Peter Parker Field Trip Trope...

By Harleys_Potato_Gun

470K 12K 15.4K

I've become obsessed with this trope so now all of my idea shall be spit out here. Ships: Parley (Peter x Har... More

Feild Trip (Parley)
The Fieldtrip of Doom
The Five Times Peters Blindness Surpised Someone and the One Time He Could See
#1 Ironman and Bruce
The Rogues (pt. 2 of blind peter)
Peters Class (pt. 3 with a bit of parley)
Its a Small World Pt 1
Its a Small World Pt 2
A/N and book advertising
Iron-lad Harley
The Fuck did you just call my Nephews?
Today is Not My Day
A quick A/N yall then Ill update tonight or tomorrw
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.1
Best. Day. Ever Pt.2
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.3 (Extra)
A Suprise Trip
I cried while writing this so lets cry togther
How Endgame Really Happened
Stress Baking
Head canon and i swear im working in an update.
Coffee Shop au Pt. 1
Coffee Shop au Pt. 2
A:N concering the discord and Request page
Another Discord One (i figured out how to make the link not expire)
*laughs Nervously* Hey guys
Stable Boy (Pt 1)
Stable Boy (Pt. 2)
Stable Boy (Pt. 3)
"Happy" Ending (^Pt. 2)
Baby Project
This Didnt Turn Out So Bad After All
A quick Authors note
Think 'bout it Love, Why Arent We Dating?
Ha ha, hi.

Im Going to Be Selfish....Just this Once

6.6K 205 133
By Harleys_Potato_Gun

~ T R I G G E R W A R N I N G ~

Aye yo, it's ya boi, back at it again with another angst chapter.

This chapters tigger warning is going to spoil it but oh well these be important

The only triggers for this chapter are:

Drug ODing.

That's pretty much it as far as triggers go

Also sorry for grammar and spelling yadda yadda it's 5am and my fingers want a break

Enjoy :)

Peter POV

It's been a year.

A year since Harley died.

He got into a bad car wreck with a drunk driver.

I was crushed.

I'm still crushed.

Everyone thinks I've moved on, a joke here a fake smile there got a lot of them off my backs. As for the skeptics, as time progressed they stopped caring, figuring that if I acted fine for long enough that I would just be fine.

"Pete, buddy are you sure you're ok?" Ned asked.

He was the only one still pushing, MJ switched schools, May was gone, Tonys gone, everyone who cares about a random 17 year old clocked out.

"Of course! Never better!" I offered Ned the realest smile I had given anyone in a year.

"If you say so," he looked at me skeptically.

He was the hardest to convince, but he left it be for the most part. Besides, it won't matter after today anyway.

The final school bell rang and I rushed out of the classroom. Desperate to finally be free.

I felt a huge smile grace my face as I bolted out the front doors. Sighing, I walked down the street, not particularly in a huge hurry to get anywhere.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Bruce: Hey kiddo, I was wondering if you wanted to work in the lab with me today?

I had to remind myself that he did remember what day it was, and that he was asking for my sake.

Me: No thank you Mr. Banner, I'm hanging out with Ned today.

He replies almost instantly.

Bruce: Ok kiddo, make sure to call if you need anything.

I turned off my phone, and no, I'm not hanging out with ned today if you didn't already figure that out.

I had some stuff I needed to do before 9pm.

First I went to the Statue of Liberty, Harley said he had never been, and neither had I so we where going to climb it together. Obviously we couldn't do that know, so I climbed it by myself. No webs or anything, just climbed it the good old fashioned way. Once I reached to top, I looked out over the view. It was beautiful, I can see how Harley would have loved this.

Second I went to my favorite taco place and ordered a burrito, making sure to tip a lot. I've always enjoyed my time whenever I went in there. I'll miss this place.

The third place I went was to the flower shop. I must have been their last customer for the day, because they flipped the sign to closed right after I left. I got a four flowers, one for Harley, Tony, May, and Ben.

I got Ben a Lily, I guess it's just traditional at this point. Ben had always loved the variety that the flower came in, so this year I got him a stargazer. He loved lilies, and he loved the Stars. His last flower should be a combo of the two.

I got May a Sunflower. I'm not sure if it was her favorite or not, but she always made a point to buy some fresh ones whenever they where in bloom. She loved the sent of summer, it reminded her of her childhood, how she'd spend hours running through sun flower fields. It reminded her of how she first met my uncle, playing hide and go seek in them. She loved them, and hopefully her last flower will be the one she wanted.

For Tony I got an reason, it just looked cool and was the most extra looking plant they had. I hope he'll like it, though I'm sure he'll get flowers for the next hindered years.

And for Harley, I got him a simple red rose. Call me cliche, but whatever.

Before I went to the fifth place, I made stop 4.5 at my foster house. Leaving my school bag and grabbing a different one, filling it with a few needed items before continuing on my way.

The fifth spot I went to was a special one, it was the spot where Harley and I had our first kiss. It was night and I was cold, so he pulled me into his arms. After that it sort of just happened, we both leaned in and just like that Harley stole my heart. It was the most magical year of my life.

Until that god damn car accident took it away.

Blinking away the tears that sprung into my eyes, I got up and made my way to the cemetery.

I made sure to visit May and Ben first, laying their flowers down, I tried not to feel guilty as I did.

"Hey Ben, May, hows it going?" I asked.

I felt the wind pick up a bit and chuckled slightly.

"I'm not so hot, but it's fine, I don't have to last any longer."

The cemetery was silent, the drop of a hat could be heard.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry it's come to this. Harley was just my breaking point, but try not to be too sad. I'll see you guys soon, ok?"

With that I walked to Tonys memorial. It was due to a stroke of dumb luck that his memorial was here.

"Hey Mr. Stark," I said, placing the orchid down. His memorial was already littered with flowers, but that wasn't going to stop me from paying my respects, "uh I got you this orchid because it was the most extra flower they had, it reminded me of you,"

I stood in content silent for several minutes, enjoying the peaceful bliss that fell on me once in a blue moon.

I didn't know what else to say, and it was getting late, so I just sighed.

"I'll see you soon, Mr. Stark,"

With that, I turned and walked to Harley's grave.

When Harley moved to Intern, his family moved to NYC with him. Thinking that getting out of the country would be a nice change of pace. It was, they all really liked it here, until the accident. Abby and Mrs. Keener couldn't stay here after that, they both moved back to Rosehill. They decided to have Harley's funeral/ tomb stone here.

Either way, I guess I was grateful that they left at least a small piece of him behind for me.

Smiling, I sat down beside his grave, pulling out the rose and laying it down.

"Hey Harles, how are you?" I pulled my knees up to my chest.

Again, nothing ever really changed, so I was used to it by now.

"Yeah, I'm a little worse for wear. It doesn't matter now though," I said.

For the first time in a year, I smiled a real smile. Not a forced one, not a real-fake one. A genuine, Peter Parker smile.

"I really miss you, what I wouldn't give to trade places with you right now. But, I guess I wasn't strong enough to tough it out like you could,"

A gental breeze swept through, drying the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes.

"I love you Harley, and I guess that even with everyone who's here for me, I'm just not strong enough."

I glance at my phone.


It's 9:45 pm.

"It's beautifully dark here, not quite enough to escape the city, yet enough to provide,"

I reached into my bag and grabbed two very important items.

A water bottle, and a pill bottle.

The pills where high prescription opioids. Six months ago, I stopped a bad guy from robbing a pharmacy and I snagged two of these. Their supposed to ease your pain.

I guess I'm just taking it to a whole new level.

"I'm sorry for doing this here," I apologized as I opened the pill bottles lid, "I just really wanted to die next to you, I'm poetic like that."

With that I popped one into my mouth and swallowed it down.

Then another.

And another.

And another.

All I knew was that I needed to keep going until I couldn't anymore.

Soon, the first bottle was empty.

I attempted to reach for the second bottle, but I  keeled over. Falling flat on my back, I stared up at the sky.

'This is it! It's finally happening!!'

I smiled at the thought.

The sky was dark, with a sort of ominous glow due to the city lights.

I'm only sad I never got to see the stars.

As I stared up at the sky, a bright yellow dot danced in my vision.

At first I simply passed it off as my eyes playing tricks on me. Then it got bigger, depending from the sky and dimming it's glow.

I blinked my eyes heavily, the meds where marking me tired, which I guess wouldn't be to worst way to go.

That's when the being above me solidified. He was showing off radiant blue eyes, blonde hair and a sly grin.

I wanted to cry.

"H-Harley?" I croaked out, starring up in disbelief.

"Hey sweetheart,"

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. It was really him, Harley, the boy I'd missed so much and here he is.

Harley reached forward and cupped my face in his glowing hands. They felt the same as they did before, rough, but soothing and warm. I let out a sob as he brushed my tears away.

"It really is you," I sighed contently, this is definitely not the worst way I could go out, after all I have Harley with me now.

Harley nodded, flashing a signature grin.

"I miss you Darlin' the afterlife sure is boring without ya',"

I couldn't help but laugh, not a creepy laugh but a joyous one.

"Well, I'm in my way there now. So it won't be that way for long."

Harley only smiles sadly.

"It's not your time Pete, not yet,"

"Well, I'm fairly sure I'm already dead, or at least dying. There nothing you can do," If I could shrug I would, my my arms felt like lead.

"An angels kiss heals the body," Harley tapped his lips.

My eyes widened, as he leaned forward.

"No, Harley don't, please don't take this from me," I beg, tears welling in my eyes again. I've worked so hard to make sure that this would work. It took me a year to make sure people would suspect anything.

"Please, if you do this I'll just try again, don't do this please! Let me be with you again, I have nothing here,"

"Oh Peter," Harley took my face into his hands again, "You have so much left to live for, it would be selfish of us to let you die here."

With that, he moved forward and lightly placed his lips against mine, if only for a moment. Then he pulled back as quickly as he moved forward.

"....Why?" I croaked out, I can't believe this, this has to just be a pre-death hallucination right? I'm still going to die...


"It'll be alright Love,"  Harley smiled lovingly down at me, although I could barley see through my tear filled eyes.

"Harley! Harley no, don't leave me again! Please, I can't-,"

Harley placed a tumb on my lips, cutting me off.

"I'm afraid my time is up," his words dripped with sadness as he spoke, he brought a hand up and gently brushed my tears away, "I love you, never forget that,"

"No-no! Harley don't, please take it back! Take me with you! Please....don't......."

I couldn't finish because my eyes grew unbearably heavy, I could couldn't stop them from closing.

The first memory I had waking up was thinking 'How am I still alive'

Then all the other ones came back, and I wanted to cry all over again.

Harley really did come back, he came back to heal me.

Sitting up, I checked the time on my phone.

1:23 AM

Perfect, there's still time to try again.

I looked around for my second bottle, only to find it missing. Nothing else was touched of my stuff, does that mean Harley took it?

My eyes widened as I snatched up my bag

'No no no no no,'

I sighed in relief.

Yes, it appears that someone took my other pill bottle.

But as fate would have it, I came prepared.

I reached deep into my bag and pulled out my gun. I never carried it, even as Spiderman, which was why it was purchased in the first place. I brought it out tonight just Incase something went south.

As I looked at the weapon in my hand, I turned to the sky.

"You know, you said it would be selfish, if I died tonight!" I yelled, not caring if people heard me.

"I've spent my whole life putting others first. As both Peter and Spider-Man!"

I readjusted myself, so I was leaning back now.

"So Harles I'm sorry....,"

I smiled as I brought the gun to my head.

"But I'm going to be selfish, just this once,"

And with than smile on my face, I pulled the trigger.


Ha ha ouch this hurt me I'm so sorry I cried whilst writing.

Feel free to @ me for your complementary cookie and hugs and please don't kill me cuz, as always extra fluff next time.

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