Lost in Stereo (Larry Stylins...

By PierceWithKellic

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Louis is a member of the World famous band Lost in Stereo, and he has Everything he ever wanted... or that is... More

Call it whatever you want!!!
I'm a mess
Pretty Boy!
in the shadows
Break me!


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By PierceWithKellic

Harry Styles:

I sit beside Louis with a smile, we are in the car on our way to Louis birthday party. He is having it before his birthday because he believes that no one will come if he has it on his birthday… I AM CALLING BULLSHIT!!!

“Are you alright babe?” He asks me with a smile, he looks so handsome with his newly coloured hair and his white t-shirt. He has a black blazer over it and black skinny jeans, on his head he has a small with flower crown, it match the one who is placed on my head.

“Yeah.” I say and smile, it´s going to be the first time I meet Louis parents and sisters, I want it to be perfect because he is worth it, I just want them to like me. Louis tells me that his sister is going to love me because I am far from how Eleanor was and they hated her….. All except Lottie she liked her a lot, maybe because they had the same interests.

I play with the bottom of my pink shirt, I am wearing the light pink shirt Louis and I found when we were shopping, it looks great with my white skinny jeans, Louis is calling me pretty and that makes me blush because he makes me feel special.

I have a pair of light pink converse while Louis have a pair of black vans that goes perfect with his black outfit. He has the arms on his blazer upturned to you can see his tattoos, he looks adorable. He also only have his snakebite in and he looks really handsome. He looks like a bad ass with lilac hair and flowers in his hair……

Louis parks the car outside the club Niall fixed to have his party in, it´s cute how Niall did this for Louis. Sure Louis told me they were close but I don´t think if I had friend like Niall they ever make me a party. I would probably have to make everything by myself and they only come and eat and leave… Wow I think so big of my friends…. Cher….

Yeah Louis also invited Cher and her boyfriend, but I don´t know if her boyfriend will come because I am pretty sure she never told him about this because she doesn´t really like him. Yeah I know about that but you know, it´s none of my business.

I walk in together with Louis and a little bit surprised when I see all the people inside, I am not surprised that it´s a lot of people I am surprised that it´s people who I fan gi…boy over. I can see Gerard Way, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Andy Biersack, Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Mike Fuentes, Tony Perry, Ed Sheeran, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Connor Ball, Conor Maynard and that is just a few of the people that I see, like how will I survive?

Louis says hello to some of the people but he is making me walk pretty fast, and I realize why when I see the girls sitting around a table, I remember them all from the pictures that Louis have showed me, he really loves his sisters.

“Hello Girls.” Louis says in a really funny accent that makes the youngest two girls laugh, the other two doesn´t look that happy about seeing Louis… You can almost feel the love between them.

“Louis what the fuck did you do to your hair, you look like a fucking flower.” One of the girls say, and I look down at my shirt and try to hide behind Louis. I am guessing that one is Lottie, she is the one who didn´t take the break up between Louis and Eleanor good at all… I guess she will have a hard time with me… I feel a little out of place.

“This is my boyfriend Harry.” Louis says, ignoring his sisters’ comment earlier. I blush a little when Louis kiss my cheek, he is so fucking adorable around me, damn how did I end up so lucky?

Lottie Tomlinson:

I look at the guy beside Louis, there is really nothing wrong with him, but he isn´t Eleanor and I really loved how they looked together. Now Louis is a fucking loser because he has gone over to fucking pastel instead of black and dark colours, he looks like a fucking flower and he is supposed to be in a punk band? Sure Alex Gaskarth looked pretty hot with a bit of pink in his hair, but he didn´t look like a fucking flower… sure he has a rose tattoo, but that is not what I am talking about now.

“Harry nice to meet you” Fizzy says with a smile, she is always so nice and I don´t understand how she can be so nice to everyone while when I try to be nice it always comes out wrong, I don´t mean to sound mean I just miss the old times you know, I love Louis and I am happy he is happy, I just miss how things use to be.

“I like your shirt, it looks good with those pants.” I say and smile, I really try to be nice for Louis because he looks so happy and I don´t want to be the one who makes him sad again. I know that Louis is going through a hard time because I have seen how much hate he gets on twitter, I try to ignore it but it´s hard because it hurts to know that people write stuff like that to my brother who I love more than anything. It may not look like I do but I do love Louis.

Louis Tomlinson:

“LOUIS!” I hear my mums voice say, a smile creeps in to my face, I really missed my mother, she is like my rock when things don´t work out.

“MOMMY!!” I say and realize a little too late that it´s not only me and my family here…. Nope all my friends is here too, great Louis way to go.

“Oh darling I missed you so much.” She says and I kiss her on her for head, she is a beautiful lady.

“So where is he?” She asks me with a smile and I blush because I know she is talking about my beautiful Harry… I love that I can say my Harry.

I turn to introduce her to Harry when I realize that Harry isn´t beside me anymore… not that it´s hard to see him when he is the only one in here that has a light pink shirt, not even the girls has that on them, most of the people wear darker colour because why the hell not.

I spot him beside that girl Cher who is his best friend and a smile is forming on my lips when I see that Niall and Josh is with them, I can see how Harry is smiling. In one of his hands he has a coke and I smile, not even on my birthday will he drink… or maybe he drinks but just doesn´t want to tonight. I am pretty sure I have seen him drinking wine…

“You see that curly haired beauty with pink sweater who is talking to Niall and Josh? That is him” I say and smile while looking at the beautiful human in front of me, he looks like an angel who is stuck in a place with only dark people. He is like the light in here.

“He is beautiful Louis.” My mum says and starts to make her way over to him, when I start walk after her she stops me and tells me that I can go talk to some of my guests while she talks to Harry.

I see how she walks up to Harry and I can see how he smiles and starts talking to her. Both Josh and Niall gives her a hug, she is like another mother for them, I love how close my mom is with my band, they are my best friends and it would suck if she couldn´t accept that you know.

“Hey man good to see you again” Kellin comes up to me and says, Kellin is a nice dude, I am pretty close with him and the Sleeping with Sirens dudes.

“How is the world tour coming along?” I ask and he gives me a smile, I know he is happy that he finally get to do this tour together with Pierce the Veil. Him and Vic are like the bestest of friends after that King for a day collaboration.

“It´s amazing, I get to go to so many cool places and I get to see different kind of fans when it´s Pierce the Veil´s fans also.” He says with a smile and I can´t help myself from smiling, I know what he mean that is how I felt when we were touring with All Time Low. It´s one of those moments when different people come to one place to enjoy the same music. Music is a way to bring people closer to each other, it doesn´t matter who you are.

“I like what you did with your hair by the way” Kellin says and takes another swing of his beer, I know he hasn´t gotten drunk in a while because he usually go out to those kind of things with his family and he doesn´t want to get drunk in front of them. Now they aren´t here so he doesn´t have to think about being that dad figure he always is for his daughter.

I hear Actors start playing and smile when I hear Alex starts singing. I look at the stage and see All Time Low standing there and playing my favourite song, I never really understood why it didn´t make it to an album, because damn it´s an amazing song!

“Would it help you to wait for the moment to break, is it real or is it fake? All we are, just chapters on a page, and after all we're actors on a stage” I sing along, I can see that a lot of people hasn´t heard this song but a smile is on my face when I see Harry singing along too, that means that he is one of those people who actually knows about this song.

I dance around together with Kellin and he can´t stop laughing when he does a stupid dance move, damn that boy needs to slow down his drinking if he wants to remember anything from tonight.

“HEY GUYS DANCE WITH US!!” I hear from behind me and a smile is on my face when I see Vic jumping around together with Liam, Zayn and Tony. They are doing some stupid dance moves and that is all it takes for us to jump around together with them, those guys are like the coolest people ever.

I dance with them or more like jumping around with them but every once in a while I look over too see Harry, he looks beautiful in his white pants and pink sweater, he looks like an angel!

Harry is right now dancing around together with my mum and that is all it takes for me to smile a big smile, I know that when my mum let you dance with her she is okay with you, that means that she doesn´t hate Harry which is great because that would been a problem for me, because I am planning on keeping Harry around for a long while.

I walk over to Harry and put my arm around him, the best feeling is when you put your arm around someone you love and they just cuddle in to you just because they feel that it´s you. That is what Harry does, he doesn´t even have to look at me to know it´s me and that is all I ever wanted to have someone knowing it´s me that’s holding them in my arms. I love the feeling of Harry in my arms.

“Okay so now are going to play a song we don´t play that much but I do love it so let´s go, this is Poison.” Alex says with a smile, he is really putting all those song out there tonight, great birthday!!! I love how my friends are playing for me on my birthday, that´s why it´s cool to have bands and artists as friends because they are awesome.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU BABY!” Jack screams in to his microphone when they start playing, damn that boy is so crazy, I don´t understand how Alex put up with him… but you know he is probably a put up or shut up… Sorry that was bad.

I look at my mum and she gives me a smile, I now know that she don´t have anything against Harry.

“Louis!” I hear from behind me and that is a voice I use to love but I can´t stand right now… Molly….

“Molly….” I say and Harry looks at me with sad eyes, I guess he knows about Molly… wow that is something I don´t like talking about, but let´s just say the media was pretty fast with picking up stuff when it was something between me and Molly… I don´t stand for anything that I did when I was with Molly… Let´s just say that we have a past that I am not proud of and I had hope that Harry wouldn´t know about it so I could tell him without him knowing stuff that I had wanted to hide.

It´s not that I don´t trust Harry… It´s just that I am so embarrassed that I did those things that I wish it never happen.

“I haven´t seen you in forever” She says with her so fake smile, Molly is nothing but trouble and everyone knows it, but I was a stupid boy who thought that it would be great to hang out with her and stuff.

“I was thinking that we maybe could pick up where we ended” She says and I try to sink through the floor… god my mum is here and hear every single word she is saying. I know my mum knows about this but she doesn´t need to hear how fucking bad I was and how bad I treated people because of Molly.

“Actually I have a boyfriend now that I love really much.” I say and hope that she won´t say something that will fuck things up for me.

“Well being in a relationship never stopped you before.” She says… Fuck…

“I think I need to use the bathroom.” Harry says fast and leave my arms… fuck… fuck….fuck…FUCK!!!

Harry Styles:

I walk fast to the bathroom, I know that Louis would never cheat on me but I can´t be there anymore and listen to how he cheated on so many people with this girl who acts like it´s not a big deal, sure maybe not for her but damn I can´t take it because he did those things and I don´t want to listen to them.

That isn´t the Louis I know it´s the Louis who is a past now, and I have nothing with past Louis to do and I don´t want to either because he was unhappy and did stuff I can see that he regret. I don´t want that Louis. I want Louis just the way he are, just the way he wants to be.

“Harry, can we talk?” I hear Niall say from beside me and I stop in my track, I guess he saw Molly with us.

“Actually I really need to use the bathroom like really.” I say and damn I guess he doesn´t believe me but he should because I am soon peeing my pants. I maybe wanted to get away from there but damn I really need to go and pee!!!

“Please don´t break up with Louis for what he did in the past.” Niall says and I smile how caring he is for Louis.

“I won´t it´s his past and I am not one for judging how he was. But for real I really need to use the bathroom” I say and almost run in to the bathroom.

Damn I really needed to pee, like really.

Niall Horan:

I smile and walk over to Louis who is finally away from Molly. I don´t know what he said but she left and looked really unhappy with that he said, I don´t give a fuck because I never really liked that girl. Her hair is weird because it´s not blond and it´s not white… it´s weird… and her clothes is telling everyone that she is desperate for attention. I wouldn´t judge her on the outside if I didn´t know that she is what she looks like. All she wants is a fast sex and then money. She don´t want the money for sex no she wants things like clothes and stuff like that.

I am happy that I haven´t been in her trap because she is a real bitch that no one really likes. But people who has been sleeping with her says she is amazing in bed. I wouldn´t know because I like guys and I am a bottom and I don´t like the thought of putting my dick inside of a girl.

“Hey boy.” I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. I know he hates it when I does it so that is why I did it because I am that kind of friend who does those kind of things just to annoy you.

“Soon are you an old man dude.” I say and he smile a little.

“I will be 23 Niall it´s not that old. Look at Alex and Jack they are older than me dude.” I say and he smiles.

“I am fucking with you dude.” I say with a smile on my face.


THIS IS 3000 WORDS LONG!!! it´s 2000 words longer than the normal parts.

HAPPY 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay now let´s all not give a fuck and just sleep off the none exacting hangover. I didn´t get drunk... I don´t drink like honestly I may have been eating a little bit to much sugar yesterday with my best friends! and we may have been singing karaoke and changed a few things in the song.

Did you guys know that Taylor Swifts we are never getting be together sounds really good as a rap song with change of words.

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