Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

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as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Lemon
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
From Red to Monster
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
Fire Magic
A New Magic
Frisk's Magic Problem
Saving the Others?
A Night Like No Other
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update

Before Everything

176 5 1
By RyanLaMotte

So I decided to move the lore into this book instead of having it as it's own book so you guys can see how this story was build from the ground up
it was a peaceful day, in the small village that Frisk lived in as Frisk woke up to the sound of her father slamming the door closed after he came back from working, she then heard him transfer upstairs and stopping at a door, he yells "Frisk are you up yet? because if you are where's Breakfast?" Frisk gets up and opened her door and said "yeah just woke up i'm sorry" her father rose his voice more "don't say sorry to me, i work hard to get food in this house, and provide you with everything you need! and what do you do when all i ask of you is make breakfast? nothing but f****n sleep in like the little b***h you are, COME HERE!" Francis grabs Frisk and threw her against the wall, "ow dad stop you're hurting me" he then throws her downstairs, "you think i like hurting you? no i'm only doing it out of the kindness of my heart, how else am i supposed to get it into your thick f****n skull to not go against my rules, and people who do get punished!" Frisk slowly gets up but then gets knocked back down and kicked, then gets picked up and thrown into the kitchen, "ok go in there and make breakfast and don't make me see you come out of there till it's done!" thirty minutes pass Francis yells "is it done yet?!" Frisk replied "almost, and done" he walks into the kitchen and grabs his plate and says "good, but this should be done every day before i get home from work do I make myself clear?" Frisk nods "good, now go get yourself cleaned up because you still got school." 2 hours pass and Frisk is at school "haha, o what happened did someone get beaten up again?" "you should just go kill yourself, you lame egotistical b***h!" Frisk gets shoved, hit, kicked she runs out of the school and she hears the kids that were attacking her "o i knew you were scared, haha look at her run!" Frisk runs until she can't run anymore and goes behind a building to hide behind, hours pass and Frisk decides to walk home, she gets home 2 hours later when she heard her father approach her and yell "and why are you home early? and why did i get a phone call from the school saying you weren't in any of your classes?!" Frisk replied "i'm sorry i was getting bullied and i didn't want to deal with it and i just ran away." her father sighs and grabs her by the neck and punned hir against the wall "dad please stop, you're choking me" Francis holds her up there and keeps hitting her head against the wall till she passes out then brings her upstairs and throws her on the floor, "when she gets up i'm going to teach her how to defend herself from attackers." the next day arrives and Frisk woke up still on the floor, she holds her head in pain for what happened last night. She goes downstairs and makes breakfast, then goes back upstairs to get ready for school, she heard her father open the door and yells "ok good, this is how i expect it to look when i get home, but Frisk get down here!" she sighed and went downstairs she said "what is it dad?" her father replied "i'm going to teach you how to defend yourself against attackers, get ready because i'm going to attack you!" Frisk said "please don't" her dad replied "no, sorry doesn't work here!" he hits Frisk in the stomach causing her to collapse in pain, her father said "get up this instant or i'm getting a weapon instead of using my fists i'll use a knife!" Frisk gets up and gets hit down again this time her father is aggravated and goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife. She sees him walk out of the kitchen and she runs and her father yells "get back here you little b***h!" Francis catches up with her and he took a swipe with the knife and it cut her arm open, she screams in pain "that's what you get for running, now attack me or die" she grabs the knife and threw it and ran again and she heard her father yell "o you little f****r come back here and face me!" she ran till she couldn't run anymore, she turned around and couldn't see her father anymore, she holds her arm because it still was bleeding, and she walks until her legs hurt and she had to sit down. a man in a black suit and tie saw her and approached her and said "do you need help? here let me help you" he takes her inside a room that's filled with healing supplies and he patched up her arm she thanks him and he said "egh don't thank me by the way can you tell me who did this to you because that was no ordinary cut, that you could do to yourself?" Frisk remains silent and the man nodded saying "it's ok sorry for asking, o yeah by the way you can stay here for a few days if you want to, i don't mind" frisk nodded and said "no i have to get back home before my dad gets pissed and does something i'll regret" the man replied "ok," the man drives Frisk home and then drives away and she hears her father screaming after she entered the house, "you little b***h how dare you run off like that!" "now then let up finish what we started earlier." Frisk runs out of the house towards the backyard and runs into the forest, her father tries to run though bushes and trees till she hinds behind one and runs passed her without seeing her, she turned around and ran the other way. she ran inside and she packed her items that she needed to get away from the house and she ran towards the only place she knew where she couldn't be found by anyone the mountain that everyone knew about, it was a good plan she thought, but she was wrong, a few days pass and she runs out of food and it became cold, she goes and finds some food that she could eat and finds a cave nearby looking closely by it she felt someone push her off and into the mountain. and this is where our story began. DURRING GENOCIDE -->After Frisk has killed Flowey, a girl appears and talks to Frisk and said "Greetings I am Chara thank you, your power awakened me from death. My human soul. My determination. They were not mine, but YOURS. At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life? . . . You. With your guidance. I realized the purpose of my reincarnation. Power. Together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong. HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV. Every time a number increases, that feeling... That's me. "Chara." Now. Now, we have reached the absolute. There is nothing left for us here. Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next." Two choices appear in front of Frisk, Erase or Continue, she pressed continue and tried to speak but couldn't that's when Chara laughed and said "No. . .? Hmm. . . How curious. You must have misunderstood. SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?" Chara's eyes go black and runs towards Frisk and stabs her, killing her, but her soul refused to break and returns in front of Chara, she tried to speak again and it worked slightly and Chara said "are you ready? you already know what's going to happen if you go against me already, then why try to go against me?" Chara allows Frisk to speak and she said "because everyone deserves a second chance, you deserve a second chance, you are not a demon, but a human like me." Chara laughs and said "do I really look like someone you can save? If you look at me all i can see is fear in your eyes, you're scared of me, even though you are trying to save me!" Frisk said "even though i'm scared, i'm not scared of you i'm scared from this whole run, even though my LV and EXP increased i'm not cold hearted as you think I am, i only did this run to save you, and i'm determined to save you." Chara said "ok let's see how far your determination will keep on bringing you back, and by the way I WILL NOT SPARE YOU!" battle scene initiates and Chara attacked Frisk, she starts dodging her blades but the ones that came behind her caught her off gaurd and stabbed her killing her, Frisk comes back and Chara said "looks like smiley trashbag is rubbing off me a little bit cus that's number one." Frisk dies about thiry times more but got to the midline of the battle and Chara said "hmm, how curious, so you lasted this far, so your determination is powerful, hahaha still i'll make you regret getting this far LET THE REAL BATTLE BEGIN!!" Chara's eyes go black and she summons a knife that keeps on attacking her, she tries to heal, but the knife cut the healing items in half." Chara said "HAHAHA NO MORE HEALING." she gets to the next phase but gets killed, after about one hundred or so deaths Frisk makes it to the last part with so many cuts on all of her body and Chara said through tears "why? why do you want to save me, i'm not worth saving." Frisk slowly walks over to Chara and said "everyone deserves a second chance, eve-even Asriel." Chara looks up at Frisk and raises her knife before Frisk grabs her and hugs her, Chara's hand starts to shake and she drops her knife and hugs Frisk back. Chara starts shaking and something black starts to go out of Chara, Frisk moves back towards the wall and the black thing tries to go after Frisk, but she runs around it and runs straight to Chara, and Chara said hurry bring up your reset button. They both press it and they both return to the golden flowers at the ruins. Frisk wakes up next to Chara's ghost and she said "can you tell me what that black thing was, that came out of you when you hugged me back?" Chara said "that was the thing that was controling me once i woke up the frist time you fell from the underground, it took me over and used me to take your body over to do the Genocide run, but i stopped him from taking you over, and at the end you were fighting him and not me, you were trying to save me but after he seen you do the genocide run by yourself, he decided it would be fun to toy with you a little bit and keep killing you, since he knew you would just come back to try to save me." Frisk said "hmm, so now it's the real you, right?" chara laughs and said "yes you, goon it's the real me hahaha." Frisk laughed and said "hmm so i have an idea that is crazy that might work but i'm not really sure if it would work." Chara looks interested and said "ok what do you want to do?" Frisk sighed and said "i want to try to give you another chance at life, so can i dig up your body and try my idea?" Chara hugs Frisk and said "you can try, i mean my corpse might be rotted by now though." Frisk said "no i heard from mom, that she has been using her magic to keep your body well perserved." Chara laughs and said "ok go ahead then." after thirty minutes of digging Chara's body out of the ground Frisk pulls he soul out and said "well here goes nothing, Frisk grabs her soul tightly, and starts ripping it in half, she screams out in pain, while it splits in half, after it splits before passing out Frisk put her half back into her body while the other half in Chara's, Frisk passes out due to the pressure of the pain. Chara feels something warm hit her and she slowly fades into her body, she wakes up next to Frisk. she slowly gets up and tries to walk but fall over after two hours pass she gains her balance and goes over to Frisk and picked her up and walked passed the door, seeing Flowey sitting in the same spot as usual looks at Chara and said "Chara you're back here hold on." Flowey popped into the ground and comes back a few minutes later and said "ok I just went to go get Toriel, she should be arriving any minute now, see you later Chara." he pops back into the ground and Toriel spots Chara and said "so the flower that just spoke to me was true, h-how are you back my child?" Chara runs over to Toriel and gives her a hug while Toriel hugs back and said "with my friend here, they gave me half of their soul since we are the same type of soul." Toriel said "o, well then i'll take you to my home come on." after they got to Toriel's home, Chara layed Frisk down on their shared bed since they only had one, and went to go find Toriel baking them a pie, "o hey Chara, you can go to sleep if you want, i'll just set the pies on the ground for you two so when you wake up it will be there." Chara smiles and said "ok thanks, mom." night passes and in the morning Chara wakes up next to Frisk and after an hour of just laying in bed she sees Frisk starting to stur wake, and she said "thank you Frisk for saving me, i forgot what it meant to feel love and compassion for people that i loved." thirty minutes pass and they just get done eating the pies, and asked Toriel if they could go to Snowdin, Toriel said yes but to be careful. Frisk and CHara walk to the door that lead to Snowdin, they open it and slowly walk to the bridge where Sans grabs Frisk and raised Chara up with his magic and said "I Don't want to see you next to Frisk you demon." Frisk grabs him and said "put her down, she changed I brang her back just look at my soul or her soul." Sans checks their souls and puts Chara down and said "explain" Frisk told him the story of what happened at the end of the genocide run and Sans said "ok since it wasn't you who took Frisk over i guess you are ok, but if he gets into your body again and gains control, I will not hesitate to give you a bad time, got it? ok" after going through snowdin, waterfall, and hotlands, and the core, they make it to the throneroom of Asgore and turned around and said "my so my ears didn't decieve me, Chara it's been so long, hmm i know what you must do, please follow me." they follow Asgore to the Barrier and said "this is the barrier." Chara said "ok, hold on i think i might know a way where we can destroy this without loosing everyone so me and Frisk have the same soul, if you can get every monster here maybe we can use their powers with our souls and shatter it." Frisk added "maybe if we use the other souls from the other humans that have fallen down here we would have a stronger chance." Asgore said "you know what that's not a half bad idea, here hold on, i'll get everyone here give me a few hours." A few hours pass and Asgore arrives with everyone and Asgore said "ok we are all here." Chara said "ok now once these seven souls are spinning fast enough evryone needs to use their soul magic to strengthen the souls here, ready? here we go." the souls start spinning and Chara said "now!" everyone used their magic and infused it into the souls, Chara and Frisk grabbed the souls and used the power of the souls on the barrier, after twenty minutes pass the barrier starts to crack, and after ten more minutes the barrier gets shattered. All of the monsters cheer for Frisk and Chara and each boss monster goes out first to see the sunset, Asgore asks Frisk and Chara if they could be the Royal Ambassadors for the Monsters and they both said yes. Papyrus goes to make a good first impression, Sans uses one of his shortcuts to make sure he is ok, Undyne goes after Papyrus because she thinks Sans went back into the underground, Alphys runs after Undyne, and Asgore gets a look from Toriel and runs off to meet the others, and Toriel asks Frisk if she had anywere else to go, Frisk said no then Toriel walked down to meet the others all that was left is Frisk and Chara. Frisk turned towards Chara and said "d-do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Chara said yes and they stood hugging each other until they heard Toriel say "cmon we got to meet the others at the house that we are thinking on buying.

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