Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [...

By SizaQaa_MP

522 22 5

["Hey, have you heard of the rumor?" It was said, Radish-chan of the Toilet, Haunts the Girl's 3rd stall 3rd... More

~•°Make a Wish°•~
~•°Desire For It°•~
~°•[3.5] Sister•°~
~•°The Staircase Library°•~
~•°Above the Spiral Crystal Staircase°•~
~•°For a Friend°•~


55 4 3
By SizaQaa_MP

Monday, just as usual, just another Monday, where everyone gets to see each-other after two weekends. Unfortunately all Amane ever see again after the two weekdays are neither Radish-Chan (As for now called Daikon-Kun.) and her Twin Sister Tsukasa. As surprisingly, no rumors for awhile as Amane asked Tsu about anything new. Both worried and nervous, Amane approached the third-floor restroom. "Ah! Yugi-san! While you were away i've assigned a very important task for you" said Daikon-Kun. Surprisingly, Amane never heard about what it is, since she just went back to school after the weekends. "Wh-what is it?" Amane asked. Amd then, without a single word, Daikon-Kun grabbed a bucket of water and gave it to Amane. Then, Amane was about to ask why she had a bucket of water then, Daikon-Kun, once again, grabbed a mop immediately and shoved it to Amane "Your Very Special Task is..... CLEANING!" Daikon-Kun said, almost in a scream. "W h A t?!" Amane said, all shocked, she didn't know how to feel about this. "You've expect me to clean both first-floor hallways and this bathroom?!" Amane said almost loosing her temper just why does she have to do it?! Its not like, nobody takes care or cleans it!
"Just wanted my lovely assistant to not look crazy." Daikon-Kun said pointing at a girl, she looked like a year older then Amane looked at her. "Oh im just talking to mysel-" Amane was interrupted. "About to say you were talking to yourself? When a pervert is right in front of you and WHAT ARE THOSE CLOTHES?!" Said the Girl at the doorway. "Besides i've been avoiding this 'dirty' place just- just to see a perverted gh- oh nevermind!" The girl had went on, not catching her name. Meanwhile, both Amane and Daikon-Kun just looked at each-other, hopefully, they will never see that girl ever again.
Just as always, Amane had classes on 8am, and as she studied in a different class from her twin, she rarely interacts with her classmates. "Hey, Have you heard of the rumor?" Amane heard a whisper from one of her classmates. "About the...... near the..." the whispers have lowered, and Amane never heard what's next, hopefully her twin knows about this rumor. Then, She turned right into her empty seat-mate, which was now occupied by... "D-Dai-" she immediately lowered her voice "-kon-kun! What the hell are you doing here!"
"Just checking my dear assistant who should listen to teacher's lessons than the rumors!" Daikon-Kun said.
"Im- im not listening to the rumor!" Amane replied
"Then how did you know it was a rumor eh?" Daikon-Kun said, "Besides you really should listen on how well num- your teacher about what he teaches you, you'll never know how hard she've been through just to teach!" Daikon-Kun sputtered.
"How well do you even know Shijima-Sensei?! Has he ever taught you when you were alive?"
Amane said. "Doesn't matter if he taught me! Just think of how long he learned all these information just to teach all, 21 of you! Besides your absent seatmate here," Daikon kun answered. "Now you didn't realize everyones taking notes while you're muttering stuff to yourself, atleast to their point of view, they'll think about that."
Amane immediately grabbed her notebook and pen, and she began to scribble every note on the board. Daikon-kun watched her as the ugly handwriting showed such a non-legible notebook. "So... is that really your handwriting?" Daikon-Kun asked but Amane answered after she wrote the last paragraph. "Nope. It's, just my draft. I re-write these at home. Since from now on, i've got to clean your bathroom stall" And as Amane sighed the class ended. Pulled out another notebook. This time, it bore such elegant, legible handwriting. "That, is my proper notebook." Amane said as Daikon-Kun compared her Biology notes with both notebooks. All subject's notes in one notebook. Daikon-Kun thought of how amazing it is to fit such notes in the quarter of their first semester. Flipping through all pages, then, Amane proceeded to skipping morning break, to write notes, while Daikon-Kun almost dug up everything in her bag. "What's this?" Daikon-Kun pulled out a what it seemed to look like... "that- that's a Kokeshi Doll." Amane answered. "Dad's gift to me when i- i mean me and Tsu turned 12. She happened to get a deck of Hanafuda cards instead. She tried to play with me but im really not good when it gets into playing cards" Amane added. Then, Daikon-Kun got another one out of Amane's bag. "okay... WHAT A R E THESE?" Daikon-Kun asked showing a handful of squirmles. "Those are Worms on strings or mostly are called Squirmles. They're usually cute and funny i just adore them so i bring them with me. Well they're like companions to me neitherway, put them back." Amane explained. Thus, Daikon-kun did put the Squirmles back, hoping Amane would give him one of those worms on a string. It did look really attractive and funny. After awhile, both proceeded to the stairs that lead to the rooftop. There, where Amane ate her lunch. And while looking upon the beautiful blue sky, and the birds that flew on it stood a girl? On the roof? What is she doing there?! Amane thought it was odd for such a person to go on the roof of the rooftop. "Hey, you could've fell down and-" suddenly, she knew who she was talking to.
"and what? Die? Well... Isn't life just amazing? Just let you sleep and rot underground." said the familiar girl who've seen Daikon-Kun with Amane on the bathroom last Friday, July 16.
The weirdly familiar short-pink-haired girl, that called Daikon-Kun a 'pervert' (which to theorize is possibly true) now standing on the roof looking down on them. "Ah- its that fat-Radish pervert. Again, please dont think dirty of us and mostly me since im soooo cute you can't resist it!" Mocked the girl and that was when Daikon-Kun looked at her disgustingly filled with hatred and denying the fact he really did hate this woman's personality. "And who the Hell are you Pink attention-seeking, fake cutie that stands on roofs? May i ask what is your buisness here?" Daikon-Kun said filled with hatred.
"Ah, perverts, wanted the victim to introduce? Anything but not my body Fat-Radish Leg guy! Name's Mitsuba! Sousuke Mitsuba REMEMBER THE NAME ON WHO YOU SHALL NOT DO PERVY STUFF WITH!" Mitsuba said. As thought of, this cocky, smug-ish girl really shows the worst-possible attitude to them. "as if you rule both near and far shore, you can't make me remember your name till i pass on" Daikon-kun fought back Amane in the middle of their Nonsense arguements, just stared upon Mitsuba finding weak spots and there she has it. But something bothered her Does she have friends with her? Then like a lightbulb ignited by the light-switch, "Hey!" Amane shouted
"WHAT?!" Mitsuba shouted back
"BET YOU DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS TO BACK YOU UP RIGHT NOW!" Amane answered then emerging from the stairs, was it a teacher? No. It was Tsukasa. And then Tsu called up "Amane! Got a new rumor- WOAH- how'dya get up there Pinky-Senpai?! Teach me too!" Tsukasa said as she glared onto Mitsuba, still standing on the roof.
"Well, just climb yourself up here if you want" Mitsuba answered.
"Amane i just wanted to know how-" Tsu said.
"Well she asked for it?" Mitsuba said. And Daikon-Kun, this time, was now the one in the middle of the arguement... "Yugi-San" Daikon-Kun called.
"what?" Amane looked back. Tsu just staring at her as if she knew what she was talking to.
"Lunchtime is almost over and you haven't finished your lunch!" Daikon-Kun scolded as if he was a mother. As What Amane knew, he's nothing compared to what she called mother.
"Ah- Lunch well- i got abit carried away with the arguement... What were you saying Tsu?" Amane looked back to find her sister all ready to recite the latest rumor.
"well... There's Another rumor going on right now! The Broadcasting just heard after a few minuites of Lunch! Sadly you cant hear it when you're not in the second floor... They need to repair these speakers soon you see, anyways," Tsukasa inhaled and began telling the rumor about the Spiral Library of a person's Life and Death, the Past and Futures written in these spiral staircases swirling across the bookshelves with it's unique spiral stairs swirling around a tall cylindrical bookshelf in a circular-roomed library.

"Hey, Have you heard of the 5th School Mystery?! The Bookstack Staircase? It is said to open on 4pm in the School's library. Once the entrance opens, you'll be lead into a beautiful, cozy library. All the shelves filled with books with the records of a person's life, past, future and death. They say the books come in sets of white, red, and black-colors. The white books means the person is still alive. The Black ones mean the person is dead. And they say, the Red ones are supposed to not be read by anyone who touches it. Or they'll rather be stuck in the library and die, or get killed by the guardian of the library instead!"

The rumor as always, has it. The rumor has a clue on what or where to do or go. "So Tsu, does this mean, that-" Amane got snipped off by Tsukasa's immediate response.
"Yes! It means, at 4pm, A new World would've open from our eyes! Its like we'll enter a secret room! Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if we could read what would happen to us?!" Tsukasa said excitedly. "Oh and- Lunch is almost finishing! Cya Later Amane!" And there, Tsukasa ran off towards her classroom. Amane however, was just packing her lunchbox, and walking down the hallway. "Hey, Daikon-Kun. Do you think the rumor is-"
"True? Hah- of course its true! Its a school mystery! Besides, Pinky right here is eavesdropping on us" Daikon-kun said shoving Mitsuba infront of Amane.
"Sorry about shouting out you had no friends 'Pinky'" Amane sneered.
"Once again im NOT PINKY!" Mitsuba called back. "Now, now, Stick Legs! I accept your apology on you calling me out about the 'friends' thing but i would never forgive you for the 'Pinky'-calling"
"Well then Mitsu-Senpai," Amane sighed. "What do you want to say then? Are you here to accept and apology and forget the fact you'll always be Pinky for us?"
"No. I need you guys to help me find my friend." Mitsuba said.
"Your non-existent imaginary friend? Oh Pin- Mitsuba, imaginations aren't supernaturals-" then, Mitsuba glared back at Amane who seemed had said a bad no-no word.
"Nonexistent imaginary friend? heh.... i knew it. Its hopeless to find a dead friend around here" Mitsuba said.
There, Amane stood, regretting what she had said. knowing this Pinky they knew would never forgive her. As Mitsuba walked away. Amane walked on the opposite side toward her classroom....
The next day, Amane had a free time on her timetable since her Teacher has gone ill ("once again?! oh my, how will these children learn?!"A fellow teacher sighed) and when she tried to take a peek into Tsukasa's classroom during her free time, she realized.... Her desk is gone? Amane thought it was really strange to have one desk missing along with its owner.
Seems like Tsu is absent, and her desk was being borrowed Amane thought. And as usual, morning break she tried asking her sister's classmates where has she been?
"Hey, um have you seen my sister Tsu? Has she went to school?" Amane asked a young, black-haired, small girl. Along with her freckeled friend.
"Tsu? Who's that?" Rin Asked.
"Uh- Yugi. Tsukasa Yugi. My twin sister?" Amane began to feel nervous.
"We don't know anyone that looks like you, named Tsukasa." Said the freckled girl.
"Then where- why is her desk missing?!" Amane worried even more. Was this one of her sister's pranks on her?
"C'mon Athena let's go-" said Rin to the freckled girl and both walked passed Amane.

"Yes! It means, at 4pm, A new World would've open from our eyes! Its like we'll enter a secret room! Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if we could read what would happen to us?!"

Would Tsukasa be in the Bookstack Staircase? Amane thought. Maybe, it was for her to figure out.
What if her sister was really there?! What if she died of starvation? Or loneliness? Idiot! you cant die of loneliness!
What if.....
Amane... snap out of it! Its just your imagination! She might have been waiting for someone to open the passage for her to get out!
Amane thought of things that could go wrong. And it never helped her since it just makes her even more worried.

"You should stop worrying. Somehow my friend's two idiots are also missing. Like they're forgotten" A familiar voice said, it was Mitsuba.
"Have you got any clues where your 'friend's two idiots' are?" Amane asked
"They've probably got themselves into the Bookstacks Staircase." Mitsuba said. "Well... seems like we have three idiots to save"
"My sister is not an idiot"
"Says so the idiot herself."

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