Secrets & Lies

By Agent-Hedgehog

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Husk is starting to becoming distant with Angel Dust. He works seemingly longer hours, comes back late "tired... More

Part A♠️: The Hellphone Call
Part 2♥️: Growing Distance..
Part 3♣️: Abandonment..
Part 4♦️: Personal Risk
Part 5♣️: Brothers With Arms
Part 6♥️: Noir Blues
Part 7♦️: A Bomb Ass Babe
Part 8♠️: Bar Brawl
Part 10♣️: Rescuing Angel
Part J❤️: The Big Talk
Part Q♣️: More Than A Conclusion
Part K♠️: Last Outstanding Debt
Part A♦️: Returning To The Hazbin Hotel
Part Joker 🃏: Epilogue
Bonus Part🐷 ♥️♦️: Papa's Little Piggy
Bonus Part 2♦️❤️♣️♠️: Night Duty
Bonus Part 3♠️♣️🃏: 1) Sickness
Bonus part 3 ♠️♥️🃏: 2) Remedy

Part 9♦️: Honour Among Demons

781 29 35
By Agent-Hedgehog

"Wake up sleepin' beauty.." Crooned an unknown voice with a thick New Yorker drawl as a couple of coaxing slaps hit his rounded cheek. Angel Dusk gave a slight cry of surprise at the strikes since he was in the process of coming too. He had no idea where he was or how he got here, all he could really remember was being clipped on the head from behind. He quickly realised that he must have been knocked out and brought here.

"C'mon sweetheart the don wants a word.." When the effeminate pale pink spider blinked his odd sclera pink eyes open and blink in some confusion before squinting at the harsh light of the ceiling. He was in what looked like some kind of interrogation room, not that he had a lot of experience in them.

"Shame he ain't a dame, then he'd be cute.." The sound of a second goon that Angel hadn't noticed before now piped up with an amused smirk, this made the first goon spider chuckle lightly.

"Eh, don't worry. He won't be so cute once the don is done with him. Will ya pretty boy?" He added ruffling the effeminate pink spider's head fluff lightly in some display of false affection then turning away and walking out the door chuckling with his 'buddy'. The door shut behind them leaving him alone in this dingy bare room that only had one table and two small wooden chairs, one he occupied and one he didn't.

"Pfft.. Fuckin' jagoffs.." Angel frowned wanting to move one of his top hands to fix his now mussed up hair but found that his top two sets of arms were strapped behind his back. Cursing under his breath at how tight the bindings were he did the only thing he could, manifest his currently only set of free lower hands. As one hand tried to fix his fringe the other delved into his cleavage of fluff in search of his compact mirror before remembering Cherri had it. At the sound of the door knob rattling and turning Angel realised too late that he should have unbound the bindings to free himself. As the door opened only the long slim first foot of Henroin Ragno was revealed coming through before a voice caught his attention and he turned back.

"You boys deal with Legs while I deal with our gender confused guest. Kapeesh!" The soft but wisened old voice of his father made the scowl drop from Angel's face as it was replaced with fear, his blood becoming ice cold. He wasn't even properly in the room yet but the effeminate spider could tell that his long estranged parent was furious just from the undertone of rage in his voice, it brought flashbacks of trauma that he'd tried so hard to repress.

"Consider it done." The goons outside responded before their footsteps quickly vanished. Angel could only presumes that 'Legs' meant Cherri as he had no idea what had become of her or Arackniss for that matter. Unfortunately he didn't get time to dwell on the matter as Henroin Ragno finished stepping through the door, making the pale pink spider flash a nervous grin. He looked almost exactly like Angel remembered him. Pissed off.

"Eh-heheh... H-hi Papi...." He uttered as he cringed and trembled a little in his seat, feeling exactly like the scared teenage boy he had been the last time they had been in a room together...


Cherri Bomb had been in a small dingy room somewhere in this place that the mobsters called a Gentleman's Club. She had no idea where Angel was as in the bar he had been knocked out by the old spider's mob crew then removed from her sight while she was held fast looking down the barrels of several guns pointed in her direction. The one-eyed female with strawberry blonde hair had been forced just to watch them cart off Angel as Henroin had grabbed his eldest boy hard and wordlessly glared at him in fury. Arackniss had instantly fallen cow-toed, becoming a mere shell of the spider demon she had seen over the last day and she realised that her best friend had been right, he was trapped. It had been this moment that the goons holding her as they had dragged her off and the last thing she heard in the damaged building was a heavy sounding smack and Arackniss' cry of pain..

Amazingly, she felt pity for him..

...That seemed like hours ago and for all that time she had been trapped in a room with one goon who kept her sitting in her chair. At least until two more goons had come along.

"The don says ya goin' for a car ride sweetheart.." The first one spoke, coincidentally the same one that had spoken with Angel only a few moments previously not that she would know this.

"What've you jerks done with Angel?" She scowled pursing her lips as she was finally allowed to stand up, still clutching those red stilettos.

"He's none of your concern at this present time." The second goon that had entered the room said giving nothing away.

"Bullshit—" Cherri had stalked over but broke off and froze when she was grabbed around the neck by the first goon swiftly and brought in close to him before finding the barrel of his gun in her face.

"Easy now, your a knockout, don't make me waste a holy bullet on ya." He muttered softly and it was in this moment she realised these guys weren't playing around. These bullets could actually erase her from existence. So since she had no choice but to comply and relaxed in his grip with a small exhale. "That's right, now whatta ya say we go for that drive.." Cherri allowed herself to be escorted from the building against her will by these three mobsters in the Spider Mafia..

...The car ride was nothing but stony silence. She had a goon sitting on either side of her with a gun jammed in both her sides and no clue where they were taking her or what they intended to do with her but she didn't care. She felt guilt in her heart as she had been forced to leave her best friend behind with no idea how to get him out of trouble. She had to save him somehow even though it was all his fault they were in this mess! She didn't care about that though, she just wanted him safe. She had been his friend since the moment she had bumped into the scared and confused spider demon on what must have been his first week in hell. They had known each other so long that she couldn't imagine her life without him in it. She hated Valentino for constantly trying to destroy him and leaving her to pick up the pieces of his broken self-esteem which had been fragile enough due to his father's rejection of him. And even though she thought Angel's new boyfriend was kinda old and dull Cherri liked the fact that her best friend actually seemed to have grown a little in confidence since being with him. She had only met him twice, they had been very brief encounters and they hadn't really had a proper conversation yet but the guy treated her best friend nice and never seemed to care what they did when they went out. He just let Angel do whatever he wanted to, though these days he seemed to prefer to be holed up in that crappy hotel with his dull boyfriend..

Suddenly the car that had been speeding through Pentagram City jerked to a sudden stop which almost gave the female demon whiplash as the goon in front driving stepped outside. The spider goon to her left got out of the car and held the door open as the one to her right jabbed her with his gun.

"Step out the car toots." He added gruffly making Cherri growl under her breath but obey and get out. She didn't really recognise where she was being that she wasn't on her home turf but she quickly realised she was close to it as she recognised the charred top half billboard of Valentino's she had destroyed herself a few blocks over.

"End of the line sweetheart.." The goon that had been driving, coincidentally was also the initial spider goon she had been speaking to added with a smirk. "The next time ya show ya face in Spider Town the don says he won't treat ya this nice."

"He calls this treatment nice?" Cherri folded her arms tight across her bosom glaring at the tall burly spider in front of her, those red stilettos tucked under one arm.

"Yeh, so now ya can imagine what he's doin' to ya little effeminate pal, can't ya?" The spider grinned widely flashing his sharp off white teeth. Cherri glared hard about to give an angry retort when suddenly a flood of bright lights washed over them.

"Aw crap, it's him.." The spider goon looked a little worried by the sight of all the egg-shaped shadows that seemed to surround them.

"Let's get outta here.." One of the goons in the car exclaimed and the one outside hurriedly got in the car and floored the accelerator making the car hurtle off with a loud screech. Recognising the minions of her biggest rival immediately Cherri sighed heavily and pouted.

"Well this can't get more humiliating.."

"Who daresss tresspasss on my—" Sir Pentious broke off and blinked at his one-eyed female rival who was throwing him a deadpan look and an unimpressed pout. "Oh, it's just you." He deflated a little before his hood flared and he grinned widely in excitement. "Have you come back to fight for your territory Missy I— Wait, where is the Stripe-Ed Freak? I thought he was supposed to help you in that endeavour, was that not what the terms our agreement dictated?" The black and yellow snake-demon questioned then sagged dramatically. "Oh for heaven's sake, he's not late is he? I can't stand tardiness.." His two main pink eyes rolled as his hat's eye frowned deeply at Cherri.

"It's true.." The first Egg-Boi exclaimed jumping up with a wide smile

"The boss shoots us if we'e late.." The second added with a finger pointed up and his eyes shut.

"I wish he'd shoot me for being late.." The third clasped his hands together and rockier himself from side to side with a fanboy-like expression on his face.

"Ssilence you posthumousss walking sssacks of yolk or I may do worse than shoot you.." Sir Pentious snarled before his attentions returned to Cherri. "Ssohh.. Pray tell, did your perverted friend make up with his 'imaginary boyfriend' then? Iss that why your out here alone?"

"No! He's in trouble and I haven't got time for this bullshit old man.." The one-eyed female snapped crossly moving away before the snake-demon blinked momentarily in confusion at her words before frowning in some surprising concern.

"Trouble? What trouble? Iss this going to affect out agreement? Because I'll tell you right now Missy, I won't have it!" The snake demon sounded harshly looking incredibly pissed off as an angry hissing noise escaped him.

"What? Are you on something or just your average fucking crazy? Why do you give a shit, you've got most of my damn territory already.." Cherri had stopped and rounded back to glare at her rival. She didn't get why he was even caring so much.

"Hey, I might be a snake but I am a demon of my word, do you have any idea how rare that is down here?" Sir Pentious narrowed his eyes to the one-eyed female demon. He folded his arms in a huffing fashion as his one-eyed black top hat rolled his pupil then grinned nastily. "Oh, come on. We both know that I got it waay too easy. We were both dissatisfied with the outcome of our earlier agreement so I'm prepared to offer a new one."

"Urh, I'm listening." Cherri drawled out rolling her X-shaped pupil.

"I propose a truce.." The snake demon continued.

What?" Her one red eye blinked in disbelief.

"Huh?" The Egg-Bois too looked bemused by this statement.

"A temporary truce until you get your freaky friend back? He was looking for the Casino Demon, right? I will take you to him so he can help you get him back. Sound fair?" The snake demon flashed her a grin holding out one hand.

"Why would he help me?" Cherri queried unsurely.

"My bois saw you get dropped off by those irritating ssspider goon'ss of the Sspider Mafia. He's in a gang war with them, something about getting ssstiffed out of a payment. If the Stripe-Ed Freak iss their prissoner he's your best ssshot to get him back in one piece. I can take you to Jackpot's if you wish.." Sir Pentious responded looking momentarily annoyed at the thought of his neighbours on the other side of his territory as he hated bug infestations, he expression turned genuine and serious at his offer.

"Fine. But your just dropping me off there. I don't need you coming in with me. Gotit?" The strawberry blonde female demon stated as she followed the snake demon to his airship. She didn't fully trust this guy but it was close to nightfall and a tremulous time to be outside and he was offering to help her.

"Whatever you sssay. You actually look decent sso you'll be able to get into the casino floor, that'ss where you will find the demon you are looking for. He favourss the poker tabless.." Sir Pentious rolled his eyes as he gestured her to follow him to his airship which Cherri did half-heartedly. "Do you know how to play? You usually have to beat his hand to win his ssservices, no mean feat I assure you.." He flashed her a sly grin as he took the controls.

"Then you better give me a crash course old man, my card skills are rusty but I'm a quick study.." Cherri narrowed her singular eye and flashed a grin.


The sound of another loud smack echoed around the small integration room and it was punctuated by the anguished cry of Angel, white-hot tears stinging his odd sclera pink eyes. Though his sight was now blurred somewhat by his salty tears he could see Arackniss wincing uncomfortably, looking mentally tortured and on the edge of a breakdown. He was turned somewhat away from the two of them and it was painfully obvious that their father was using him to illustrate what would happen if Arackniss thought about trying anything to stop him..

"Didn't I warn ya about what would happen if ya ever dared t'show ya face on my turf again Anthony?" Henroin grabbed Angel by the fluffy fringe and yanked his head back making him wince hard from the pain. "I thought I had made that clear but perhaps I wasn't clear enough.," His soft dangerous voice sent shivers down his rejected son's spine.

"...P-Papi, p-papi please... I-I didn't mean it.. Please p-papi please... I won't bother ya, I-I promise.. Ya never have'ta see me again honest.." The effeminate spider demon stuttered trying to appease the fuming leader of Pentagram City's best know mobster syndicate. Unfortunately this just seemed to incense the old spider demon further and earned him another hard punch across the face.

"Too late for that boy! What did ya think would happen when we met again Anthony, I'm curious. Ya thought I'd be proud of ya career choice? Ya think that's what ya mama woulda wanted for ya? Strippin' off? Sellin' ya own body t'other men? Actin' like the disgrace ya are.. I'm glad she ain't down here to witness what a true mess you've made of yourself.. Ya ain't just dishonourin' me with this shit but her too. She would be disappointed in you.." Henroin's voice was low, dangerous and so filled with rage it was almost palpable in the thick air around the broken family of spiders.

"S-she would..?" Angel's voice came out hushed, emotional and completely submissive. He loved his mama with all his heart, all he ever wanted to do was be someone she could be proud of but he knew his father was right. He was a failure at that. When the inevitable blow to the face came just for daring to talk Angel didn't even wince at the pain of it. This one collided with his mouth and he felt one of his sharp teeth become dislodged and a trickle of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. He hissed a little when his jaw began to sear, he definitely had a broken tooth now.

"Paps.." Arackniss finally spoke up, his pink eyes wide with a mixture of fear but concern for his little brother,something that was not missed by the older spider demon and the Don of the Spider Mafia quickly seized his eldest son by the neck.

"Don't be actin' soft Dante! That was always your biggest failing.." Henrion snarled pushing his eldest son back and scowling. "We're going to deal with him once and for all... Together." He flashed his eldest son a dangerous smile which only made Arackniss gulp thickly, his eyes giving away his discomfort with this idea. Behind them Angel trembled looking terrified by these words. Obviously thinking that this was it, his father intended to make good on his threat and erase him from existence, permanently...


For a long moment Cherri looked upwards at the building of Jackpot's Casino and Hotel. On the side of the building was a large cat with a top hat and an evil looking smile along with a massive card with the six of hearts on it and a massive of old-fashioned neon lighting that had it lit up like the Fourth of July. Curious to see the inside now she tottered up to the doorman in those huge red stilettos she hated glad her make-up and sleek hair was still intact. The doorman opened the door with no question, proving that she looked as hot as her best friend claimed.

The decor inside was very different to what she expected from the outside. While it was light and bright out in the street inside the colour scheme was more muted with greens, purples, blacks with some slight gold details. The place looked very masculine while still carrying hints of the playing card motif using the black suits instead. It also looked similar to the out of place bar that she had seen in the Hazbin Hotel that Angel had been living in over the last few months. In fact, this place too was decorated with sparse skulls with glowing green eyes..

As a slim but curvy female demon with strawberry blonde hair in the tight red mini dress Cherri naturally turned the heads of the mostly male demons on the casino floor as she carefully picked her way to the poker tables. Sir Pentious had said she would recognise who she was looking for when she saw him but had refused to be more specific before he left. She was left wondering why he had been so cryptic until she heard a familiar voice and her head snapped around and she grinned.

"Alright boys let's see how many rubes we—Whoa!" Husk blinked in some confusion as he found himself face to face with his boyfriend's best friend. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." Cherri stated with a slight frown.

"I own this joint, what's it to you?" The grey and white furred demon cat with red wings stated simply, frowning back not liking the interrogation from his boyfriend's best friend.

"Wait! You're the Casino D—!!" Husk immediately clammed over her mouth stifling her loud exclamation from being heard by nearby demons on the busy casino floor.

"I fucking hate that name.." Husk hissed in a low gravelly voice before pulling his hand back and gesturing for her to follow him. "Let's talk in my office.." Curious now Cherri followed her best friend's boyfriend back around the bar leaving his 'boys' on the floor who moved to integrate themselves into the poker games playing nearby.

"I can't believe your him, this is so unreal I'm so gonna have to stop calling you a dull bastard. How come you never told Angie about this? Doesn't he deserve to know?" The one-eyed female demon put her hands on her hips once she found herself escorted into the 'Manager's Office'. To his credit Husk merely raised one red plume eyebrow at what his boyfriend's best friend called him behind his back, he honestly didn't care as they barely knew each other. So far this was the longest conversation they had ever had.

"I was gonna tell him. The other night in fact but he wasn't at the hotel when I got there. So it's his fault he doesn't know.." The demon cat rolled his eyes and this made Cherri blink in shock.

"Wait, you came back for him?"

"Yeh but I'm guessing he's still upset with me since your here instead of him.." His large ears dipped low as a soft exhale left him, his expression looked as if he were struggling to fight back emotions that he had obviously been wrestling with these last few days. It made Cherri quickly realise that they both supported each other emotionally, that this rift hurt him as much as it hurt Angel and he had been trying to fix it.

"He was at mine then but not anymore, in fact he's in serious trouble. That's why I'm here, I need your help to get him out of it.." Her words made Husk frown and immediately pull himself together, now looking at her in concern.

"Are you shitting me? And you wait 'til now to tell me! What trouble?" He asked looking irritated.

"He's been captured by his dad." Cherri explained and this instantly made Husk curse profusely.

"Fuck! Then we probably don't have a lot of time.."

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