More Human Than Machine(CharB...


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What if there was more to BumbleBee than Charlie thought? A secret that all Cybertronians share, but do not s... Еще

A Stunning TransFormation
AutoBot Teen Pillow Talk
Blending In
Walking Brings Back Memories
Music Can Help You Say What You're Feeling
Three's A Crowd
A Bee With Butterflies
Good Morning
Capturing The Moment

Its The Thought That Counts

670 14 6


The two young ones stayed in their comfortable position, and actually had fallen back asleep. As peacefully as they had last night, they slept sorry free and happily now.

Another hour or so had passed when the blaring sound of Charlie's alarm clock woke the two up.

Charlie, quickly, but reluctantly, jumped out of Bee's arms and onto her bed to slam the clock quiet.

"Ugh, that thing gets in my nerves!" She exclaimed.

"Well, it does it's job of waking you up very well." Bee said, trying to make it seem not so bad.

"Yeah, I guess so. Phew...well, guess it's time to get ready."

"Yeah, we have to explain to Memo about me."

"Ah, right! Almost forgot about that." I was comfortable with you, so forgive me, BB. "Well, come on. I'll show you how to brush your teeth."

The young girl stood from her bed, took the confused humanoid's hand and led him to her bathroom.

All the while though, he wasn't sure what she meant by,

"Brush my teeth?"


After having picked up Memo, Bee and Charlie had driven off for a nice ride in the cliff-side territory by the ocean. But as Charlie and Memo were in the front seat of the car, Bee was down within the car, working with the radio. Flipping through channels, static and bits of music coming in and out. 

"He's been going up and down on that dial all day today," Charlie noticed, "and I don't know why."

As they continued on, Charlie had an idea. "Hey, check out his reflexes." She took her hands off the wheel and the car began driving itself, staying on course and not veering off road or into anything. But it was still enough to send Memo into panic.

"Oh! oh, god! Oh! oh!" He yelped constantly until Charlie put her hands back on the wheel.

Then she hat another idea. "Yo, give me your shirt."


"Give me your shirt!" she repeated.

"You mean the shirt that I'm wearing?"

"Yes, yes. Come on! I'll give it back to you. Okay." Unsure what for, Memo reluctantly unbuttoned his shirt and gave it to Charlie. Charlie then knocked on the sunroof of the car and let go of the wheel again before standing up blindfolded with the shirt wrapped around her eyes. "Come on!"

"No! Wait, wait, wait. - You-- you don't need to do this."

"Oh yes, I do. Come here! Come on!"

Once again, Memo reluctantly complied as he stood and joined her. Standing there next to Charlie, the feeling of the wind coming at them made his worries flow away. Suddenly, the shirt Charlie had wrapped around the top of her head had been blown away by the wind coming at them. The surprising dilemma made the both of them laugh.

"Sorry! I know I promised to you but.. I can't give you that back." Charlie and Memo laughed before they slid back down into their seats, but a curious young humanoid in the back had stood up and was enjoying the feeling of the wind against his body and couldn't stop smiling.

Just for fun he threw his hands in the air and let out a hearty "WHOOOOHOOOOO!!!" as they continued driving past the ocean. As he stood in the back with the wind coming at him, he couldn't help but sing along to the song 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' by Tears For Fears.

Inside the car, Charlie was smiling too and it was because of Bee. Smiling because her humanoid was enjoying something that was so familiar and ordinary for humans. But for Bee, it was new and exciting and she was happy to see him enjoying it. It gave her a feeling of pride as she gripped her steering wheel and resumed her gaze on the road ahead.

After a while, Bee had sat back down in the car and disappeared into his compartment inside the interior of the car. Meanwhile, Memo and Charlie were talking it up about the Autobot. Which mainly consisted of Charlie answering Memo's questions.

"So you have no idea where he came from?" He asked.

Charlie just shrugged her shoulders and replied, "No idea."

"Have you thought about calling the cops?"

She'd be lying if she said the thought hadn't crossed her mind, but Charlie knew what the outcome of it would be. And she wasn't going to let it happen. "What are they gonna do, Memo? They're just gonna send him away to a lab and tear him apart? No, I'm not letting that happen to him. No one's gonna do any weird science experiments on him."

Almost in the form of a reply, the radio had switched to a certain station and the theme for a movie called Weird Science came out: "Weird science!"

A look of surprise and amazement came to Charlie as she heard that. "You're getting pretty good with that radio dial, Bee."

"DJ Bumble in the house!" Memo added, "Whoop-Whoop!"

The radio then switched to another station and a DJ's song came up.

Suddenly, a thought popped into Charlie's mind and she began to understand. "Wait, is that why you're always messing with the dial? You're trying to teach yourself how to talk as a robot, aren't you?"

The station changed again and began playing the song 'Walk Like A Man' by The Four Seasons and had started on the part that said, "Talk like a man!"

Both Charlie and Memo had looks of shock on their faces at the Autobot's new accomplishment. "No way!" Charlie exclaimed happily, "Oh, my god, Bee! You're genius! You're an actual genius!"

Not too long after she said that, the backseats came down and out crawled the young humanoid with a proud smile on. "What do you think?" He asked as he sat down, "Not to bad, huh?"

"No, not at all!" Charlie was so happy for him. He had just learned to talk as a robot again, and it was clear he was happy about it. But she was curious as to how he thought of it. "How did you come up with the idea of using the radio to talk though?"

Thinking back, Bee remembered how the idea came to him. And the source of it was Charlie. "Remember last night when we were in the garage?"


"You told me music can help you say what you're feeling. And that got me thinking, if I could find some way to use music to help me talk through my suit again. And it worked, thanks to you, Charlie."

Hearing that how Bee came up with the idea and how she had helped him think of it, it really made her feel that warmth towards him again. Through the rearview mirror, she smiled sweetly at him to which he smiled back in return. 

Memo, watching from the front passenger seat, just smiled kindly at the two's interaction, genuinely happy for the humanoid. 

The drive went on and led them towards another cliff area where teenagers were  known to hang out, and it seemed like there was a bit of a party going on.

"What's going on here?" Charlie asked out loud.

"That's Jim from sixth period." Memo said, noticing a hotshot guy up ahead, "He said he was busy this week. I mean, you want to get out?"

"This is pretty cool." Charlie stopped the car and looked towards the back at the humanoid teen. "Okay.. Bee, We will be right back. Stay down and...don't do anything crazy."

"Got it!" The humanoid replied as he crouched down in the backseat. Charlie shook her head and smiled at his attempts to still blend in as she opened her door and stepped out.

As she did, she heard one of the teens tell out, "Hey, everybody, come watch! Trip's gonna jump!"

"Is that Tripp Summers?"

"Oh, you-you know Tripp?" Memo asked, a slight stutter in his speech out of his crush.

"I mean, yeah." Charlie shrugged lightly, remembering her last encounter with the jock, "I-I spilled a gallon of lemonade on him once."

"Doesn't anyone have the balls to jump off this thing with me."

Hearing this from his spot in the backseat, Bee, knowing that Charlie had MAD diving skills, sneakily moved around and stretched up front and pushed the front driver side door open hard enough that it hit Charlie's backside, making her step forward a little. Though, it was more of a trip than a step, everyone noticed and all eyes turned to her.

Especially the eyes of Tripp. "Ah, a brave volunteer!" he said motioning to her.

"I-- I -- see I didn't--- I didn't do that." As Charlie tried to deny that she could and that she didn't really stepped forward, inside the car, Bee put his hand on the radio and telepathically switched it to a station playing 'The Touch' by Stan Bush.

"You've got the touch! You've got the power! YOW!!"

The bit of the song played loudly and had drawn all eyes, including Charlie and Memo, before turning off at the 'YOW!' Bee, proud of his efforts, carefully moved back to his hiding spot in the backseat.

"Hey, I know you." Tripp said as he walked up to Charlie.

Fearing that he remembered the lemonade spill, Charlie stuttered, "Oh, um... yeah, sorry about that."

But that's not what he was getting at. "You were on the dive team with my little sister. I saw you win state couple of years ago."

"Oh!" Charlie hadn't expected that, but still acknowledged it, "Uh...yeah."

"Ooooooh, ladies and gentlemen! This just got a whole lot more interesting." He announced back to the crowd behind him. "We have a championship high diver on our hands!"

The crowd of teens cheered and clapped at that, though, not all of them were so thrilled. Namely, Tina Lark. A girl who had eyes for Tripp. Her and her two troublesome friends had a disapproving look.

Back with Charlie, due to her slight PTSD from the last time she dived, she whispered a denial to Tripp. "Yeah, I, actually uh, I don't--I don't do that anymore."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't make you go first." And that was all he said before taking off running for the cliff. A path was instantly cleared for him and he jumped off the cliff, whooping as he descended and plunged into the water below. 

Back up on the cliff, the crowd had cheered at Tripp's performance and were now in the process of chanting for Charlie to do the same. 

Nerves shaking and her heart beating, Charlie began to walk towards the cliff. The crowd behind her chanting, "Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive!"

But that all began to fade as she reached the edge and looked down below. As she did, the fears and the memories came back. Not wanting to deal with them or the strength to do it, Charlie slowly began to back away from the edge. The crowd's chanting had switched to calling of names and booing, but Charlie ignored it as she walked back to the Beetle.

"Are you okay?" Memo asked, worried about his friend.

"Let's just go." She shot back, getting in and closing the door, embarrassment with a hint of anxiety right on her shoulders. But no sooner than she closed it, a knock came to the window of the car. 

Looking out, she saw it was Tina and her two friends.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" She asked Charlie, feigning cuteness. She pointed downward for Charlie to open the window. In her Mind, Charlie didn't really want to, knowing that no good could POSSIBLY come from it. But it couldn't be worse than what just happened, she reluctantly rolled the window down so that the blonde could talk to her. 

Leaning on the sill, Tina began to tease, "What happened out there? That was your big moment to look cool."

"What's your damage, Tina?" Memo interjected, trying to help.

The three girls looked at him and one of them recognized him. "Is that the churros guy? Where's your hairnet, dude?"

"It's in the garbage, Einstein! You threw 'em away after each use...for sanitary purposes obviously, but..."

That didn't go as cool as he'd hoped, but he did try. Back with Charlie and Tina, the blonde was continuing her humiliation attempt.

"This car is an embarrassment. You should have your dad buy you a better one!" She said coyly, gaining a wide-eyed looked of horror from Charlie. Seeing that made Tina feign regret, "Oh, sorry."

That was the fakest apology in the history of apologies. But unfortunately, the words previous to it were too painful that Charlie couldn't bring herself to say anything. All she could do was sit there, starring at Tina, completely speechless.

Tina smiled triumphantly, feeling that she had won. But what she didn't know was that in the backseat of the Beetle was a seething humanoid who had heard every word she'd just said to Charlie. And not one of them were nice at all. Not only that, but she had joked about Mr. Watson, who was DEAD! And that did NOT sit well with Bee at all.

Outside, as Tina and her two minions--I mean, friends-- began to walk away, the driver side backdoor was kicked open, and out jumped the mad humanoid teen.

"Hey!" he called out to them, slamming the door as he did.

The loudness of it made the three troublesome girls, and some others, turn almost instantly to see the humanoid walking up to them. Shirtless.

Yes, he was still shirtless from earlier when he, Charlie and Memo were having fun with the wind. and Memo lost his shirt. And he hadn't put it back on yet since he had to hide from others sight, just like Charlie had asked. But now, he had all but forgotten about the shirt as he stomped towards those girls with a mission on his mind.

"What the hell's wrong with you, how dare you say that to her?" He growled at the blonde. "How dare you joke about her father like that? Have you no shame?! What if your father was dead and someone came to your house and joked about it to your face? And besides, he didn't get it for her. I did, it was the best I could do on short notice."

Tina looked to her two followers who motioned for her to retaliate. Thinking fast, she looked back to the humanoid, crossed her arms and leaned her hip out.  "And who are you, her boyfriend?" she joked.

"What if I am?" He retorted, shrugging his shoulders. That didn't faze him at all, mainly because he didn't know what that word meant. He assumed that it meant a friend that was a boy. Which he was. But that's another story.

The girls seemed to shrink back a little at Bee's reply. One of them even whispered, "How did she land that?" to the other. They were completely dumbfounded. Dare I say, a little tinge of jealousy was within them. And Memo too, he would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on Charlie. But none of them were as shocked as Charlie.

Inside the car, she was blushing as she saw the back of the humanoid as he stood there defending her and unintentionally saying he was her "boyfriend". She listened as he continued to defend her.

"Well, you have bad taste." Tina stated, "you both do actually. You could've done WAY better, in more ways than one." That came with a wink at the end. Bee caught that but wasn't moved by it at all.

"It doesn't matter. It may not be the best, but it's the thought that counts. And she loves it. And that's good enough for me. And thanks, but I'm good with her. I'd rather have a good girl like her than some rude, conceited, heartless, powder puff fake like you." That earned a shocked look from the three, and Memo and Charlie. Bee had just told Tina off, and she just was speechless as she had left Charlie. "Now you know what it's like to have someone cut you down for a change. How's it feel?"

He didn't give her a chance to answer as he walked away, leaving them jaws down and not a word to retort. Walking back to the Beetle, Bee opened the back door and got in closing it as Meme got back  into his seat upfront.

Seeing that she was still silent in her seat, Bee reached and put a hand on her shoulder. "Charlie, are you okay?" he asked, worried and empathetically concerned.

"I'm fine." she quickly replied, not knowing what else to say and a bit speechless at what just occurred outside of the car.

"Hey, don't worry about it, they're idiots." Memo said, comforting her along with the humanoid teen. Suddenly, an idea came to him. "I think I know something that'd make you feel better."



A slightly annoyed smile came to Charlie as she shook her head. "I don't want revenge."

"I do. What about you, Bee? Want some revenge?"

A mischievous smile came to Bee's face as he contemplated it. "Revenge would be fun."

And with that, it seemed that revenge would be theirs.


GO BUMBLEBEE!!! He defended his girl REAL good! That was fun to do, and it really feels good to be back on this fic. I know it's been almost a whole year since I last updated it, but my updating my Maze Runner 3 story got me thinking about this one again since they've both got Dylan O'Brien in them. But it's good to be back with it.

 I'm gonna try to update this one again soon, along with the Maze Runner. The Next Avengers stories are my main focus, but I do really want to finish these for y'all and for myself too. So I will try.

Hope y'all liked the chapter and it made good for the time it's been. Like and comment plsss!!!

Glad to be back with the CharBee ship, and I can't wait to do the next chapter. Later guys!

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