklace... the one that is supposed to bring you back to the love of your life... she looks at the albatross poster as well, and it hurts to think they will never fly together again

 Can is looking up in his bed during the song as well, just staring at the ceiling, but if you look closely you see his eyes welling up

53. The next morning- Sanem in the agency and sadly writes the number 11 on her countdown and looks at Can before she sits down at her seat... Can is supposed to be looking at files but he keeps staring at that number 11 like it wronged him is a really sad Canem moment...both knowing the time clock is running down the time of what their lives they used to be....and then Yigit ruins it by showing up again...ahhhhhhh boundaries I don't understand, I really don't.... you cant just show up at another office to talk business with an almost employee that is leaving that agency

54. Yigit tells Sanem they got the writer they wanted to sign... so a phone wouldn't work? must show up at her work...Can is upset seeing Yigit and Sanem sharing some excitement with each other

Can pronounces all the syllables of Yigit's name lol and I love it every time

Can asks Yigit what is going on and Yigit is not really apologizing but saying ya we are causing a lot of noise because he was telling Sanem good news

Can: is this about fikri harika aka the agency?

Yigit says no and Can cuts him off finally saying "this is Fikri Harika and that if it doesn't interest the employees or agency he isn't interested. But for Sanem this seems interesting though. We have very important things we need to concentrate on"... Can tells Yigit in not so many words that its not the time or place... I wish he would have just said- not the time or place, no explanation needed - you cant just show up at someone else's agency like this

Yigit tells Sanem to come after work to talk more and Can says that Sanem needs to stay late yep just like when she needed to with Fabri huh

55. Can angry calls a meeting in the main area of the office

He calls Deren and then specifically says for Sanem to come with him as he goes to her board with her countdown... and calls all the other staff just as friends to come to the "meeting of sorts"

Uffff ya I don't like this scene I know what is about to happen

 Can is thinking about the second stage of redmode ads... Deren says they have two months but Can says 2 months will fly by so lets do it now

Can writes it over her number 11 ... and Sanem tries to stop him....he is being childish and Can says he is using it because it's just sitting there, and she is being childish because dude you can write another 11 it aint that big of a deal 

The original slogan if you remember: Cezbet/ attract, meydan oku/ challenge, iz birak/ leave a trace.... Can wants people to think of the next level for this

Can is using this time to tell Sanem what he really wants to sayHe starts saying maybe the next stage they are connected lets start with maybe something like Sadakat/ loyalty... Can: loyalty is very important

Can is brain storming with the staff: baglilik/ Devotion, and Loyalty theses are all important, Durust/honesty

Can: The first were not enough: to attract, challenge and leave a mark, you need to deepen it with loyalty , devotion and honesty.... Ufff actually well said... Sanem is annoyed but Canem need to hear that 

Sanem wants to add others that are good for the campaign which kinda sucks if she is doing what he is doing and talking about their relationship... Sanem adds – tutkulu/passionate, etc etc Dynamite with explosions and other things about passion...she's missing the point he was trying to get at, unless she thinks it is more important to have passion than have trust and devotion in a relationship but that is not like Sanem

56. Polen arrives and Can gives her a kiss on the cheek and he says she looks gorgeous blech blech blech...Sanem tries to hold in her sneeze... And Can notices she is about to sneeze and says it but sees Sanem is holding it in and Can says he always has time for Polen and then Sanem's sneezes turn into manic hiccups and she stabs the paper as she is pissed at Can and Sanem is "staying calm" I guess by doing this...and im so done ... why does Sanem have to be humiliated all the time... by others and more importantly she humiliates herself... Can leaves with Polen as Sanem continues to have hiccups while stabbing the paper board... I don't find it funny - sorry - I really don't... another scene I'm supposed to be amused at Sanem's expense... it is degrading honestly

57. Back at the Mahalle, somehow Aysun turned into this smiley excited mom and Muzzo changed into an Ass who belittles his mom and Mevkibe steps in telling him to watch how he talks to his mother and Muzzo says look at your own children and their actions, then aysun and mevkibe stand up for each other when Muzzo yells for them to leave a "man's work" ...even though, ya its mevkibe's what happened to muzzo...did Asli have a bad day or are we supposed to believe success changes someone this quickly

58. Back at the office, Sanem is sneakily staring in her looking corner at Polen talking with Can in his office...She sits back down when she sees Polen leave...Sanem tells Ceycey she is going back down to the publishing office, she says if Can bey asks where she is then just say you don't know it doesn't interest you... Sanem runs to go to Yigit and ceycey is yelling after her that what she said is non sense....uffff Sanem have some work ethic I cant 

59.Ceycey decides he needs a plan to reunite Canem and he calls Ayhan...Ayhan is still mad and is beating meat and puts the meat pounding noise into ceycey's ear lol because ya she is pretending this meat is ceycey lol Ceycey hiding now incognito on the floor by his chair tells Ayhan he wants to get Canem back together 

Ceycey: Can and Sanem broke up, a big love is over. Now they will just see each other once a year and cry about why they broke up...ufff ceycey yes that's what im doing 

Ceycey starts to beat the chair saying in anger- why why why lol I feel that ...I would say that reaction is me watching this episode ;)

Ayhan says Canem are too stubborn, and ceycey says they cant give up

The whole office is starting to gather around listening to ceycey on the phone

Leyla, Deren, and Guliz tell ceycey they want to help reuniting Canem

Ceycey: Deren what happened 3 days ago you hated Sanem...Ceycey ask what happened did her love for Sanem ignite or does Deren want to go after Yigit...we know she loves Sanem they have grown a lot in their relationship especially during the Redmode campaign

Deren says Sanem is a close friend and Can is the boss...ama Can is her close friend too....what is happening with continuity in this episode I am so confused

Emre agrees to help too

Ceycey realizes they are causing attention and the whole office goes back to work

60. Ceycey leads the team in discussion

The team is now Deren, Leyem and Guliz... Ayhan will join later

 Ceycey points out how Leyem helped Canem end in a fiasco and so ceycey should lead this task force...yes ceycey they did take charge

61. Sanem returns and the Canem task force disperses- Sanem came back quickly and asks if Can asked for her. Ceycey responds you just left and came back quickly why would he and Sanem says ya why would he ask for is so sad and defeated the way she says in and I want to hug her

62. At the bakal, Nihat is sitting outside his store when Muzzo approaches...Muzzo tells Nihat about how the moms kicked him out of the organic store ...they just attacked for no reason...mhmmm 

63.The Canem task force have their first private meeting: Ceycey, Deren, Ayhan, Guliz and Leyem

Deren says that she gave Sanem a lot of work to do so she wont suspect their absence and Emre said he did the same for Can

Ceyce: Emre Bey didn't I tell you not to take any steps by yourself you must tell me everything!...Bak Sen ceycey talking to your boss like that lol I love it ...Emre needs a good yelling every once in a while

Ayhan builds up her idea and everyone is waiting. She says her idea is to lock Canem in a place so they are forced to talk...Deren says what a disappointment for the build up and Emre does a sarcastic lack luster slow clap lol that does make me laugh...Ayhan made it seem like her plan was that she was inventing the wheel lol but it was just an obvious solution. 

Emre to ceycey: you thought and thought and this is what you came up with lmao ceycey and his eyes bulging

 Leyla says they are always together but never talk 

Ceycey then thinks of the opposite idea- write a sign where they cant talk or else they will be punished lmao

Ayhan: we wont lock them in a regular place, we will lock them in a freezer lmao

Deren: great idea we lock them in the freezer so they will die hugging each other ...bahahaahah ok this is the one scene I can say I am really enjoying this week 

Ayhan says that in movies and tv that the couple get closer when in danger

Ceycey adds: I am sure that if Canem are freezing in the freezer, Can will give his jacket to Sanem and they will hug and wont speak with words but their eyes

Ceycey holds deren for a moment looking into her eyes lol and everyone is like ok ok we get it lmao Ayhan not liking that and Deren a little flustered lol

They all agree it is a good idea and work on getting a freezer etc

64. The team gets Sanem and Can to leave separately to see an important client and they both need to leave quickly...sad that Can wants to finish and doesn't want to take on any new clients... he is really set on leaving

65. Ceycey leads Sanem into the freezer and takes her phone... he is yelling so much that Sanem just continues to follow him then he screams and scares her away deeper into the freezer.

66. Deren takes Can to the freezer, and Deren asks to borrow his phone he gives her the phone and Can says the phone passcode is 2602.... this episode was around demet's birthday on February 26 so they chose Demet's birthday as the passcode pretty sure that was the director, Cagri's idea he loves doing things like that

67. Canem locked in the freezer

Sanem sees Can and says out of instinct: Can?

Can: really? Sanem?

Sanem: Can bey?

Can asks what she is doing here and Sanem doesn't answer seeing they are locked in and starts to bang on the door 

68. Leyem in the car going to the bank but Emre is not driving to the bank he wants to talk with her...Emre says the bank was an excuse to talk with her... Leyla slips and for a moment calls him Emre but corrects herself saying Emre Bey this is ugly what he is doing as she is engaged. Emre aggress he didn't want to do it this way but they need to talk...they are argue back and forth- Leyla saying they wont talk and Emre saying they will...uff spoiler alert Canem have this same exact back and forth heading to the skey resort in ep 34.... Leyla yells for Emre to stop the car and he finally does

69. Back in the freezer

 Sanem is still yelling for ceycey to open the door 

Can says leave it don't be so sweet with him do you think this was done by mistake

Sanem says she understand everything but if I say open this door or I'll kill you he wont open it up but if I reach his conscience he will...Sanem starts to say loudly and sweetly that she is so cold and if ceycey can open the door

Can tells Sanem the door is soundproof so no one can hear and he was yelling before out of reflex

Sanem is freezing and Can gives Sanem his jacket...then he hands her his scarf too 

Can yells: your waste is showing! It is February and your waste is bare that is why you are cold!... and he tells her to tie the scarf around her waste lol someone not too happy about her clothing when he's not with her huh

Sanem: I didn't think we would be stuck in a freezer unlike you who seemed to dress warmly

Can: they are acting like kids why are they locking us in here...yep they parent trapped you lol

Sanem: why did they? Because you still think about me, I don't leave your thoughts for a even a minute and maybe you even have dreams about me. Seeing how unhappy you are, they decided to lock us in here, what else can they do?

Can: wow look at this? I think of you? Who started to leave when I was leaving?

Sanem: who?Can: Who? You! Who else?

Sanem: I don't know who, if you leave I will also leave. Wherever you want to go, leave and good luck to you

Can: good luck to me? Good luck to you! You will need luck

I honestly hate this moment- ya of course she should grieve when he decided to leave – they broke up- they were/are in love and they broke up- but both of them pretending like they don't care about the break up- I don't connect with this- the way they are faking they didn't care about them being over... I would get it if they were both saying I moved on first etc but to say that they the other was the only one upset as bravado? For the depth of their relationship this conversation does not compute

70. Ceycey and Deren are panicking about leaving people trapped in a freezer ...hmmm ya go with that feeling lol ...Ayhan is like don't worry I got it all under control with the timer and everything.

71. Back with Canem in the freezer

Sanem: what do you mean, I run after you?

Can: you run after all, do not run, do not talk, your lips are all dry and you are starting to stutter I cant understand you

Sanem: I want to talk I will try. I am trying to build myself a new life.

Sanem is worried though that they will die here instead and Can says their friends are crazy but wouldn't just leave they are probably close by. Sanem is like so they will just leave us here to freeze.

Can sees Sanem is really freezing and gets worried and suggest that Sanem comes to hug him to warm up. Sanem says she doesn't want to.

Can: come here come here, im not eager either to hug you it's just so you don't freeze...ya right I believe the part about not wanting her to freeze but nothing else ;)Can wraps his arms around Sanem in a full bear hug and there is no space in between them and Can asks is this better?

Sanem: how are you so warm?

Can: I am bit like a werewolf

Sanem: like the movies.... Lol im pretty sure this is a twilight reference as Jacob the werewolf kept Bella warm because of his body heat

Can says if her hands are cold she can put them in his jacket and Sanem says just like the movies huh... and Can is like I don't know is that what happens in movies... ok I would love to think Can is knowing all about Twilight and just wont admit it ...I think he is team Jacob ;) team Edward by the way lol way back when 

Instead of going into his sweater...which would have been my first choice ;) to keep warm of course...Sanem brings her arms around him and now they are hugging and their faces are so so close 

Can: we should continue like this right... and Sanem agrees....and so do I sighhh I miss them hugging 

72. Leyem talk by a park area near the water

Emre wants Leyla to stop and listen to her but she doesn't want to

He grabs her arm and then her face with hurt eyes... but ya I don't know I don't like the way eh grabbed her face it felt more possessive then romantic only his soft eyes let me feel the romance part

Emre is in desperation mode as he asks Leyla to look in his eyes

Emre: give us a chance

Leyla takes a step back: give us a chance? When did we become a "we"? ... ya he deserved that he sabatoged it every time they were about to become something because he rather be seen great in her eyes than have aylin spill the beans

Leyla: I had a wonderful dream of us and then I woke up.

Emre: Leyla I am sorry, but Aylin

Leyla interrupts: I don't need to hear about Aylin. You made your choice

Emre: you're right, you're right but I didn't choose it, I chose you. I loved you. Aylin knew all my secrets and blackmailed saying she would tell my brother and you everything. You would be upset if you were told everything. I was afraid to disappoint you.... Ya so hurting her is always better... I hate to say that but Sanem and him have that in common...yeesh sorry for saying that but there it is.

Emre says he was afraid to lose her ama he pushed her away so he chose to lose her

Leyla: but you really hurt me, Emre Emre Bey here... Leyla is being vulnerable now

Leyla: you broke my heart

Emre: I know, you're right let me fix it, I want to make you the happiest girl in the world, please let me

Leyla flashes to her talking with Osman and how he wants to know if Leyla is for this engagement or not because he couldn't bare it later

Emre was stroking Leyla's hand and she took her hand out of his saying she is so happy... tell that to your face girl Emre doesn't believe her and asks if she really loves Osman and she cant even say a yes or even a nod of the head that lie is too much for her

Emre: you cant even answer me, but I know the truth so well

Emre now romantically and softly grabs Leyla's face and says: look at me, I love you, I love you so much

Leyem stare at each other hurt and in love with each other- and you feel it in their eyes how much they mean to each other and how hopeless it feels

Im not going to talk about the score in the background being a Canem score ... so this is me not talking about it ;)

73. Canem back in the freezer still hugging

Can eyes keep wandering around the room and back at sanem...especially her lips

Sanem is staring straight at Can she is not afraid at all...and staring often especially at his lips 

Can: are you ok? Did you warm up a bit?

Sanem said with her eyes closing and a smile: yes it's very hot, I mean your coat warmed me up very well... lol yep sure that's what you meant that ;)

Can nervously talking about the coat saying it's a nice brand and is warm etc lol

Sanem: will you take it to the Balkans?

Can: so you are saying lets continue huh, I don't know we'll see, maybe I'll take it...I think he meant so we will continue to argue even like this

They still are so close they could be kissing right now

Can: are you going to still work with guy who needs no name... lol definite harry potter vibe

Sanem: yes...

Can: yes huh

Can looks at her: You are doing it to piss me off and you are being very successful at it but you love the agency and you love your work in it and on top of that you are really successful at it

Sanem is feeling to close to Can now as a glimmer of the Can we know is peeking through and Sanem needs to separate from him so she says she has warmed up enough and gets out of his hold

Can: I mean, you're saying you will work by this guy's side but there is no need for such a thing. And you are saying he will publish your book, is that even possible? He is a stranger we don't know

Sanem: he is not a stranger. How is he a stranger? He is Polen's brother! And don't you know Polen very well? You have so many memories together and always talking about that, it never ends. 

Can: how is this the same thing? Polen is different. Polen is my old wow wow... first Sanem wasn't comparing their experiences she was saying he shouldn't be a stranger if he is so close to Polen.... And then he says Polen is different than her working with Yigit and has the gall to say "what we are just old friends"... Ya old friends that were in a relationship, that have slept together on the regular.... What is this?... and he isn't working with Polen. Polen is going to go with him to have fun in the Balkans with him while Can works ...meanwhile Sanem is working in an office and Yigit is her boss ....what is happening did I go into the twilight zone here where Can thinks what Sanem is doing is wrong but what he is doing is fine?! know what?... I cant

Sanem: Yigit is my new friend then.... Ya go Sanem don't take this ish

Sanem: if you can go to the Balkans with Polen I of course will publish my dream romantic novel...I mean even if he didn't go her dream novel being published got nothing to do with him

Can: I am going to the Balkans to find peace...ya with your ex girlfriend tagging along so excuse me if I don't find sympathy for you

Sanem: and I am leaving work to find peace, if you have the right to find peace then so do I right....YESSSSS SANEM I am snapping while watching tell him

Can: ok do whatever you want, whatever you see fit do it, go into an unknown blocked path with the person who hit you

Sanem: the path is very clear. He is experienced after all. He has experience publishing, trustworthy, and he wont leave me halfway like you did.... Well that took a turn

Can: you realize you are risking your future just to piss me off?

Sanem: in my opinion you are giving too much importance to yourself. I told you I wanted to build a new life and start over but you didn't accept. It is your choice. That's why you don't get to have a say in what I do.

Can: I'll remind you that while I was dreaming of building that future with you, you ruined it with your lies....ok this needed to be said and I wish they stuck to this as their future point of discussion in all their fights...focus on the lie, the refusal of marriage everything not the freaken perfume...and the heart breaking part is he wanted to be a part of her future and dreams ... and now he's not

Sanem: I was forced to, and I told you about everything. I apologized and told you we could get through it with time. But you didn't want to, and nothing changed right...he cant even answer if anything changed because really it had they both are too stubborn to admit it though...because he wants to work it out but they just cant right now

Sanem done with Can's lack of answer goes again to scream for ceycey to open up the door because it will soon be like Titanic in here... lol well that door could definitely fit two people on it. 

74. The Canem task force is still on the other side of the door- Ayhan realizes she messed up with her calculations and is no longer sure how longer it takes for someone to freeze to death in a freezer and they decide to open the door as a result...good idea we don't want this turning into a drama where the leads die frozen hugging each other lol

75. They open the doors to let Canem out of the freezer

Can and Sanem leave the freezer still fighting and cold

Sanem says she cant take 11 more days with Can and that she is leaving work and that he should count her overtime as her 11 days

 Can: ok do whatever you want, leave! Its fine. The blame is on the person who worries about you. I'm leaving too! Im going to the Balkans ....I love that he says he worries about her but im still mad by his approach

Sanem: I wont waste anytime and I'll start working at the publishing house tomorrow 

Can: for me the same, I will leave right away right away I will go to the Balkans tomorrow

Sanem and Can both say to the other "good luck on your path"The moment slows down and Sanem looks at Can with determination while Can looks at her with worry

Then it freezes with Canem looking at each other this way

Thank you for reading :) I hope you all stay safe and healthy...until next time <3 <3<3

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