Kingdom of Sin

By mafiawhore

27.8K 1.5K 1.1K

A King... Born in blood and bound by honour A Girl... Shaped by loss and destined for death And A Kingdom... More

01 | Elora
02 | Elora
03 | Elora
04 | Elora
05 | Elora
06 | Elora
07 | Elora
08 | Elora

00 | Prologue

3.6K 192 103
By mafiawhore

The sky was painted a dark grey. Heavy rain drops thudded against the large black umbrella that was covering two small children and a middle aged woman.

The little girl was shivering in her black dress and thin cardigan that had small poppies designed on it.

The girl , with wisps of hair swept along her cheeks, turned to her twin brother next to her, confused as to why they were looking at a stone in the ground.

"What is going on, Azzy?" She whispered to him, careful not to let her aunt hear.

Aziel turned to his sister with a frown.

"Mommy is in there, El." He whispered back before returning his gaze to their mother's headstone.

Elora was confused. Why would her mother be in the ground?

Louisa ,the children's aunt, turned towards the children with watery eyes.

She sucked in a harsh breath before talking to the small children her sister had left in her care. "Your mother is in a better place now." She explained.

Elora had heard that phrase before; In a film when one of the characters had died.

"Mommy is dead? Is she with daddy?" Elora asked.

"Yes, my love." Louisa's voice cracked slightly as she replied.

Elora was upset to hear this. Did this mean she would never see her mother again? If her mother was gone, who would read her a story everynight or cuddle her after a long day at school?

Louisa noticed the frown on her niece's face and crouched down whilst balancing the handle of the umbrella in one hand.

Lousia looked between Elora and Aziel with tears in her eye.

"Your mother was an amazing and strong woman. She is so proud of the both of you," she took Elora's small hand in hers and began to rub soothing circles againg her soft skin, "She loves you both so so much."

"Why did she leave us then?" Aziel questioned.

Louisa pressed her lips in a tight line as she pondered what to say to the young children.

"Your mother didn't leave you she will always be with you," she took her hand from Elora's and began to dig through her coat pocket, "She actually left you with something to remind you she will always be there."

She placed something shiny in each of the children's hands.

Elora looked at what her aunt had given them; Two silver lockets.

Elora opened her locket to find a picture of Aziel, their mother and herself smiling widely at a camera.

A single tear fell from her left eye and rolled down her face before landing on the picture.

Elora sniffed and looked at the other side of the locket to find her mother's favourite quote:

Sometimes home can be another person.
Find your home.

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