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(Y/n)'s POV

Beep beep beep beep

A heart monitor could be heard along with muffled chatter. Am I in the hospital? It smells like the hospital. It feels like I'm in the hospital...in a comfy bed.

I opened my eyes and looked around. A lamp was on, by my bedside and the moon light shone in through the near by window.  What time is it?

"(L/n)...you're awake..." a familiar voice said. I turned to my right and spotted Aizawa sensei. The man that saved me. I smiled "Hai."

He leaned forward in his seat. "How're you feeling?" He asked. I thought for a second. "I feel sore and really hungry." I admitted.

"You haven't eaten for 2 days am I right?" I nodded. Aizawa got up and opened the door to my room and caught a nurse walking by. He asked for some food for me then returned back to his spot.

"Oh, thank you, sensei." I thanked. "Of course. You need to eat." He crossed his arms. "Hey, what time is it?"

"9:36pm. Your family was here earlier but they left because it was getting late. I got here an hour ago." He informed me.

Aizawa was here for an hour already? Why? He didn't have to come visit me. That's sweet of him...so he was just watching my sleeping body then? That's a little embarrassing.

"D-did they stop the poison from getting me?" I looked over at my sensei. "Yes, thankfully. Turns out it's a common poison which they have the antidote to. So they stopped it quickly." Aizawa said.

I looked down at my bandaged arm. "That's good...I really didn't want to die yet." There was some silence between us. "It's my fault that you were kidnapped. I'm so sorry, (L/n). If I had been more nicer to Katashi when he was my student...maybe things would've been different."

"Wait, Katashi was your student??" I raised my eyebrows. Aizawa sighed. "Yeah. Katashi applied to UA and somehow got in. He was in my class and we were doing the first day tests. He was failing at all of them. So I told him off and told him to go home. He never came back. Then one night when I was on patrol there was a villain attack. The villain killed a woman...and that woman happened to be Katashi's mom. I couldn't save her In time. That made Katashi resent me even more and eventually turned into a villain."

I laid there astonished by what I've heard. So that's how they know each other so well... "that sounds tragic...i mean it wasn't your fault that you couldn't get to his mom In time. Things happen...sometimes it can't be helped." I shrugged.

Aizawa looked away. "I shouldn't have been so harsh to him though. And because I was, you were kidnapped."

I tried my best to sit up and winced when I did. "It's not your fault Aizawa! You told him the truth in a more direct way and he couldn't take it. It's fine. It's not like you knew he was going to become a villain and end up kidnapping me. What matters now is that I'm safe. Right? So you don't have to worry about it. I forgive you."

He looked at me and sighed. "I suppose you're right. But that still doesn't make me regret what I did any less." "I get it." I nodded, understandingly.

A nurse knocked on the door before coming in with a tray of food. She walked over to the side of my bed and placed the tray on the adjustable table.

"How're you feeling, (y/n)?" She asked kindly. "Starved. But mostly sore." I moved the table over my lap and got my food ready to eat. "Would you like painkillers?"

I nodded. "Yes please." She smiled and said she would be right back and left. I sighed and started eating my food. My empty stomach slowly filled with semi-delicious hospital food. Finally something I can eat!

"I have something important to discuss, (L/n)." Aizawa spoke up. I turned my head to him and tilted it. The nurse came back in and handed me a singular pill. "Is there any thing else that you need?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you though." She nodded and exited swiftly. "What do you want to discuss?" I put the pill in my mouth and drank some water.

"Katashi...he escaped along with his group. The police tried catching him but he was too slippery." Mid swallow, I almost choked and spit out my water and pill but I forced it down. "W-what?"

"They don't know how he escaped but they're trying to find him. It's like he just disappeared." Aizawa explained. I nodded slowly and stared off Into the distance.

I must've been zoning out because Aizawa was calling my name. "(L/n)!" "Huh?!" I snapped my head to Aizawa. "Are you okay?" He leaned over to my bed.

"O-oh, yeah! I'm fine...just tired." I lied. I was actually afraid. What if Katashi is planning on kidnapping me again? Maybe he'll kill me this time....

He was so close to doing so already... "if you're worrying about Katashi, don't.  As your teacher, I will protect you. I'll make sure that bastard doesn't hurt you again." Aizawa gave me a determined look.

I looked at him for a bit. Admiring his features...he looked back at me intently. "Thank you....so much for saving me. I thought I was a goner for sure."

"It took awhile to find you. But I got to you in time, thankfully. I'm just glad you're safe." Aizawa put his hand on the railing on my bed. I decided to do something slightly risky? I placed my hand on top of his and held it.

"You're amazing." I smiled. Aizawa seemed taken aback by this but didn't remove his hand. "I Uh, Heh. I wouldn't say that about myself but thanks."

I moved my hand away and continued eating. "Oh yeah, recovery girl was here earlier. She healed most of your wounds but you still need to rest. She'll be by again tomorrow morning."

"Oh okay. Cool. I hope I don't have to stay in the hospital for too long." I chuckled and coughed right after. "You shouldn't. You'll probably be out the day after tomorrow." Aizawa predicted.

I nodded. "I hope."

Me and Aizawa talked until 10 then he had to go. "I have to go on my nightly patrol now. I'm glad you're safe. If you died, I don't know what I'd do." Aizawa gazed longingly at me.

"You'd go back to being a teacher like nothing ever happened." "Nothing? No. I would suffer a huge loss. Not to mention it wouldn't be the same without you. I wouldn't be the same without you. Because you're my student. You're important to me." Aizawa stood by my bed side and looked down at me.

I felt my eyes widen in surprise. I'm important to him? I didn't think so...he also said he wouldn't be the same without me...what is that supposed to mean? I actually didn't think I was that important to him wow....what if he likes me in the way I like him? I doubt it though...he's my teacher after all.

"I...don't know what to say." I chuckled and looked away. "You don't have to say anything, it's alright. I'm going to go now. Duty calls."

I reached out to Aizawa and grabbed his arm and pulled him to me and hugged him. "Thank you again...Goodnight." Aizawa hugged me back.

"Of course...goodnight." I kept hugging him however and took in his smell. The smell of comfort....I caught myself doing this and pulled away from him.

He seemed to have a small smile on is face. Which made me blush more than I was already. Aizawa walked to the door and stopped. "Bye, get lots of rest (L/n)." "I will." I shot him a smile before he exited my hospital room.

I sighed and leaned back on my bed. I felt flattered that he came and visited me. God...my feelings for him is getting stronger. It's so bad that I'm even crushing on my own teacher....

Woo! You were saved and now you're in the hospital, safe and sound! And Aizawa visited you. How sweet! Next chapter things will go back to
normal-ish. But there will be a surprise♥︎)

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