
By m4ng0Mxdnezz

204K 5.4K 11.2K

❀❀As the days go on, (y/n) starts to fall more in love with Her sensei, Aizawa. They start getting involved i... More

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10.4K 286 565
By m4ng0Mxdnezz

(Y/n)'s POV


An hour passed and Katashi returned. Even though there was a cloth tied over my stab wound I can feel blood seeping through. I swear I'm going to die from blood loss!

"I'm baaack~ I hope you didn't die on me too soon." Katashi half joked. I still didn't answer him.

"Jeez tough crowd." I heard rustling around, like he had a bag of something. "I have a new thing I'd like to try on you!"

This can't be good at all. Katashi walked over to me and grabbed my unharmed arm. "Hold still." Suddenly my forearm was poked with a needle. I gritted my teeth uncomfortably. A needle? I hate needles! More importantly..."what the fuck did you just inject me with?!" I yelled.

"Well, just some poison that will slowly kill you within 24hrs!" Katashi made it sound so nonchalant. "W-what?! You're a literal fucking psychopath!!" "Thank you!" He chimed.

I'm going to die huh? If it isn't the fucking blood loss it's the poison! I really have no hope do I? No, I'm sure Aizawa is still looking for me....I really really hope.

"What's wrong? Is your life flashing before your eyes? I mean you might as well get comfy. Your so called 'teacher' isn't coming for you. And even if he does he won't find the place. It's pretty well hidden." Katashi began walking around the room.

What if he's right?? What if Aizawa won't come for me? But he's for sure lying...Aizawa would come for me...right?

"Anyway enjoy yourself, I have a few things to attend to." Katashi said and exited the room.


My stomach growled loudly and my mouth was dry. I haven't had food or water for a day and a half. I was in too much pain to even go to sleep. When will this hell end?

I heard the door to the room I was in slowly creep open and someone entered. I stayed silent while my heart rate spiked up. They slowly approached me and stopped close by.

I pretended to sleep to "see" what they'd do...I'm pretty sure it's Katashi though. I felt the rope on my legs loosen and come off. Then the rope on my wrists came off.

"Hey (y/n), get up and walk to the right." Katashi commanded. Knowing I shouldn't play any games, I got up and slowly started limping to the right. Being mindful where I was going with the lack of vision.

Suddenly I was hit in the back of the head with a metal pipe. I yelped and fell to the ground. My arms were too week to catch myself.

My side was hit with the pipe a few times, breaking some of my ribs and making me gasp. I heard the metal pipe hit the floor and was harshly flipped on my back.

Katashi sat on my abdomen and pinned my hands down beside my head. "G-GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed but he just slammed his lips against mine and all I could do was struggle with no avail.

My body was too weak from all the torture and he was holding me down too well. I screamed against his lips and cried. It's not like anybody could hear me and it's not like anyone cared.

Aizawa's POV

I was perched on top of a building, scoping out the area before moving on, when a man with blue hair came out of nowhere. He seemed to be heading somewhere.

Upon closer inspection the man was Katashi! I immediately began watching him like a hawk to find out what he was doing. He slipped down a narrow alleyway within an alleyway.

I quickly followed along the rooftops and stayed quite. He approached a black door and looked around before pulling out a key and unlocking the door and entering it.

So this is his hideout....I have to say, it's hidden pretty expertly. I pulled out my phone and called yoshiko. "Hey, I just found Katashi's hideout. I'll send you the location."

"Alright, hurry!" Yoshiko hung up in a flash and I sent her my location. I wasn't going to wait for her. (Y/n) needs me.

I carefully made my way down from the building I was on and approached the door. I tried opening it but of course it was locked.

I have to think strategically about this. I knocked on the door and climbed up the tight space and stayed just above the door.

A few seconds later a guy with short brown hair and a black face mask answered the door and looked around suspiciously. I jumped down on top of him.

"Hey what the-" i hit the back of his neck, rendering him unconscious before he could alert the rest of the members.

I dragged him out of the way of the door and entered fully. There was cement stairs going down into the hideout which I went down with caution.

"Yo, Rec. who's at the door?" A female voice called out. I hid behind a wall and peered behind it. A woman that wore black and white and had black and white hair, sat on a couch on her phone.

I have to take care of her somehow. Then I realized there was another woman sitting at a bar stool writing something across the room. She was a blonde and she wore all black.

Shit. Maybe I can make a distraction for the both of them to go to. Then I can restrain them and go find (y/n). I'm positive Katashi is with her right now. Well, I have no time to lose and I better act now!

I pulled out a singular caltrop and threw it in the middle of the room. It made a noise loud enough for the two women to notice.

"What the hell was that?" The blonde turned around and examined the room. The domino looking woman turned around and looked over the couch. "I don't know?" She answered and just got up from the couch.

She found the caltrop and crouched down by it. "Yo, what is this?" The blonde got off the stool and walked over to the domino and crouched down too. "Hmm, I don't know. Where did it come from?" She looked around.

I jumped out from behind the wall and erased the two women's quirks before throwing my capture weapon at them and tying them up.

They fell over and struggled. "Struggle all you want, you're not getting out of that." I said and approached them. "Eraserhead! I didn't think you would even find the place." The domino said.

"Where's (y/n)?" I demanded. She just laughed. "I'm not telling you. KATA-" I wrapped my capture weapon around her and the blondes mouth so they wouldn't alert Katashi I was here.

I left them like that and continued forward. There was a hall way with a bunch of doors. I moved forward with caution and listened closely.

Suddenly there was a muffled yell behind a door. "G-GET OFF OF ME!" It sounded like (y/n)! I ran down the hall to the door it came from and immediately kicked it opened and ran in.

A dim light illuminated a figure on top of another. Katashi and (y/n). "Katashi!" I called out. He froze, then quickly got off of (y/n), pulled out a knife and grabbed her. She had a blind fold over her eyes and a bunch of cuts and scratches all over her face.

He was smirking while holding the knife to (y/n)'s neck. "Hey, Aizawa. Glad to see you found the place. I thought you were going to leave your student behind." He laughed.

"Move the knife away, Katashi." I carefully said. "Why? Are you afraid I'm going to KILL (y/n)?" He pressed the knife harder against her neck and she whimpered "A-Aizawa...help".

"Aww ain't that sweet. You seem to have a good relationship. Couldn't say that about us huh?" Katashi glared at me. This is my fault. He's like this because of me...

"You caused all of this, Aizawa! I bet you're feeling so stupid right now..." "look, Katashi I'm so sorry..." I tried reasoning. "Sorry doesn't cut it anymore! Now I'm going to take someone that's important away from you!"

Katashi pulled the knife away from (y/n)'s neck and pointed it at her chest and brought it down. I threw my capture weapon and caught his wrist before he could stab (y/n) and yanked him to me.

I kneed him in the stomach, making him drop his knife and threw him too the ground. I put his arms behind his back and held them there.

(Y/n)'s POV

After Katashi was yanked from me, I fell to the ground and took off my blind fold. The dim light hurt my eyes a bit. I turned my head to see Aizawa holding down Katashi.

Yoshiko ran into the room and spotted me.
"(Y/N)!" She yelled and ran to me. "Yoshiko, what are you doing here?" I asked weakly.

She scooped me up in her arms and examined my face. "I'm here to save you little sis!" I looked her in the eyes and immediately felt relief wash over me.
"I see...." I smiled.

"Is there any serious injuries?" She asked. I nodded. "Where?" I held up my right arm to show the stab wound. "And I think I have a broke nose and ribs." I wheezed.

"Shit..."she mumbled. "Okay, the police are coming along with an ambulance!" I laughed softly that transitioned into a fit of coughs.

"S-sis...he poisoned me." "What?!" "He said I have 24 hours to live..." I frowned. Yoshiko looked over at Aizawa who was still holding down Katashi.

She picked me up bridal style and walked over to Aizawa. "Eraserhead. (Y/n) is poisoned, she has broken bones and a stab wound. The police and ambulance are on their way." Yoshiko informed aizawa and he responded with a "good".

Katashi started laughing wildly but Aizawa just told him to shut up, tied him up and stood up. He stood beside me and examined me. "You're going to be okay, (y/n)." Aizawa reassured. I just smiled as I started feeling dizzy. "Heh, my two favourite people..." I reached up and cupped both of their faces before my vision went blurry and I passed out.

Ohhh shiiiit! Are you gonna die? There is a big possibility! But stick around and find out. At least Aizawa finally found you. Along with your big sis! Now lets hope Katashi doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve....by the way this is what the crew looks like.)

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