Lost Princess and the Dragon...

By FairyAngxl

155K 5.8K 1.4K

Luciana Euclifia is the long lost princess of the Celestial Kingdom. Sting is her older brother, the Prince o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1・Princess Luciana Euclifia
Chapter 2・Missing Princess
Chapter 3・The Pink Haired Visitor
Chapter 5・Punishment
Chapter 6・Misleading Encounter
Chapter 7・Jealousy
Chapter 8・Memories
Chapter 9・Flames vs Light
Chapter 10・Melted Clothes
Chapter 11・Trouble in Town
Chapter 12・Burning Hot
Chapter 13・Unveiled Memories
Chapter 14・Unvarnished Truth
Chapter 15・All Coming to an End
Chapter 16・Celestial Spirits
Chapter 17・Reunion
Chapter 18・Embarassing Moments
Chapter 19・Flame God vs Lightning
Chapter 20・Water Blues
Chapter 21・Fire Dragon vs Flame God
Chapter 22・The War Ends
Chapter 23・The One Magic
Chapter 24・Happy Endings

Chapter 4・Ice Wizard

7.5K 242 30
By FairyAngxl

Natsu's POV

When I arrived at the castle, there were many guards standing in front of the entrance, so I hid behind a boulder. One of our guards were speaking with the other side and asked what they needed. I didn't really get to know why because he whispered his answer, but I think he wants my father, Igneel. Our guard nodded in response and went inside the castle.

When he got back, my father was with him. "What's all this about?" my father asked. "Princess Luciana has been stolen from our kingdom, and the king says that the man who stole her works for you," a guard said. "Well what does the man look like?" he asked. "He had long-" I was about to hear what he was going to say, but someone disrupted me.

"Prince Natsu!" I heard a feminine voice called out. I turned around too see a scarlet haired girl with an armor. "Why are you hiding there? It's time that you head inside," she told me. "You're not the boss of me Erza!" I said sticking my tongue out and running away and she started to chase after me.

Erza Scarlet, who was a year older than me, had red hair and brown eyes. She wears an armor, a blue skirt, and black boots. She's a soldier, like the one who has to protect people from harm. And she's very bossy, but mature. And she's super young too, I don't even know how she became one. Is she that strong? As I thought that, I tripped and fell, scraping my knee.

Tears formed in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. Erza caught up behind me and held my left shoulder. "I caught up to you," she said and her left eye glowed red. Uh-oh, she is mad at me. "It's time to head back my prince, it's already dark and you need to sleep," she told me, so I got up and walked with her to the castle, limping a bit.

Normal POV

When they arrived at the castle, the guards already left. They both headed into Natsu's room and Erza took care of his knee. "I'll be leaving now prince," Erza said bowing and left the room.

Natsu was about to fall asleep when "Psst!" he suddenly got up and looked around. He then stopped to look at the window. There were hands holding on to them. He got up from his bed and ran over to the window and helped the person up. "Thanks," he sighed as the boy went in. "Who are you? And what were you doing in the window?" Natsu asked him.

"Well, Prince Natsu," as he said the name 'Natsu' he said it in a disgusting voice. "My name is Gray Fullbuster, call me Gray though, I came up here to say, first, I do NOT like you. And second I just became your body guard," he said with arms crossed. "Why would I need a body guard? I'm a lot stronger than you," Natsu replied with a laugh.

Gray had black, spiky hair and has dark blue eyes. He wore a white jacket with a brown wool around the neck, a necklace that resembles a sword, blue shirt, black pants, and brown shoes.

"Well see about that. Ice make, Ice Hammer!" he yelled and on top of Natsu's head was a giants spiked hammer and was about to drop on him. But when the hammer was about to drop on him, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" he yelled and flames formed in his hands and punched the hammer above him and it scattered into a million pieces. "So you're an Ice wizard," Natsu said distinguishing the fire in his fists.

"Yeah, but what about it?" Gray asked. "Ice and fire doesn't match, and I don't know why you became my body guard if you and I know that we'll always be fighting," Natsu said frowning. "That's exactly what I said," Gray said smiling at him, but quickly wiped it off. "So why are you my body guard anyways? You're the same age as me, it's probably a lot better if I had an adult body guard," Natsu said.

"I don't know, ask the king. He knows why, and he's the one who put me in this crappy job. But the good thing about it is that I get paid 20,000 J a week," Gray said pumping his fists. "Oh and have you heard?" he asked. "Hear what?" Natsu replied.

"The princess of Celestial Kingdom got kidnapped. And the king is accusing that the man who stole her works for your kingdom," Gray explained. "Well what does the guy look like?" Natsu asked "I don't know, that's all I heard so far. Anyways, I gotta go," he said and climbed down the window. "Oh, and just so you know, even though we talked like we were friends, we're not friends," Gray said sticking his tongue out at Natsu and ran back home.

"I hate his guts so much," Natsu said and crawled back to bed. "How can I go to sleep now? I'm very wide awake because of that block head," he said turning and twisting around the bed trying to get comfortable.

When he finally had a comfortable spot, his eyes started to fall down when a knock was heard on the other side of his door. "Oh my gosh! I was about to sleep already!" he yelled and got up to open the door with an angry face, but it quickly switched to a smile. "H-hello father," he stuttered. "Did I wake you?" Igneel asked. "Oh no, I couldn't sleep so... I was awake," Natsu replied. "Don't lie, I heard what you said in there," he said smiling.

Igneel Dragneel had long red hair and red eyes. He was only 20 years old. Yes he married young and has a kid at a young age. But his mind was like a 30 year old's, so it was okay for him and the kingdom. At first, the towns people didn't allow it because he was too young, but once he ruled the kingdom, everything was a lot better for the people, so they started to like him as the king.

"I'm sorry about that," Natsu said with a sweat drop. "Anyways, can I ask you a question?" Igneel nodded.

"Why do I need a body guard? And his an Ice wizard too. You know we can't match," he complained. "I know you don't, but you have to learn how to get along with people who are the opposite of you, or you won't know how to run this kingdom when you get older. And next, I'm getting you a body guard because I don't want you to get stolen from me," Igneel explained.

"I promise, if there's a person that even tries to steal me away from you, I'll use that special technique you thought me and beat them to a pulp," Natsu said grinning. "Well I'm just making sure. You have to get some rest now. Because tomorrow, I'm going to teach you some new techniques. Goodnight son," he said and walked Natsu to his bed and tucked him in.

"Goodnight father," Natsu replied and Igneel petted his head. Igneel then walked out of the room and closed the lights.


Ok I know that 1-3 year olds can't think or speak well enough to know what they're doing but....... since it's a fantasy/fiction story, let's say that when a baby turns 1, they know how to speak and think good enough to know what they're doing. Also they're smart children, but not smart like a 12 year old yet, smart like an 8 year old.

Not saying 8 year olds are dumb or anything, just how they think. Like they know what they're mostly doing, not all because we know that you can't really remember much of anything when you're younger.

And hope you like this chapter. Comment on how it is so far and vote please ^~^

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