His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach

1K 51 3
By atlas-carter

The BTS members were at the concert. They had just finished their last song from their new album. They were all tired as they were singing their hearts out all the while dancing with so much fierceness. Sweat was running down the sides of their faces. They all were wiping at their foreheads with either their hands or small towels that they brought on stage with them. Some were drinking from their water bottles and spraying water on their faces to cool them down.

They all stared out at the large crowd of fans that had come to support them just like they always did. They were truly so grateful for how extensive their fanbase had become. It was fan after fan for as far as the eye could see. That was why they sang and danced with all they got. They never failed to impress in concerts because they always wanted to give back to the fans what the fans gave to them.

"Thank you ARMY!" Namjoon thanked the fans that filled up the large stadium. He waved and smiled at the crowd.

"We love you all so much!" Seokjin called out as he sent his usual flying kisses towards the fans making the crowd screech and fangirl.

"Did you enjoy the concert everyone?!" Jimin asked loudly earning several loud agreements from the crowd. He chuckled happily to that. "Good, that's what I like to hear." The other BTS members all laughed at that.

"Don't worry everyone. I won't ask you if you enjoyed the concert that way you won't have to scream yes like how Jimin hyung did," Jungkook said jokingly as he side glanced at Jimin, who sent a small glare making the youngest snicker in amusement.

"Are you being considerate Jungkook?" Namjoon asked as he raised his eyebrow at the youngest.

"Yep. 'id chu 'joy the concewt everywone~?" Jungkook asked as he mimicked Jimin's tone, but said it in a more teasing and childish tone. This made the members and the fans laugh in amusement.

"Haha, very funny Jungkook," Jimin responded back as he rolled his eyes before reaching up and ruffling the youngest's hair. Jungkook giggled with delight. He loved teasing his hyungs a lot, especially Jimin because Jimin always gave him the response he wanted.

"Aha, our maknae, always being such a jokster," Hoseok commented with a chuckle as he slung his arm over Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook glanced at his hyung and smiled widely before glancing back at the crowd. Each of the members got a chance to speak, voicing their thanks and love towards the fans. Once they were all done, they rushed off of the stage to the back where they were greeted by their managers and BangPDnim.

"Well done boys, that was a great concert. Go shower up and then we'll head back to the dorms," one of the managers instructed to the boys as they all nodded. They went to their own separate changing rooms and started changing out of their performance costumes before putting on more comfortable clothes.

Jungkook let out a tired sigh as he sat down on a chair in his changing room and started slipping on his timberland boots. He was still sweating so much. He grabbed a fresh towel and started dabbing at his forehead and his neck quickly, so that no sweat stains would show up on his clothes.

He grabbed his phone and looked at the time. It was already so late. He didn't think the concert would run so late. He and all of the members had spoken for much longer than he had expected. He sighed heavily. He knew that there was no way that his fellow members or his managers would allow him to go out to the beach so late at night.

This saddened him a bit as he really wanted to see Y/N. Her cute, round face and her clueless and weird personality struck something within him. He wasn't sure if he would say that he was attracted to her. She was pretty, but he still didn't know much about her. It seemed he had more of developed a fascination for her as she was a being that was believed to be mythical.

He wondered if he could find a way to sneak out. He could be stealthy, but was it really worth it? Should he just wait until tomorrow to go and see her? As much as he wanted to see her, he was beyond tired and simply just wanted to flop on his bed. He was leaning towards waiting until tomorrow to go and see her, but then he remembered something.

He had asked her if he could see her today and she told her maybe, but with a wink meaning that she was quite possibly waiting for him to show up. He knew that if he didn't show up and she was there waiting for him then she may decide not to go appear there anymore. He didn't want that to happen, but he was so exhausted. He could barely stand up, his legs felt so wobbly.

He remained sitting there for a bit before taking a deep breath. He stood up and grabbed his things before going out of the changing room. He joined his fellow band members and they walked to the back entrance where their car was waiting.

He sat at the window and glanced out. He stared out at the now darkened sea and tried to figure out ways that he could sneak out. It definitely wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to go to the beach and see Y/N.

Arriving back at the dorms, he followed his band members into the building. They all went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"What should we make today?" Seokjin asked curiously as he opened the fridge and started looking through it. The youngest bit his lip nervously. They've always eaten together. He was going to have to find a way to escape without being suspected. He tried to think of something quick, but before he could Yoongi already spoke giving him the perfect way.

"I'm just going to grab a snack and head to my room. I'll probably fall asleep right after anyways," Yoongi voiced as he went to the cupboard and took out some snacks before going to the sink to pour himself a big glass of water. Jungkook held in his grin at Yoongi's decision and decided to do the same.

"Me too. I'm really tired. I can barely keep my eyes open right now," he stated as he let out a semi faked yawn, "I'll probably just get some ramen with kimchi, banana milk, and a bag of chocolate balls then head to my room." The other members all decided to do the same after that. Jungkook sighed a bit in relief as he grabbed all of the food that he wanted and headed to his room.

Once in his room, he said goodnight to his fellow band members before closing the door. He heated up his ramen and opened his banana milk and bag of chocolate balls. He started eating as he was starving. When salty, savory taste of the ramen noodles mixed with the kimchi reached his mouth, he felt his taste buds go into a frenzy. He felt his immense hunger vanishing as it was being taken care of.

He ate all of his food as fast as he could. When he finished eating, he let out an uncomfortable groan as he placed his hand on his stomach. He now had an upset stomach from eating too quickly, but he knew that if he took his time then it would have taken him twice as long to finish eating.

He stood up from his bed, trying to let his full stomach digest the heavy load of food that had just entered his body before heading to his closet. He opened his closet and took out a pair of beach shorts and slipped them on. He kept on the same shirt that he wore back from the concert. Slipping on a pair of sandals, he grabbed his phone and walked over to the window. He opened the window and sat on the ledge. Before slipping out the window, he cast a glance back at his room then hit the ground with a small THUMP, but it wasn't loud enough to wake up the others.

He let out a sigh of relief as he walked towards the beach. The sky was dark with the sun setting just over the horizon. The parts of the sky that weren't dark were a mixture of different colors and shades of orange, yellow, red, blue, and purple. It was a beautiful sight. There was a soft breeze, blowing past his face. He could smell the salty sea as he walked along the sand. The waves were rushing towards the sand at a steady pace.

He wished that someday he and his hyungs could just come out to the beach, put out towels and pillows and just lay down while gazing at the stars above. Just listening to the sound of the waves for a whole night would be so relaxing. He breathed in a sigh of content just thinking of that. Within no time, he arrived to the spot where he had last seen Y/N.

He looked around, but didn't see her anywhere in sight. He looked out into the distance, but no sight of a head or a tail to be seen. He bit his lip, wondering if he was too late. Staring off, he crouched down, one knee against the sand the other up to let his arm rest on. He let out a sigh as he reached out, skidding his fingers along the surface of the water. He shivered, feeling the coldness of the water. The salt from the water tickled his skin making him giggle softly.

He had accepted that he had arrived to the beach too late to see Y/N, but since he was there he decided to stay a little while longer to enjoy the peacefulness and tranquility. He was always surrounded by his hyungs or by fans. It was nice to be able to just be by himself.

He fully sat down on the sand and removed his sandals. Letting the arriving waves roll over his feet while he wiggled his toes in the sand. He rested his hands slightly behind him and let his head lean back. His face directly pointing to the sky and his eyes slowly closed.

He stayed there for a bit, relaxing, letting all of his worries and stress go that he didn't even notice that a hermit crab had crawled onto his foot. He hadn't realized it until he felt a sharp pinch. He groaned in pain and his eyes flew open. Glancing down, he picked up the hermit crab by the shell, removing it from his foot, and bringing it closer to his face.

"Aish, that really hurt. Why did you pinch me?" He asked the hermit crab with a small pout as he watched the hermit crab try to crawl out of his grasp, but he held its shell firmly between two fingers, "It's not like I sat on you or tried to eat you or kill you, so why did you pinch me?" Even though he was well aware of the fact that he wasn't going to receive a response from the hermit crab, he still semi expected it to respond in some way. Instead, it remained silent and moved his legs around. He sighed heavily, having been brought out of his peaceful trance.

He placed the hermit crab in the palm of his hand and let it crawl around. Watching it intently, he found himself cracking a smile. Seeing the hermit crab reminded him of Y/N and how she continuously kept believing that he was a hermit crab.

He was so focused on watching the hermit crab that he failed to notice the bright shimmer that appeared in the water and got closer to the sandy beach.

"Wow, you're finally connecting with your species, huh?" He heard a joking tone ask from in front of him. He popped his head up and widened his eyes when he saw Y/N sitting there in front of him. She was smiling up at him, her eyes staring into his. His eyes brightened and his smile crept back up to his lips.

"You're here," he stated with a gleaming smile. She nodded in response to that as she glanced down at the palm of his hand.

"Is this your brother or sister?" She asked as she pointed to the hermit crab in his hand. He glanced down at the hermit crab before looking back up at her. He couldn't believe that she was still going on about that. He let out an exasperated sigh. He was far too tired to argue with her about him not being a hermit crab, so he simply let it go. Y/N noticed him sigh and lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "Oh! I got it! It's your mother!"

"I-... no, this is not my mother Y/N," Jungkook responded as he shook his head. Y/N tilted her head in confusion. "Look, he's not related to me, ok?" She stared at him for a moment before shrugging and seemingly letting it go. He sighed in relief that he got her off the subject before placing the hermit crab down on the sand and watching it crawl away before looking back at her. It was then that he noticed the shimmering glow of her tail under the surface of the water. It was almost as if more than a million stars were attached to her tail and lighting up the darkness of the water. "Your tail is beautiful. Does it always light up like that?"

"Hm? My tail?" She asked in surprise as she glanced down at her tail before smiling and looking back up at him, "Oh, yeah, it's always done that. It only really happens at nighttime though. During the day, it only sparkles when it's in the sunlight."

"That's so cool," he commented in awe as he reached out towards her tail, but before he touched it he glanced up at her to see her reaction. She sent him a smile as to give him the go ahead. He smiled back as he placed his hand on her tail, grazing the scales. His hand lit up from underneath. The light was so bright that it was practically making his hand see through, but not quite.

"By the way, what are you doing out here right now? It's a little late for a swim," she pointed out as she gave him a curious look. He gave an awkward chuckle as he removed his hand. He glanced at his lap before looking back up at her, biting his bottom lip nervously.

"Well, I did promise you that I would come today, so I couldn't break that promise," he explained briefly. She stared at him in slight surprise before smiling softly. "I realize it's late and I'm sorry for coming so late. I would have come sooner, but I was at a concert and it went later than I expected."

"It's ok. You don't have to apologize. Thanks for keeping your promise," she thanked him with a grateful smile before sitting next to him on the sand, the bottom part of her tail still slightly in the water, "What's a concert?" Jungkook stared at her for a moment, blinking slowly before scratching the back of his head. He had forgotten just how clueless she was. He realized that if she was still thinking that he was a hermit crab then no doubt she wouldn't have a single clue as to what a concert was.

"A concert is a performance. It can be musical or acting or any kind of entertainment. Basically, those that go to a concert are entertained by someone or something that is up on a large stage," he started to explain carefully and simply, so that she could understand the concept. She nodded slowly, seeming to understand. "Tonight, I was someone who was on stage. I was entertaining people who can be considered as fans with music, my singing and dancing." He hoped that she knew what singing and dancing was.

"That sounds nice," she replied with a small nod of understanding. He let a small sigh of relief escape his lips. "Do you do concerts often?" He nodded in response to that.

"Yeah, since I'm an idol-," he continued, but paused when he noticed the slight confusion on Y/N's face at the mention of 'idol', "I mean, since I'm really famous in the music entertainment, I perform at a lot of concerts, sometimes I perform in concerts in different countries." As he explained, he noticed her expression become more and more amazed. He found it rather cute.

"Do you do concerts on the beach?" She asked curiously with hopeful eyes. Jungkook was about to agree, but he stopped himself knowing very well that he and his band members didn't do concerts on the beach. She took his silence as a clear sign that his answer was 'no'. He felt bad when he noticed her hopeful eyes turn into disappointment and she looked down at her lap sadly. "That's too bad. I would have come watched if you did. Oh well."

She let out a sigh as she sent him a small smile. He could tell that she was disappointed even despite her showing him a smile. He wasn't fond of letting others down or disappointing others, so it really bothered him that she was disappointed at the fact that he didn't do concerts on the beach. He wondered if his manager would let BTS do concerts by on the beach. Maybe the manager would agree if he gave a good reason, but he couldn't very well tell the manager that he was suggesting it because a mermaid wanted to watch them perform.

He sighed heavily, trying to force his guilt as he stared off at the setting sun. It was quiet. Neither one of them said a thing and an awkward silence took over. He bit his lip, not liking the silence as he tried to figure out how to break it.

"So... how did you know that I was here?" He asked, the question randomly coming to his mind. Y/N said nothing for a moment before she pointed to his foot. He looked at his foot to see that he had a cut on his foot where the hermit crab had pinched him. He hadn't realized that the crab had broken the skin and that there was blood dripping down his foot. "Oh, yikes!"

"Stay still," she voiced in a soft tone as she sat in front of him again. Jungkook watched her curiously. "Close your eyes." He lifted an eyebrow in confusion. She sent him a reassuring smile. "Trust me." He gave her a wary look before slowly closing his eyes. He closed his eyes just enough, so that it looked like he had his eyes closed, but he had them open a small crack. He was curious. He watched out of the crack of his eyelids as she placed both of her hands over his bleeding foot.

At first there was nothing happening, but within a few seconds, a bright purple light glowed beneath her hands. The same purple light made her eyes glow and a pendant around her neck glowed the same color. It was the first time that he had even noticed that she wore a pendant around her neck. His eyes shot open at the sight. In complete awe, he watched as the glow appeared on his foot and after a few moments the cut on his foot had disappeared, completely healed itself.

"You-," he began to say, but immediately clapped a hand over his mouth after realizing that he was supposed to be keeping his eyes closed. Her head shot up and her eyes widened in shock before she sighed a bit.

"You were supposed to keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them," she claimed with a knowing look. He sent an apologetic look before reached out and touching his foot where the cut had been. He blinked, trying to process if what he had seen had really happened. He thought that perhaps he had imagined it, but then he realized that if a mermaid was real then a mermaid with healing powers wasn't completely strange. "You must have upset that hermit crab if it pinched you."

"Wha-?! All I did was sit and breathe! How did I upset it?" He asked in shock as he pouted. She giggled in amusement at his protests before flashing a cute smile. He stared at her before letting out a small sigh. "You're teasing me." She grinned wider and shrugged making him roll his eyes, but he chuckle back in response.

"Anyways, it's late, so you should head back now," she insisted as she turned around and started heading further into the water. Jungkook stood up in a hurry.

"Wait! I want to see you again," he said with hope in his eyes. She stood swimming and glanced back over her shoulder. She didn't respond, but she sent him a knowing smile before she ducked her head under the water and disappeared. "Sigh, she didn't respond..." He pouted a bit at her not responding, but he remembered her smile and for some reason he had a feeling that if he came back again then she would be there again. He shrugged as he watched the glow of her tail swim further away and out of sight. Once she was fully out of sight, he slipped on his sandals and started heading back to the dorms, smiling that even though he was late and he still had so many questions, he still got a chance to see Y/N.


Hey everyone!

So, here is another chapter! I hope you all liked it!

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter coming out soon! :)

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