It was my Willing Choice

By Vyaska

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He was tired of the lies and secrets kept hidden from him by those who he had wanted to trust, but knew deep... More

Chapter I: Beware the Shadows in the Light
Chapter II: A New Home Part I
Chapter III: A New Home Part II
Chapter IV: An Unforgettable Discussion
Chapter V: Treading on Thin Ice
Chapter VI: Apologies with a Moment of Intimacy
Chapter VII: Answers from the Goblins of Gringotts
Chapter VIII: Of Preparations and Possessiveness
Chapter X: To Tease a Dark Lord
Chapter XI: A Realm In-Between
Chapter XII: The Mother's Protection and the Father's Gift
Chapter XIII: The Board of Govenors and the Wizengamot Decide
Chapter XIV: The War of Blood and Magic Begins Part I
Chapter XV: The War of Blood and Magic Begins Part II

Chapter IX: Everybody Deals with Emotions

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By Vyaska

Tom left the alpha werewolf in some rooms not too far from his study to collect himself; for he did look more ragged than he usually did from the whole ordeal, and Tom had told him to try and make himself more presentable before they would talk things over later.

Fenrir was one of those alpha's who...honestly didn't care whether or not he was clean enough or presentable enough when asked for an audience as the pack leader. Didn't really care to be presentable when he was asked for either.

However, he had changed somewhat over the years in that regard when dealing with Tom as the leader of the Dark's interests for the magical community. He had seen first-hand how the pure-bloods responded to someone who appeared unkempt or utterly ragged.

It wasn't nice. And while the lycan would not generally care either way regardless; he also knew the benefits of being at least somewhat clean and put together when in the company of other magic users.

But his idea of presentable; it greatly and generally vastly varied from what a pure-blood witch or wizard would say is acceptable. Honestly, Tom half-expected the lycan to come out to his office bathed while wearing leather trousers and some manner of shirt that was mostly whole with a jacket of some kind.

Of course, his elves would be the ones providing them to the man as he wouldn't normally be able to acquire such items; not without great effort and difficulties. It wasn't that he couldn't get them; the pack was better off than a lot of the other packs that refused to choose a side or the lycans that tried to live with humans and ignore their more bestial natures.

It was simply that Fenrir himself was far too well known to their people as one of Tom's most loyal allies, and most shops even in the depths of Knockturn Alley hesitated to cater to him and other creatures while desiring to be seen as neutral to preserve business.

'That,' Tom thought idly, 'And Fenrir hates going into the muggle world due to the stench there.'

Meanwhile however, as Fenrir was left to cater to his emotions, Tom had arrived to his destination and he hesitated to knock on the door to Harry's room. It was clear that both powerful wizards were now somewhat unsettled by the unwelcome surprise that the attack from Fenrir had presented to them.

Both had believed the house to be relatively safe; and perhaps it was, against ordinary wizards and witches due to the wards there. Even the normal bestial flora and fauna that inhabited the place; but, against the humanoids and shape-shifters? Tom was remorseful that he had all but told Harry it was safe, and then only to have this situation occur.

But because it had occurred; that semblance of safety they had...that was blown out of the water when the werewolf had shown up out of nowhere.

Proving to them that they were not as sheltered as they thought, and that if another were-creature or humanoid creature that bore magic was inclined and determined enough...they could and likely would find this place.

Tom regretted he had underestimated their senses and capabilities for sensing a person's magic in any manner; he knew and was very much quite aware that they had used the gift long before humans, most of them had anyhow.

However, his hand slowly knocked and he heard the small muffled response of allowance. He opened the door and then saw Harry. His red gaze softening to the sight, yet saddened to see it like that.

His other half and his soul-mate, Harry James Potter; who had always seemed to be the pillar of strength to all around him...even those who denied it; he was anything but that picture currently. Curled on the floor rug before the fire in a fetal position that Tom never wanted to see again; the boy was shaking and trembling with the after-effects of shock.

Not necessarily fear exactly, but definitely shock.

He had tried so hard not to let Fenrir see his reactions before; to be able to come to sense how potentially scared, terrified and panicked he had been. And, now that he was alone...Harry was slowly letting all his emotions and actions out.

"Harry..." he voiced softly

The teen merely tensed to the sound of the familiar voice and stilled as a sound of slight sobbing came. He didn't turn around or even acknowledge that Tom was ever there. Tom walked to him and slowly lowered himself to sit beside him. Tom didn't know why this was affecting him so much; he had an idea of why, but his own past should have in some manner desensitized him.

He delicately reached out and put a hand to his shoulder and his crimson eyes widened with horrified realization as Harry shuddered violently and moved his body inch by inch more towards the fire and away from him.

"Don't." Harry sobbed quietly, "Don't touch me."

Tom's gaze was now bordering between enraged fury to those muggle relatives of his that had demeaned this wonderful young man to what he was seeing now in a reduced form; for he knew internally that part of this reaction was their fault and not solely Greyback's, and feeling the need to protect him from them as much as Harry from himself.

"How can you even want to see me now? To touch me like this?" Harry sobbed, "I couldn't protect myself from him and his advances. Just as I couldn't do anything to stop the treatment I received at the hands of my mother's sister's family."

"I didn't even sense him sneaking up on me." He cried, "And I should have."

Tom then ignored every instinct inside of him; the ones that screamed at him to leave Harry alone. He gathered him to his arms and clutched him to his body tightly and Harry's own eyes widened in surprised shock while tears sparkled in his green irises.

"None of that was ever your fault, Harry." He whispered gently, "If anything, I bear part of the blame for forcing you to live with those abominable creatures; since I took your parents from you."

Tom then eyed him as Harry gazed to him numbly, "And you couldn't have known that Fenrir would show up here like this. I have known him for many years now, and I was stunned to hear of how he showed himself to us."

Tom gently ghosted his hands over Harry's back; ensuring the young man knew Tom had caressed over the scars there as both their eyes met now.

"And you are beautiful Harry; even with all those scars to you, you are one of the most beautiful and exquisite human beings I have ever had the honor of knowing in my life. They prove you to be a survivor; a worthy partner and soul-mate for me, and I adore them as a part of you as much as any of the rest of you." Tom said softly, "I often feel I don't deserve you or the second chance I am getting by bringing you to me and into my life."

"You are the one person who always had any sort of sway over me and how I responded to anything. Even Albus never had as much of an impact to me and how I acted; though he certainly tried to be someone who did. Just in a more...teacher/mentor and or parental role than the one you have to me."

Harry coughed as he sobbed into the robes before him and Tom cradled him there as he rubbed his back calmly. Instinctively knowing somehow that this was what he should be doing for Harry, and smiling softer as Harry calmed some.

"Harry, Fenrir has rarely ever lost hold of his instincts like that. Even as a teenager and a young alpha; he has always had more control than most other alphas I have met. Though, that isn't to say that he hasn't ever lost control before; because I know he has. Those instances were, however, provoked more than just a blatant release of of the internal wolf." Tom spoke quietly, "And as the dark lord, I preside over the protection of the creatures that align to magic with dark orientations, so it unsettles me with how he showed up with his mind already lost to his drive to find you and force you to submit.

Fenrir and I have known the other for a very long time; long enough for me to say that his alliance is just as long as the one Abraxas Malfoy made when I attended Hogwarts. Long enough to consider him my friend and a brother-at-arms. This occurrence is not normal, and I have a feeling he knows part of why. I intend to speak to him later and find out.

And, I hate to admit this since I don't like where it will lead; but, I know that Fenrir won't be able to answer all of the questions I will have fully. So, I think you are going to have to take the offer Lord Death made of you, and go to him to learn truths only he can give."

Tom's hold became fiercely protective around him, "But promise me; promise me that you will come back here to me and our home? That you won't decide to abandon me to this world to be alone in eternity?"

Harry sniffled as his hand shook but rose to grab Tom's own; he felt the tremors and eyed Harry now intensely. Verdant eyes watched the Sanguine ones fill with worry, concern, and uncertainty.

He smiled slowly as Tom's breath paused.

"I have watched as you have come to accept the changes in the bond between us and the changes within yourself because of it, and I know that because of how you have accepted this and changed for it; it is something I see and know that I could stand beside of firmly without doubt to the choice made.

I know now in my own soul; there is nothing in this world nor the next that could ever hope to keep me from returning here to you and this home that you have given to me so freely, Tom." Harry told him honestly, "A life for me on this rich earth without you there; it is no life worth existing for any longer. I can no longer deny that my own magic yearns for days where I will always be with you."

"To feel your own magic coil with mine and to feel it protecting me; protecting me as no one ever has tried to do before for me."

His hands tightened around the older man's.

"I can no longer deny that my own core and my magic feel more at peace here than anywhere else I have ever been." He said soft, "I don't ever regret leaving my former life behind; I chose this path, and now those who do not like or cannot accept it...they will have to find ways to survive.

If they choose to fight this and me for the choice I made, I have every intention of fighting them back to stay where I feel I belong.

And that place is right here; beside you, eternally." Harry told him with a tone of finality to it

Tom's throat tightened to this, "And your patron? What if he dares to renege on his words or promises?"

Harry eyed him seriously, "You heard as well as I at the bank, Tom. Even if Lord Death wanted to keep me in his realm and to take back his promises made to the pact between himself, Mother Magic, and to my clan; he couldn't do that without utilizing every ounce of power and cunning he owns.

He made me and my line of his own powers; I am of his creation with power blessed from him and the great mother, and as such; he gave freely of his gifts to me because of that."

Harry's gaze hardened with firm resolve now, "Meaning I have just as much power to freely come and to go in the realms between worlds; he couldn't hold me there, no matter how hard he tried.

And even were he to manage it; he would doom this world to annihilation. You heard how this is not what he, Lady Life, or even Mother Magic wanted. He would essentially be turning his back on the promises he made as a divine entity."

Harry lowered his gaze a moment, "I apologize for the break down; I don't normally react to things so badly. Greyback's appearance and attack truly startled and shocked me. But you also heard my story that I told to Lyall; you know now more of me and my true story than anyone else besides Lyall and I myself."

Tom gently let go of the hold to Harry's hands and used his free one to reach out and to lift his face to his. Harry eyed him with curiosity a moment as Tom's emotions seemed to be a war with how to word whatever he wanted to say.

"I don't want you to feel that you need to hide this side of you from me, Harry. Not ever again. We're bound together for this life; so, both of us must learn to trust the other with our vulnerabilities. It won't be easy for either of us, but I want to us to at least try."

"I won't ask of you to be the force of strength you provided to the Light-side for all of us here; that isn't fair to you, and most of my own followers look to me for that in another manner. I only ask of you to show a unified front for them; so that there is no doubt that we chose to walk beside the other.

Now that we are able to commit to such a path and the prophecy is nullified." Tom spoke to him honestly, "However, if you want to show more than this for them and for me; I won't stop you."

Harry nodded softer now as he gently leaned into the embrace before he gazed to the fire a moment, "I have been meaning to speak to you of something important. I don't think you will like this either, but I merely ask you listen and to keep an open mind."

Tom nodded, "That I can do."

Harry paused, "I went through a couple of the books regarding my heritage that we acquired from the recall of my belongings at Gringotts. Albus's knowledge of the Peverell clan; it had to have come from all the books he had stolen over the years from me. There were so many books on ancients lines and their particular traditions, customs, rituals and more."

Harry shifted nervously now, "It makes me uncomfortable to think of how much he may or may not truly know of me and my dormant powers. Of what he plans to do to me if he truly believes right now of me to have defected versus being kidnapped and corrupted."

Tom frowned with concern vaguely showing through, "I agree that I don't really like that notion either. But why are you bringing this up now?"

Harry hesitated a moment as Tom watched him with a sort-of patience that only Harry would ever receive from him.

His voice was quiet when he finally spoke again, "I know you had a plan for my healing to start to take place in a matter of days. The process taking more than several years to fully complete itself and allow me full functionality, but...I read of something in one of the books; something that may work for me better and be more effective. Faster too, though that is just an assumption on my part. Since I don't know all of what this will entail fully."

Harry shifted, "Once Albus is removed as my guardian and I have signed the emancipation papers as well as the lordship documentation; I would need to journey to a place mentioned in one of the oldest books that was recalled. A place connected to my Peverell heritage. The exact location is unknown; for it is hidden from the outside world, and only those with the bloodline can even see it. It is there that I would undergo a stringent and vastly purifying regimen of training; aided by the mentors left there to teach the new heirs and heiresses of each era that came."

"The heirs or heiresses of each era that were specifically chosen by Lord Death for the task that has now been passed to me." Harry told him quiet and gentle

Tom was quiet as he regarded this information; it wasn't that he didn't believe Harry, he just didn't like the creeping sensation of dread that was beginning to form in his chest. He had no idea why the sensation formed though.

Harry stood now slowly and tensed, "I won't lie to you, Tom. This process is arduous; on my body, my mind, my spirit and even on my soul. I will change physically, mentally, emotionally; all the changes that are needed to heal me and allow me to become more myself.

The needed changes for me to truly become the real heir of the Peverell and Heir to the Underworld."

Tom watched as Harry tensed now, "But..." He said soft

Harry sighed, "But I will need to go alone and I won't return here until after I turn eighteen or perhaps nineteen. I will most likely be unable to write or message you during this time due to the intensity of the regimen. Parts of it are more...ritualistic; overseen by the mentors. I will be gone for a long time; it will be trying for our bond to endure the separation, considering how it was formed and what Death did to it to allow us both to live that night."

Tom was quiet to all this as he considered it; Harry was correct that potentially this route was going to allow him to heal faster than the process he had put together. But on the opposite hand, he didn't like the idea of Harry going off alone to wherever this was.

And now he understood the sensation of creeping dread he'd had before. Part of him was snarling; growling that he should not allow Harry to go and to grab him. Tom squashed it down forcefully; hadn't they just spoke of trying to trust the other?

"I agree that I don't like the idea very much. I am possessive of you, Harry; you are my mate. You are a very precious gift that I don't wish to lose in this life, and you are the only one who can calm me if I were to go berserk again somehow." He said after a moment and as he saw Harry frown, "However, is this journey and training something that you feel you need to do, Harry? Something that calls to you from the inside? From your magic and your blood?" He asked

Harry considered that a moment and breathed deeply as he allowed his mind to calm and his senses to reach beyond their earthly parameters. He listened to the flow of his magic and heard the yearning of it to become one with its true master.

Harry's eyes opened and held a determined light to them, "Yes. My magic years to return to its true form with me as its true master. I know not what all of that means right now, but I definitely felt the desire in it."

Tom smiled then and cradled his hands again, "Then I will trust you. I will trust that you know what is best for you, and trust that you will wish to return to me here. I want you to do what allows you to be with me in the most preferred manner. If you go, then just remember to tell me before you leave or to leave me a message that you left."

Harry smiled now and embraced him, "Thank you. Lyall said the case to remove Albus as my guardian won't be for another day, so we have some time right now to spend together. If you want, that is."

Tom's gaze lighted with happiness, "I would love nothing more, my little snakeling. However, I have a werewolf to speak to right now. One who is likely anxious and bordering on fleeing before he has to endure this discussion."

Tom's voice lowered as his eyed emitted a faint glow, "But, I would very much like it if you would join me later tonight. Is that acceptable to you?"

Harry's own gaze seemed to become luminous, "It is. It is my only desire, my lord."

Tom growled low as he stood, "I should hope so. You are mine Harry Potter, and soon there is going to no one left to ever doubt that fact."

Harry watched as he strolled off; the waves of magic and of desire thrumming so very strongly off of his frame. Harry prayed to whatever power would listen; that the choice to leave to train wasn't going to be one of his last.

Now that he had time to calm; he internally knew a small part of why Fenrir had reacted to him as the man had done, and it also had hardly anything to do with how Fenrir was a lycan, the fact his mating instincts were awake due to the mating season, or that he had even been unable to recognize his magic and scent despite having smelt them before.

No, it honestly had nothing to do with any of that, and more to do with how Harry's own magical power was growing and changing. How it was adapting due to the choices he made and the dealing with the revealing of his true orientation.

He only hoped Fenrir didn't say anything too revealing about it, or Tom might not be so easily convinced to allow him to leave as he was before.


Tom returned to his office and found the alpha werewolf dressed as he had suspected him to be while his bare feet were propped on the coffee table, and he was sitting before the fire; a glass of fire-whiskey now in hand. He had a look that the dark lord wasn't sure he liked yet. He made sure the lycan knew he had entered the room and Fenrir sat up straighter because of it.

Moved his feet to the floor, for instance.

Tom sat at his desk and eyed the papers there for a moment before sighing and waved his palm to them; vanishing them from sight as he pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled deeply for patience.

Fenrir watched curiously now; their master hadn't acted so...human, for quite some time.

"I will be honest right now Greyback; I am unsure of how to deal with the situation we have presently found ourselves in." Tom said slow and firm, "You are not completely at fault; you lost yourself for some reason to the wolf inside after years of maintaining perfectly balanced control.

Yet..." Tom's eyes distanced with some level of anger, "Yet, this one instance of loss of control; it very nearly cost me my soul-mate to forced submission in an unwilling bond, and had Harry actually been forced by you to submit; I very likely would have killed you to end the bond and restore our own."

"You are fortunate that Harry has had ample experience in dealing with lycans due to his parental bond to another one. A certain Remus Lupin; and while the circumstances are different, Remus apparently ensured Harry knew what to do should such an instance like the one earlier come to pass."

Fenrir swallowed thick as Tom eyed him with scrutiny, "But the instance has had a toll on Harry, Greyback. One that I pray does not become detrimental to him due to his already traumatic past before arriving here."

Fenrir looked up to that now and silently questioned with his eyes for an explanation to those comments.

Tom reclined, "You and I have been allies for years; allies that met because I came to your once alpha and asked of him to consider the alliance of your pack with me. An alliance he accepted and has proved beneficial to the survival of your pack in the last years. I was there the day that Denali passed the role of alpha to you, and I knew you to be the most acceptable choice."

Fenrir nodded; pleased by the assessment of his master in this, and intrigued to where this was headed.

"Denali; your sire and former alpha, he was there when I was betrayed by the one I thought I cared for most in my life at the time. It was him who put me back together and told me that he believed that there was someone else waiting for me. He put me back together after I ran about trying to heal the pain inside me with the many one-night stands I had after...after Vittore left."

Tom closed his eyes; he hadn't thought of Vittore for years now, he hadn't wanted to nor to bring the pain that would come to him if he did. Tom knew that the man was long dead from some bad ending he got himself into on a venture of some sort, but it wasn't easy to think of him as he had once been so very close to his soul and his heart.

"I should have listened to the alpha's wisdom more than I did, and I should have heeded Denali's warnings to me about being too reckless and too arrogant to be unable to see past my pain that was blinding me in my goals. I was too confident in myself and my power; I believed that I had healed from what I thought was the worst sort-of hurt to endure; I closed myself off to others around me again. So much so, that I began to disassociate certain emotions from people.

I re-began my search for immortality, and I found it; in a manner of speaking. But the method I have utilized to ensure my life does not end before I would ever wish of it proved detrimental to the bond I shared with Harry."

Tom eyed him now seriously, "What you are about to be told; no one other than myself, Harry, and two others know of. Not even Bellatrix is aware of this information, and I am trusting you now to keep it that way until we are ready for it to come to light."

Fenrir nodded silently; this was a boon and a very high privilege for him to have, and Tom waited as he watched the man; looking for indications of deception in his aura.

"I told Harry before that if I had known what I know of now; I would never have gone after him. Prophecy or no prophecy, Fenrir. And I truly meant those words." Tom told him gentler now

The werewolf seemed confused, "Why?"

Tom paused for a moment then leveled his eyes to him, "Because Harry Potter is the last direct link to the Peverell bloodline. He was chosen before he was ever born; by Mother magic, to ensure her will to this plane.

All magic-bearing races; they know instinctually what this means for the world they live in, and those who seek to understand more; like myself and Albus, we search for answers."

Tom paused here as Fenrir nodded with agreement; if the boy was that chosen child for that task, then the amount of mana he felt from him that drove his wolf side to lose control; it was not unexpected.

"Lord Death is his personal patron; the spirit gifted Harry with his powers and those were amplified with a large boost of excess magical reserve strength from the Mother as well as his own core being double, or even triple the size of most others. Though, those powers and abilities have yet to fully come undone from the seals used on him at birth to conceal his powerful aura. Harry can walk, or eventually; he will be able to walk between all worlds without any effect to his body or mind. To his age or otherwise."

Tom's eyes hollowed, "Lord Death calls him fondly as 'his shadow-child.' Meaning, Harry Potter is also the heir to the Lord of the Dead and will one day become the Master of Death; with or without ever acquiring Death's Hallows. He does not need permission to go from this plane to another and back; he can simply go if he wishes or desires.

It is why I fear him leaving me so badly; I have done much harm to him in the past and much of it is because of the method I used to sustain my life at the expense of my own sanity, and while we seem drawn to the other; internally knowing we belong beside of the other...Harry can simply leave if he wants to, and I could be left not knowing or even understanding why."

Tom paused a moment again to collect himself as Fenrir saw the worry to him; understandably so given what the young man could one day be capable of.

"But Harry's power and his gifts; they came with a very high cost to him. As I mentioned before, my livelihood was sustained at the expense of my sanity. I was already lost in darkness by the time he was born...unable to recognize or even feel the lingering bond between us for what it was or should have been. And the method I used to ensure my life; I unconsciously invoked it again the night I attacked him.

The power reacted as my own Killing Curse back-lashed and ricocheted back at me. Lord Death personally came to us in secret that night, and he was forced to intervene on our behalves. More for Harry than for me; Death doesn't appear to regard me with any sense of fondness because of my role as his heir's chosen partner."

Tom's tone was dry as Fenrir quirked a grin to that; he imagined how irritated that made the Dark Lord.

He sighed, "Death changed the outcome of how the power would result; thereby allowing us to actually survive that night, and a chance for us both to eventually come together as the mates we seem to be."

Tom looked to him seriously, "Harry and I; we both should have died together sixteen years ago on that fateful Halloween. We live merely because of the interference of Harry's patron and Mother Magic's behest."

Fenrir made a small noise of understanding to the sentiment behind that; as a were-wolf, life without one's true mate was agony. Of course, he could still live and move on with another, but the new mate would never feel the same as the true one.

But in Harry and Tom's case; if either one of them died prematurely; the bond being snapped would be so painful that the one left behind likely would follow the deceased mate. Or, they would struggle to remain sane and eventually need killed to keep from rampage.

But, the immortality of those two; for the wolf sensed that Harry would one day share the gift with Tom, would make killing either of them a nightmare. Tom was already a good picture of how nightmarish it could be.

Tom's eyes closed now, "And after we survived; Albus took Harry and placed him with his mother's muggle relatives. Everyone believes that Harry has been spoiled and pampered for his whole life; even I did until very recently, but Merlin Fenrir...that is the farthest thing from the truth."

"I remember the first time...the first time he trusted me enough to lower the glamour charms over his body." Tom said thick with remorse and fury, "If I hadn't already been so properly aroused by his actions in how he showed them to me; I likely would have very nearly lashed out at the sight of my mate's back covered in scars that were never healed properly."

Tom eyed him, "They abused him; far worse than what even I endured while forced to return to my orphanage as a child and teenager. Besides beating him for small shows of magic; they ensured no one would help or befriend him. They neglected his needs of all kinds and I shudder to remember how I was told all of what Harry had taken as physical brutality for his infractions.

They tried to keep him from ever learning of his heritage as a wizard; especially one of noble birth. They tried to beat the magic out of Harry, as if that was possible, and demeaned him at every turn."

Tom's fingers clenched, "And now, some days Harry is like a whole other person. One that is fragile and hard to get close to. For fear of pushing too hard and breaking him further. I already know the feeling; I can be...very dominant and demanding at times."

Fenrir listened to him; he felt this was the only thing he could do right now. Tom was never very open to his Inner Circle, even when it was clear that the man trusted them more than those of the Outer Circle by leaps and bounds.

He took everything in as it came and tried not to react to some of it; abuse to children was not something even he condoned. The horror stories of how he ran about biting children to turn them; most of them were made up, and the few that were true, those instances were when he had been far younger and unable to easily control his wolf side.

"My lord, once more I will apologize for the instance, but to be fair to me and to my wolf; I cannot fully feel apologetic. My instincts were literally snarling at me to make him mine, and I think...I think I now know why."

Tom eyed him with a halfhearted glare, but remained silent. Fenrir paused as he sipped his drink for a moment, "You said he is of the Peverell lineage; do you know to which brother he is descended from?"

Tom was about to respond when the door opened and Harry slowly stepped inside. Crimson eyes widened to the show of power coming from the teen as the rich robes practically flowed from his form.

Both men swallowed; driving their desires down, Fenrir even more so due to knowing what he did.

"That would be Ignotus Peverell." Harry said softly, "He who walks with Lord Death as friend, and has not ever feared him or his powers over human life. I have one of the Hallows already; the fabled Cloak of Invisibility. Passed from Death's true form to Ignotus, and then from father to son each generation as they turned eleven."

Fenrir nodded and considered, "My lord, you are the protector of the magical beings that align towards the darker aspect of magic. Albus is the one to whom is the protector of those aligned to light magic."

Harry snorted loudly here as they turned and Harry smirked, "Perhaps Albus sees himself as the one who does that, but he is not the Light Lord; for currently, there is not one. He was removed from that title years ago by Lady Life and the Mother for trespasses no Light magic-user should ever dare to cross."

Tom sat up now, "So, is the new Light Lord or Lady already chosen or have they yet to be born?"

Harry considered, "I don't honestly know, but my gut instincts tell me they are not yet born. And they won't be for several more years from now. When I come back from my training; I will be the Peverell heir.

That means I will be called as a Lord of Magic; that I will preside over the protection of all the gifts of the Mother. Light, Grey, Dark, and Black magic; all magic will be under my care, and you as the Dark Lord; you would serve more as my chosen representative to one particular branch of magic."

Harry smiled, "As you are also my mate, I have no intention of treading over your toes and interfering with how you do things; not unless I absolutely feel that I must. The other Death Eaters will have to learn to at least respect me, but otherwise; I will not get into your way unless I have to or I am forced to."

Tom's eyes lighted as a smirk formed to his lips, "Good to know."

Fenrir coughed and both eyed him, "Anyhow, my point was that since Harry is connected to the Peverell and will eventually be someone who governs over all aspects of magic; spells, creatures, enchantments, hexes, curses, etcetera...etcetera; the wolf was likely reacting to the building of power in Harry."

Fenrir eyed Tom warily as the man's eyes narrowed on him, "It sensed the changes that were coming; to Harry himself, to the balance of this world's power, and more. It reacted to wanting to own the focal being to these changes.

And I won't be the last creature to respond like this until the changes and training are done. Until you both seal your bond to the other and the bond between you both can naturally ward away other hopeful and potential suitors."

Fenrir's eyes then slanted some, "And why wouldn't anyone want that? To be able to be the one to have the most successful chance of being heard due to the place of mate beside the person who can make the changes they want made."

"Never-mind the fact that said person is gorgeous and practically reeks of undiluted magic. Sure, he's a bit on the scrawnier side right now for most werewolves to see as a mate, but the magic he has overrides it. The proper training, diet and environment would quickly fix that too though; along with whatever nasty potions you'd have to gag down." Fenrir commented as he sipped his glass while his lips quirked to smirk and one fang appeared to the edges of his smile

Tom's magic crackled then nastily as red eyes practically were murderous at the wolf. Harry smirked now, "I think I gained an admirer suddenly; one I think I will get along with just fine. Tom my, my...someone is rather jealous at the moment. Even if he knows that I don't in any way harbor returned affection for anyone else."

Harry saw how Fenrir paused his sipping and internally bristled to the words; as if Harry proclaimed of him to be unfit, which was not what he had intended. Harry then walked to his mate sedately as Fenrir's eyes and brows rose; he was now insanely curious as to how this would play out.

It also wasn't often anyone got to see someone else get a rise out of their ever stoic master, either.

Tom's whole figure was slightly trembling with jealousy and possessiveness; trying not to lash out at the wolf, and trying not to react to Harry with Fenrir there. Harry smiled as he came to stand behind the Dark Lord; something the alpha rose a brow to again...Tom never let anyone walk behind him like that before.

"Come on Tom," Harry said softly as his hand encircled him, "Relax. I'm not going anywhere."

"Harry..." Tom warned him with a rasp

Harry's eyes saddened, "Or do you not want me here anymore? Should I go and let you talk in peace?"

He let go and tried to walk off, but Tom's magic snapped again and he grabbed his arm as Fenrir yelped to the sudden change of place. He had firmly landed on the floor of the hallway in a heap as the door slammed behind with a very noticeably audible 'snap' sound and as the wolf he was had sensed the man use his own magic to seal the door behind it despite the powerful locking charm he also sensed.

He smirked to how possessive the man was over his mate; the others wouldn't like this new arrangement much, and most of them...they would try to test them and the boundaries the two wizards set for them all. Oh, the new situation was almost too sweet to ignore and he couldn't wait.

For the one who had defeated their master to be soul-bound to the man eternally; the irony of that was just delicious to Fenrir, if only because he hated all the others for how the followed the man relentlessly like puppies seeking scratches. He agreed that Tom and Harry worked well together; provided their pasts didn't continually rise to cause them problems as it seemed to be now doing.

Fenrir was now going to be impatiently awaiting the day that the boy stood beside his master; fully grown and matured into his own and into his power, as he stood before all those pompous and arrogant pure-blood assholes smirking at them all for the place he held that they had coveted and had not deserved nor been deemed as worthy for.

He couldn't wait to see how he would set them all to line. Especially that bitch Bellatrix; Fenrir knew Harry had every reason in the world to hate her the most of all of them.

Fenrir then grimaced as his ears heard the intimate sounds of their make-out session and of their clothes being ruffled; he huffed in annoyance as he stalked off to alleviate his ears of the sounds and to prevent his mind from conjuring any form of images.

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