Married To A....Jerk!(Luhan f...

By Jaeya_JaeJae

278K 7.7K 762

Han Nana mother abandoned her when she were 4 years old. A couple took care of her. They were kind and treat... More

Intimation about character
The past
New Parents?
SM High
Mysterious person
Who's the mysterious person ia?!
Chapter 9
Wedding T^T
Chapter 11
Not going back to Seoul but where??
Chapter 14
Date....or shopping???
Date park 2
Back to school
Chapter 19
Dinner with EXO
Another date??
Telling Luhan
Kim Soojin?!
Hate or Love???
Party ^O^
Chapter 30
News about LuNa couple
Untitled Part 34
New Story

Back to Seoul

7.7K 234 16
By Jaeya_JaeJae

Nana’s POV

We’re already arrived at Incheon airport . I sighed. I miss HongKong . “ Hey are you okay ?” Luhan asked . I nodded , “Yeah I just miss HongKong” “Ohhh or you miss our kissed at Disneyland” Luhan laughed . “Yah ! Aishhh” I walked away . Suddenly , I felt someone hugged my waist . It was Luhan he was back-hugging me . I blushed . “Y-yah ! Let go . EXO oppa will see us .” “Let them see . We’re husband and wife so what” He went in front of me and continued , “I can hug you or kiss you whenever I want .” “Yah not in public people will-“ he kissed me on my lips . “See us kissing like what I just did . Hahahaha oh you’re blushing .”Luhan said . “Aishhh I hate you” He hugged me and said “ please don’t hate me .” I smiled .  Suddenly…

Luhan’s POV

Suddenly , Chen yelled , “ Yah . I wanna vomit looking at you two . Stop it . Do it at home” Nana looked embarrassed . “ Chen you’re just jealous” I said . “Of course I am . Someone rejected me . I’m so sad” Chen fake cry . “You confessed to someone ?! When ?!” EXO and I yelled at Chen . “Yah ! Shhh everyone is looking . You guys are loud .” Nana said . Not my fault . The guys are always loud not me . “I confessed a few days ago” Chen said . “What’s her name ?” Lay asked . “Her ? No. His name is Xiumin” Chen started laughing . “Yah !” we shouted at Chen . “Shhh you guys are loud hahahahahaha . Pabo . Annyeong I’m going home first . Bye . Xiumin…I love you” Chen winked at Xiumin . “Yah !” Xiumin yelled . Chen laughed . This Chen love to joke around . “ Hmmm Nana and I ..we’re going home .” I said . “Okay see you guys soon” Suho said .

When we reached home , I saw omma , appa , Mr and Mrs Lee . “ Hi omma appa Mr and Mrs Lee” I bowed at them . “ Hahaha call us dad and mum .” Mr Lee said or should I say dad said . Nana hugged mum . She starts crying . ‘Oh shit’ “Hey are you ok darling ?” mum asked Nana . “ Nana-ah why are you crying ?” omma asked . ‘hmmmm maybe I should tell the truth to them .’ “Omma appa mum dad actually something happened at Jeju .” I said . They looked shocked . “Wh-what happened ?” omma and mum asked . I told them everything they were shocked . “Lucky you was there before he could do anything . Thank you Luhan” dad said . I just smiled . “Darling stop crying . You have Luhan now .”mum said to Nana . I could see Nana blushed . “Ohhh someone’s blushing” I said . Nana smiled and punched me likely . “Hahaha both of you look so cute” omma said . “Of course” I said proudly . “So how was the honeymoon ? Did both of you stay at Jeju doing nothing . Yah Luhan you-“ “Of course we go to somewhere else . We went to-“ Nana cut me off “ HongKong . Oh mum dad finally I’ve gone to Disneyland . It was fun . We took lots of picture” I showed mum dad omma and appa the picture . “And we also had fun kissing . I wish I could show you the picture of us kissing but sadly we didn’t took any picture of it .” I could see Nana glared at me . I giggled . Our parents just laughed . “So..are we gonna have little Nana or Luhan soon?” omma asked . Mum just giggled . I blushed and Nana choked on her saliva . “ Omma…” I whined . “Hahahaha palli and have a child . We’re getting old . We want a grandchild . It’s better to have now before we passed away ” mum said . “Mum why are you asying let that .” Nana looked at mum . “ Hahaha your mum was just kidding” dad said . “Oh yah let’s have dinner together” appa said .

After our dinner , suddenly appa said “Oh we got something to give to both of you .” Appa suddenly gave me a key . ‘What key is this ?’ “That’s your house .” omma said . “What?” Nana and I said . “Are you serious?” I asked . Our parents just nodded . I looked at Nana and smirked . “Ohhh we can have our moments . Let’s make little Nana and Luhan” “Yah” Nana yelled . Our parents and I just giggled . “Nana-ah no need to be embarrassed . That’s what a marriage couple should do .” mum said . Nana blushed . ‘Hahaha so cute’ “You guys should go to your house now .” appa said . “How about our things ?” Nana asked . “Oh it’s already in the house” omma said . We hugged our parents before going inside the car .

In the car , I said , “ So are you ready to make some babies tonight ?” Nana yelled,” Yah ! Are you crazy ?” I just giggled . “ By the way , do you know the address of our house ?” I asked her . “ I don’t know . Why didn’t you asked appa just now ? Pabo” she said . Suddenly my phone vibrated . It was from appa . ‘Oh so this is the address’ “Yah ! I’m not stupid . I know the address not like you” “Then why you asked me ?” “Cause you’re a….” “What?” I stopped the car and turned to her . “ A pabo” I kissed her cheek . “Y-yah !” “Shhh we’re here” I get out of the car . The house is quiet big . “Wow this house is so big .” Nana said . “ Of course it should be big . Our parents want a lot of grandchildren . Let do it …tonight” I whispered the last part at her . She blushed and ran to the door . “ Yah ! The key is with me !” I shouted at her . I smiled and walked to her .

When we’re in our room , I gave Nana a paper bag , “This is for you ?” “What’s this ?” she asked . “A paper bag” I gave her the ‘ -.- ‘ look . “Of course I know it’s a paper bag” she rolled her eyes . When she took it out , she was shocked . “Ya-yah when did you buy this ? It’s.. it’s ex-“ “Shhh I have one too” I said .


I told EXO and Nana that I wanted to pee . Yes it was really urgent . Went I get out of the toilet , I remember about Nana looking at the couple tee . I went to the shop and bought it . I hide it inside my bag so she won’t see it .

Back to reality

Nana’s POV

I was so happy that I’ve got that couple tee . “ How much should I pay you ? It’s expensive” “Yah ! It’s a gift from me . Aishh . Anyway we’ll use this tee tomorrow . We’re gonna go dating” “Huh ? Dating ? But we got school” “ Tomorrow is weekend darling . There’s no school . Hmmm you really wanna study huh ? Why not we ask our parents to teach us how to make …” “ Yah !” I hit him likely . “ Hahaha” he kissed me . “ I love you” he said before lying down beside me . “I love you too” i said . “ Say that again” “ Don’t want” I giggled . He pulled me closer to him . “What..what are you doing ?” “Shhh let’s sleep like this” I blushed . “For the first time you’re sleeping with your shirt on” he smirked . “You want me to take off my clothes ?” “Yah !” “Hahaha let’s sleep” I smiled and went to sleep .


I'm gonna do a double update...Next chapter coming soon :)

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