From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Gag Reel

773 22 20
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

Ty was appointed to Wolf Watch correspondent for Jill and has been walking around set in our down time between scenes-- giving interviews of sorts or discussing certain topics for the past few months.

Which he's doing right now as well-- asking us what 12 things could make watching Teen Wolf more enjoyable.

"So I said kettlecorn and then I couldn't come up with anything else" Ty admits as he attempts to hide a smile and I snort before he shoves the mic in my face. I make a noise and look around "Pizza"

"Nice" Dylan mutters with a nod and I lift my shoulders up "Right? Pizza always makes anything you're watching just that much better."

Ty smirks towards the camera and looks over at us quickly "As long as there's pineapple on the pizza right guys?"

I scrunch my nose up with a little frown, looking over at Dyl who is sporting the same look as me before we both silently look over at Ty. He moves his eyes between us quickly, the smile on his face finally breaking free as he busts up laughing "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Clearing his face from the previous humor he scoffs and indicates over at us with a nod of his head as he talks into the mic again "Sheesh these two and their super picky pizza topping rules"

It's my turn to scoff as Dyl and I bellow back at him "It's not a fuckin' pizza topping!"


We also took a night and filmed a video for the After After show on the network to air after the finale of season 3 and saying goodbye to Void Stiles.

The premise of the video is to show how much playing Void changed Dylan on set and how we're all basically walking on eggshells around him to not set him off. We have a basic idea of what we're wanting to be said but we're completely improvising the lines as we film.

Once he knocks Ty's water bottle out of his hand screaming "Whassup, bitch!" I have to cover my mouth with my hand to not laugh beside the camera I'm standing next to.

Ty attempts to sound like he's on the verge of tears as he mutters "I hate Void Stiles so much" before he walks out of the shot and Dylan shouts down the ways from us "Who wants my fucking autograph, huh?"

Next up is me so I walk up the steps to my trailer and just as I'm reaching for the door it swings open and I grip onto the handle bar, jerking back a bit.

Dylan and his sunglasses covered face nods towards me "You again, seriously?"

"Um yeah, it's just-- it's just, this is my trailer" I mumble and he leans closer "Look Blondie, we've been over this before-- I need snacks to give me energy as I attempt to work with you amateurs and you have the best snacks, so this is my trailer when I need it to be"

I make a move to reply but he just lifts his hand up to silence me with a little noise "Ba-bup-- my trailer, you can have it back when the snacks need to be replenished," he waves his hand at me "That's it, off you go."

We get set up for my part of the video that will come in after the scene outside of the trailer and I stand in front of the camera, shoving my hands in my pocket as I look around to make sure the coast is clear from him.

I clear my throat and fail at trying to whisper "He claims I have the best snacks but he's always just eating my crisps-- specifically the cool ranch doritos which he knows are my favorite."

"They are called fucking CHIPS!" Dylan shouts from behind me and I jump as I turn around to face him, watching as he throws his arms up exasperatedly "I swear to god, how many times do we have to go over that? That bullshit right there is why I'm always fucking eating them."

Ty and I stand in front of the camera now and he admits how good of friends we all used to be but Dylan's just changed and I nod, elaborating "He's just become really-- you know, not having that distinction from your character when we're not filming for so long it's just made him on edge almost?" I look at Ty when I say that and he nods before I mutter lowly "He's losing it I feel like--"

"What the fuck did you just say?" Dylan shouts from beside us, earning Ty and I to mutter "Shit" before we quickly scatter away from the camera.

I quickly step in between the trailers beside us and out of sight from the camera feeling Dylan grab my wrist gently as he pulls me back towards him and presses my back against the side of the trailer.

He gets up close in my face and mutters loudly once more  "What did you say-- you said I was on edge, that I was losing it?"

"No-- no I didn't mean it like that" I rush out trying to sound as hysterical as I can.

Dylan smirks and nods once before he steps away back towards the camera around the corner from us "Damn straight you didn't mean it like that-- I'm not on edge, I'm fucking Void baby!"


We have been filming even more 'couple' scenes these past few weeks and it just feels effortless to do so. I forget while we're filming that it's not what I get to do everyday when we're not on set-- which is quickly becoming a problem for me.

I'm completely in love with him and yet at the same time I'm quickly not liking him anymore. He calls me babe a lot-- which is never in the script, it's all him. Sometimes he throws them in when we're practicing the lines, but the majority are when we're filming and he's really into the scene and the way my heart beats faster everytime he says it is borderline sad at this point.

I have to keep reminding myself that he's not actually saying it to me and it just breaks my heart a little more when I have to have that conversation with myself-- this is all for the show.

Everything he says, the way he holds me or looks at me-- the way he kisses me... it's all for the show, for our characters. It's a role we're playing and it's my fault I'm taking it to a different level that it could mean more than it actually does.

If I wasn't paying attention to what we're doing, I'd think we were a couple. The way we move throughout the scene is so effortless that I really didn't have anything to worry about... well at least with us looking natural. The worry is the mental decompression I have to go through every night when we leave set and I don't actually get to kiss him anymore or have him hold me.

Once we're done filming this season, I'm glad that I will be on the Originals set because I need a few months away from him to get my head on straight. Time to unwind and completely let my mind realize that we're not actually a couple-- we're just really good at playing one.

Dylan and I have had a lot of swoon worthy moments, either with just the words he gets to say to me or with the little moments of domestic bliss I've never experienced before. And yeah sure, it's all just for the show but sometimes it's hard not to get swept up in the moment when we're standing so close to each other and he places his hands on the sides of my face, barely muttering above a whisper that I don't have to be okay when I say I am after something stressful happens and then I get to kiss him because he's being unbelievably sweet.

When we were filming the contagion episode he picked me up with ease and carried me into the vault set with every take, making me swoon every time he did it. He also just held me in his arms for a good majority of the time when we were in the vault, which quickly proved to be my favorite place to be, and I was selfishly grateful whenever something would mess up the scene and we had to start from the top. I got to just stay there laying against him with his arms wrapped around me, absentmindedly scratching his fingers against my head.

Filming our kidnapped and about to be murdered scene was another one that we got so swept up in the moment of what we just went through that he pulled me into his lap like he did after I got attacked in the locker room a few weeks back-- just pulled me into his chest and held me for the rest of the scene. The look on his face when we pulled apart just made me lean forward and kiss him-- taking the tally of unscripted kisses because we're in the moment of the sceneup to a number I don't even remember at this point.

Oh, and did I mention he called me cutie yesterday when we were filming the scene figuring out that we needed to head back to the lake house to stop the source of the Deadpool?... because that was most definitely a thing that happened and stopped my breathing for 2.5 seconds.

The way he looks at me when he says his lines or after he pulls back from kissing me, gives me that push into the 'this could be real' way of thinking-- and I'm hoping when I have some time to myself, where I'm not surrounded by him and everything that reminds me of him here, that I'll have the clarity I need to either move on from this or do the really crazy thing and just tell him, letting whatever happens after that happen. We may not be on Teen Wolf for that much longer right?

We wrapped on episode 10 yesterday and we had the table reads for the last two episodes of the season today-- which included the reading of my very first sex scene with my face in my hands as I looked down at the script. I was not able to look at anyone or their catcalls and whistles through the whole thing.

Dylan had crossed his arms in front of him and rested the side of his head on them as he looked over at me. I was only able to look at him through the corner of my eye, seeing him smile wide before he placed his face into his arms.

We will be filming that scene as well as a morning waking up in his bed scene in a few days and knowing what it takes to film those scenes with him-- I'm going to need a drink to get through them without embarrassing myself.


Addy POV

Once I'm drenched in water and my hair is styled like they want to show I was walking a few miles in the pouring rain, I head over to the loft set and Hoech immediately opens his arms for me.

"You'll get all wet" I laugh softly as I step into his chest and he engulfs me in a bear hug a second later, turning us from side to side while mumbling dramatically "I don't care-- this is our last scene in the loft, little one!"

I make a noise of protest and squeeze him a little harder "Stop that right now-- I'm already not handling people leaving well and I am not accepting the fact that you're not going to be here next season"

"I know I'm sorry-- I'll be back whenever they want though" he reassures with a deep chuckle and I nod against him.

Jeff has us get set up and I move to the outside of the door, watching it close in front of me. I can hear action called on the other side and as soon as the door begins to slide open I take a deep breath in.

When my eyes land on Hoech's chest I release my scream that I've been practicing this season to be just as realistic yet quieter than the recording so it can be dubbed over. It felt weird not making any noise and I wanted a step up from the 'dying gerbil', as Dyl put it, my scream sounded like when we filmed it for the first time in the street. For myself but also for everyone in the scene with me and hopefully keeping them in the moment since I have a lot more banshee scream scenes this season-- which I'm loving.

My scream dies down a few seconds later and 'cut' rings out through the room before "That's a wrap on the loft."

We clap with that, my eyes moving over the set of the loft sadly. Everything with this season has been different to the last few seasons-- not in a bad way, just in a different way and that's been interesting to have to get used to.


Dylan POV

Yesterday and today has been mainly just Addy and me filming our more intimate scenes and I'm about ready to lose it.

Last night we filmed a scene in Stiles' room with us waking up-- which meant she was in another one of my shirts and looking absolutely stunning.

She cuddled into my side and hooked a leg over my hip which made me completely forget what I was supposed to do or say next and we had to start once more.

Laying there and unabashedly moving my eyes over her bare face while her eyes were closed was like a punch to my chest of how much I wish this was just our life on any given morning... just without people moving around the set or setting up loud cameras.

She was so close to falling asleep next to me that when I had to 'wake her' for the scene it was even more believable and had me smiling like an idiot with how cute she was.

When she climbed on top of me to straddle my lap, I'm pretty sure I lost the ability to breath because while she's done that before this was different. I was sitting last time and we weren't as lined up as we were this time-- plus add in the fact that she laid her chest on mine and kissed me and it was just a thousand times better.

Having my hands on her hips and feeling her skin, since she's in barely there shorts under my shirt that she was swimming in, while she kissed me was enough to have me swallowing hard as my brain tried to remember my line.

Oh, she also has started doing the most adorable thing where she runs her little nose along mine in between us kissing, whispering whatever she's saying next and I officially need to get her a glass box so she can display my heart that she stole from me.

So that was last night and tonight we film the scene that alludes to us having sex... I'm basically preparing to not survive this season at this point.

We have already filmed the outside jeep scenes of us getting to the preserve and showing the back set up of the jeep that we had discussed with Jeff of how we thought it should look like.

Adds loves fairy lights-- so much so that she has them throughout her trailer. 'It's the best kind of lighting' she says and even I have to agree with her... partially why when we're rehearsing lines it's always in her trailer.

Knowing how much she loves them meant we needed to bring them into the show and for a scene as important and monumental to our characters as this one, I wanted Stiles to give that to her as well.

Since it's raining they're finishing setting up the tarps to cover the cameras from their spot just outside of the jeep that Addy and I are already sitting in to capture the rest of the scene of our first time together.

Addy leans back against the pillows behind us, pulling the blanket up around her more bringing a small smile to my face "You okay?"

"Yeah" she squeaks and I raise a brow at her to which she rolls her eyes with a little laugh "Why do you ask if you already know I'm a nervous wreck with just one look at me?"

I return her laugh and lift a shoulder "You don't look as nervous as you have in the past if that makes you feel any better?"

"A little" she grumbles and I laugh scooting closer to her in the back of the jeep, wrapping my arm behind her and resting my hand on her other side "Can I reassure you?"

She lays the side of her head on my shoulder, her voice a soft whisper "Always"

"We're only going to be heavily making out while you're topless" I deadpan with as much of a serious face as I can.

She scoffs and lifts her head off from my shoulder, playfully glaring over at me "You're losing your touch because I'm not reassured at all"

I laugh with that and pull her back into my side "Okay, okay-- jokes aside Jeff said the editing of the scene is going to resemble the car scene in the second season with Pose and Crystal," I feel her nod and breathe out a calming breath "So once we lay down... you know, just kiss the crap out of me"

"Dyl" she laughs in a half wine and I bring my knee up to my chest to rest my elbow on while I rub my hand over my mouth "I'm just saying Adds, remember we're madly in love so it's alright to kiss me anytime you want."

Her eyes snap up to mine, the humor fading from her eyes as they move between mine quickly and the comfortable silence stretches around us.

"How do you remember everything I tell you?" she asks so quietly if we weren't sitting so close I may not have heard her.

I soften my face towards her with a little shrug "You said that was one of your most favorite quotes from a book ever... pretty easy to remember."

She smiles and nods leaning her head back against the seat seeming to pull back into her own head again.

I clear my throat and tilt my head towards her "You're going to be great"

Adds slowly moves her eyes over to connect with mine, barely muttering above a whisper "So will you."

I chew on the inside of my cheek, debating with myself for a few seconds before I finally ask "Is everything okay with you?"

Her brow twitches as she turns more to face me "Yeah, yeah I'm fine why?"

Making a noise I drop my eyes down for a moment before looking back up at her "I don't know, just seemed like something was on your mind."

A genuine smile lifts the corners of her mouth and she shakes her head, reaching over to rest her hand on top of mine "I'm okay, Dylio-- promise."

I nod with her words turning my hand over so her palm rests against mine and I intertwine our fingers together, not even really thinking about doing it anymore. It's like second nature for me to be holding her and I know I have to tell her how I feel because we're almost done with this season and I'm too far into this unofficial relationship to have it be realistically over "You know I'm here-- like if something was on your mind or bothering you, you could-- you could talk to me, about anything."

She squeezes my hand twice and my eyes move up to hers, seeing her draw her brows in gratefully "I know and I will-- you know I'm here for you as well right?"

Nodding with that I shrug "Yeah, my face doesn't look like I'm trying to figure out one of life's big mysteries like yours does though"

She smiles with a little laugh, her eyes crinkling at the corners "I love you for always knowing just what to say."

I return her smile and squeeze her hand three times before pulling her into my side and kissing her temple "I love you for letting me."

She's been different these past few weeks, not in a way that I can really put my finger on but she's been off in a sense. She's still my Adds but something is on her mind and I can't figure out what it could be.

Filming this season has been amazing-- it's been torture but it's been amazing, however, I don't know if me trying to not get carried away in a scene is making me seem weird to her, which in return is causing her to be off.

I want to do this right and I don't want to drive her away, I want her to believe me when I tell her how I feel and hopefully know that she feels the same way.

The set is closed off and it's just us and the director as we begin our scene, talking about the lights and how she can't believe I would do all of this to give her a little escape from our crazy life.

She pushes up from how she was laying to bring her face closer to mine and instead of just kissing me like she's supposed to, she whispers "You're everything to me."

The line completely takes me off guard and I'm grateful that she presses her lips to mine not even a second later because I need a moment to process what I saw in her eyes as she said that.

Addy is everything to me and hearing her say that just now, I know I shouldn't, but I pretend like that was really how she feels while I lift my free hand and cradle the side of her face in my palm.

I gently lean into her, laying her back against the pillows a little more.

The way she kisses completely takes my breath away and it's impossible not to get lost in the moment, the fact that a camera is off to our side with someone sitting behind it falls away as I move my lips against hers.

Addy slides her arms behind my neck, pulling me against her more to where I'm worried I could be crushing her when she hooks one of her legs over my hip and makes me forget any worry at all.

My hips roll into her on their own accord while my hand grips onto her hip harder and the sweetest moan falls from her throat, easily allowing me to deepen the kiss with a swipe of my tongue against hers to make sure it's only heard by me.

Knowing I'm the only person she's kissed like this is driving me mad and I just want more of her, though thankfully the little voice of reason hasn't left yet and reminds me we're filming. I make a noise of anguished protest and reluctantly disconnect our lips, pulling back just enough to rest my forehead against hers with my eyes still closed.

Licking my lips quickly I can still feel the heat from her lips just a hair's breadth away from mine "Adds..." I trail off weekly only half confident that was what I was supposed to say while I attempt to catch my breath in a way that doesn't show everyone just how affected by her I actually am.

The moment I feel her nose move along mine my eyes slowly open and connect with her beautiful blues, a smile instantly overcoming my face when I look at her.

I remove my hand from her hip and cradle the side of her face, moving my thumb against her cheek as my husky voice fills the space around us "We should stop-- I didn't bring you out here for that."

She smiles softly and slides her hands from behind my head to rest her gentle touch to the sides of my face as she continues with our lines we talked to Jeff about adding in.

I react in the shocked sense Stiles would with almost cashing in his V-card to the love of his life right now and push off of her, moving to sit down beside her while I continue with our lines.

As soon as I say "I will always want you, Adds" I lean forward and connect our lips once more, feeling her push back against my chest a few seconds later.

I raise my brows with the silent question of what's wrong before she throws me a look and I can see her visibly breathe out deeply as she crosses her arms in front of her and bunches the bottom of her black long sleeve henley in each hand.

She lifts her shirt up, slowly showing me her stomach before she lifts her arms up and completely takes her shirt off, leaving her in only a light blue lace bra that makes her tan skin pop even more.

Addy had said she would do either way and debated back and forth with Jeff and I about this moment of the scene and whether completely bare with the help of the same pasties Holland had to use a few seasons back was the right way or this.

Sitting here in front of her-- this... this is so much sexier.

I've seen her in her swimsuit countless times, however, I don't even have to pretend to act like I'm not completely blown away by her or how stunning she is.

Realizing I can't just stare and drool at her I grip the back of my collar and lift my shirt up in one swift motion, moving closer towards her to place a reassuring kiss against her lips.

With our lips still connected I place both of my hands on her hips and slide her closer towards me, earning her to softly laugh against my lips with the action.

I smile into our kiss, feeling Addy wrap her arms behind my neck and place her legs on the outside of mine as I lay her back gently.

She slides her hands down my back and pulls me against her more as I get to continue to kiss her for the montage footage that will be edited together and probably won't even look as amazing as this feels-- though it'll look close based on what I've seen of our other scenes.

Once the director calls cut I press my lips into hers once more before I reluctantly pull back from her, feeling her hands slide from the back of my head and onto my shoulders.

Not able to look at her yet I keep my eyes closed and rest my temple against her cheek, attempting to slow my breathing. Which is proving to be difficult since I can hear her quick breaths as well, hear her swallow hard as she also tries to slow her breathing and that just causes the problem I'm telling to calm down to twitch and tell me it's not going away any time soon.

The breath hitches in her throat with a little noise and I quickly realize that with how close our hips still are-- she definitely just felt my dick bump into her inner thigh like it's looking for the light switch in a dark room.

I clear my throat and push up from my forearms and onto my hands "Sorry, I-- here" I stammer and completely lift myself off of her and sit down beside her. I grab her shirt and hand it over to her, not able to lift my eyes from her blushing cheeks to even attempt to look her in the eyes right now.

She mutters thanks as she gets her arms into the sleeves and pulls her shirt over her head at the same time that I grab my own shirt and do the same.

Once I pull the bottom of the shirt down my torso I breathe out a deep breath, trying to ease the different emotions floating around me-- specifically the embarrassment.

I slide my feet back to lift my knees up closer to my chest, resting my arms on my knees and setting my head against the wall.

Out of my peripheral I can see Addy moving to get situated as well, hearing her soft voice a second later "Are you-- is this... do you need-- I'm sorry"

I can't even help but scoff lightly as I tilt my head against the wall of the back and finally look at her "Adds, I'm the one who's sorry-- why are you sorry?"

She shrugs, dropping her eyes to her lap as she tucks her hair behind her ear "I don't know, sorry I don't know what to say?"

I chuckle softly and connect my eyes with hers "You don't have to say anything, it's uh-- well it happens and I'm sorry for not hiding it better."

"You can hide it?" she asks genuinely curious and I laugh a little with that, shrugging my shoulder "Sort of, not really but I was trying to not be too close to you-- just at the end that obviously didn't happen, so I'm sorry"

"You don't have to be sorry either, you know-- it's uh, it's natural" she stammers and shifts around nervously, making me wish we were still filming so I could just kiss her. She's adorably hot especially when she's being supportive and reassuring.

I clear my throat with a little shake of my head "Well I don't want you to be uncomfortable and I haven't had this issue on sets before so I wasn't really, uh, prepared."

"You've had kissing scenes before though and what we just did-- in that movie right?" she questions, drawing her brows in and I widen my eyes slightly "You didn't watch that movie did you?"

"No" she squeaks out in her high pitched completely lying tone and I groan placing my elbow on my knees to shove my face into my hands "I told you not to watch it"

"I know I'm sorry! Phoebs and I were flipping through Netflix and we saw it. She figured out it was you and asked if I'd seen it and then when I said I hadn't she declared we had to watch it."

"Great," I grumble and remove my hands lifting them up with my words "I can look at neither of you again"

"Come on, you were so good in it though! Dave is the sweetest but deserved someone better than Aubrey."

I snort with that, breathing out a deep breath as I look over at her, seeing her shrug once more "I uh-- seeing that though, I was nervous for any scenes like that that we would have this season."

Immediately I shake my head with her words "Those were different, they were humorously forced since the director was constantly talking through his mic that there needed to be more of this or more of that-- that experience wasn't even in the slightest like our scenes."

She makes a noise and leans forward, resting her forearms on her crossed legs in front of her "What do you mean, what are our scenes like?"

"Enjoyable?" I answer with a laugh and she lifts her brows in her shock, causing me to lick my lips quickly before I continue "These feel real with you, that's why they look so good and why..." I trail off and she sits up, her eyes dropping to my chest for a second before they connect with mine again "So even in those ones you didn't get-- you didn't have--"

"No" I snort through a chuckle and shake my head "Like I said I haven't had this problem on set before and I wasn't prepared-- I just, I'm so sorry that I-- that it happened-- that you knew it happened"

She smiles her shy smile that I love so much and stops my rambling as she shakes her head softly "Don't be."


3rd POV

Hoech and Sprayberry watch as Addy and Dylan attempt to stretch out on the bench opposite from where they're sitting.

Dylan easily rests his feet on the bench a few inches from where Hoech is sitting, earning Addy to weigh her options for how to sit with her shorter legs before she spins in her seat. She puts her back towards Dylan and scoots away from him a little bit before she lays down and rests her head on his thigh near his hip, closing her eyes as she crosses her arms over her front.

Dylan smiles down at her, moving his arm to lay on his stomach as he moves his fingers against her scalp.

Little Dylan leans closer towards Hoech and whispers "I've been wondering if it was true for a few weeks now but I didn't realize they were together in real life also..."

Hoech snorts, earning the oblivious pair to look at him before he shakes his head and looks at the younger Dylan, whispering back "Yeah they're not"

"What?" he asks genuinely confused, his eyes moving over towards the pair once more watching them close their eyes and get as comfy as they can while they wait for the next scene to be set up "They're great together, I just thought they were actually a couple as well as getting to play one."

Hoech leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, bringing his hands up to rest on the side of his cheek as he looks at the young Dyl "They should be but alas, they're just as big of idiots as their characters."

"What are you two whispering about?" Dylan questions, moving his foot over to hit Hoech's thigh.

He laughs and knocks Dylan's foot away from him "We didn't want to disturb the cuddle session as we went over our lines"

Addy snorts with a bright smile "Truly going to miss your sarcastic ass, Hoech"

He returns her smile, celebrating with a little fist pump in the air "I always knew you appreciated my ass."


Dylan POV

Addy opens her trailer door and steps to the side for me to walk past her "Hey-- how'd the chemistry read go?"

She smiles once she closes the door and walks over towards me "It was good, it was actually with Daniel"

"Daniel?" I trail off, narrowing my eyes in thought and she nods "Yeah, you know our Daniel... Sharman."

Raising my brows I look over at her as she sits down beside me "No shit"

"Yes shit?" she questions, making a face and laughing before she continues "Yeah they said the chemistry read was a formality since they had seen us work together before and wanted Daniel to play Kol, who's going by Kaleb when I meet him."

I return her smile, my knee bouncing a little with this news-- I know he hadn't thought of her in that way before, but now they're going to be working together on a new set... and you just never know what could happen.

"So uh," I trail off, not really knowing how to ask what I want to ask "So a chemistry read, means you guys are going to have a lot of scenes together then?"

She just smiles in a knowing way and shrugs "I only have the first 2 scripts but so far we have a bit of scenes together-- we go on a date in the second episode"

"A date?" I question immediately seeing her raise her brows with my outburst and I clear my throat "I mean, no-- that's great... do you, do you have to kiss him?"

Addy just looks at me and I realize how weird I'm being so I attempt to rectify the situation, lifting my hands up off my legs with my words "You know just curious minds-- I'm very invested in this show of yours, I just finished the first season."

"You watched more than just the pilot you had watched with me?" she questions and I smile "Yeah I-- you're amazing in it Adds, I wanted to see what was going to happen."

A shy smile lights up her face as she looks down to her lap and nods "Well I mean, I tell you everything that happens anyways"

"Watching you in it is different" I fill in without missing a beat and she looks over at me quickly, chewing on the side of her lip-- which gains all of my attention so when she answers my previous question I'm somewhat startled.

Not hearing her response I make a noise, raising my brow in a silent question when I connect my eyes with her bright ones "Hmm?"

"No I'm not kissing him in that episode, it's flirty but no kissing" she answers again through a chuckle and I nod making a contemplative face "Classy Davina, I like it."


Bloopers - Addy POV

I reach forward to grab onto the metal canister that's holding all of the bullet shell casings, however, when my hand grips onto the top edge the bottom sharply slides away from me and the shell casings go crashing onto the metal table-- loudly.

I grimace immediately, scrunching my nose up and closing my eyes as the sharp metal tings ring throughout the room as they go flying across the table and down onto the ground, hearing Dyl and Ty bust out laughing a second later.


As soon as we walk into the nightclub dance party Dylan and I share a look and seem to come to the same conclusion that we're going to ruin this take of us needing to look around and instead we immediately start dancing into the crowd. Shell and Arden immediately rush up and join us, laughing with us when Ty runs into the shot and starts attempting to twerk.


Standing at the bar, I dig in my pocket for the shell casing I need to put in the shot glass, however, it's completely stuck in my pocket. I mutter my line about not coming for a drink and finally get the casing out of my pocket, only to miss the desired location.

The casing bounces off the rim of the glass and I make a face at the betrayal of the casing and turn towards Dylan who is trying really hard not to laugh.

I run my tongue along my bottom teeth, shaking my head once as I shrug "Maybe I need that drink to get through this fucking scene with the bullet casing prop from hell"

Dylan barks out a laugh and leans further onto the bartop on his forearms, his shoulders shaking as his laughs dies down and we get set up for the next take.


Shelley leans forward and mutters her line about who Kate Argent is, followed by Arden chiming in that she would as well.

Dylan looks over to me and I shrug about to answer when he starts talking "Well, we were at her funeral-- wait" he trails off, gripping onto my leg a little more in a panic "Why were you looking at me like that? It was my line right?"

I laugh and shake my head, attempting to hide the fact that I did almost in fact start talking "I wasn't looking at you like anything, why'd you stop talking?"

"Because it looked like you were going to start talking when I did-- fuck me, you totally were going to answer weren't you?" he laughs and I grimace slightly "It's a strong possibility that I did notremember when my line was"

"You don't even say anything until I talk about Peter!" Ty bellows through his laugh and I throw my hands up "I said it was a strong possibility I didn't remember!"


I move closer to Dylan as he works on the jeep's engine suggesting we just walk and he makes a noise before rushing out that he won't abandon the jeep.

Once he places the end of the light back between his teeth I scoff and reach forward to grab it from him. Pulling the light gently he doesn't loosen his teeth grip from the other end after either of my gentle pulls and I throw him a look as I grumble through clenched teeth "I'm trying to be a helpful girlfriend so let go of the fucking light and let me, dammit!"

Dylan laughs around the flashlight that he still has not let go of before he bares his teeth towards me more, scrunching up his nose as he half growls at me like a puppy would when you're attempting to take a toy away.


"Where, in the fountain of youth?" Linden snaps and the way he says it just has me completely losing it and I move my lips between my teeth to not laugh.

I fail and make a little noise earning Dylan to snort through a breathy chuckle with a little shake of his head.

Linden breaks out into a wide smile as he looks between us and I drop my head forward while I quickly step away from them "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"


"Okay, who are you? And who are they?" The young Ian points over towards us and Dylan raises his brows, sighing loudly as he looks at me "Jeez we've been working on this for, what, four years?"

I nod, "Four years-- you'd think we'd get guest stars who knew who we were"

"Seriously it feels like a slap in the face almost?" Dylan continues and I nod, making a face like I just can't believe it "I mean, I know we're not werewolves but I still feel like people know us for what we bring to the show?"

"Comedy gold right here--" Dylan nods and moves his hands between us "The pair of us and he has the nerve to ask who we are?"

"To our faces?" I finish for him and Ty flops onto the ground, laughing loudly "I hate you both, stop making me kneel down in front of him."

"That's borderline inappropriate in front of a child's ears" I grumble and Ian barks out a laugh "Oh my god!"


"To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek. So, if you actually think that Kate's coming to find him–" Dylan trails off with his line as we turn around the corner of the doorway into Scott's room, however, I'm stopped from continuing the scene when Jill does a jump scare scream towards me and I jump back with my own terrified for my life scream "Holy fucking shit!"

Jill and Ian are busting up laughing in the room while I slap my hand over my chest and look from them and out into the hallway where Dylan was standing behind me-- he however is now sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, laughing hysterically as he points up at me.

Through my own laughs I point back at him "Did you know they were going to evacuate my soul from my body like that?!"

Through his wheezing he shakes his head and attempts to answer "No-- I swear-- but fuck that was the best"

"Oh fuck you guys" I mumble and step past him, hearing their laughs from behind me as I walk past some of the crew who are all laughing as well.


Shelley walks up to the board with me and grabs her chalk as I continue to write the numbers I'm supposed to. The chalk in my hand snaps and my hand hits the board earning a muttered fuck to fall past my lips.

I hear Shell snort and I move my lips between my teeth, nodding once as I look over towards her and attempt to keep the scene going "You go over the notes I gave you?"

She makes a noise, the smile desperately fighting to break free as she looks at me and I fail at holding in my laugh.

"I tried but the way your hand hit the board after the chalk broke was too much" Shell laughs with me and we head back to our seats to start the scene over.


Dylan shakes his head "Did you forget about the family axe murderer?"

Ty's eyes crinkle at the corners with the one word Dyl forgot and I make a noise attempting not to laugh when he groans "Fucking christ, family murdering axe murderer why is that so difficult for me?"

I snort and shrug a shoulder "I mean it just rolls off the tongue so I don't know"

Arden and Ty laugh with that and Dylan just throws me a look "Hardy har har" he mocks and jabs me in the side, eliciting laughs and squeals from me as I attempt to get away from him and his tickling advances.


Dylan reaches for the curtain of the bathtub and tries to pull it closed once more, however it gets stuck and he tries yanking a little harder which causes the whole bar to fall "Oh shit"

We jump back and hear little Dyl make his own screams behind the tape, causing us to laugh as we lean forward to pick the curtain off of him.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Dylan loudly questions and I laugh through my reply "Stop hulk smashing the entire set, jeez this is getting out of hand"


"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you, okay? We... we just-- aided and-- abetted" Dylan mutters his line and I shake my head with my own mumble of "Oh my god" before I turn to Dylberry "Look Bub, we know what you're going through and it's scary but-- wait that's not it" I grimace and hear 'cameras still rolling' from behind us so I shake my head and try again "Look Bub, we know everything you're going through and we can-- holy shit, that's not it either."

Dyl frowns a little beside me and shakes his head "Not even a little bit but you got this"

I throw him a look and hear Ty laugh before I clear my throat and attempt to try again, connecting my eyes with Dylberry's for my line "We know everything is scary-- ah fuck my life I didn't say 'look' or 'bub'!" I groan and drop my head back as the three of them laugh.

I face him again and set my hands on his shoulder shaking him slightly "Look, Beacon Hills is a scary place but we've got this shit handled so just trust us!"

We all laugh with that and I place my face in my hands, moving my head from side to side "I need a dance party"

"How's a dance party going to help?" Little Dyl questions and I drop my hands, smiling up at him and seeing Ty already grabbing his phone out of his pocket while Dylan throws his arms up and shouts "Take four, dance party on the floor!"


Shelley lunges forward and the chain that's supposed to keep her back falls off from around the beam and she stumbles forward, crashing into me before we both crash into Dylan and fall into a fit of laughs on the floor.

"She's come unhinged, I got her!" I wheeze out and Shell laughs harder "Oh my god, my life just flashed before my eyes"


Dylan and I walk out onto the patio and the toe of my shoe catches on the bottom track for the door and I stumble to the side, muttering under my breath "Oh sweet fuck"

We get set up and attempt to walk outside only this time Dyl steps too close to me and steps on the back of my shoe which again has me stumbling forward and my hands wrap around one of the columns of the patio.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Adds" he laughs out and sets his hand on my back, making sure I'm stable. I grip onto the column a little more and look around the side at the camera, laughing with wide eyes "We just need to start from a standing position because at this rate we're never getting outside"


Dylan leans forward to start writing the 'K's and 'M's next to all twelve of the names on the list and Linden makes a noise, turns his head to the side as he examines the list. He looks up at Ty and I a second later, making another contemplative noise as he points towards us and shares a look with Dylan "These two are worth fifty million-- together?"

We go with what he's doing and nod, the three of us sharing a look when Dylan looks over at him. Linden nods and directs his next words to Dylan "So should we take them out now or--"

"Jesus christ" Ty and I bellow together before we burst into laughs and Linden just shrugs "I had to ask at least once right? I mean it's fifty million"

Dylan barks out a laugh and steps away from us, wiping his hand over his mouth while I drop my mouth open and scoff, looking at Linden while I chime in "Wow, the betrayal"

"We considered you like a father to us!" Ty yells back, attempting to keep the laugh he's holding back out of his voice.


I put my pencil to the test to start filling in the random bubbles and the end completely snaps off-- loudly in the otherwise quiet room which earns me to snort as I move my lips between my teeth.

Trying not to laugh I sit back in my seat and lift my arm up to hold open my hand on top of my shoulder.

A second later I feel a pencil slide across my palm from Dylan sitting behind me, hearing random chuckles from beside us before I grip the pencil in my hand and lift it up slightly in a way of thanks before I go back to the test.


I sigh loudly and look around the loft, indicating towards Ty and Holl "Yes, okay? You kissed your cousin. We're basically adults now, so let's just get it out there now so we can move on"

"Damn I love family drama" Hoech grumbles beside me and I nod as I flick my eyes over towards him "We needed more drama I think, we were severely slacking this season."

"But drama like this?!" Holland laughs and I shrug "Hey at least we're not pulling a Game of Thrones situation, okay? This is tame and could at least happen since we didn't know."

"I second being glad it's not a Game of Thrones situation" Ty mutters and visibly shivers, earning us all to laugh before we hear Dylan shouting from behind the camera blocks "What the fuck happened on Game of Thrones?!"


Addy POV

Standing outside on the set in Atlanta, I turn around in a slow circle as I take everything in, seeing Daniel make his way towards me which causes me to immediately smile at him "There he is!"

He smiles wide and opens his arms before a second later he's wrapping them around me "I still cannot believe I got the part and get to work with you again, love."

"Same here, it's going to be so much fun!" I squeal out excitedly and he laughs, nodding towards me "How was finishing up the season on your other wolf world?"

"It was good-- different, but good" I answer and he narrows his eyes at me "Good but different how?"

I don't answer right away, instead choosing to look around us at the set for a few seconds. I have definitely been in my own head since we finished filming about a week ago in L.A.

The season ending always brings on nostalgia but there were certain aspects of this season that I can't quite move on from as quickly as I was hoping-- and I'm apparently doing a horrible job to hide that.

Finally I look at him and his patient face, seeing him nod towards me "What's going on?"

"I don't know," I mutter and he throws me a look that has me immediately chuckling with a shrug "I'm serious, the end of the season is usually sad but it just feels like we're constantly losing people and it just gets me down I guess. It feels like graduating high school every year you know? Except I'm not a senior and keep going back" he laughs and I cross my arms over my chest "It's just weird to get used to which I know I need to because that's the biz-- I grew up around that, my dad always talking about people he misses working with, it's just with you and Crys leaving and now Hoech... it's just been a lot these past 6 months."

Daniel nods in understanding and I breathe out a deep breath, smiling cheerfully up at him "But I'm excited we get to work here together-- you're going to love the rest of the cast."

He smiles brightly and nods his head to the side "So you ready to go on a fake date with me, love?"

I pretend to swoon and fan myself with my hand "With those smooth words, how is a young lady, such as I, supposed to resist?"

Daniel laughs and holds his arm out for me, setting his hand on mine as soon as I grip onto his elbow "You're not" he winks before we head into the set to run through our lines for the scene.


Daniel and I have filmed quite a few scenes together and I love the familiarity of having him here in the scenes with me.

The magic elements have been so interesting as we learn the lines for the spells together and I've gotten to train a lot with the stunt coordinators for the few somewhat fight scenes I've had.

We just got done filming all of the cabin scenes from the last episode where I was conveniently knocked out to stop doing a spell and will stay that way into the next episode.

I love that there's more down time, for me at least, on the set here. It definitely makes it not as exhausting as the film schedule for Teen Wolf which has been a nice break-- and is exactly what I'm grateful for right now as I head into my trailer and get changed to sleep.

My phone dings not long after I'm changed into my jammies and I smile when I see Dylan's text announcing how excited he is for his flight to head out here for a few days


Dylan POV

Watching her work on set here is just as mesmerizing as it is in L.A.-- this is what she was always meant to do, she thrives in this environment. She's phenomenal in the scenes, bringing even more raw emotion into the words than I first got when I read lines with her-- plus add in the witch elements and with one look at her you can tell she's having an absolute blast.

She has been filming different scenes this morning walking through the woods and this warehouse set with Daniel. They took a break so a few of the cast could get applied with the blood, including Adds who gets bit so the side of her neck is getting the full vampire bitten treatment.

She has a wide smile on her face as she talks with the makeup artist, enthusiastically waving her hands about.

"Alright, mate?" Daniel asks and brings me back from my inner thoughts when he walks up beside me, the side near his temple all set with what he'll be going through in the scene.

I smile at him and slap him on the shoulder in a little greeting "Yeah, man-- it's so good to see you again, we've missed you."

He nods with a genuine smile "I've definitely missed you guys as well and I'm glad you're here. Addy's been trying to make any time frame work for you to come out here-- she's really wanted you to see everything she's been doing here."

"She said that?" I question without missing a beat, my eyes moving from him and over towards her.

I hear him 'hmm' in confirmation as he takes a drink from his water bottle, throwing me a knowing smile that I roll my eyes at with a small chuckle "Yeah, I get it man-- I want to tell her."

"You do?" he questions, interest peaked completely and I laugh "Yes, we've just been so busy and I want to do it right."

Daniel laughs and slaps me on the shoulder "Mate, any way you say it will be right-- but just say it already."

"Thanks, man" I nod up at him and he smiles like it's no big deal before Addy walks over to where Daniel and I are standing. She tilts her head to the side exposing her neck with a little flourish of her hands in her hair "As someone who has loved this world for the past 5 years, I'm so excited right now."


As soon as Pose picks up the phone I'm already talking "Coming here was a bad idea"

I start pacing back and forth through the trailer as he laughs "Why? Is the atmosphere on set that bad?"

"No, it's great actually everyone is incredibly nice and welcoming and talking to me when Addy's filming and I'm alone" I admit and he again laughs "So... what's the problem then?"

"The problem is that Addy got her script for an episode that she's going to be kissing Daniel in!"

"Why are you whispering?" he questions and I throw my free arm up beside me "Because I sound like a raging lunatic and people don't know me here."

Pose chuckles and from around his bite of food I can hear him ask "Where are you?"

"Addy's trailer, she's got some scenes tonight" I answer and breathe out deeply, feeling not as worked up so I can sit down.

A few seconds pass before his voices comes on the line again "Alright, so why was going there a bad idea?"

My knee starts bouncing and just fuels my next rambling spew of different things I've been feeling lately "Seeing them together, I just-- I know they're just friends, but that doesn't stop the panic I get when I see how great they are in a scene together and now they're going to be in romantic scenes together and that was our thing and she's been acting weird lately and I just feel like she's-- fuck, I dunno."

"Well you need to talk to her and see what's going on" he says, so simply it has me closing my eyes "But that's just it, she won't talk to me-- not that she won't talk to me but she's so busy right now and when I do finally get to see her she's exhausted and if this is all in my head then I could push her away more than it already feels like is happening."

Pose makes a noise and comes back with "Dude what are you honestly worried about? You've had to kiss other people too"

"This is different" I mutter and he scoffs through a laugh "How?"

"Because I wasn't aware I was in love with her when I did"

"I still don't understand how she should know that" he counters and I open my eyes, leaning my head back on the couch as I look at the ceiling "I'm not saying she should-- but what if, what if she kisses him like she kisses me? I won't-- I won't--"

"You won't what?" Pose interrupts and doesn't give me a chance to answer before he goes on "She has no idea how you feel about her because you won't just talk to her. So even if she is kissing him like she kisses you, which I highly doubt, you can't be upset about it."

"But--" I attempt to reply, even though I have no idea what I was going to say, though he stops me "No, okay-- just no, dude. You're my best friend and I love you-- but I love her too and she doesn't deserve for you to be upset that she's doing her job"

I close my eyes knowing he's right, I'm not mad at anyone except for myself for not telling her how I felt months-- hell, years ago. I open my eyes when he makes a noise and drags out thoughtfully "Whichjust so happens at the moment to include kissing with the guy who first brought out your jealous side with her."

"I fucking hate you" I grumble and he barks out a laugh "You do not-- you just know I'm right"

"I don't want her making out with him" I admit a few seconds later and he's more serious with his next response "I know you don't."

I huff out a deep breath and lift my hand up to scratch the back of my head "She's new to that whole side of filming what if she doesn't know that you're not supposed to use tongue unless you like the person, huh? I've only ever kissed her with tongue so how should she know that's not the norm?"

"I don't want to hear this" he grumbles immediately and I lift my hand up from my head to point at him like he was in the room with me "I don't need you acting like her brother, I need you to act like my best friend because that's what you are to me and I fucking called you to rant to."

He laughs with that and attempts to be the voice of reason "Fine look, have you ever thought that maybe she kisses you that way because you're the one kissing her that way first?"

I ponder with that perspective and he uses my silence to continue being the reason I knew I needed to call him "She was shy with you until she got comfortable with you, so I don't really see her being the one to go kissing Daniel the same way she kisses you-- and for the record I don't see him doing that either. He's your friend too and knows how you feel about her-- dude drove you guys home while you talked about wanting to kiss her."

Making a noise, I answer without missing a beat "I know he wouldn't, this has nothing to do with him. It's just really shitty timing especially with how weird she's--"

"I know" he answers immediately.

"I just want to be with her" I sigh out and he takes a second before he drops his wisdom once more "And everyone but Addy knows it."

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