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(Y/n)'s POV

It was the next day and recovery girl came in and healed mostly all my wounds. I have a scar on my arm from the knife. But that's okay. My nose and ribs were healed and I'm basically back to normal. I was taken off the heart monitor and the iv.

I have to stay another day to rest. Sometime around noon I got my food and my older sister, Yoshiko came to visit me. "Hey little sis! You're awake! How're you feeling?" She waltzed over to my bed and sat in the chair Aizawa sat in last night.

"I'm feeling a lot better than last night and yesterday....how are you?" I sat up. "That's good! I'm okay. I'm on my lunch break right now and I of course had to come see my little sis." Yoshiko smiled at me.

"You really didn't have to come on your lunch break, sis." "I know buuttt, you're my family and I had to come see how you are. When I last visited you, you were still out. So now that you're awake I can make sure you're okay."

I sighed and ate some of my food. "Alrighttt I guess." Me and my sis talked a bit about my kidnapping and Katashi. "Yeah, Aizawa told me about him. That scumbag....what if he tries to kidnap me again?" I worried.

"I will make sure he won't! I'll kill him the next time he tries to hurt you!" My sis punched her hand. "Woah, that's illegal! But I'm also not complaining." I laughed.

"But in all seriousness...I won't let him hurt you again. I failed this time but next time I won't. He will pay." My sis gave me a serious look.

I knew she was serious. And I feel protected now since Aizawa and her are so determined to protect me. Me and Yoshiko talked for a half an hour then she had to leave and get back to her patrol.

I finished my food and played on my phone until I got some unexpected visitors. Ochaco and Tsu! They came in and asked how I was and I told them I was better. Then we started talking about my time away...I explained to them what I went through and they seemed so surprised.

All I did was chuckle in response. It was Saturday today. I'll be let out tomorrow then I'll go to school like nothing ever happened. Ochaco and Tsu stayed for an hour and we talked about what I missed and some other random things.

They eventually left and I was left to my thoughts. A few more visitors came after, my mom and little sis and Aizawa! They came separately though. I was wondering where my dad was but my mom just told me he had to go on a business trip to China.

I mean, he often goes on these and comes back with a shit ton of money. I don't know what company he works for but damn they pay him well. I also have an older brother but he went to Canada to work as a pro hero. He comes and visits whenever he can. But anyway..

My mom and little sis left after a while and Aizawa came in. "Hey (L/n), how are you?" He asked and sat in the chair he did last time. "I'm alright. You?"

"I'm okay. Are you feeling better today?" "Yes, way better. Thanks to recovery girl." I smiled. Aizawa just came to check up on me and talk for a bit. He told me what I'd be doing on Monday to catch up to the class.

He left an hour later and that's when I was alone for the rest of the evening. I just played on my phone until I felt tired enough to sleep. After supper of course.

Finally it was the next day and I was discharged from the hospital. My family picked me up and brought me home. I went up to my room and flopped onto my bed.

Ah, my own comfy bed. Finally. My mom kept checking up on me time to time which was sweet of her. I was anxious to go to school the next day though...what will everyone say?...how will they react? Ughhh...

~time skip~

I woke up to my phone going off. My alarm. I got up and got ready. I'm happy they found my school bag in Katashi's place. I would've freaked out if they didn't.

I ate breakfast with my family then set out into the wide world. But thing is I have to be escorted to the train station by Yoshiko. "Uhm, you don't have to do this, sis." I said.

"Nonsense! I have to! I must protect you at all costs! Plus I don't start my patrol until 7. I have a whole hour." Yoshiko smirked and patted my head.

"Fineee!" I sighed defeated and continued to the train station. Once I was there me and Yoshiko got in and rode the train until Ochaco got on, then Tsu.

We all talked until we had to get off and walked to U.A together. When we got to the gate,Yoshiko turned to me. "Please be safe (y/n). I can't handle another kidnapping." Yoshiko hugged me tightly. I went silent and hugged her back. "I will try to be." "Promise me." She demanded.

I sighed. "I promise." Yoshiko smiled and kissed my head. "Okay, have a nice day at school girls!" She waved at Ochaco and Tsu then walked away. Me and the girls entered the gate and got into the school.

We put our stuff away and proceeded to class. I slid open the door and the class went quite. "(L/N)!" Midoriya shouted and ran to me, with Iida running behind him. "Thank goodness you're alright!" Iida said.

I chuckled. "Wait you know what happened?" I asked confused. "Yes, Ochaco and Tsu told us. I really wanted to come find you but I had no idea who even took you." Midoryia said.

"That's kind of you. Thanks even though you didn't do anything. But the thought counts." I smiled. Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat behind us.

We turned around to see Aizawa. "All of you sit down except for (L/n)" they did just that and I just stood there waiting for what he was going to say. "Come with me." He said. I stepped out of the door way and he closed it shut.

He walked down the hall a bit and I followed behind him. He stopped and turned to me. "How are you feeling today?" "I'm feeling fine." I answered honestly. Okay maybe not mentally but physically I'm fine.

"Someone is going to have to escort you home. So we can avoid you getting kidnapped again. Since Katashi is still out there." Aizawa crossed his arms.

"Ugh really? My sister already wants to escort me to school, now I have to have someone escort me home?" I complained. "Look, it's for your own safety. We can't risk having you kidnapped again. I would escort you home but I have work to do. Can your sister escort you?"

I sighed. I knew I couldn't win this argument so... "yeah, probably. I'll text her later." "Okay, good. Let's get back to class." Aizawa said and we went back. The day went by fast and I texted my sister about escorting me and she said she would. Great.

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