Trust in the Force | Obi-Wan...

By ChichiK97

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Starting with the events leading up to the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Lyra Din-So returns to the Jedi temple aft... More

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Seeking Wisdom
A Part Of You
A Glimpse
Teach Me Control
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Master To My Apprentice
A Rising War

Simpler Times

176 8 3
By ChichiK97

{ Fifteen Years Earlier }

"Hey Kenobi, look what I have!"

The addressed older padawan turned towards a young Lyra who came bounding towards him in one of the training rooms of the Jedi temple, padawan braid swinging wildly on her shoulder from across the training mat holding a shiny piece of metal clasped in her outstretched hand as soon as she reached his side.

Lyra possessed the widest grin he'd ever seen on the young padawan. For any padawan for that matter.

"Is that-"

"Yep, my very own Lightsaber!" She exclaimed proudly, twirling the hilt in her hands confidently before holding it out again for Obi-Wan to inspect closer. It was an intricate little thing, holding a firm silver base covered in rose gold swirl patterns that thinned out when it reached the top and a crescent half moon like shape which encircled the area the activated saber would leak it's blade from. She must've spent a long time on it, he was impressed and gave a low whistle.

"Professor Huyang and I finished it last night, stayed up all night, you want to test it out with me?" With wide hopeful eyes he didn't have the heart to refuse Obi-Wan let out a small chuckle. It had taken her longer than most to finally complete the precious weapon, and now she could actually use a real saber instead of those little practice ones that couldn't do much more than emit a low hum she was over the moon.

"Sure, if you think you can beat me this time" He challenged cockily, slipping his own saber from its holster into his hand and taking a step back to create some distance between them.

Lyra copied his movements, a large grin spreading over her face at the sound of a challenge. She always did love some friendly competition, especially with Obi-Wan. He was one of the few Padawan's who didn't antagonise nor go easy on her when sparring. He respected her, even if she was younger.

Igniting the saber, the colour of a blinding yellow blade reflected back at Obi-Wan's eyes which widened a fraction at the discovery. He had only ever seen such a colour on temple guards before. Yet the more he stared, stared at the way the colour bounced off her seemingly glowing skin and pale focused eyes, he found the colour suited her beyond measure. She practically glowed with it.

"You just going to stare all day or are you actually planning on attacking, Kenobi?" She knew her antagonising never really worked out in her favour, but never could quite help herself from doing it regardless. The smirk that twitched at Obi-Wan's face as a result was enough reason to do it, and he didn't hesitate to ignite his own blue blade and rush forward.

He held none of his strength back when their lightsabers collided, pushing her back with the force of his swing until Lyra had to jump to the side to avoid the blow that pressed past her hands. Obi-Wan had always been stronger than her physically, most people were. But it had never stopped her in outmatching her opponents in other elements. Master Yoda had reminded her that strength and size were not the only variables that would win a fight.

Agility, speed, and persistence were Lyra's ally, and she used them when she flipped herself over Obi-Wan's head to land behind him to swing at him anew.

He easily stopped her blade in its tracks with his own when he turned his upper body in time, grinning down at her "Impressive, you're getting faster" Obi-Wan commented before pushing her hard enough to make her take several steps back with a huff.

Giving her blade an experimental spin at her side, Lyra offered a confident shrug back at the older Jedi learner "What can I say, I guess my training is finally paying off" She was tempted to tease him about having Yoda as her Master, but couldn't bring herself to talk down on Qui-Gon. He too had become someone she highly respected, he was unlike any of the other Jedi Masters at the temple. Master Jinn had many odd and new views on the Jedi code, on the way the Force could be understood. Even if many disagreed or judged him for it, the man never once wavered in his belief. She respected him all the more for it, perhaps would even admit she was a little jealous when Obi-Wan had been picked to be his apprentice.

Wherever she looked, there was a reminder of the weight of the last padawan of the great Jedi Master Yoda. Even if she had only been selected a couple of days prior, Lyra spotted it in the envious eyes of other padawans, of judging Jedi Knights and Masters, even in the high gazes of some of those stuck up Senator's that sometimes came to visit the temple. She knew she shouldn't really complain, but who could blame a child barely of the age of thirteen for a responsibility they were unfit to handle.

Another dance of clashes ensued, each one sending her further backwards in retreat until her back collided with the training room wall and Lyra needed a way out that wasn't behind her.

"You still hesitate too much Lyra" Obi-Wan remarked, pushing his saber as tightly up against her as he could without actually cutting into her skin. As much as he wanted to win, the older padawan knew not to bring serious harm to someone he cared about.

"Oh yeah?!" Scanning the space around them for a way out of her predicament, Lyra only found one solution and kicked out with her feet against his chest. His taller form barely reacted but the small push was enough to ease the pressure on her weapon to enable her to crouch down under their sabers and to the side out of the way of his strike. "How's that for hesitation, Kenobi?" The young blond snorted doing a cartwheel away to avoid another swing aimed at her head.

The blond boy only rolled his eyes at her words, giving his saber a spin from behind his hip while he turned to face her from across the mat.

This time it was Lyra's turn to strike first, pushing herself forward with confidence bubbling in her veins. Ever since she'd held the complete saber in her hands she had felt invincible. The young Jedi learner knew of course she was far from it, but such a powerful weapon, now her own? Who wouldn't feel a little immortal wielding it.

Obi-Wan somehow sensed what she was planning on doing next, or perhaps he'd been planning his move from the start, she couldn't quite tell. But as soon as their blades connected he kicked her feet out from under her and pinned her down just as quickly by pressing his lightsaber against hers. The pressure alone crushing down on her was enough to keep her pressed firmly to the floor, he'd trapped her.

"That's cheating!" Lyra moaned in annoyance, gritting her teeth while she tried to keep the older boy from pushing down on her any further.

"Is it?" He all but mocked her with a smirk, watching her struggle being quite an amusing sight in his opinion.

He didn't have time to witness however, the small blush that had crept up Lyra's neck as she turned her head away to hide it once it reached her cheeks. She would never admit it, but close proximity with Obi-Wan Kenobi had sent her blood racing for a while now, for reasons still unbeknownst to inexperienced heart.

"I see you finally managed to complete your lightsaber, young Din-So" Qui-Gon Jinn's voice cut in on their sparring match, Obi-Wan instantly jumping off of her when he too heard his Master's presence in the training room.

"Master" The older blond bowed his head respectfully, deactivating and putting his saber back at his hip.

Qui-Gon could only chuckle at the padawan's antics, helping Lyra to her feet by offering hand which she accepted bashfully. It was rather embarrassing to be found pinned to the ground about to lose a duelling match, especially by a Master Jedi.

"I-I finished it early this morning" She explained, letting the saber switch off and tucking it away into her own holster as she avoided eye contact with the tall man.

"Impressive, I haven't seen someone wield that colour in a while" Qui-Gon hummed running a hand thoughtfully over his beard. "I have to apologise for stealing Obi-Wan from you, but we have been assigned a new mission away from the temple" he explained.

A note of disappointment passed her by as she glanced at the other padawan in the room. But said nothing else as she nodded her head. Lyra had wanted to spar with Obi-Wan for longer, to hone her skills and spend time learning from someone more experienced that wasn't a Master. She knew however, that the missions away from Coruscant were definitely important enough to warrant his absence.

"That's alright" Lyra forced a smile to her lips, hoping to play off her fleeting emotion as she crossed her arms and raised her chin in mock confidence "Gives me more time to train and make sure I beat him when he gets back" she muttered.

"Yeah right" Obi-Wan could only roll his eyes, ruffling her hair as he walked past her and towards his Master who stood waiting at the door. "It'll take you longer than a few days to catch up to me, little Lyra" he teased.

She huffed at his words, sticking her tongue out at the taller blond childishly "Don't call me that!" She always did feel so much younger whenever he mocked her height or age like that, even if it was just in a lighthearted way. Lyra much preferred seeming older than she was, especially in front of Kenobi and the other Jedi Masters in the temple. She hated being looked down upon.

"Just you wait Kenobi, you'll be eating your words once you get back!" Lyra shouted after the two Jedi as they chuckled to themselves and left the room, leaving her standing and huffing to herself in annoyance before the padawan gathered her wits and began practicing again with renewed resolve. She would beat Obi-Wan in a duel next time they met, she was sure of it.

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