Secrets & Lies

By Agent-Hedgehog

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Husk is starting to becoming distant with Angel Dust. He works seemingly longer hours, comes back late "tired... More

Part A♠️: The Hellphone Call
Part 2♥️: Growing Distance..
Part 3♣️: Abandonment..
Part 4♦️: Personal Risk
Part 5♣️: Brothers With Arms
Part 6♥️: Noir Blues
Part 7♦️: A Bomb Ass Babe
Part 9♦️: Honour Among Demons
Part 10♣️: Rescuing Angel
Part J❤️: The Big Talk
Part Q♣️: More Than A Conclusion
Part K♠️: Last Outstanding Debt
Part A♦️: Returning To The Hazbin Hotel
Part Joker 🃏: Epilogue
Bonus Part🐷 ♥️♦️: Papa's Little Piggy
Bonus Part 2♦️❤️♣️♠️: Night Duty
Bonus Part 3♠️♣️🃏: 1) Sickness
Bonus part 3 ♠️♥️🃏: 2) Remedy

Part 8♠️: Bar Brawl

750 24 12
By Agent-Hedgehog

Cherri moved slowly but deliberately towards the bar. She hadn't been in these heels long but they were already killing her and she wondered vaguely how her best friend could stand being in these kind of stiletto heels all the time. She was grateful to be able to sit down at the bar, remembering to pick a spot where she could be seen by this Nyak-guy who she had clocked purely because he was exactly as Arackniss had described. He was tall black furred spider with red eyes and wearing a smart light grey suit. To be discreet she had checked his position in the compact mirror Angel had let her borrow. When the barman finally came to her she ordered a fruity weak cocktail, mostly so she could keep her wits about her and partly because it had been advised by her best friend to make her look "girly".

She had only been here a few minutes but she was already sick of being stared at, ogled by the horde of perverse demons inside this place because she had been dolled up like some show pony. Angel might like this kind of attention on a daily basis but she didn't! It made her feel sick to be objectified and she had to really repress the urge to spin around and start a shooting her mouth off..

"It seems you have an admirer.." The barman swept over with another drink which he set on a paper napkin next to her half finished drink. "From the gentleman in the corner booth." He uttered making Cherri openly turn to look where the bartender casually jerked his head to see the table of spider goons looking, the one called Nyak raised his glass and winked with a smile.

Well Christ on a stick, this idiot is falling for this shit. Good job Angie.

Cherri raised her own half drunk drink and returned the gesture with a slight smile.. She then turned away, remaining perched on her bar-chair now sipping the new drink after finishing the first and making the barman assure her that he hadn't tampered with it. She wasn't taking any chances in an unknown neighbourhood in a bar full of perverts, even if her best friend was outside in a car with his creep of a brother. Out of her peripheral vision she could see the small group of spider demon's get up from their table being lead by the tall burly black furred Nyak and began heading in her direction. She kept her composure and continued to slip the drink while keeping her expression light, not wanting to let her inner scowl out just yet. She should at least let the idiot make a fool of himself first..

"Heh, not often we get dames like you in a place like this.." The tall black spider demon leaned on the bar flashing her a grin. Cherri blinked her singular eye privately thinking that no girl came in here because clearly the idiots in here didn't know how to treat a female. Ever since coming in here she was wishing Angel had been in her place instead as he knew how to handle this kind of ogling, unlike her as it was just making her temper bubble beneath the surface. This was why she didn't give a fuck about her appearance, so she didn't have to deal with this shit.

"Can't think why." Cherri responded dryly choosing not to voice her true opinion. Her words made the spider demon chuckle as his two cronies just seemed to stand behind him, watching their whole conversation which inwardly weirded her out.

"So, ya waitin' for someone?" Nyak drawled with the edge of a sleazy grin twisting his face, his red eyes narrowing.

"Excuse me?" The one eyed female scowled.

"Just sayin' that a pretty dame like you should have a fella to—"

"I don't need a man to do anything!" Cherri cried out suddenly snapping, finally having enough of this bar and its chauvinistic attitude. As she continued ranting she got up. "I am my own fucking woman! I do what I want when I want! And I don't need anyone's fucking permission to do SHIT!!" She snatched up a pool cue, smashing it off the pool table, breaking in then shoving the splintered end towards Nyak glaring hard.

For a moment the gangster spider demon's expression was unreadable before he chuckled.

"You got moxie, I like broads with that.. Boys, let's show her what we do to those with moxie." Nyak snapped his fingers and his two goons drew their guns, pointing them at Cherri. The female demon only grinned evilly before sticking her free hand down her cleavage and pulling out on of her bombs that was inexplicably hiding down the tight dress.

"Whoa, now that's a real booby trap.." One of the two spider goons commented looking vaguely impressed by her ingenuity.

"Thanks, this party's heating up just the way I like it.." Cherri added narrowing her eye mischievously, lighting the fuse. "Let's have a blast.."


"Wait, ya were married!" Angel gave a start and blinked in disbelief at his older brother. After finally getting bored of the seemingly never-ending silence he had began probing his older brother for information on his life, wanting to know what kind of life it had been in his absence. At first Arackniss was reluctant but relented when he realised his little brother was not going to stop pestering him. So far this was the information that shocked Angel the most because as he suspected his brother had been suckered into the mob life with their father.

"Yeh... Though I mainly married her because Paps said it was for the good of the family—" Arackniss drawled fiddling with the bullet cartridge on his gun.

"Typical.." Angel interrupted with a piff, rolling his eyes in immediate disapproval folding both arms tight across his chest.

"—we did have a couple of kids though, so it wasn't a complete waste."

"I was an uncle? Aww! Now I'm really bummed I didn't getta stay in touch!" The pale pink spider whined slumping back into a sulk, with exactly the same huffy face that Arackniss remembered him having as kids themselves.

"I never took you for bein' kid friendly. Or ever thought you'd want 'em."

"Well most wouldn't call me "kid friendly" but I like 'em fine, can't have 'em without adoptin' mind you. But I gotta pig, he's like my kid! Heh, likes my man more than me, can't say I blame him though and I gotta ton these cute pics of them nappin' t'gether.." He chuckled lightly whipping out his phone, went into his photo library and started swiping through various pics with a tender smile not bothering to show them to his brother. "So what kids ya have? And whatta their names?"

"Boy and girl.. The girl Bella, she was the oldest musta been six when I was shot. The boy, Antonio was three—"

"Holy fuck, you named your kid after me!" Angel suddenly dropped his phone into his lap in shock recognising the Italian form of his own birth name instantly.

"Well, yeh, kinda.. It was Ma's idea before she died, don't think Paps was that happy about it but he went along with it for her sake." The bluish-grey spider added before wincing as the long slender limbs of his younger much paler pink furred brother hugged him tightly, holding him close feeling happy tears prick his eyes.

"Ya did care about me.." Angel uttered in a muffed but thick watery voice full of emotion, his face now buried into the breast of his smaller brother's black suit, yellow shirt and white tie.

"Ah, course I did.." Arackniss awkwardly petted his brother on the back before the trying to pry him off. "C'mon Tone, ya gonna mess my suit.."

"I'm sorry, ya right. This ain't the time for this shit.." Angel pulled himself up and began fanning his eyes in a vain attempt to dry his tears and save his eyeliner considering it had been applied with a new unknown brand and he didn't know how it would react to his usual wear and tear.

"Uh, here.." The elder looking spider pulled out a silk handkerchief from his inside jacket pocket and passed it to his younger brother who murmured his thanks and began patting his wet eyes. "Keep it, I got like a dozen of 'em.." The smaller spider added raising a hand in refusal to take it back when Angel tried to hand the handkerchief back which had spots of damp black eyeliner. Since his brother refused to take it back the effeminate pink spider just shoved it, along with his phone, down his cleavage of chest fluff for safe keeping.

The two brothers fell into a brief moment of awkwardness as the conversation dwindled and the silence seemed to spiral as their eyes turned to look out the opposite blackened windows.

"So.... Ya think she's handlin' it in there?" Arackniss's voice finally broke the silence, making Angel turn his head a little to gaze over at the upscale bar doorway.

"Don't worry, she can handle herself.." He drawled back with a casual shrug before the sound of a large explosion made his odd sclera pink eyes and Arakniss' pink ones widen in shock.

"Ya fuckin' sure about that Tone?" The shorter bluish-grey furred spider demon queried before both brothers climbed out of Arackniss' black Buick and turned to the bar, drawing their guns from seemingly nowhere. The bouncers from the front door had already gone inside to try and subdue the chaos so it wasn't hard for the two spider demon's to follow suit..


Inside Cherri had already removed the red stilettos from her feet, she would much rather be barefoot than in pain with those things and they were putting off her aim. The barman had fled the moment weapons had been drawn and the lounge bar was a disaster area. The room smelled like smoke and gunfire what furniture wasn't broken or upturned was blasted, charred or riddled with bullet holes. The smirk never left the one-eyed female demon's mouth as she inched her way over to the jukebox, which amazingly was still working, out in a hell-dime and selected a song.

Immediately the song Addict started up, a favourite of both hers and Angel's that they liked to sing together often. Her pale pink best friend had even performed the number while performing in a strip club before and it was their song of choice when hitting the club scene dressed to kill. It was one that always resonated deep within her heart and brought on fond memories of all the fun times they shared.

As the dance music blasted out Cherri dodged the gunfire with a cartwheel diving behind a nearby booth, sending out a bomb that went off in time when the beat dropped. As the room filled with pink smoke more furniture was blasted into pieces.

"Oh baby! Ya playin' our song!" A new voice sounded in a jovially as a tall slim figure with six visible arms, holdinghis favoured Tommy gun in one hand, sashayed into view In a tight white and pink striped blazer that barely covered his black hot pants and didn't even reach the tops of those black thigh high stiletto boots.

"Hell yeh I did bitch, you better be here to join in the fun!" Cherri responded sticking her head up from the booth and motioning him over with her hand quickly.

"Who the fuck is that?" Nyak asked loudly in confusion.

"Eh, think he's that queermo drag act that does porn.." One of his cronies piped up making the other two look around in shock as well as catching Angel's attention too.

"How the fuck do ya know that, huh?" Nyak challenged the goon that now grinned sheepishly.

"How d'ya think he knows that!" Came another male voice from behind the tall pink furred spider before he could retort as Arackniss dived out of the smoke and tackled Nyak, his short stature and slim frame made it easy to slip in for the surprise sneak attack. The moment Nyak was down Angel shot at the two large goons as Cherri darted out from behind her booth to join him. The music still filling the destroyed bar as Arackniss and Nyak wrestled, trying to disarm and fire their weapons as they rolled on the floor. the two goons now more interested in the other two than helping their boss.

Angel and Cherri only exchanged a wide grin as the two goons advanced on the pair and as she gripped her broken pool cue that she had been using through the fight for close combat and he gripped his Tommy gun ready to fire off.

"Ya ready sugar tits.." Angel drawled as the music continued to blare.

"Always.." Cherri giggled. The two then launched themselves at the goons yelling their battle cries.

"Why did ya do it?" Arackniss snarled having successfully disarmed Nyak, unfortunately now he was disarmed in the process but he had managed to pin the hulking great black furred spider demon despite his small frame. "My Paps gave ya an important job and ya betrayed him!" He couldn't repress his anger and began punching the lower goon below him.

"Ya old man is goin' down! You an' him both, it's time this outfit was run by someone else.." Nyak retorted quickly managing to turn the tables on Arakniss and pin him to the floor wrapping one hand around around his throat and choking him hard. His pink eyes watered with pain as he rasped for breath, his smaller corner eyes seeing that Angel and Cherri were to busy fighting off their own attackers to come aid him. As much as he tried the black spider demon holding him down was too heavy and strong, he had got in a lucky shot with a heavy ashtray but now he was unarmed and apparently defenceless..

The next moment the door opened and a number of spider demon's charged into the decimated club with weapons drawn.

"Ooh! Professor, what is that god awful noise.." One of the Spider Mafia mobsters drawled at the sound of the hard hitting dance music still filling the air.

The next moment there was a number of shots fired by multiple spider demons and the jukebox was decimated in a matter of minutes the music shutting off with it.

"Bada-bing it ain't got that ring-a-ding-ding.." Another mobster spider demon added grinning at the one next to him. This only made Angel roll his eyes as Cherri pouted now their song was forcefully silenced.

"What do ya expect with the youth of today.." Came a dangerously familiar voice to the effeminate pale pink furred spider and he felt his blood run cold. His face a picture of pure panic and terror. Sure, he feared the wrath of Valentino but that was nothing compared to his absolute dread of the spider demon that walked casually between the gap made by his mobsters. Even in this spider form Angel recognised this man instantly as he was the entire catalyst to his unhappy life.

The Don of the Spider Mafia himself.

"........Oh shit..."

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