TOUCH OF HOPE (MxM) (Complet...

By raquel98rm

684K 43.8K 16.9K

Haphephobia: the fear of being touched. Blake, a second-year Psychology student, hadn't ever heard of such a... More

Upload Schedule
1. The lost boy (revised)
2. Finding the boy (revised)
3. Right Wrong Answers (revised)
4. Two freaks (revised)
5. A new friend (part 1) (revised)
5. A new friend (part 2) (revised)
6. Let the games begin
7. The right direction
8. A normal afternoon
9. "Having lunch with your friends?"
10. Intern vs Supervisor
11. Episode
12. The courage to be weak
13. My brother's... friend
14. Afternoon Plans
15. Slowly opening up
16. Sleepy Brat
17. An exciting invite
18. Spending the night
19. Tingling
20. A Suiter for the Heir
21. Hands
22. Sweet Truces
23. Slowly but Surely
25. Lost and Found
26. Showtime
27. Aftermath
28. The strength's name
29. Not even that cute
30. Sleepless (part 1)
30. Sleepless (part 2)
31. Safe space
32. To each their own
33. Like in the movies
34. Gold star
35. Family Shackles
36. A rock and a hard place
37. Here for you
38. As the moon watches us
39. A little bit dramatic
40. No words
41. Reduce, Reuse, Relax
42. A son's lost. (part 1)
42. A son's lost. (part 2)
43. Guys and Dolls
44. Breaking the surface
45. The abnormality of normal
Christmas Special (chapter 30.5)
46. Pay off
47. A big deal
48. Aunty knows best
49. Little Steps
50. At last... (part 1)
50. At last... (part 2)
! Q&A + Announcement !
51. Something for you
52. The future in pages (part 1)
52. The future in pages (part 2)
53. A break
55. Just better than you
56. Enough
57. To hear and be heard (part 1)
57. To hear and be heard (part 2)
58. When the Sun vanished
59. Epilogue
Touch Of Hope's SEQUEL
Once again, I need your opinion
Bonus Content (AI Characters)

54. I'm so s'Oreo

6.1K 546 234
By raquel98rm

PLEASE VOTE: I know many people forget, but the votes are what boosts the story so more people can find it. 🖤🙏

Every chapter I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This week's shout out: April_1029 !! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on this story <3 I hope you keep enjoying it <3 <3 <3

- You know that staring at your phone won't make him call, right? – May said.

Collin's eyes left the screen to look over at Finn's bed where May sat behind Finn, massaging his shoulders. Somehow, Finn was in pain from using a computer too much.

- I can't help it... It's been forever.

- Two days.

- That counts as forever. – Collin insisted. – Yesterday he didn't show up at the lab, and today again. Adam has never skipped work, he's, like, obsessed with it.

- And how many times have you texted him?

Collin looked back at his phone, opening the text app and scrolling down his texts with Adam, or rather, his texts to Adam. Since the evening of the day everything had gone on, Collin's messages had increased in regularity and intensity. At first, he had stuck to his plan of a simple 'Heard what happened... I'm here for you if you want to talk.', and even with no reply, he was ready to leave it at that. That was, until Adam hadn't shown up at the lab.

Hey. You aren't coming today?, he had texted Adam, with no answer.

I understand if you don't want to talk but just let me know if you're okay, he had tried later that day, but Adam hadn't replied either.

Are you angry at me?

I'm sorry what happened with your dissertation, but I swear it wasn't me.

You know I wouldn't do that, right?

You aren't coming today either?

Can we talk?


Collin scrunched up his nose, exiting the app.

- Enough times for him to have replied if he wanted.

- Just go to him, - May said. – You know where he lives.

- He might not want to see me.

- I get you're afraid he might think it was you, but, let's be honest, if that guy really thinks you were the one who screwed him over then he isn't good enough for you and he can---

- May. – Finn winced under her hands.

- Sorry. – May let go for a beat, shaking her hands as to force them to relax before resuming both the massage and the conversation. – The point is, Collin, if Adam blames you without even hearing you out, then he's both stupid and a bad friend.

Collin felt a smile rise to his lips. – I don't think someone stupid would get to be a doctorate student. But thank you, May, really.

- Smart people can be dumb. – with a smile on her lips, she motioned with her chin to Finn. – Exhibit A.

Even with his back turned the jab didn't go past Finn. He turned his head, sending May a weak glare with a poorly-hidden smile when a key turned in the lock and the door creaked open. Blake came in with his phone to his ear, chucking his keys to the desk.

- So do you think you're coming tomorrow? – Blake asked the person on the other side of the line, setting down his backpack. – You don't have to decide now, I'm just asking.

Collin waved at Blake to catch his attention. – Dean? – he mouthed and when Blake nodded, he spoke out. – Hi, Dean.

Blake smiled. – It was Collin. – he told Dean, waiting a second before addressing Collin. – Dean says hi.

- Tell him that when he comes back he's gonna have to hear Mark tell the drunk story he told us today. – May added. – If we have to have that image in our minds, he has too.

Blake passed the message, chuckling to himself at whatever Dean replied. – It has to be Mark telling you or it isn't traumatizing enough. – he paused and the amusement in his eyes softened, his smile turning sweeter.

A slight pang of jealousy poked at Collin. They were too adorable. When Blake hang up, he sat on his bed, leaning on Collin, back to back.

- How is he? – May asked.

- Better, I think, – Blake sighed, letting his head fall back onto Collin's shoulder. – I'm trying not to push too much right now.

No one said anything right away. No one knew what to say. Blake had told them what had happened when Dean wasn't there for lunch the day before, and it was safe to say the reaction had been a mix of revolt and sadness. But none of them could do anything to help. Collin was becoming annoyingly familiarized with that feeling.

- Is he... - May spoke. – You know, sleeping well?

The weight of Blake's head left Collin's shoulder so he could look at May. For some reason, Blake had a slight arch to his eyebrows. – Sleeping?

- Yeah, you know, sleeping.

There a small pause and then Blake's lips curved into a smile. – No problem, don't worry.

Collin gave Finn a questioning look but he was distracted rotating his sore wrist, oblivious to whatever conversation Blake and May were having in between the lines. He returned his attention to them but, as he was about to ask what they were referring too, his phone buzzed. His heart catapulted to his throat and he snatched his phone laying on the comforter so fast, Blake jerked in surprise.

- Is it Adam? – May asked, scooting closer to the edge of the mattress.

Collin opened the text notification, eyes darting for the contact name. Disappointment laid on his chest.

- No. – he swiped to ignore the notification. He wasn't in the mood. – It's the drama club group chat.

- He still hasn't texted you back? – Blake asked.

- No... - in a move that could only be considered self-inflicted torture, Collin opened the browser, selecting the tab where the shameful blog waited for him. Waited to laugh in his face and remind him how heartbroken Adam was.

Blake peeked over his shoulder at the screen.

- Is that the blog?

Collin nodded, slowly scrolling down the text without reading. That blog didn't deserve to be read.

- How long is it?

- Fifty some pages from Adam's dissertation.

- How the hell does that all fit in a blog?

- It's more than one page.

- It must be like a thousand to fit all of that.

A corner of Collin's lips perked. He scrolled to the end of the page to check the number of pages, but his eyes stopped at the date of publication.

- I never thought I could hate a date so much, – he glared at it as if he could intimidate it out of existent. – One month. Someone stole this at least one month ago.

- Yeah, about that, – the mattress bounced as Blake moved to sit by his side at the edge of the bed, - you said Adam makes you check for plagiarism, why didn't he?

- You have to pay for the full program, so we use one of the cheapest version that has a limit of pages. He must have tested that chapter before this was posted. – Collin faked a smile. – And guess who's the only person he emailed the chapters as he did them?

- Oh, - Blake looked at Collin. – You're really screwed.

- Blake. – Collin cried. – Don't say that.

- Sorry.

- Wait. – Finn spoke up, every head in the room turning to him. A focused frown framed his eyes that were locked to some random point on Blake's bed. Collin was about to follow his line of sight to see what he could be looking at when whatever Finn was thinking finished processing and his eyes flashed up to Collin. – How regularly did he send you the chapters?

- Hm... As soon as he was done with them? He wanted me to read them and I pretended to do it.

- Do you delete your emails? – Finn asked.

- What? No. Who the hell deletes... - Collin's voice dissipated and his heart did a summersault in his chest. His eyes met Finn's, springing to his feet. – I have the emails. – he whispered. – I have them.

- You can use them to prove Adam was the fi---

- Oh my God. – Collin yelled, crossing the small distance between the beds and crushing Finn in a hug against his chest. – Finn, you're a genius! I could kiss you!

- Please don't.

Collin let go, scramming to grab his phone and room keys. – I have to go, - he said and bolted out of the door. When he entered his room, door slamming behind him, he straight-lined for his laptop.

- C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. – he mumbled, sitting on his bed while the laptop screen came to life. It took an excruciatingly long time, but the browser finally opened. Collin could feel the anticipation press against the back of his throat as he wrote Adam's name on the inbox search bar. That was probably the only chance to prove Adam's innocence. He couldn't waste it.

His phone buzzed a couple of times, but he ignored it. The drama club chat could wait.

A plethora of emails from Adam filled the inbox, multiple pages, most of them without a subject. That put a damper on Collin's excitement, but it didn't discourage him. It might take longer, but he was going to find it. And so, the process began.

Collin would search for the emails with attachments and check them. Sifting through the corrections to all the paperwork Adam had him do, numerous research papers and adjustments to Collin's report, he would find the different dissertation chapters and proceed to text-search the stolen part.

As pressing as the matter was, Colling would catch himself getting distracted once he noticed how Adam's emails to him had evolved. In the beginning, there wouldn't be much if any text preceding the files, and when there was, it would be a slight variation of "You have until this date to finish this". It stayed like that for a while, until one certain email, months ago.

Sending you the corrections for the research you did. It wasn't bad.

Don't pull an all-nighter again.

P.S.: Thank you for the granola bar.

Collin had to favourite that email for the future. The fact that Adam had obviously struggled to thank him but had still added it to the email was just too adorable.

That nostalgia had a smile growing on his lips, but it only lasted a fraction of a second before a wave of worry washed it away. What if the dissertation's theft had ruined all of the progress they had made? Even if Collin proved Adam's innocence, there was no way to prove his own to Adam. And, even if there was, even if he was able to convince Adam he wouldn't do something like that, maybe it would be too late at that point. May had a point. If they were as close as Collin had thought, Adam wouldn't doubt him.

Collin shook his head, snapping back to reality. That didn't matter for now. He could deal with whatever happened with their friendship when the time came. At that moment, he was a man on a mission.

He scavenged through emails, attachment after attachment until he finally found it. Collin's breath hitched when the text search highlighted the beginning of the stolen chapter. He closed the file, checking the date on the email.

December. It had been sent in December.

Collin all but threw his laptop on the bed, jumping to his feet, and punching the air with all he had.

December was five months before the blog post, there was no way they could blame Adam. They would have to believe him.

His phone buzzed on the desk but he ignored it once again. He had to email the professor and let her know he had proof. Sitting back down on his bed he pulled the laptop to his lap and typed out the first draft.

I found proof that Adam didn't plagiarize his dissertation since you didn't believe in him enough to try to find a solution yourself even though he's, supposedly, your favourite. Ha.

Best regards,

Collin Kitson

He had to work on it.

His drafting was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. Collin put away the laptop, stepping towards the desk where the cell phone rested and picked it up, checking the name on the screen. His heart skipped a beat and his mouth went dry.

- Hello?

- What's your dorm number? – Adam's voice asked from the other side.

- My... - the realization hit Collin and he stepped back against the desk. – You're here?

- Someone let me in with them. Aren't there rules against that? – there was a pause and Collin heard the muffled sound of what sounded like a heavy door opening. – I'm at the staircase. What floor?

- Forth. Room four twelve.

- I'll be there in a second.

Adam hung up, but Collin didn't move, except for his arm falling to his side. Adam was there, on his way to his room. His attention snapped back to his phone, noting the unread texts from Adam.

I just saw your texts, we need to talk in person.

I'm on my way to your dorm, call me when you see this text.

I'm here. I don't know your room number.

Adam wanted to talk to him.

Collin's nerves spiked to astronomic levels and he looked around his mess of a room. At the drop of a hat, he went into a frenzy, picking up the clothes scattered across the floor, chucking them into the closet and tugging the duvet up on the bed and failing to press the folds of the sheets into submission. He was grabbing a few candy wrappers from the bed-side table when there was a knock on the door.

- Coming. – he said, throwing the wrappers on the trash. He began stepping towards the door, but he veered mid-way, opening the closet door for a quick check in the mirror. He fixed his hair and took a deep breath, staring at his reflection.

Here goes nothing.

Before the courage could desert him, he marched to the door. Adam stood on the other side, hands stuffed in his pockets, and his head swung up to meet Collin's eyes. He looked exhausted. More exhausted than Collin had ever seen him. His hair looked like he had just woken up, the darkness shadowing the skin under his eyes made them look sunken and the veins in the white of his eyes more prominent.

Collin's heart ached to see him in that state. He wanted to punch whoever had posted that blog.

- Hey. – Adam greeted him in a croaky voice, breaking the silence. He motioned to the room with his head. – Can I come in?

Collin wasn't sure what he had expected Adam's reaction to be when they met again, but he surely hadn't thought Adam would be at his door, asking to come in. Regardless of his apprehension about whatever Adam had to tell him, Collin knew better than waste that opportunity.

- Yeah, sure... - Collin stepped to the side, further opening the door.

Adam stepped inside and Collin watched him walk to the middle of the room with his hands still in his pockets, looking around the small space.

- It's a bit messy. – Collin said, closing the door behind him. – I didn't know I would be having guests.

Adam nodded but didn't respond. Collin couldn't handle that silence. The suspense and expectation wrapped tighter and tighter around his neck with each ticking second. Searching for something to break the awkwardness, his gaze fell on the laptop placed on the bed and his heart jumped as remembered what he had been doing, what he had discovered.

- Adam. – he called, crossing the room towards his bed in large steps. – I have to show you something.

Before he could reach his laptop, a hand wrapped his wrist, stopping him mid-stride. – Wait. – Collin turned around as Adam let go of him to reach inside his pocket. Collin's curiosity spiked with the sound of plastic and his heart melted when Adam fished out a small package of mini-Oreos. – Before you say anything else. - Adam's eyes flitted to him, extending the small bag. – I'm sorry.

Collin stared back at Adam, like deer caught in headlights, until Adam gave the bag a small shake, prompting him to take it.

- I saw your first text, - Adam continued once Collin had accepted the Oreos. – But I... I wasn't ready to talk about it. Or anything. With anyone. So, I turned off my phone and I didn't turn it ON until today when my best-friend showed up at my door to see why I wasn't answering his calls. And then I saw your texts and... - the incessant babbling paused. Adam raked his fingers through his dark hair, hand falling back to his side with a tired sigh. He looked at Collin. – The point is, I never thought you were the one that... did that. I never considered the idea. I know you.

He knows me.

That sentiment hung between them, simmering in the silence as Collin lowered his eyes to the blue package in his hands, running his thumb over the crumpling plastic.

Adam hadn't suspected him. Because Adam knew him.

Relief filled his lungs and his bottom lip trembled. He chucked the Oreo bag back, hoping it would fall on the bed as he ploughed foreword. Adam let out a smothered "humpf" as their bodies collided and Collin wrapped his arms around Adam's shoulders, face hiding against his neck without much effort since their height difference was close none.

Adam didn't react right away, startled by the sudden attack, but Collin didn't care, squeezing him further in his arms. When the shock washed out, an arm snaked around Collin's waste while the other hand laid on his head.

- Were you that worried I thought it was you? – Adam's voice was hushed but Collin could hear the smile in it.

- You looked at me like you were really mad.

- It wasn't directed at you, - Adam patted his hair. - Maybe I should have told you instead of leaving, but after the talk with the professor I just... I had to go.

The reference to the professor reminded Collin of the pressing issue at hand. He jolted his body upright, clutching Adam's by the shoulders. – I have to show you something, - under Adam's curious eyes, Collin rushed to his bed, sitting down with the laptop back on his lap. He tapped the space beside him, looking up at Adam. – C'mon, hurry.

As Adam sat down, Collin reopened the email. – A friend of mine gave me this idea. - he slid the laptop to Adam's lap, pointing at the date on the screen. – You sent me this email with the stolen part in December, - his attention moved from the screen to Adam. After a short moment, Adam's eyes widened with understanding, hand shooting for the touchpad, opening the attached file.

- This has to be proof enough that you were the one who was plagiarized.

Adam scrolled down the document, gaping at the chapter once he reached it, silent. Collin couldn't fault him for wanting to check for himself, but Adam wasn't reacting. Collin craned his neck to look at Adam's face. – Adam?

Adam's eyes flitted to him. – I might have a chance. – he whispered.

A smile stretched across Collin's lips.

- They have to believe you now. – he reached for the laptop, opening the box to compose a new email. – I was about to email the professor to tell her.

One of Adam's hands rested over Collin's hands, stopping him. He looked at Adam, eyebrows pinched in confusion. Adam gave a small smile. – She'll want to speak about this personally. – he said. – I'll text her and ask to meet up tomorrow morning.

- I'll come with you.

Adam's smile grew ever so slightly, nodding. Collin closed the laptop, placing it on the duvet while Adam let out a sigh, combing his hair back with his fingers.

- I can't believe I actually have a chance. – Adam said. His voice sounded less taught, but the fatigue seemed to have doubled. Collin focused his attention on Adam, gauging his condition. The adrenaline had faded and what was certainly sleepless nights were catching up to him.

- Did you drive here?

- Yeah. – Adam said, sliding his hands from his hair to rub his face. – Why?

- You shouldn't drive like this.

A corner of Adam's lips perked. – Like this?

- You look like you're about to pass out.

- Thanks, I needed that.

- I'm serious, you can't drive like that. – Collin stood up, hands on hips. He wasn't about to let Adam fall asleep at the wheel and get into an accident. – If you want to drive, you should sleep first. You can sleep here if you want. I'll go to my friends' room for a while.

Adam's pondering gaze fell on the bed and Collin's mind immediately began picturing a scenario where Adam would suggest Collin stayed there while he slept. And then, after a while, Adam would wake up and scoot to the side so Collin could lie by his side and they would just lie there looking into each other's eyes and Adam would realize how weirdly perfect they were for each other. Collin could already hear the violins playing on the background when Adam looked back at him and spoke.

- I'll just call my best friend to pick me up, - Adam said. – He stayed over at my place while I came here.

Regardless of the bitter realization that life wasn't a romantic comedy, Collin contained his disappointment. He could suggest Adam stay and have dinner with them, but he was far too exhausted for that, so Collin resigned and sat back down. – Then we'll wait here together.

Adam nodded, but he looked only vaguely aware of what Collin had said as he grabbed his phone and texted his friend. When Adam put down the phone, his eyelids were fighting to stay up and a yawn forced its way out.

- You could lie down while waiting, – Collin rested a hand on Adam's shoulder, feeling his body lightly sway under it. - I'll wake you up if when he calls.

– If I fell asleep I don't know if anyone would be able to wake me up, - a tired smiled shaped Adam's lips. – Don't worry, kid, I'm okay.

- Doesn't look like it.

- My self-esteem is through the roof right now.

Collin had to press down a smile but he stuck to his guns. Crossing his arm over to the opposite side of Adam's head, Collin tugged him closer, encouraging him to rest his head on his shoulder. – Shush, – he said in response to Adam's weird look. – It's not optional.

- Such a brat. – Adam mumbled but relented.

They stayed silent for a while. Adam's quietly breathing in a steady yet calm rhythm and Collin ignoring the gradual strain in his arm to keep lightly running his fingers through Adam's hair.

He could hardly wait to tell his friends that, not only had Adam never suspected of him, but he had also shown up at his door like the sleep-deprived version of a movie protagonist. But that would have to wait until Adam left. Collin wouldn't leave that spot unless Adam pushed him away or the building caught fire. And a huge fire at that.

- Is your friend getting a cab or driving here?


- Adam? – Collin whispered. Upon turning his head to check, a painfully big smile grew on his face. Adam's eyes were closed and lips slightly parted. He was very much asleep and far too cute to be true.

Collin leaned his head on Adam's, careful as to not to perturb him. He kept caressing Adam's hair without a care, just revelling in the moment. Who knew if he would be able to wake up Adam once his friend arrived, but Collin wasn't worried about it in the slightest. For all he cared, and as long as Adam got some rest, they could stay side by side until the next morning. If he got hungry he could always eat the Oreo.

Not my best writing buuuut...
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