Feeling Reborn

By nightsky077

113K 4.1K 2.9K

Error, the Forced God of Destruction, had always wanted a peaceful life. Unfortunately, with his role in the... More

'You want silence, right?'
I need help deciding-
A Lust for Energy
A Nightmare of an Aftermath
Reference sheet??
Fetching Justice
Here's a poll-
The Embers of a Blaze Rekindled
Not a chapter, but thank you >w<
Feelings Set Aflame
Experimenting With SOULs
Request stuff?
Death's Match (request)
Heat, Bones and Civil Wars
The Thin Line Between Love and Hate (request)
Devoid of Chains
Karma is a Male B*tch
Calmly Panicking
Smoke Screen
Fourth of July chapter :D
Getting the Job Done
Shenanigans of Questionable Interest
To be... (When you are lost)
...Or not to be? (and found)
That is the question. (by yourself.)
Targets, Prey and too Many Bullets
A Kettle of Fish
Freedom of Thought
Rainy Day Fund
T - Week 10
T - Week 9
Progression and Regression
Sweet, What's Next?
Spiraling thoughts
Forming a Picture
Deck of Cards
T - Week 7
And it Goes on

The Masks we Wear

1.6K 87 45
By nightsky077

"You." Blueberry snarled. "This is your fault. You and your 'allies' drove him to this."

After a long bout of absolute silence, Dream aroused from his fuzzy subconscious, only to be met by a deep growl directed to him, the voice shaking with anger and hurt.

"Why? Why did you push him? He didn't want to- He never asked for that role! You never asked; no. Why would you care? After all, he was only the heartless monster to you."

Confusion, disbelief.

"What was the point?"


And finally, sorrow. Light cyan tears splashed one by one onto the side of his skull, mingling with his own golden ones. Slowly, he lifted his gaze to his surroundings. His brother was nowhere to be seen. Blue cried while Geno stood, unresponsive, grieving in his own way, scarf tugged to the brim of his nasal cavity. And Error, well, he was... gone.

The stars seemed to dull in the infinite expanse of purples and blues. He heard the tell-tale sound of a teleport, choked sobs, words spilling out of his former teammate's mouth, about Error's eternal toil, Ink deceit, their ignorance and cluelessness, and he soaked in the words, mulling them over as he listened to his tale that started from the moment Error kidnapped him in a fit of hopelessness.

Hours, minutes, passed; neither cared much as they lay back to back on the soft grass. Dream's gloved hands curled into fists, fingers digging dents into the tough fabric. He knew the system had to change-- they, the majority, were blissfully unaware of the suffering happening on the other side, the cruelty and bias they suffered. They worshiped Ink like a god, preaching his beliefs, laughing when he laughed, crying when he cried, but now Dream knew their leader had no SOUL, no emotions. It showed in his lack of dreams, and yet he had played the part of the innocent fool. He held almost as much influence in the Multiverse as the Creator himself, and by getting Blueberry on his side, they could've easily spread the news and maybe sow the seeds of doubt in everyone's minds.

But he didn't, and it was too late for them.

He steadily propped himself up.There was no way in hell Blue would ever want to work with him ever again, and joining the Bad Sanses without Nightmare was just a suicide mission; even with the calmer ones like Cross and Geno, there was no telling if they would keep their cool upon seeing him waltz into their base. With Nightmare, he would for sure make him suffer, but would be sly and curious enough to hear him out, at least. But he was gone (Still his fault. He lost his brother for the second time, and for good). He summoned his bright portal, and, looking back at the smaller's curled form, jumped through.

There was but one choice left for him, the option almost good enough to redeem himself. And that was to tear the utopia from the inside out, even if the world may end and his efforts rendered fruitless.

Sickeningly enough, once Dream walked into his deserted AU where everyone awaited with bated breath for news, they cheered when he announced the suicide of the 'Abomination.' The Destroyer. That Glitch. They slandered his name and cheered, ignorant of the reason and Error's feelings before death. They assumed he jumped because he lost the Battle and thus, humiliated and ashamed, took his own life.

Dream couldn't blame them. They didn't know he smiled before death. They didn't hear Blue, see Nightmare run after him so desperate to hang on to his best friend, experience the mess of emotions, the beautiful but painful mix that wasn't entirely sadness, heartbreak, or anger.

He observed the crowd, leaning on the peeling bark of the tree. It refused to decompose after all these years, the spirit probably lying in wait for the brothers to bond and nurture the tree once more, he thought bitterly.

He sighed, and listened to the chatter for any useful information. The positivity, no matter how misplaced it may be, renewed his energy.

From his peripherals, he saw Ink approach him with a wide (fake, his mind whispered) grin. The Creator skipped closer to him, slung an arm over his aching shoulders, and asked enthusiastically, "Ooooh! I can't wait for the celebrations! Are you coming tonight, Dream? There's going to be cake, fruit punch, hopefully no one's going to spike that again, sliders, fries, what about popcorn? Oh! You can't forget the pizza..."

Dream tuned out Ink's ramblings, plastering on his best smile and making noncommittal sounds of agreement.

He then noticed a certain scantily-clad skeleton boldly approaching them with an expression similar to Dream's.

"Hel-lo, Ink, Dream, " Lust purred,"I heard plans for a giant party soon?~"

"Yeah!" Ink giggled, "It's going to be absolutely amazing- you're coming?"

He fluffed his fur collar with a flowery hand gesture. "Why not? I hope there'll be a wine bar... It's nice taking a break from... pleasing other people, y'know?" Lust sighed dreamily.

The other immediately blushed a rainbow, and said, "W-well, the wine bar is a work in progress, but I'll try to make one! In f-fact..." He stopped mid sentence, pupils switching from red and purple exclamation mark and oval respectively to his default star and cyan light, seemingly deep in thought. Then, he wordlessly portaled away to what looked like the Doodle Sphere.

Immediately after his departure, Lust glanced around their rather deserted part of land, then, seeing as no one looked their way, let out a long breath and relaxed his shoulders. "Alright," he began, "I'll be straightforward with you. I can't bring this up with Ink, so you're basically the only one. Why would Error protect me? Ink knows nothin', seeing him talk, an' no one else's willing to talk to me." He propped himself against the tree with an elbow, subconsciously putting himself in a... showy pose, revealing his physique.

Mentally, Dream gave the stripper brownie points for the convincing facade he put up, and thanked whoever watched over them because Lust might listen.

"Me? Well, perhaps Error isn't as crazy as we thought, and we might be the antagonists in this story."


Ink sat in the Doodle Sphere once more, creativity renewed and ready to create; Lust's wine bar gave him a great idea! He could make an AU where alcohol was the main source of hydration...

His brush moved furiously across the blank slate. Colors bloomed in grand strokes, giving life to the painful white. The characters were set into motion, add scenery; green and red tones? Protagonist, personality, DETERMINATION, SAVE points...

He created a new AU. 

Suddenly, another idea popped up in Ink's skull. What if King Asgore kept the Monster population under his thumb by spiking all the alcohol? And alcohol was the only drink available? So many ideas, so many new possibilities...

He went on and on and on, drawing and creating, but never releasing them into the Multiverse, or hanging them in the Doodle Sphere. He kept them, pondering new ideas and spin-offs of the ones that existed already. The papers stacked higher and higher, until it piled up to his kneecaps. (sitting, of course. Two stacks). This paled terribly compared to his usual creative spots; those could go up to his neck! 

Plus, he didn't feel as satisfied as he usually did after a particularly focused period of creation. Normally, he would feel as if he climbed to the top of the tallest mountain he could find, in record time: muscles sore, awed and proud, lying in the refreshing snow. Instead, he felt... empty. A familiar sort of empty, the type when he failed to drink from his vials. 

He shrugged it off. Unleashing the code, he uncorked the yellow paint vial from his sash and took a long swig from it, then hopped through the summoned portal to Dreamtale, waiting for the feelings to come.

Only a stinging pain tightening around his neck and a washed-out version of happiness arose.


Athhghgthrrshhrgtr first day of school-


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