I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parke...

By DrewStat22

48.1K 992 261

There was a kid. Neither one of them knew it at the time, but when Steve Rogers went under Peggy was pregnant... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

1.7K 34 12
By DrewStat22

Whilst the team was all in the snowy terrain of Sokovia, Juliet was forced to stay on the Quinjet with Bruce. Since the two of them haven't spent much time with one another during her week stay with the team so far, the silence is very awkward. Both Bruce and Juliet have earpieces on them, but Juliet was given strict orders by everyone to stay on the jet. Juliet tries to entertain herself with one of Tony's see through tablets but doesn't like the silence.

"So........... I read that you turn to this raging green monster when you get mad. That must be fun."

Bruce jumps at hearing her voice because it was so quiet and gets flustered by her statement. "I wouldn't say it is fun, but it's an experience."

Juliet sniffles a laugh, "I mean it's kinda what you get for trying to replicate my dad's SSS."

"His what?"

"Oh, my bad, you see Uncle Howard always said that saying Super Soldier Serum was a mouthful so he just called it SSS. Not even he could replicate it, and he was and is the smartest man I know."

Both Juliet and Bruce jump when they hear several different laughs coming from their earpieces. 'Damn I forgot that I had this on me' Juliet thinks to herself, if only the rest of the team can see how red she got by realizing they had heard the entire conversation.

"Doll as much as I love that you are becoming acquainted with the team, now isn't exactly the best time." In the middle of his sentence Juliet can hear an explosion in the background. Looking sheepishly at the ground she mutters a silent 'my bad'.

"Speaking of which, it's getting a little rough out here so we are calling a code green." Clint says over the intercom as he helps Natasha steal a vehicle. Bruce stands up and stretches his body out, Juliet hears several joints pop as she cringes away.

"Sorry bud, but duty calls." Bruce opens the hatch and Juliet is hit with an extremely cold gust of air. She rolls herself into a little ball to keep all her body heat intact. Since waking up from being frozen for years she has been a little sensitive to the cold. As the hatch closes she lets out a sigh of relief. It's way too cold for it being April, there shouldn't be any snow anywhere besides the poles. Now that she is left alone all she can do is listen to the grunts of the Hydra agents and the Team.

"Dad?" Juliet hears a couple grunts before she gets a sound of acknowledgement from who she thinks is her dad. "Are you on a motorcycle?" She could hear a hum of a bike from someones com and she is pretty sure her dad is the only one that can ride a motorcycle.

"Yes" there are more fighting noises from the other line before he questions "Why"

"Oh well, I was just thinking, that maybe, when we get back home, that you would take me out on a spin. On your bike." She fiddles with her fingers as she waits for an answer from the other line. She hopes that if she asks him while he is busy fighting that he'll say yes.

"Juliet motorcycles are kinda dangerous, let's talk about this when we get back home okay." Juliet rolls her eyes not liking the answer that she received. Everyone hears a loud thunk that sounded like metal hitting something.



Juliet couldn't help but snicker at her dad's response, he is so old school even for her.

"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asks, trying to figure out a better plan of action. Juliet is shocked that no one is saying anything about her dad's comment like come on, it's perfect ammunition to tease him with. Jarvis says something but the young girl was in her own little world for a moment.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't make his defense without it. At long last" Thor states while he throws HYDRA agents left and right. He has no time for these silly mortals games. He has to get the scepter back to Asgard, his and Loki's home. He has been searching for Loki's scepter for too long.

Natasha is in a completely different area than most of the team. She uses her agility to take down several men in seconds. "At long last is lasting a little long boys." Natasha throws an explosive at a group of HYDRA Agents.

"Ya, I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint says while firing off an explosive arrow at the agent's shooting at him.

"Wait a second." Tony shoots a few agents while he is flying in the air "No one is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language."

Juliet jumps up "THANK YOU! I was waiting for someone to say something." Then she falls over laughing, tears are rolling down her face and she cackles. She laughs even harder when she hears her dad say I Know in utter disappointment. The team all grin as they hear her laughing over the coms. She is relieving some of the stress that the group has while fighting. Juliet stops laughing as she hears the sound of metal crushing metal.

"It just slipped out."

"Dad you did not just break that bike."

"Juliet!" Everyone but hulk scolds her.

"OKAY, i'll stop about the bike."


"Sir, the city is taking fire."

"Well we know Strucker isn't going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the iron legion" Tony mumbles.

Juliet tweaks with her com so she could only talk to Tony and the others can't hear a word of what she is saying. "Tony."

"What kid."

"I wanna help, please let me help in the city." Juliet begs over the com, she can't just keep sitting here, that goes against her moral code. If people need help she's going to help.

"Juliet we all already told you no, plus the Iron Legion will be there in a few seconds anyway."

"Tony, I cant just sit here when people need my help!"

"Juliet, I said no!"


"NO" He states sternly, "you're sitting this one out Juliet."

Juliet growls at that answer and shuts off her com, she takes it out of her ear forcefully and throws it across the jet. 'Well if they aren't going to give me permission, then it looks like I am going to have to sneak out. First I need to find a new outfit' She didn't know that two other teens were also sneaking out and going against orders.

Clint is firing arrow after arrow at agents that wouldn't let up, at least he isn't at the heart of the fight like the big three are, plus the hulk. Clint rounds a tree and shoots an arrow but it is blocked by some sort of weird blue streak. Clint readies himself but is hit in the side by something very fast, he flies in the air and hits the ground hard. He tries to get up and sees a teen boy with white hair but dark brown roots. This boy looks around five years older than Juliet. 'Shit Juliet!'.

"You didn't see that coming." The teen boy says in a heavy sokovian accent. He gives Clint an 'are you serious look.' Then speeds off, Clint jumps up and goes to shoot but the boy is gone, while Clint's defenses are down he gets shot in the side by a HYDRA weapon. Natasha isn't too far away when she hears Clint get hit by the HYDRA, as she is running over to him Steve gets flipped over by the boy.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha says over the coms but Steve is more worried about the enhanced.

"There's an enhanced on the field." He warns everyone over the com.

Natasha is trying to cover Clint's wound but the bunker that shot him is still shooting in their direction. "Does someone wanna handle the bunker." Juliet was going to run out of the trees and show that she isn't a helpless little girl but the Hulk beats her to the punch, literally. He plows through the bunker like it was nothing. "Thank you"

"Damn he stole my entrance." Juliet says as she exits from behind the trees and Clint and Natasha look at her in an instant. "But it looks like I am right on time." Since the girl doesn't have her com on her Cap nor Tony know about her entrance onto the field.

"We really need to get inside." Steve says while fighting several agents at once.

"I'm closing in." Tony states as he blows up the power source for the bigger bases defense system. As the men are talking and planning with one another Juliet is being yelled at by Natasha and an injured Clint.

"What the actual hell are you thinking Juliet!" Natasha yells at Juliet after she turns off her com.

"Ya kid you shouldn't be out here." Clint says through clenched teeth.

"I was thinking you all need help! Which you obviously do!" Juliet makes her last point by pointing at Clint. He is badly bleeding out on the snow.

"No you obviously weren't thinking Juliet! If you were thinking then you would know that we need to keep you safe no matter what! You are the most important thing to this team now! Your safety is the number one priority!"

"I know how to defend myself! I'm not a hopeless little kid!"

"IS THAT WHY YOU WERE TAKEN THE FIRST TIME?!" Natasha's eyes widened at what she had just said to the young girl in front of her. Juliet's mouth was wide open and she had tears streaming down her face. Those words were like a punch to the gut for the young girl, maybe if she was stronger she wouldn't have been taken. Natasha turned back on her com and simply said "Clint is really hurt, we need an evacuation."

Juliet made her way over to Clint and put pressure on his wound so he wouldn't lose more blood. Her eyesight is blurry from the unshed tears that she is trying to keep at bay, she really was weak. "Come on old man, a scratch like this is nothing." She smiles down at him and Clint smiles back. Natasha takes down more hydra agents until she knows Juliet and Clint are clear to go back to the quinjet. She coms over to Captain and tells him that they are in the clear on her end.

"Well then get Banner, it's time for a lullaby." Natasha turns to apologize to Juliet, but she is already at least fifty yards away helping Clint back to the Quinjet. Juliet has a gun in her free hand prepared for if anyone jumps out at them. She is determined to protect the group even if they only see her as a little girl. Hulk comes through the trees right in front of Juliet and Clint, he tilts his head in confusion.

"Little human in battle?" Hulk asks in his deep scratchy voice. Hulk can't help but want to protect this little human. He feels a connection like he does Natasha but it is different, this tiny person is like his child. Juliet looks up and the Hulk and sadly smiles at him.

"Nope just helping this guy get back to the Jet." She points her head at the man that is putting all of his weight on the smaller girl. Hulk nods his head, and starts to head back in the direction Juliet is going.

"Hulk walks with little human and friend."

Juliet catches up with the hulk and pats his arm in appreciation. "Thanks big guy." Natahsa can't believe the scene she just witnessed. She follows the little group close behind. While Juliet is having a hard time figuring out the hard truth, Tony has been forced into his worst reality or so he thinks.

Tony had found the secret room where HYDRA had been keeping Loki's scepter but as he approached the scepter a girl snuck up from behind and showed him his worst nightmare. One moment he's looking at the scepter and the next moment he's in space looking at steps with all of his friends laying dead. A cold sweat drips down the center of his face. Banner, Nat, Clint, Thor, Steve, and worst Juliet on Steve's chest. They are all dead, Tony crumbles down next to where Juliet and Steve lay dead. 'No, No,NO, they can't be dead!' He thinks to himself, Tony reaches down and checks Steve's pulse, nothing. He is about to retract his hand when Steve grabs Tony's wrist.

"You could've saved... us... You... could... have... saved... her..." Steve's grip completely loosens and he lays still eyes staring at Tony, lifeless. He was startled when Juliet started to cough up blood and flip over landing in Tony's lap, he could see the gaping hole in her stomach as she struggled to breath.

"An...thon...y, I'm ... sorry. You... have to... lose... one more... family... member..." She places her hand on his face and sadly smiles, the life leaves her eyes and her hand falls to rest on her father's chest. Tony feels tears streaming down his face and in the wind he can hear Steve say.

"Why didn't, ... you do more." Tony can hear the roars of the Chitauri and he looks up. He sees the portal that he thought he closed on the battle of New York wide open letting the Chitauri take over the earth. And there was nothing that he could do. Then he sat up back in the HYDRA Base looking at the scepter. He didn't know he was being watched by the two teens, the female having a wide grin on her face as he takes the scepter.


Well there we go!!! We are starting on the Canon timeline now, I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you could leave a comment on your favorite part of this story i would love that. And if you could heart it as well that would mean so much to me. Do you think Nat will rat out Juliet to the team or keep it hush hush?

Love you all!


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