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(Y/n)'s POV

I managed to stay up throughout the day and actually feel alright. I think Aizawa noticed because he's been giving me a bunch of quick smirks and stuff. When no one is looking of course.

The end of the day has come and I was excited. "Bye Aizawa sensei! Have a nice day, see you tomorrow!" I waved and winked at him. I only said that out loud to keep up the charade that I'm only his student.

Also because my friends were around. "See you tomorrow (L/n)." Aizawa said back and even winked. I smiled then me and my friends left and caught the train with Yoshiko.

I waited till I got home to tell Yoshiko and my mom that I'm going to Ochaco's house until later on. My mom allowed it but wanted me back by 10pm I said alright and went upstairs to chill for a bit.

"So you're going to your friends house eh?" I heard the voice of my younger sister, Rin. I turned to look at the door and she was there, leaning against the wall.

"Yup. Only for a few hours though. Now get out of my room." I turned back to my phone and started texting Ochaco and Tsu my situation in the group chat we had. "Oh come ooonnn! Let me stay with you until you leave. Please?" Rin begged me.

I ignored her and continued texting. Ochaco was shocked and Tsu actually wasn't surprised. "Look I know it's bad that I'm doing this but please don't think less of me🥺." I texted.

"Think less of you for what?" Rin asked right beside my ear. "AH! Out! Get out of my room! Respect my privacy!" I quickly hid my phone and crossed my arms.

"You're no fun. Fine, ima just go bug Yoshiko then!" Rin turned around and stomped her way out of my room and slammed my door on the way.

I sighed heavily and went back to texting. "I won't think less of you. Actually I kinda predicted something like this happening. Okay, maybe not actually but I didn't think Aizawa would actually allow this." Tsu responded.

"Same, and of course I won't think less of you!💖" Ochaco also responded. I felt so happy my besties understood. I want to tell my older sister but she might freak out....I'll wait.

"Yeah, some crazy stuff happened to me and Aizawa which probably made us get closer to each other and then BOOM! We're going on a date in an hour." I texted.

𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕝 is typing...

𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕘𝕘𝕪 is typing...

I waited for the girls to respond. "I'm happy for you! But please be careful when you're going out! I don't want you to be napped again😡" Ochaco texted.

"And please don't get caught. Your relationship with Aizawa sensei is illegal💚." Tsu typed.

I mean she's right, it is. But we're keeping it on the down low. "Yes I'll be careful in general. Alsoooo Ochaco, I kinda told my mom I was going to your place when I'm actually going with Aizawa sooo Yee."

𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕝 is typing...

"Um alright. I'll be happy to cover for you! JUST BE CAREFUL!!!" Ochaco immediately responded.

"Yethhhh, I willll! THANK YOUUU!" I texted them and realized it was getting to the that time. "Look i gotta get ready so ima go. Wish me luck🖤❤️" I texted and began to get ready.

I curled my hair and left it down, put on some light makeup and changed into a black T-shirt that had three white stripes going across the chest, some black jeans and some black boots. I really love black.

I got my black leather purse that matched and I was done. Half an hour left. I checked the group chat.

𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕘𝕘𝕪: "good luck (y/n)-chan! Have fun!🐸"

𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕝: "GOOD LUCK!! Don't get caught and have fun!💖💖"

I responded with some red hearts and decided to play some video games while I waited. I put Skyrim into my console and started playing. I was done the main quest so I went on to the dark brotherhood quest line. It started off with me getting kidnapped by a woman named Astrid. I liked the energy she gave off. Except I played through the dark brotherhood quest line millions of times to know she eventually just betrays you in the end.

Which is actually hilarious but I don't wanna spoil it. (If you actually play Skyrim we are friends now :3 )

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out to see what it was about. A text message from.


I'll be there in 5 minutes be ready.

Okiii see you soon♡︎



Wow did he just send me a heart back? Damn...that's really cute! I saved my game and turned off my console before going downstairs. "Ochaco is gonna be here soon." I told my mom.

"Alright. Please be safe! Please." I hugged my mom and kissed her cheek. "I will. I promise." She smiled at me and then suddenly I got a text saying, "here".

My heart almost stopped and I could feel my anxiety spike up. Welp, it's time. " 'She's' here. Love you!" "Love you too! Let me walk you out-"

"It's okay! BYE!" I zoomed out of the house and ran to his sleek car and got in. "You might wanna hit it before my mom realizes you're not Ochaco." I informed Aizawa. He nodded and hit the gas and we were off.

"How's your day so far?" he asked after awhile. I looked at him. "Good, what about you?" I asked back. "It's been okay." He shrugged.

"I see..." I replied. At the corner of my eye I tried to admire him. He appears to have a black v-neck on with a black jacket and some black jeans. He still had his capture weapon with him though. But talk about matching.

After a while of driving, we arrived outside one of many parks in the city. This one is known to not have much people around. Plus there's a convient store near by!

We got out of the car and made our way to the store. "Heh, we're matching!" I gestured to our outfits. Aizawa looked me up and down and nodded. "What a pleasant coincidence."

I hummed in agreement. We got to the store and decided on getting ramen cups. We walked to the cashier and I pulled out my money. Aizawa also pulled out money which got me confused.

"I'll pay." He simply said before handing the cash to the cashier. He handed me my cup and he walked away with his to the hot water dispenser. I followed along, extra confused.

"I thought I was supposed to pay?" Aizawa turned to me. "Yeah but i felt bad so I payed instead."He grabbed my ramen cup and filled it with hot water.

"Why though?" He handed me my cup. "Because I just do." He filled his cup up too.

I sighed and waited for Aizawa to be done. After that we walked to the park carefully so we didn't spill the hot water. We found a nice bench that was in front of a beautiful fountain. It looked even more beautiful due to the sun setting and painting a pinkish sky.

We sat down and let our ramen sit so it can cook. We were sitting in silence...comforting silence.

𝕌𝕟𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 ❣︎ Aizawa X Student Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now