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(Y/n)'s POV

"Ah (y/n), good. How do you feel? " my dad put his hand on my shoulder. I smiled and played along. "Good." I turned to Katashi. "Hey, Katashi...my master." I grabbed his face.

He smiled and rested his hands on my hips. I pretended to lean in and kiss him, the dummy did the same thing but instead of giving him a kiss, I head butted him. And took the gun from him.

I stepped back and incased the gun in an energy ball. "I thought you were converted!" My dad said confused. "No, somehow. I..." I started feeling my limbs get limp and my mind went blank. What was happening?!

Suddenly my body started moving on its own and all I could do is watch. I leapt at my dad but he used his quirk to jump out of the way. My arm reached out to him, grabbed the collar of his suit and threw him down.

I started stomping on his chest. "(Y/n)! Stop!" He gasped. But I couldn't stop. My body didn't want too. Fuck! But still this is good revenge.

Katashi tackled me away from my dad and tried to restrain me. I growled and blasted him off of me with my energy. Aizawa approached me and erased my quirk. I ignored him and got up, running at my dad.

He shielded himself with his arms but I simply punched through them then at his face. His head jerked back and blood came out of his nose. I kept punching and punching until someone pulled me back.

I struggled against their grasp. I broke free and turned around to see who it was. It was Aizawa and he was giving me a sympathetic look. "Stop." He said. His eyes were still red but why was he telling me this? I ignored him and ran for Katashi.

I wasn't too mad about this. I could kill him for all I care. I tried my quirk and I could use it! I wonder why Aizawa stopped? Whatever. I threw a giant energy ball at Katashi and knocked him back into some crates.

I sprinted over to him and grabbed a piece of broken wood and stabbed it through his arm. "Pay back." I said but didn't at the same time. I can't even control my words.

He yelled in pain. "Do you like that?!" I asked and punched him in the face, over and over again. Blood soon gathered on my fist and all over Katashi's face.

My dad grabbed my arm and pulled me away. I growled and pushed him onto Katashi and formed an energy ball in my hand and slowly grew it. It was getting pretty big until just straight up disappeared.

I turned around to Aizawa, he was staring me down. I just stared back at him and returned to what I was doing. I ended up just punching the shit out of my dad and Katashi.

Katashi passed out so I started choking my dad. "Gah! (Y/n) cut it out!" He grabbed my arms. I just choked him harder. I felt Aizawa trying to pull me away but I resisted.

My dad eventually passed out from the lack of air and I let myself be pulled away. Aizawa grabbed my shoulders and looked at me, angrily. It was like he was fighting with himself.

Seeing this made me determined to fight the effects. This is the time to bust my dad! I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and dialled 9-1-1. I told them the situation briefly before sticking my phone back in my pocket.

I think the effects are weakening on me and Aizawa. I wonder...if I kiss him, will we both be okay again? He mentioned when I was affected he kissed me and I was better. Is this bullet the same thing?

Might as well try it out. I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him to me, kissing him deeply. Suddenly I felt less clouded and more dizzy. Black spots began to blot out my vision before I completely passed out.

𝕌𝕟𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 ❣︎ Aizawa X Student Reader (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant