All Mine (Yandere Levi x Eren)

By Pencilfog

126K 3.8K 2.3K

Alternate universe so I have a lot more to work with, and so that I can be completely original...well aside f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: The Gift (Part 1)
Chapter 41: The Gift (Part 2)
Chapter 42: The Gift (part 3)
Chapter 43: The Gift (part 4)
Chapter 44: The Gift (part 5)
Chapter 45: The End

Chapter 10

3.4K 112 67
By Pencilfog

Eren POV

Petra comes up to me, an apologetic look in her eyes. I stare at her with a 'what the heck is going on' kinda look and she just grabs my hand.

"Come on, I'll explain later, let's get out of here."

She drags me away from a baffled Mikasa and a half confused, half trying not to laugh Armin. I can feel the stares of the student body bore holes through my back. How did I go from being invisible to this? Was I ever invisible? Was it just more noticeable today? Finally we are out of the eyes of the people and Petra stops.

"I'm sorry Eren I-"

"No Petra, I agreed to do this for you, I agreed to help you get with my ONLY friend in this school, not to be the center of attention!" I yell, pretty weakly as I fall against the wall, covering my eyes.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, "I know. I'm sorry. It's only for a few more days, I promise."

I sigh, feeling ashamed, I shake my head, and give her a soft smile and mouth 'my fault'. She looks at me, her eyes a little teary, and smiles before engulfing me in a hug. This time, I can hug her back.

She lets go of me after awhile, but then gasps. I open my eyes and look to where she was turned and I stare in horror.

Levi POV

I feel a hand trying to pull me back wards, but I easily break free. Where are you~? My brain was cloudy and all I could think about was my brat. Not Petra's. MINE.

I searched through the hallways, not caring who was staring. I needed to find him and now! Petra was going to pay dearly if this was true. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. I assumed in was stupid Shitty Glasses, and tried to break free, but I couldn't. I turned my head as far as I could and I saw crimson. Mikasa.

"Get the hell off of me!"

She pulls my arms tighter and I suck in a painful breath, "No."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "You think I care? I have business to take care of, now get off!"

She didn't budge. What is going on? What if something happens to Eren while I'm in this position? NO! I can NOT let that happen. I stop moving and try to roughly figure out her breathing pattern. The second I figure it out, I wait until she takes a breath in. I focus all of my energy to my biceps and make my move. I hadn't moved in awhile, so not only was she not prepared for it, but she couldn't react as fast. (Don't ever try this, because it can break your arms, but for the sake of the fact that Levi is a badass, it worked).

"I'm coming, my prince."

Eren POV

"Ok, so Eren or Petra, please explain to me in less than 30 seconds why the entire school is saying that you are dating?" Hange says, her voice sickly sweet, but her eyes a little bit crazy.

Petra puts a hand in front of me, "We aren't dating, I'm taking him on a thank you date because he saved my life, and I thought that I could use it to make Levi jealous because I've liked him for the past...few...years."

The last few words we're almost inaudible, but from the shock on Hange's face, I think she got it. Hange facepalms and curses under her breath.

She sighs, "I can work with that....I hope."

I didn't catch that last part, but she turns away and bolts. I don't know why, but she does. Petra turns back to me.

"Do you think Hange will tell Levi?!" She says, tears brimming in her eyes.

I shake my head before nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Oh's Hange, she probably sees it as an experiment. I'll be fine." She says, relief the main tone of her voice.

We- well, she- says goodbye and I wave before heading off. I think about what Petra said the first time she asked me.


"Will you go out on a date with me? I noticed how easily you get along with Levi, and I know it's wrong of me, but I wanted to ask a favor. I've liked him for awhile now, but no matter what I do, he doesn't seem to notice me. It's not like he ignores me or anything, he'll say hi, but I've tried everything and he still doesn't notice. Then you come, and get along with him so easily. To be honest, I was a bit jealous at first. *laughs* I know, it was silly of me, but he seemed to pay mor attention to you than he did to anyone else as a whole. But after you entered the equation, he started talking to other people, joining in on conversations on occasion, he began talking to me more. And then you saved my life. I was thinking of ways to thank you, but then this selfish idea popped into me head, and I had to ask. Levi seems to take everything you do into consideration. So maybe if you go out on a date with me, he'll finally notice my potential. I know it's wrong, and selfish, and stupid, but I promise to make it worth your while. I'll pay all of the expenses, and you can take it as my thank you. If this plan doesn't work, I plan on giving up on Levi, because there's no other way I can think of that might work. So that's why I need you to go on a date with me!

~end of flashback~

I sigh. Her plan made a lot of sense, and I was shocked to find out how long she actually liked him for. The only thing I still didn't get is why she was jealous. We didn't hang out all that much, and he's a really nice guy. I mean he's handsome, I'll definitely give him that. Wait woah woah woah, when did I start thinking about that? Anyway, I can definitely see why she likes him. He's pretty much perfect. Why is my heart beating so fast?

Levi POV

I can't find him! Where could he be hiding?! Then I bump into someone. Shitty Glasses.

"Levi, there you are! Before you freak out, don't kill Petra. It's only a thank you dare." She says, out of breath.

"Oh well that changes everything! Yeah right, he's mine! I should be the one going on a date with him!"

Shitty Glasses grabs my arm, "Levi, she's not a threat...well not for taking Eren anyway."

"What was that last part?" I raise my eyebrow.

"She doesn't like Eren, she, uh, likes someone else."

"Look if you're just going to stall, I'm going to go find my-"

"IT'S YOU OK?!" She shouts at me.

"Where the hell is she?"

Now I'm even more upset than before. She's using Eren. My Eren. He's mine. If she thinks she can just use him to her advantage, she'd be wrong. Dead wrong.

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