My TTTE stories (Discontinued...

By SheHadSeenEverything

15.8K 192 143

Nothing important, it's just me having fun with writing. Start: 21/7/2020 End: 27/7/2021 Big part of those st... More

A Date To Remember. #1
A Good Break For A Confession
Unexpected Love
Truth Or Dare That Went Wrong (Or Well)
New Iron
Love Shines Like Fireworks #1
Love Shines Like Fireworks #2
New Year Drama
A Small Night Trip
Reboot Shit.
In Dearly Need

A Date To Remember. #2

835 12 7
By SheHadSeenEverything

Helloo! Finally I'm here with the 2nd and last part of the story! Sorry for taking so long, school is being a pain in the ass for me. Heck I'm still going to do online tests this week which is going to fuck me up a lot! >:/ But well, this chapter will be more interesting than the previous one, now with Nia and Percy already having their long-awaited date. I hope you enjoy it!

Since Nia had set up the date, Percy hasn't stopped thinking about it. No matter how much they told Percy to focus on his work, there was always a space between his thoughts to remember Nia. Anxiety had washed over the boiler of the small green engine, but it was to be expected. After all, it was the first date he was going to have, and he wanted it to be perfect.

Now the long-awaited moment has come. It was exactly 5:45 p.m and Percy was puffing toward the junction near Henry's forest, the same place Nia had arranged for the date. Right after he finished his job, Percy had gone to the washdown to take a good shower so his green paintwork would be gleaming in the light rays of the setting sun.

Slightly cold water splashed on Percy's wheels as he passed over the small puddles in the middle of the tracks. It had drizzled less than an hour ago, but that didn't bother Percy. If you doubt it even after a heavy rain, Percy would go to have a date with Nia if necessary.

It didn't take long before the junction finally came into view. Percy went a little faster before applying his brakes and coming to a stop. He had arrived just at the moment he heard Nia's whistle nearby.

Breaking into a small smile, Nia applied her brakes and stopped beside her partner. "Hey, Percy. Arrived earlier, didn't ya?" she joked.

"Hehe, of course." chuckled Percy. "It would be rude of me to leave you on the tracks alone."

He looked over at his girlfriend and noticed that her lips were painted light pink, her cheeks were a slight shade of red and her lashes were slightly bigger.

"Are you... wearing makeup?" he asked.

Nia chuckled at Percy's surprised expression and smiled. "Yes, I am. I'd only take a bath but my driver gave me the idea to put makeup, for some reason."

"Well you look splendid." he smiled.

"Thanks, Percy. I say the same for you too." she smiled lovingly. "So... what are we going to do first?" she then asked.

"Well..." Percy thought. "How about we puff through the forest? We can talk in the meantime, then we'll do something fun to keep the date from getting too boring."

"That sounds like a good idea!" said Nia smiling. "Let's do it."

They wheeshed some steam and together they puffed into Henry's forest, thus starting their oh-so waited first date.

*Time skip.*

1 hour and half had passed since the date started. Initially they expected that they would only pass through the forest, but as time passed, they passed through other places. Such as: The wind mill, the water mill, the Black Loch Run and the Scottish Castle.

During this, Percy and Nia talked a lot and exchanged good laughs. The date was going well, but Percy was starting to get bored. Currently, they were returning from the Scottish Castle. They weren't going anywhere, but at the same time they were wanting to go somewhere.

Nia was already starting to get tired, but Percy was still full of energy just like before the date started.

He was still thinking about something fun he can do with Nia, so that it can be the "Gran Finale". Then, something came into his mind. He smiled and looked at her. "Are you feeling tired?" he asked.

"A little. But I think I can still do something." said Nia with a small smile. "Why?"

"It's because I wanted to do something fun." said Percy. "So far we just talked and laughed, and I wanted our first date to be unforgettable."

"I don't see any problem with that. Go ahead." said Nia.

"How about we go down Gordon's hill together? I've already seen Henry pushing Gordon down the hill and I thought it was fun."

"Henry pushing Gordon? Hm, I thought Gordon was the one doing the pushing." said Nia, raising an eyebrow.

"Well who said Henry can't be dominant sometimes?" he joked, making Nia laugh.

"Stay where you are. I'll be right back!" said Percy cheerfully and he puffed away.

Nia shook her head and did just that. Sitting quietly on the tracks while letting her eyes wander, admiring the sight of the countryside like place. She didn't just looked around the surroundings, but also took some time to stargaze.

Suddenly she felt a pair of buffers beging her, which startled her for a bit, but then she knew it was just Percy who had changed tracks so he could push her down the hill.

Percy coupled up to Nia and together they started their way towards that very hill, which fortunately for them, wasn't so far from where they were. Approximately 10 minutes, though it took less time as they've puffed faster.

As they arrived, Percy looked up at its top, smiling in wonder of how much fun the descent would be. Pushing Nia, he started making their absent. This took quite a bit of effort, but they soon made it to the top. They felt the light cold breeze hit their faces. Relaxing, but they had to do what they wanted.

"Ready?" asked Percy.

"I was already built ready!" Nia smirked.

They wheeshed some steam and together they went down the hill at high speed. Percy was having a great time, but not as much as Nia. She was cheering a lot, loving the adrenaline rushing inside her boiler. They were loving every second of that moment, but then there was trouble.

After they went down the hill, Percy applied his brakes so he can slow down, but he didn't manage to. The tracks were very slippery.

Nia tried to apply her brakes too, but she also failed for the same reason. It didn't take long for them to start panicking.

"HELP!" they shouted together, but no use.

They continued to run at high speed, not being able to stop. Nia screamed for help while Percy cursed himself mentally for putting the two of them in this situation - well, that's what he thought.

They were approaching a junction and soon they whistled for the signal man to change the tracks. The signal man sent them onto a siding, but it was no use. The siding's buffers immediately broke and they derailed, still puffing at high speed.

They had never been so scared in their lives. It was supposed to be their first date, something that was supposed to be unforgettable. But here they were, running the risk to lose their lifes. They continued to puff off the tracks. And then, a building was seen in front of them. They screamed louder as they got closer.

Then there was a loud bang...

*Time skip.*

Percy could barely open his eyes. It looked like his eyelids were very heavy, but it was just sleepiness. He only managed to lift halfway for his eyes to be wide open.

"I'm glad you managed to wake up, my friend." said a voice.

Percy looked ahead and, even with the sleepiness, he managed to see a dark red tank engine in front of him, whom he recognized as his friend Victor.

"W-Where...Where am I?" he asked sleepily.

"You're at the Steam Works, Percy." said Victor. "You had a serious accident colliding with a nearby building. You had no severe scratches, but if it weren't for that luck you would've died. To have an idea, all your friends were worried and Thomas even cried when he heard about it."

Percy frowned and looked down at his buffers. Then, something came to his mind that made his eyes go wide. "Where's Nia?" he asked worriedly, already raising his voice.

Victor bit his lower lip at Percy's question. "Well, Percy, I already said that you didn't have any serious scratches. But Nia... she's another story."

Percy felt tears sting his eyes. "WHERE IS SHE? I WANNA KNOW!" he screamed.

Victor sighed. "You didn't have any serious scratches, but Nia did. Her front buffers were destroyed, her funnel disappeared, her paintwork was barely visible in orange and several scratches covered her face." he said.

Percy felt tears streaming down his face. Because of him Nia was in very bad conditions and she had almost lost her own life. He was about to whimper, if it weren't for Victor saying.

"However, she has been repaired since dawn and currently she is in better conditions. Her face is still scarred, but it doesn't hurt as much as it did at the time of the accident. If you want to find her, she is in Tidmouth sheds resting."

Percy smiled weakly when he heard that Nia was fine. After being unloaded from the platform, he puffed away to Tidmouth sheds.

Minutes had passed and Percy finally arrived at Tidmouth sheds. He saw Nia and realized that she was awake and she was looking down at her buffers. She was probably stuck in her thoughts.

Percy was hurt to see the state of her face. He puffed to the turntable and went to the shed where Nia was.

Nia snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed Percy's presence and smiled weakly. "Hello, Percy..." she said, her voice was hoarse.

Percy felt tears form in his eyes again. "Nia, I'm really sorry for what happened. It was all my fault. If I hadn't pushed you down the hill it wouldn't have happened. Because of me, our lives were put at risk and we almost died. I'm really stupid, I don't know how you can handle having a boyfriend like me..."

Nia felt very sorry for Percy. She gave a small smile as she tried to comfort him. "Percy, that wasn't your fault. It was the tracks that were very slippery. It had been raining hard in the area where Gordon's hill is so there was no way to stop even with you not pushing me...I know you did that for me to have fun, and I had fun. Apart from this accident, this was the best date I've ever had."

"Y-You mean it?" Percy sniffed.

Nia shook her head. "Yes, I do."

Percy smiled. "Thank you, Nia. You're the best. I don't know what I would do without you around."

Nia laughed. "No problem. Everything to please my boyfriend." she smiled.

They approached and leaned in for a kiss. After that, they pulled away and talked for the rest of the day. Their love was about to grow, and little did they know about the wonderful future that awaited them.


Ok, I have to admit. This turned out longer than I thought but I hope you enjoyed my first ever story on this book. Sorry if the accident was cheesy, it was my first time to put an engine derailing in my stories :/ I'll improve over time! :D So yeah, again, thanks for Project_animations for suggesting this type of story. Y'all can leave me more suggestions, just... leave it once in a while because I took a lot of time writing this chapter (Seriously I spent about 2 hours of my life doing this thing). But welp, stay tuned for what's about to come!

- SheHadSeenEverything

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