Coming Home (Jace Norman fanf...

By lg_8989

61.6K 1.3K 169

Katie used to be best friends with a guy. The guy she's had a crush on for as long as she could remember, not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 21

1.7K 41 24
By lg_8989

I'm so excited for the sleepover tonight. I literally can't wait. And after a good night's sleep, I'm no longer upset with Sam. Going to sleep early hadn't been the worst choice in the world.

I rush through my morning routine, I barely pause to breathe, I'm just so excited. Sam's up too. I look over at her, sitting at her desk. She smiles at me, and I smile back. I want to make sure I fix everything between us before my friends come over tonight.
"Can you help me set up the room for tonight?" I ask. I had gotten up extremely early this morning, to make sure I'd have time to get everything ready. I guess Sam figured she'd be helping too, since she was up before I was. She nods her head excitedly. She gets up from her chair, and helps me push our beds onto her side of the room, leaving lots of space for sleeping bags.

We finish what we need to do in our room, and grab our backpacks. We run down to the basement. Normally, it would be off limits, since my dad works out of it. But my mom made an exception just for tonight, since it's one of the best places in the house for entertaining guests.

It's actually a really nice space. The people that had owned the house before us had used it as a tenant's apartment, renting it out to people. But the last tenant had moved out when the house had been sold to us. So that was why my dad had made it his office space. There's like a mini apartment down here, with a kitchen and living room. Heck, there's even 2 bedrooms. Realistically, us girls could take the bigger of the two bedrooms, since my dad only uses the smaller one, and the boys could have the living room, for sleeping arrangements.

"Wait here Sam." I say. Before running back upstairs. I enter the kitchen, and my mom looks up from making my brother's breakfast.
"Something wrong with setting up the basement?" She asks.
"Can the girls take the other bedroom and the boys have the living room space? And then we can all just chill down there, instead of using mine and Sam's room." I ask, hopefully. My mom sighs, she doesn't look too happy about the idea.
"See what your dad thinks." She replies. I gulp. I'm not sure how this is going to end.
"Ask me what?" My dad says, walking into the kitchen. My mom motions for me to ask him.
"Can we use the other bedroom in the basement for the the sleepover tonight?" I ask quickly. My dad frowns.
"Who's coming to this sleepover, again?"
"A few friends." I answer.
"Will there be boys?" He says it imploringly.
"Yes." I reply sheepishly. He looks over at my mom, who nods, indicating she agreed to this.
"As long as you stay out of my office, I'm alright with it." He says finally.
"Thank you!" I exclaim.

I turn and run back downstairs.
"Mom and Dad say we can have the whole thing down here!" I say.
"Yay!" Sam exclaims. We both move the two couches, that are the living room part of the basement, into a semi circle facing the TV. Then we go into the spare bedroom. It's pretty scarce of anything. There's a new-looking recliner in one corner, with a matching couch against the wall.
"I call the couch." I tell Sam. She rolls her eyes.
"Fine." Then she sticks her tongue out, so I know she's kidding.

We make the room a bit more comfortable, by running up to our room and grabbing blankets, pillows, and a lamp. I throw my stuff on the couch. And Sam puts hers on one of the air mattresses that we blew up, and dragged in to the room.

Our whole family used to go camping, so we have a few air mattresses. The girls will use 2, and the boys can have 1. Since there's already 2 couches in the main room.
It takes us 15 minutes to get everything set up. It's a good thing we got up early, considering the change of plans. We finish up, and head back upstairs. We have a few minutes to eat our breakfast, before we're being hurried out the door by our mom.

I climb into the passenger seat of the car, as usual. We get seat-belted in.
Today, our dad is driving us, since our mom needs to go to work earlier than usual.
I'll confess, my mom's hours have actually been getting less flexible. Which doesn't make any sense, because part of her promotion had been more flexible hours. I'm starting to wonder what's up with that.

My dad pulls up in front of my school.
"Is there where Mom normally drops you?" He asks.
"Yep, this is fine. Thanks Dad." He smiles at me.
"You're welcome sweetie. Have a nice day, love you!" He says.
"Love you too, Dad." I reply, as I close the car door. I watch as the car pulls away.

I take a deep breath. It still feels surreal.
I only started school here 2 days ago, but I already have the best friends I could ask for.

I just moved to LA, 5 days ago, but I'm already back in touch with the guy I missed so much, and it looks like I'll actually have a chance with him.

I'm not sure how, but with the crazy stuff that I've faced in the past few days; moving, hanging out with Jace, dealing with my sister, (the good and the bad times), making new friends, and dealing with my own problems, to name a few. Even after all that, I'm not sure I could ask for anything better.

With that thought it mind, I walk up the school steps, and enter the doors, ready for the day.

[A/N: Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been struggling with writers block 😐
But, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS! That's so cool! I never thought, in a million years, I'd get that many. Specially since I suck at writing! 😬😔
So, I thought I'd mention, I'm planning to end this fanfic around chapter 25. At this point, I'm not sure if I'll do a sequel. I haven't gotten a lot of feedback wanting more, so I don't know if I'll continue at this point in time. If I get a lot more positive feedback, I probably will. Anyways, I love you guys all so much, and please comment and vote!
- Laura {Lg_8989}😊💕💙 ]

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