
By m0th_fa3rie

67.2K 1.6K 757

β—œ 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘡𝘦𝘳. β—ž Warrior, 𝘯𝘰𝘢𝘯 1. A brave or... More

A Nap
Death, ig
A baby?
No home.
16 years.
First stage.
The second stage.
The third stage~~part one.
The fourth stage.
The last stage.
Republic of Padokea
The Emperor of Jappon.
Another hot guy.
Godly power.
The auction.
The auction~~part two
Fight with the Leader.
A date with the hottest man in HxH.
Story time

The third stage~~part two.

2K 56 15
By m0th_fa3rie

Gon succeeded in his match, with a cute little trick. But Leorio caused us to lose three days of our precious time, because of his perverted mind against a girl who clearly knew her stuff.

After a while it was Killua's match.

I'm looking forward to it. He always gave me assassin vibes, and his aura was filled with killing intent.

Standing up, I walked over to the ledge, ready to see the fight.

He walked over to the platform easily.

Seeing the opponent, he didn't flinch, he didn't even look scared. He looked truly assassin-like, no personal feelings as he tore the man's hart out. He had wrapped it in the man's beige shirt and if you close enough, you could see the heart pumping with its last attempts at living.

It happend in a second, Killua's speed and accuracy was uncanny, as he crushed the bloody heart with his bare hands.

His moves reminded me of someone.

They had the same type of speed and coldness, but I couldn't guess who it was that reminded me of Killua.

Shrugging I prepared my question in my mind.

Are you an assassin, Killua? Actually no, scratch that, he was definitely one.

Focusing on him as he walked back with a point for our team, we all realized that we still had to serve time in a room for 72 hours, because Leorio had caused us to lose. That's 3 days, and most of our time to finish the third stage.

Heading off to the room that we had to stay in, I ask my question.


"Yeah?" He says, swiveling his eyes to look at mine.

"Are you an assassin?"

Widening his eyes in shock, he quickly recovers, his face regaining a netrual expression. I thought he would've expected it, but I guess not.

"Yeah, my whole family is. But I quit and left though, that's why I'm here. Although, I thought it would've been more fun." He answers stiffly, but the last part was uttered in a slight disappointed tone.

Shit, I have a real habit of bringing up sensitive subjects. Oops.

"The way you killed that man reminded me of someone y'know. I can't remember who though," I say, scrunching up my nose in frustration. "It's probably nothing though."

"Okay, it's impressive that you even noticed my excellent moves, hehe." He said as a grin spread over his face.

Thinking about this room we where headed to I suddenly felt very dirty and sweaty. I guess that's normal though, for a hunter exam. You gotta deal with it.

I wonder if they had a shower in there, hoping that I could wash off all my sweat and grime.

Once we where all inside, we decided to explore the place.

There was a library and a sitting area, with multiple couches and a little section in the corner with folded up blankets and a couple of pillows.

Gon found the bathroom, and he said that there was a shower too, with five clean towels on a rack.

Leorio and Killua started arguing about who should use the shower first and then Gon spoke up,

"Shouldn't Aiko-Chan use it first?, she's a girl after all." He said, trying to reason with Leorio.

Thinking it over, Killua reluctantly agreed while I saw Leorio get a perverted smile on his face. Whatever he was thinking, I'll never know, and I head into the bathroom and lock the door.

Stripping my clothes off, I start running the water, waiting for it to flow warm water.

In the meantime I looked at the soaps. There was a bar of soap and there was a bottle of it. The bottled one smelled like strawberry's. I decide to use that one, as the boys probably don't want to smell like a fruit.

There was a shampoo bottle and a conditioner too.

Nice stuff. And they smell pretty fancy too.

Stepping in the shower, I let the hot water ease my tense muscles back to their relaxed state.

Washing my body with soap, I speed up a bit, scared I'll use all the hot water.

Quickly washing my hair and conditioning it, I step out of the shower and cover one of the fluffy towels around me and dry myself off.

Putting my clothes back on, I unlock the door and step out. A little bit of steam wafts it way into the room as I shut the door and head over to the bookshelf.

"I'm done now guys!" I say, grabbing a fantasy book of the wooden shelf.

"Okay, and it's my turn now!" Leorio says and rushes of to the door, but Killua gets there first.

"I thought it was clearly my turn second." He stated smugly, opening the door in a swift movement and shutting it before locking it so Leorio couldn't get in.

Giggling, I go and take a seat next to Kurapika and open my book.

By the time Killua is out of the shower, I was snuggled up against Kurapika's side and on the fifth chapter.

He made no move to stop me either.

Looking up, I see a faint blush grace his face as he realises I'm looking at him.

He's so adorable.

Moving his arm, I feel Kurapika lifting his hand as he starts playing with my hair. I secretly hope that it's extra soft after using the conditioner.

Looking back at the book I get a little sleepy. Today's events must've tired me out or something.

His hand still caressing my hair, he inhales the strawberry scent coming off of me, smiling at his bashfulness.

Deciding to make a bold move, I snuggle up closer onto his side, half on his chest.

Blushing madly, when he dosen't make a move to shove me off, I read another chapter.

The warmth and the drowsiness from the resent shower was all it took for me to fall asleep, yet again on his chest.


*kurapika POV.*

Soft sighs escape her lips every few seconds as I smile at the sleeping figure on my chest. She had curled up and was hugging my torso as she slept.

She's so cute like this.

Shocked at the sudden thought, I shake my head. I have no time to think about her!, I have to get stronger to kill the phantom troupe, no time for distractions, especially love!

But, despite my efforts, I couldn't help giving in to my thoughts and stroke her soft hair.

I put my book away on my growing stack, and wrap an arm around her. Her body feels soft under my touch when her muscles aren't tense.

I wonder if she'll have a nightmare again.

I reach for an extra blanket and wrap it around her small body. Her breathing is soft as she snuggles up against me.

"Someone is having a nice time." Leorio said, smirking while trying to hide his jealousy. He also thought that Aiko-Chan was a cute girl.

"Stop talking or she's gonna wake up you idiot." I whisper back at him.

"Fine, whatever. Goodnight." He whispers.

"Goodnight." I say back.

Glancing around, I see that Gon and Killua has also fallen asleep.

Sighing, I rest my head on Aiko's head. Her hair is silky and smells like freshly picked strawberries.

I quickly fall asleep, thinking about her rare smile as I decide to ask about her history, curious to the girl's past and her future goals, and maybe even snag a couple of interesting details in the tale.


*Aiko's POV.*

Half asleep, I hug the pillow that I'm holding, not taking in that it's bigger than a normal pillow, and cernatinly not as warm.

Rubbing my cheek against the soft fabric, I sniff and bury the tip of my nose further into the fabric.

Smells kinda like Kurapika...ahh he has a nice smell.

Ew, stop thinking like a pervert.

Opening my eyes, I push my upper body up, and look at my surroundings.

I'm lying on a sleeping Kurapika and my friends are scattered across the floor with pillows and blankets everywhere.

Kurapika's grip on my tightens when I moved. He hugs me and mumbles something incohearable.

Pinkish hues brushed along my cheeks and I wiggle my way out of his embrace and make my way into a cold kitchen that was attached to the small room.

Getting out a pan and a couple of bowls and tools, I start making breakfast. My cooking skills are great, learned them as a maid, and perfected them when living with Aran.

I scrambled some eggs and put some bacon in a pan to sizzle. Looking into the fridge I see some orange juice and milk.

I pour some juice and start making some coffee.

While I wait, I put some bread into the toaster and hit the small button to make it start.

The smell wafted through the next door room as the boys started waking up.

Dumping the eggs and bacon on separate plates, I set a piece of toast on them too.

Using the muscle memory from back when I was at the mansion, I managed to balance all of the plates on my arms as I made my way through the kitchen and into the next room where everyone was just waking up.

"Guys, I made breakfast." I softly call.

I hear a couple of groans and sighs as they all wake and sit up.

"Ooh, that looks yummy!" Gon says, jumping on the spot as I give him his plate.

"What did you make?" Kura asks.

"Eggs and bacon, with a piece of toast. But we have to easy on the bread, cause there's not that much." I say, handing him his plate.

I give Leorio and Killua theirs too and sit down with my one.

When we finished eating, I cleaned up.

When I walked back into the room, I saw Killua and Gon riding Killua's skateboard.

"Can I try?" I ask walking over to them.

"Sure." Killua answers.

Setting the board down, I jump on it and start performing some tricks that I learned in my last life.

"I didn't know you could skate." Killua says, slightly impressed.

"Yeah, I learned somewhere far away." I say with a distant look on my face.

"O-oh okay then." He says, feeling as if he intruded in some intrusively depressive thought.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I saw that it was time to go back to the exam.

We all stood and headed over to the door. It slides open and reveals the pathway that we came from.


It took us some time before we came across the last fork in the road, although we didn't know that at the time.

We walked into the room and I started looking around. I was admiring the weapons on the wall when we heard a voice on the intercom.

"You have two choices, one; you choose the short path that only takes a couple of minutes to finish the exam, but only three of you can take it, or you take the second, that you can all take but it takes longer, and you might not make it to the end in time to pass."

A popping sound could be heard when he finished and the line went dead.

Our brains started working at a fast rate as we decide which path to take.

The others started arguing as I stood back and started forming a plan.

Interrupting them, me and Gon said something at the same time,

"Why don't we just break through?"

Looking at us in bewilderment, we kept going,


"Jinx twice!"

"Jinx three ti-"

"Tell is the plan!" Leorio shouted.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

As Gon explained the plan, to take the longer path and then break through the wall to the shorter one with the weapons on the wall, I walked to the brick wall and selected a pickaxe and twirled it around in my hand.

We all agreed and pressed the O button on our watches.

The door opened, leaving us to its large hall that had little light to lead the way.

Going inside, we immediately headed to work at hacking at the brick wall.

After a couple of hours we managed to create a hole big enough to let Leorio through.

We ran the rest of the way and ended up infront of a doorway that was blocked off by a concrete slab of a door.

A small ping could be heard right before the slab slided upwards and revealed a circular room made of stone.

It had engravings on the wall and small candeled lights every few meters.

"Contestant 99 has passed the third phase."

"Contestant 291 has passed the third phase."

Smiling at my number, the voice continued.

"Contestant 403 has passed the third phase."

"Contestant 404 has passed the third phase."

"Contestant 405 has passed the third phase."

We all high-fived and grinned at each other, we had all passed!

"The third phase is now done." The voice echoed.

An erupt rumbling sounded, giving most of us a fright.

A door opened and we could look outside at the sunny day that welcomed us outside.

Once we where all gathered in a group outside, a man with a purple Mohawk and big round glasses appeared.

"Hello, I'm Lippo, a blacklist hunter. I own this prison tower and I'm to explain to you what's to come in the next phase." He said. I recognized his voice as the one that spoke out of the intercoms that where hidden everywhere in the tower.

"So, it will be a sort of hide and seek and tag mixed into eachother. You will draw a card with a number out of a box and hunt the person with that number card on their chest. Your own card is worth three points, and your hunt is also so. If you fail to gain their card, or cannot remember who that is, you can steal other people's cards. They're only worth one point, so you would have to gain three of them. You need six points to pass.

If you fail to gain any other card than yours, you fail the exam. You have one week to do this. If you have gained either your target's card or three unrelated ones, you will gather at the starting point at the end of the week."

Finishing his instructions, I had already long finished memorizing the other 24 remaining contestants numbers.

Hoping that I wouldn't get one of my friends, I stood in the growing line for the cards.

When it was my turn I was mentally panicking. I may have looked calm and collected on the outside but I was freaking out in the inside, a daily occupancy unfortunately.

Reaching into the box, I grabbed the top card and pulled my hand out. I immediately hid the card and my badge somewhere safe.

I put my badge on the inside of my bra, and put the card I had just attained in my pocket, ready to read when I was alone.

When we all got on the ship, I headed over to the back of the little boat.

I grabbed the card in my pocket and closed my eyes in anticipation.

Opening them slightly, I looked at the number on the thin piece of white card.

Number 80.

Letting a little sigh of relief escape me, I shove the card back in my pocket.

The sniper woman is my target. She has long red tied back hair, the tail was quite bushy. She wore a vest with a long-sleeved shirt underneath it, plain pants, and square-shaped sunglasses.

Her weapon of choice was a sniper rifle. Thus the name Siper.

I don't know who she's targeting.

I'm guessing she'll hunt them down and snipe them when they let their guard down. With some people that might work but some would sense her as she pulls fire.

Killua and a couple others are capable of that.

Looking off into the distance I spot Zevil island and sigh.

"I hope this goes well."


I might take a break from wrighting cause I'm watching a lot of anime and my papá has decided to make a rule with restrictions on my screen time.

So um yeah, I dyed my hair red and it's really COOL BOI.

Bye bye. Stay safe.<3

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